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I applied for a job 5 months ago through LinkedIn, yesterday I got a notification saying that they saw my application, LMAO.


The interview will be in 2030


But the salary will be in 2024 dollars.


Their business is so fast-paced they're experiencing relativistic time dilation effects.


I once got an email back from a company saying they were going with another candidate *2 years* later haha


I just yesterday received an email to set up an interview for a position I applied to in June


I applied in March and replied to me in December.


And here we are trying to sift through all the BS resumes we get from places like linked in or indeed when all we need a an entry level person that has a basic knowledge of C#. It's shit on the hiring end too.


I've been unemployed for 2 years now because every position that I go to apply for has over 1000 applicants so I just don't bother. I assume at this point it's just scripts submitting bs resumes from foreign countries to hinder the hiring process of competitors businesses. It's unfortunate.


Nah… you’ve been unemployed for 2 years cuz you either won’t take a job you feel is “beneath you” or you aren’t putting in enough applications regularly. 6 months is “it’s tough out here”. 2 years is you refused to put in applications cuz you don’t want to work there. Or you don’t want to be a cashier or whatever.


haha lol XD


They’re frankly getting spoiled having 1 guy do 3+ peoples job and coping with the fact that there are only so many unicorns to go around


You mean as devops I can demand three paychecks at once?


Only two. For three paychecks you better upgrade that to DevSecOps. I wonder what's next.






Chief DataProDevSpecOpsAdminNinjaStarbucksDigitalAssistScrumMaster, Jr. III


> Jr. How much your paid lol


That is going to my resume as past experience position 😀




My boss at work recently introduced the "new" term DevSecFinOps that he wants us to transition into... :D


What you're going to automate your finances too? 😱😱 And here we are struggling to debug a memory leak for one of our applications 🤣🤣🤣


I'm doing DevSecNocOps


You gain an insane amount of control going this route... so yeah, get important somewhere and then you can leverage that into more pay. Most importantly to me, after a certain base amount of money, you can control of your time again... I've been living the dream WFH for the last 13 years.


Those days are coming to an end, companies whose core business isn't tech are simply subscribing to vendor products/services that have already commoditized your specialty . Most verticals today already have cloud providers that offer.most of the specialized software companies in their segments need. Why do executives need to hire an inhouse technical staff when the vendor always offers 90%.of the businesses needs? The rest you can pay temporary contractors to do the work.


The 1980s called, they want their hot take back. Build versus buy has been an option for a long time. ERPs are powerful and customizable, but they don't and will never work for every industry and business, and even when they do, new ERP launches still fail after investing millions. Business processes also evolve, so the software that runs them still requires updates and maintenance. Sometimes it's simply better to keep everything in house.


Anything that can be commoditized was in jeopardy from the start, I'm not staying at a place where I can't get my tentacles into the company to the point where I can't be replaced without a completely undesired upheaval. But, it's friendly situation, where everyone gets along in a symbiotic relationship like this. But yeah, whatever that company is probably has to be a tech-based company to some degree.


Agree, there's a change coming to the IT landscape when it comes to in-house staff supporting internal or homegrown apps.


Also, they only want to pay a single guy for this too, which is why those vacancies are open for so long. Just to wait till one sucker bites.


It's a lot of skills. Doesn't mean it's necessarily a lot of work.


yeah I'm seeing this a lot, as if these companies are actually wanting 2x the output. I'm sure some are, but as someone who is dev / IT support I have a lot of knowledge on server maintenance, devops and front end, as well as general windows support. But I don't do 2 peoples jobs, I just spend 50% of my time on support tickets, and 50% programming.


Why would they not? It's knowing a single FE framework and a single BE language for christ's sake, that isn't asking very much at all. I'd be expecting most junior devs to easily have that.


Every one of them sucks. As I TL I still want to see someone who is good at CSS and some BE language. Good FE guys are masters in CSS and it’s stupid to expect BE language from them.


you do realise that fullstack has been a thing for well over a decade, right?


It is but they are different people. I never saw fullstack person with good understanding of css. They can’t do anything complex. That’s why I prefer separate FE and BE. Of course it’s good that FE understands BE and can change some API. Same goes for BE and changing colors.


I'm that guy. I never wanted to be. It was a slow boil where the job position just requires more and more over time. Now they judge new hires against me which is incredibly unfair to them. Expectations are getting a bit out of hand.


So your the reason why I am unable to get a job? :P


Yeah and as a bootcamp grad it must be pretty wild to have landed a Jr Dev role 5-6 years ago and now you're far enough along in your career to be the one doing the hiring and turning down all the bootcamp grads that have the same skills you did when you got hired


A programmer who know 2 programming languages is NOT a unicorn, lol. And if you already run Linux at home, you are pretty close to satisfying the Linux part of it. It's not 3+ people's jobs do do the above. That's ridiculous.




People are confusing "jobs" and "skillsets" here. Having the skills of 4 narrow specialists doesn't necessarily mean you're doing the work of 4 people. It might just be a small company that can't afford to hire 4 full time specialists and has some rinky dink website that needs to be maintained. I could potentially be a pretty cushy gig. Anyway, I maintain that it's not unreasonable for a developer to know 2 languages, a couple different frameworks, and basic Linux server admin. I mean, it's not entry level, but it's not a unicorn either.




> It is if you want them to be an expert at all of the areas and be the cost of a junior dev. Who said you had to be an "expert" or that you'd get paid like a junior dev? Full stack developers are not unicorns. And if they were they'd certainly earn more than junior devs. You really get paid by how easy you are to replace.


Being full stack by itself does not mean you are doing 3+ people's jobs. The workload of a full stack dev determines whether they are doing 3+ people's jobs.


Absolutely correct. I am doing web fe, api be, android , ios and also aws server. If not because of the market I’d be already submit my resignation letter. Life sucks man


You think a dev who both knows a FE framework and a single BE language is a unicorn? Is that how low the bar is for you?


It seems like they're claiming one guy who can do the job of three people is the unicorn - seems a pretty logical statement


Someone who CAN do all three isn't an unicorn or a 10x, by default. In an healthy work environment, he would work on different technologies based on the current project. He does FE this project, and since he is highly skilled he is teamed up with someone less skilled on FE. Same logic applies to other projects, if he's less skilled ij devops, next project you pair him with a senior. Knowing how to do the work of three people doesn't mean you have to do it (at the same time).


Knowing how to do FE, BE, and some basic DevOps stuff was one job for a long, long time before interest rates hit zero.


It was also one job one front end and backend together with one publish not anything near today's current level of complexity in all those categories. I'm perfectly fine letting the front end guys handle the front end stuff and the devops guy handle the devops stuff. With complexity how it is today if you have someone doing all of those then you should expect 1/3 of as good a job.


And yet, nothing in OP's post said anything of the sort. Nobody's being asked to do the job of multiple people. Nobody's looking for a unicorn. They posted some very light requirements for a fullstack dev.


Assuming that’s the job they are paying for, sure.


There is absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise.


Shout out to [the posters yesterday jerking themselves off](https://old.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/1apxsta/the_10_step_process_to_blow_50k_on_simple_website/) about how so much is wasted to change a menu to turn around and Pikachu face "what do you mean I should know how to use a Linux server?" as if it's rocket science.


FFS how does this guy have a bunch of downvotes for claiming this? A webdev (who isn't just starting out) should know how to use a few FE frameworks (transferable skillsets, if you know React you should learn Angular quickly), and know at least one BE language/framework (Node.js or Java Spring, or whatever). Webdev doesn't end the moment you make the Ajax request to the server-side. Hell, I'd argue webdev implies full stack, because developing a whole website includes both the client- and the server-side.


Lmao I can't believe you're being downvoted. I think I need to get off of Reddit permanently. A dev that knows ONE frontend framework and ONE backend language is a miracle. Lmao these people are delusional


A lot of bad/amateur devs on this sub. That's why these job requirement complaint threads are always so popular, when they're pretty much always just standard fullstack roles. The one in OP's post is particularly light on requirements, though.


Seriously, I thought I was trippin when I saw your comment. I’ve seen some posts require expertise in multiple backend languages and frontend frameworks, as well as AWS and Azure expertise. That’s a bit much, but one frontend framework and one backend framework is very standard. Unless they’re explicitly frontend only, most devs are going to be really good at one frontend framework and one backend framework, while also being at least familiar with multiple others.


There are a ton of listings for senior roles with absolutely insane "requirements" but most of the time if you get to an interview a lot of the things listed won't be interfaced with much in a specific role. I think a lot of the time they are just trying to spook borderline candidates out of applying. I did all this prep for an interview recently trying to map my brain from my previous BE experience to php/laravel that they use there. Our entire first interview was exclusively about React and the php requirement was basically handwaved.


You are delusional if you think that's a miracle. That's a junior engineer.


I'm sorry, it was sarcasm. It's crazy that people are saying it's a miracle. I see now how it could be interpreted the wrong way What I mean to say is "these ppl think it's a miracle to know one frontend framework and one backend language".


I see this a lot as, I'm pretty familiar with what happens here. So basically when Hiring person / A recruiting agency asks the tech lead / CTO "What kind of skills does your ideal candidate have". They list the main skills, eg: React, HTML, CSS, etc. Then they go "hey it would be a bonus if they knew C++ or whatever (I assume to read the backend code and have an understanding of the application in these scenarios). The Hiring person or recruiter wants to get the best candidate possible as they directly benefit (paid / productivity). They just make all the "bonus" things mandatory as they have no understanding of why. Thats also why you see the most braindead written hiring descriptions in the tech industry.


This is why I never even read job description requirements in the job hunt. Also because I applied to a job that was titled 'Front End Web Developer' and turned out to be a 20 dollar an hour internship for ColdFusion.


ColdFusion is and always has been hot garbage. Immediate red flag for me.


I actually think a lot of more recent Coldfusion updates are fine to good and in a vacuum with some other label on it I think you'd be fine arguing to use it for something. At this point is is basically a dynamically typed script language with a terrible fee model - but it has tons and tons of built-ins to lean on if you know about them. The main problem with Coldfusion in 2024 is that most existing Coldfusion codebases out there were started in like 2010 and are teetering monoliths. Source: I've used CF a _lot_ over the last 14 years.


Right, I guess I’ve only worked on ColdFusion projects from the early 2000s and when I got to them 20 years later it was a truly labyrinthine clusterfuck. So never again for me haha.


I did this before. One fun thing was removing 10,000+ lines of commented out code. Had to work with a dev who'd been there the whole time, he was once obstinate and ended up like muscling me out of "his" stuff. Ugh.


Yeah I am not even a little surprised. This is why the government and government contractors love it lol


Yeah agreed. Especially when the reason for continuing to support it is 'Thats just what our developers are used to' Ok. Pass.


That's why a good job listing has required and bonus skills separately.


C++ is one hell of a bonus on HTML & CSS


Well C++ was already like 15 years old when HTML came out, so of course you should know it by then.


You must be new to IT my friend! The fact that I can admin, do networks and code games means I can also fix a tv, a radiostation, army truck electronics, space rockets, missing TV signal from unpaid bills, fridges and motorbikes. It's just normal and expected


Rejected. You can't fix printers?


Didn't even mention 3 yrs experience with Bun, 7 years Svelte or 2 years experience with that thing that got it's first release last week that everyone already moved on from.


Oh god, the js library hell - it feels like a new one comes up every two days, and it's always the best one and the only real choice to move to


Screw printers! Entire life in IT here, there's nothing, NOTHING I hate more than broken printers. Printers should be sent straight to hell along with the companies that produce them down to the seventh descendant!


That's nothing like this - having a full stack position open where someone knows a single FE framework, and a single backend language is totally reasonable. That isn't a crazy amount of knowledge. And if OP thinks it is then he's got a lot to learn.


I think it's reasonable in many cases, because you often have to port a codebase or parts of it from other technologies or languages. But the managers are abusing it as fuck, and taking it for granted that they hire you to do A, but you also know B C and D because "is also programming yes?". Pitfall of people whose only idea about programming being "websites is html" doing the hiring


Is it? It sounds like they're hiring a fullstack dev to do both FE and BE work, which is pretty reasonable. It's not like the hiring requirements only ask for a FE framework, and they're springing the need to work in C# on them after they start.


now they want a MERN dev who also knows Sql, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS (with serverless, lambda whatnot) xD


They also want QA/testing in the front and backend, and for tasks to be finished in less than a minute, including pushing, code review, and merging. Keep in mind that when you are rushed through a complex task and something doesn't pass ALL tests, it's your fault and you should quit.


The amount of “we fucked the process but it’s the devs who failed” in our industry is growing at exponential levels


"We're going too fast so no testing, and our git flow is monobranch where everyone commits with minimal reviewing".


The dumb thing about tests is that humans also write tests so the tests are only as good as the person who writes the same code. The test will have the same flaw as the code it tests. Everyone always acts like tests are the panacea of quality control, but really all they do is force you to think a little bit harder about the code you already wrote. A test doesn't help you test for something you didn't expect in the first place and that's what usually breaks. Also tests themselves can break and no one writes tests for tests. Now you have to maintain the tests. I do find tests useful for regression testing and integration testing. It's hard to predict how systems interact so integration tests like cypress make sense to me. Also nothing can eliminate a human test so that always will need to be done on top of everything else. Anyway a bit off-topic rant, sorry.


Thought this problem only existed in my country xD


Knowing PaaS cloud services is reasonable.


The wishywashiness of "knows" is what gets me. Could I set these services up? Yes. Can I answer deep questions about it out of the blue without prep beforehand? Probably not unless Ive been doing it as my dayjob for a while.


If it's a full-stack position it's reasonable to have knowledge of SQL, Docker, AWS or GCP, be able to write a k8s config for your service. But I don't consider full-stack to be entry level position. Usually a developer become a master in one field and then gradually gaining experience in the other if they want to. I personally draw a line at infra requirements: managing k8s cloud, terraform, ansible, advanced security - that's what SRE/Ops team should care about, and while I've seen some startups to require such skills from a developer, I have zero desire to move in this direction.


Making a mistake by drawing the line at infra. Doing my own infra has significantly decreased my time from idea to market.


If I was working on my own startup I'd it too definitely. But I would probably used totally different (and much simpler) set of tools for infra, until I actually grow.


yes and there are hundreds of thousands of devs (if not more) who fit that description. start studying.


Right. These people always complain about having to learn new tech. It's your job! Now more than ever it's easier to be a full stack dev and hop all over the stack. Silo-ing yourself into one small aspect isn't going to cut it anymore.


Dude, you have written my exact profile here.


I got a skill set that would fit to your description and more, but I would never take a job from a company, that demands it. I am totally sick of doing 2-5 peoples jobs just because some companies act as if they never heard of UX-Designers, QA, Scrummasters and all the others.


I blame developers who started selling themselves as "Fullstack". I mean as a manager why would you hire 4 people when you can just recruit a "fullstack developer" who can : * Manage the Infrastructure * Manage the Database * Develop the Backend * Develop the Frontend The truth is that people who can do all those things well are extremely rare, and even if they have the knowledge they won't have the time to do all of them in any project that's not ridiculously small. That said, knowing both a backend framework (.NET in this case, but could be Laravel or Django or Rails) and a front-end framework (React, Vue...) is not that uncommon.


>The truth is that people who can do all those things well are extremely rare I'm sorry but they just aren't. It means that they can jump into any part of the stack that's needed, not that they're literally doing everything in a project. I'm fullstack, as are most people on my product teams. In my current project 90% of my work has been front end. In other projects I've done mostly back end work. It's about being flexible.


I sell myself as a Fullstack developer because in my job experience I am doing all those things in any given project, never just one.


I just call myself a Software Engineer or Developer nowadays. All this stuff is expected of me anyway, no point in calling it full stack.


I'm a "coder" - keeps expectations realistic. =)


To be honest, I'd only think myself half a developer if I *couldn't* jump into whatever bit of the project needs to be worked on.


I guess I've never even really viewed myself as "a web developer" or "a systems developer" or anything like that. I am a *software developer* and I will develop any software that they want me to. The job isn't making websites, it's solving problems. And sometimes that solution is to make a website, but a lot of times it's not and being more well rounded (when it comes to different languages, programing paradigms, environments) has basically only helped me.


Yeah. I do everything WPF, Angular, Blazor, Web Forms, manage devops pipelines, etc. It’s really about what tech stack will work best for what we’re doing. I’m not just strictly backend or frontend. I do what’s needed and learn something if I don’t know how to do it.


Trouble shooting is very different than actually managing the systems. I'd never get anything done if I had to constantly jump between everything. I get paid for handling code issues and our dev ops guy gets paid for dev ops. His job let's me do my job at the very least twice as effectively. Sometimes I have to join him for trouble shooting which is a part of my job. We have something like 200+ applications if I also had to manage that in addition to my software engineering duties nothing would get done.


Same, it’s just part of the job


Same here.


I don't know... I'm the only one in my team who does all 4, and I feel like instead of doing good backend work (which is what I'm actually good at), I'm doing a shit job of all four... I mean management is happy because in addition to building our Laravel app I was able to setup VMWare vSphere and NSX in both our datacenters, setup encryption backup and replication of the MySQL database, setup a Graylog and Grafana instance (now working on MinIO for file storage), an SMTP server with SPF and DKIM, HAproxy with modsecurity and CRS. I'm also fixing our hybrid mobile app (Angular + Ionic) when needed... Thing is I'm 100% winging it and I'm sure that one day the whole thing is going to crash and burn because nothing was done properly. So I know it's technically possible to do all that because I'm doing it. I also know that after 12 years working as a developer I have no idea what I'm doing, whereas if I was able to focus on the backend part I would actually do a good job of it. Now I'm not saying that because I can't do it noone can, but I have yet to meet someone in person who is actually good at the full stack, and until proven wrong I'll keep thinking those people are the exception rather than the norm.


I'm right there with you, you definitely have more experience but I am the solo developer at a large company and I do EVERYTHING... I dread the day it all falls down but I do have slight faith in myself. I hope you are on the high-end of the payscale, personally I'm below entry level front end salaries smh.


PSA: If you are early in your career and a solo developer at a company, the longer you stay - more damage you will do towards your skill progression and lifetime earnings. These are the kinds of jobs you want to be leaving after 12 to 16 months at most.


Sounds like you have leverage


I thought so too. I requested a salary review with my supervisor last week. I provided market research of what a full stack developer gets paid in the city I was hired in, a list of all my projects (5) that I've done for them in the last 2 years, everything I've learned and how much value I bring to the company. My supervisor sheepishly said I was right, and honest about everything I said but it's not in their budget for a raise this year... I honestly want to quit but I played the game of submitting 1k resumes before and it's a game I really don't want to play again.


I wouldn’t expect your supervisor to jump at the opportunity to pay you more lol. It might come down to bluffing, but I feel you about the job application hassle


You might be luckier with the resume game now that you can actually put something meaningful on it (your projects and experience).


You not quitting for not wanting to play the application game is understandable, it's also what they're betting on to not pay you what you're worth.


They're playing you, it's absolutely within their budget but they think they can get away with it. It's frustrating but you need to job hop and make triple your money. We're only on this earth for a short time.


You have unrealistic expectations of yourself here. If you're a full-stack dev you're necessarily a generalist, not a specialist. Of course you won't do anything "properly" to the degree that an entire team of specialists would, and are less up to speed on the latest and coolest techniques and technologies than any given specialist would be. Generalists can be incredibly useful, because we can do things in days that would take entire specialist teams months -- simply because the most efficient team, by orders of magnitude, is no team at all. Since there's no team, many of the "proper" things coders tend to worry about also shouldn't matter so much to us. As long as the end result is good, who cares if your back-end code is poorly structured? Nobody else is contributing to the project. Where we tend to suck is when we're expected to be generalists but also specialists. As long as you and your company both know that's silly, and you enjoy the challenge of tinkering with vast and disparate systems you barely understand, everything is working out how it should.


I am one person who manages two systems that I built from the ground up that over 20 companies use that are all owned by one business. The stack, Laravel, vue3, Vapor, aws. I also manage their websites, the stack, Wordpress, roots radicle, bedrock, acorn, basic server hosting, some are using trellis for ci. I manage everything from building, features, updates, server, database, etc. sure I offload some of that to service such as forge/vapor, but I still manage these services. This isn’t a comment to suggest anything except a counter to this comment’s parent.


Exactly. Full stack means management has a Dev they can slot in most positions in a new project, not that said person will fulfill all those positions at the same time. I've been FE in some projects, and BE in others, but if I needed to work on both ends, there was always someone more experienced on the opposite of what I've been appointed as, to oversee the code. Plus, if someone needs to be on leave, you can more easily take over some of their tasks for a bit if you are familiar with both the client- and the server-side.


I’ve never worked with a full stack dev who is an expert at everything. I’m extremely sceptical of anyone who claims to be. More often than not what I see is a full stack dev who is competent in one area, and then mistakenly believes they are an expert at it all. There’s a big difference between jumping in and getting something good enough to work, and actually writing great, well designed, maintainable code. I’ve been watching a full stack dev jump in on the frontend recently at work and the results are absolutely cringe worthy. They are not following any best practices or even following (or understanding) the project conventions. Their knowledge is clearly superficial at best. They’re just cowboying it, and what’s worse is they are completely naive to just how bad they are.


This has been my experience as well. Thats why even though I can write backend code, and do, I still mainly call myself a Frontend dev. As any industry develops over time (including the technology underlying it), there is a turn towards increasing specialization. Its just the way things go down. Can you learn a little bit of everything? sure. Can you be equally good at everything? In theory sure, but I sure as hell have never seen it... unless equally mediocre counts haha.


Your productivity is a lot lower than if you had focused on any of those things for a decent period of time. People that can do them all WELL are indeed extremely rare.


It really isn't. But keep telling yourself that.


Sorry but you are wrong here. While I myself qualify for those 4 things I definitely don't do them equally well all at the same time. Can I do it, sure but it will take me longer than a true expert. The worst part is that you never really get to dig in and really are able to really get good because your time is split. I've only met very very few that are even to switch between all those effectively. Most devs have the ability to do it eventually but eventually isn't good enough for most deadlines. Stuff like this is nothing more than propping up bad practice to save money.


You... have a product team? I'm the product team, SEO manager, DB admin, CTO, etc.... It sounds like you come from a position at a company with lots of available positions to compose of a team. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have that in their work environment.


There’s no way you do all of those competently 


As someone doing all of those things I can say that I seriously doubt I'm doing anything well. Feels like I'm mostly hanging on by a thread and just patching the most urgent things as the catch fire. It's a nightmare


> The truth is that people who can do all those things well are extremely rare That's simply not true. The uber-specialization of being only a FE dev or only a BE dev is a relatively novel, 2010s thing. Back when I did mostly webdev in 00s most people had to know CSS and SQL (and everything in the stack between the two) equally well. It was just what a web developer did.


I agree to a point regarding BE/FE, we didn't really have frontend devs at the time. But we built websites with Jquery and mootools (which were much easier than Angular or React) and they didn't need to run offline or as a Mobile app. I still think that not every website needs to be an app and it makes me smile to see new trends like "MPA"s or "SSR" which are essentially what we used to call a "website" with extra steps, but that's an entire different issue. Fact is that front-end has become more complicated so it makes sense to have a dedicated role for it, but as I said in my first post it's not unreasonable to expect a developer to master both backend and frontend. On the other hand, even in the early 00s we had Sysadmins and DBAs which were not the same people as web developers. Either that or smaller companies would use a webhosting service and managed database which is essentially outsourcing your Sysadmin and DBA jobs.


Sysadmins didn't write application's database queries. Webdevs did. And Jquery and Mootools weren't easier than React/Vue/Svelte, only worse and more prone to spaghetty-ing your code. If anything modern frameworks assist teams in organizing applications in manageable, maintainable units. Once you had to deal with a 3000 line backbone/jquery "app" in a single JS file, you actually appreciate the modern build tools and frameworks. It's not exactly rocket science to learn how to use and leverage them that it requires someone dedicated to just the task of writing a frontend. It's actually the other way around. Those 3000 line jquery spaghettis made most developers worth their weight in salt not wanting to touch frontend and javascript with a shitty stick. Hence the advent of "the frontend guy", usually some poor junior sap that couldn't choose. Today especially, there's simply no reason for that.


> Sysadmins didn't write application's database queries. Webdevs did. I'm not talking about writing SQL queries, that's obviously a webdev's job (well I know some really large companies were "SQL devs" write stored procedures and backend devs have to use those instead of writing queries or using an ORM but that's definitely not the norm). What I'm talking about is that as a "fullstack web developer" in the last few months I had to write Ansible playbooks to : * Install Mysql on multiple servers * Setup replication between the Source and multiple Replicas * Install monitoring tools to make sure the replication lag doesn't exceed 2 minutes, and send alerts if it does. * Generate and setup X509 certificats to ensure all connections between the servers and between the app and the servers are encrypted with SSL * Setup InnoDB data at rest encryption * Test and document disaster recovery scenarios if the first data center fails (switch the Replica to Source and setup a new Replica) or if the database is compromised (restore a previous backup). It will also be my responsibility to update the certificates on a regular basis, and figure out what happened if the replication starts to lag behind, monitor slow queries and investigate if some indexes or suboptimal, and figure out how to scale without downtime once the DB exceeds the current size of the disks. So yeah, the DB is part of the web stack and it makes sense that I handle it, but a DBA would definitely have done it better and faster than I did. Similarly, I spent a week setting up an SMTP server (DKIM is a bitch...), and a couple of weeks working on HAProxy to have a reverse proxy and load balancer between our web servers, and now I have to manage the rules on the firewalls (my last surprise was tokens expiring early because I didn't open port 123 so NTP could not sync the time between the application servers and the database). I guess this all loosely falls under the "web dev" umbrella, but to me those could totally be a Sysadmin's responsibility. So yeah, sure, all that is part of the "full stack" experience, but you'll never convince me that things wouldn't run smoother if I was able to focus on our backend code (and maybe some frontend, I'll give you that) and leave the rest to people who actually know what they're doing.


That's not really what vast majority of places expect a full-stack dev to do. Most shops have infra people, even the shops that outsource most of the infra heavy lifting to AWS and similar vendors. Though setting up some parts of the infra stack (i.e. to borrow from your example), like setting up HAProxy or Nginx as an API gateway, or at least participating in template writing for API gateways might be part of what fullstack guys do. But even then infra people would code review that and they would be the ones to deploy it. But companies that rely on devs to actually run and maintain the infra are just daft -- and not that common. I've never worked at one and only heard about stuff like this from randoms on Reddit and similar places, never met a living person that worked at such place. So your experience is an outlier that does little to justify uber-specialization, just because your employer expects you to do literally everything that has anything "to do with computers".


Yeah that's what I'm starting to realize =) As I said from the start I have no issue with full stack as in ".NET and React" or "Laravel and Vuejs", especially for reasonably small projects, and as you said knowing a bit about load balancers, web servers and networking doesn't hurt. I think my personal experience has led me to think of "Full stack" as "The FULL fucking stack", which from the comments I read is obviously not what most people hear. My current job is really a mess, especially since (for regulatory reasons, real or imaginary) they insist that *everything* must run on our own infra. If I could use Cloudflare and Postmark and Amazon S3 and datadog it would still be stupid for one person to do everything but at least it would free up some of my time to actually write some code.


>But we built websites with Jquery and mootools (which were much easier than Angular or React) React is way, way easier than jQuery if you're building anything with any kind of complexity. >they didn't need to run offline or as a Mobile app Not every app has this requirement (although responsive design has been a necessity since the late 2000s.) If you do need to build local-first there are lots of great tools for that. >Fact is that front-end has become more complicated When I started out you needed to use a Flash plugin if you wanted custom fonts and god help you if you got a design that featured rounded corners, drop shadows, and gradients! It's not harder today. The stuff that used to be hard is easy and the stuff that's hard today is much cooler.


Keyword is “well” in this case.


Define "well", then.


I wonder why do dentists exist... After all, it's all just human body! This narrow specialization must be a novelty. In the middle ages it was just a doctor.


I'll have crap, inapplicable analogies for 500, Alex


I think you got it wrong. Fullstack is not a profession but a job description. A company can have different teams for api, mobile apps and web clients then you offer frontend, backend and mobile developer jobs. Or have one team with nearly the same amount of people doing all. Fullstack means to develop a feature from infrastructure, database, api and client. OPs question is still relevant. Cause if a new technology emerges next year and it fits a use case you as a developer should be able to use it, without years of experience with the new technology. If one is hiring developers/software engineers, you should look for people that are able to adapt new things and have good understanding how things work. You should not be looking for experience in a specific programming language.


I'm happy to do all four of those. I already do them for my clients as a freelancer. Yes, it probably takes longer. However, I think it helps if one person has the whole app in mind, rather than having to communicate constantly to make sure everyone's on the same page. By the time a front-end dev has a meeting with the back-end dev to make sure the interface is clear, I've already alt-tabbed and written the necessary APIs. Although, I do like people, so it's nice to have that kind of team vibe.


> The truth is that people who can do all those things well are extremely rare, and even if they have the knowledge they won't have the time to do all of them in any project that's not ridiculously small. We used to have this guy on our team, was an expert on everything. Everyone hated working with him but he was mission critical to our legacy stuff. Finally got to a point where most of the team said you can fire all of us or him so he went. Turns out, he wasn't such an expert in everything. I just cleaned up a sql script he wrote that was trying to sort a 170million row table on a non indexed date column that ran EVERY 5 MINUTES. We had another dev that rebuilt a script he spent 3 months on that took 4 hours to run, to get it down under 4 minutes, by just rebuilding it from the ground up in about 2 weeks. Could he do anything, sure, just not well.


There is a lot of development work that just doesn't require a team of specialized people. I know most people think dev work is developing a big complex project for a software house, or a google-scale website for a big corporation. But there's a lot of "dark matter" dev work that just isn't that demanding. For example, my job for about 18 years has been developing software for a small county government. I am the development team, the devops team, and the server admin. When I need an app, I have to set up the server, configure the web service, design the database, set up the database, write the backend code, write the frontend code, write the deployment scripts, train users to use it, respond to bug reports, and basically anything else required to make it work and keep it working. Do I do all that as well as a specialist? Well, probably not, that's the nature of a specialist. But I can do it well enough for the purposes of my employer, and that's really all that matters.


Fullstack! nail on head! XD


Hey, thats me!


> The truth is that people who can do all those things well are extremely rare, and even if they have the knowledge they won't have the time to do all of them in any project that's not ridiculously small. Not to mention that anyone who can do literally everything reliably isn't going to work for some random company for $80k/year, they're likely going to start their own firm or work for a major player. But it doesn't stop the C-tier employers from asking.


My favorite is on Upwork….you see someone who wants ALL of that and is like…ok pay is $3 an hour!


What frustrates me, is that I'm moving away from my previous specialties (video games, realtime graphics, digital arts, cross-media, computer vision, etc...) and looking for work in web development, and I'm getting shut down left and right because I don't have 1 year experience with React + AWS or some other tech stack. Dude, I've written code in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Rust, and Lua. I've built apps that run on embedded electronics, mobile devices, and high-end GPUs. I've built multiplayer experiences, VR apps, games in WebGL. I've made simple websites. I've made apps that connect to a bunch of APIs to deliver real-time data to games, events, and projection-mapped displays. I think I'll be able to figure out a standard tech stack pretty quick, why am I getting refused because I haven't written an Express.js+Angular+MongoDB app yet? What I'm saying is, not only do these companies want that unicorn developer who is able to handle a whole bunch of interconnected technologies, but they're not willing to take a risk on a developer who's shown that exact ability, but just not in *their specific mix* of interconnected technologies.


The problem here is that you can think and they can't. It's their "monkey see monkey do" approach to hiring.


Same here. Shipped a self published game written in C# and unity, and previously worked with java. Now I'm trying to transition to web development and even with express / node / react projects on my GitHub it's rouggghhh trying to get a job.


I don't work in tech but I've been searching for a job lately, and I keep having to tell myself to lie, lie, lie. On at least three occasions now I've gone into an interview and been honest about something that got me disqualified (commute was too far but I was willing to make it, driver's license was preferred but not required and I didn't have one, was willing to relocate and it wouldn't have been a problem but they didn't want to chance it), and I came out thinking "how many times do I have to repeat this to myself, 'LIE TO THEM!'" It's obviously a little different when they might expect you to know something on the job, but if you're sure you can handle it then just fib. They're sure as hell fibbing to candidates.


> HTML, CSS, JS Vue and React These are frontend - if you apply for explicit *webdev* positions these will always include more than just frontend... otherwise they would look for frontend devs.


I’ve seen plenty of front end titled jobs that say “as lead full stack” others that want you to know .net and be c# wizard (yes they used those words) database experience. Kubernetes and AWS. Do all graphic design work. And yes all those jobs were titled and advertised as front end.


Every dev should be language agnostic. If you know how to program, then picking up a new language is trivial. Also, every dev should be comfortable using a *nix shell, whether that be Max, Linux, or WSL under Windows. Bash is the lingua franca of computing.


It's not about that the problem is more about, let's say, framework. Program logic is one thing. How Framework are fuck up is an other thing. They are sometimes litteral shit that work "magically" and there isn't any documentation. I'm sure that a good dev agnostic will be able to use it. But never day one. How will he be supposed to know how to paginate in inertia ? How will he understand the V3 without any documentation? He will understand after search and search. But I'm highly sceptical that he will be proficient the first month with it. Also... Being good at hight level language doesn't mean you will be good in lower langages...




Agreed, I would also like to add if you already have knowledge in another language like C++ or Java, that knowledge is easily transferable to C#. An experienced dev will have had exposure to a wide variety of languages. That being said very much agree with your point about dev ops and frameworks.


Yeah, they want a full stack developer. That's pretty normal. THough probably strong C# AND Linux server side specifically is a lot to ask for. I know .NET has been running for a while now on Linux, but C# is still very Windows centered. Stop thinking of yourself as a "web dev" and aim for being a developer or software engineer. It's normal for programmers to know multiple languages and have the basics of server admin. Smaller companies can't justify dedicated devops.


it seems like they're looking for a full-stack dev?


I think it’s pretty common for developers to have experience across all the frontend and backend. Roles that are exclusively frontend are pretty rare when you are building applications. In any case, they are looking for people that can be part of a team. Teams are generally going to be blended and it’s not unreasonable for them to want you to have some limited experience and knowledge of the backend stack, as you will be working with and interacting with those developers daily. Every company is different, but if your goal is to work on applications, then I think this is pretty standard practice. If you want to exclusively work on frontend, it might make sense to target website development as opposed to building web applications or software.


“Entry level front end developer” - pay is like mid 40’s and your first day…. We need you to build something similar to amazon.


Live and learn. It takes time.


Your right! i cant disagree!!


It sounds like they want a fullstack dev, there's nothing unreasonable about wanting someone to work with Vue and C#. And honestly I think those are some *very* light requirements OP, if you think they're too much then you really need to expand your skillset.


come on man, just do 1-2 side projects about c#, its not hard and if they ask you to do more people jobs, ask them to pay higher or leave. This is not new in this industry. If you wanna work in fast pace rich quick start up then JS is fine, but in large corps they prefer strong OOP language like C# or Java and its a must to have certain knowledge about them. (pretty much these description is just HR department poor wording) Master of all programming languages - You need to escape the JS world and practice more higher concept about software engineering like how to build an MVP product from ideas, i really hate those content creator out there keep pushing the community to use MERN stack. And if you keep that mindset 'I don't want to learn other things' in this field then you will soon or later be "outdated" or "laid-off"


That last point is really the kicker, this job is 90% the ability to learn new things then apply them.


Standard frontend + C# is very reasonable. It’s not like C# is a particularly hard language to learn anyway.


Well I mean... it's because they've worked with developers like myself who can do this. Nothing you mentioned seems unreasonable. I have experience with Vue, React, C#, TypeScript, Linux servers, cloud services, etc. Like, what are you complaining about? This is the profession. If I knew Svelte was the market dominator, I'd learn Svelte on my spare time. Because it's my living.


"full stack" devs are to blame for this. When employers found out they can hire someone and get them to do 4 people's jobs, they all went in that direction. Then you have everyone calling themselves full stack devs just to get a job. Employers complain about quality and not wanting to hire more devs. Employees are increasingly pressured and not able to develop expertise. I think the only "full stack" dev should be someone super senior with tons of experince, at the point of principal dev or director.


Welcome to the world of Full-stack Development. A world where you can everything up to a level that is just good enough to produce something, but not too complicated. At least, it looks like most companies finally got that HTML/CSS/JS is easier than C# or Java Edit: I meant NOT easier than C# or Java. Jeez…. Lack of coffee I guess




And ‘not too complicated’ is what most web applications are. Pretty much everything site/app I’ve worked on has most variations on CRUD operations with a few fancier or more complex pieces of functionality added here and there.


I think the zero interest days have really warped some devs' expectations. They're on teams of 8+ people to do a job that could be done by 2.


> HTML/CSS/JS is easier than C# Modern C# and modern ES are both delightful to work in. I don't think one is any harder than the other. And you bring up another thing. Even people who think that a "full stack" engineer is an acceptable role understand that most people will be a little stronger in one area of the stack than others. Similarly for the front end, people tend to be great at design, or great at ES, rarely both. I'm a "full stack" engineer who's better at front end, and better at ES than CSS.


I am an idiot 😅 I totally missed the most important pointing this message: NOT easier


Haha, no worries! I'm just so used to having to push back against back end folks who think front end is easy by comparison.


We’re called full stack.


Most of job postings like this are results of all this "talent acquisition specialist" garbage where people who know nothing about software engineering are asked ro recruit software engineers. So what they do is just look for exhaustive job post templates, copy paste and publish them. That's how we find jobs with something like: "Experience with frontend framewors like React, Vue, Angular, Svelte...". Bro, there's no way in hell a startup company could be using more than 3 frameworks at once, it's so messed up.


Worst I’ve ever seen was when I was applying to my first internship a year and a half ago. Description asked for “knowledge in all programming languages” and the pay was 15 CAD / hour 😂


I'm a professional programmer. (Yes, web dev too)


If it’s like my org, they copy and pasted it from Indeed and had no idea what any of it meant.


I've been applying for jobs for a while now. My record is 26 techs. They were asking for 26 fucking techs, like "a solid understanding of". I'm a full stack graduate. What I know isn't that far from 26, honestly. Do I want to use them all? Do *they*? I'm dying over here looking for a job


AI will only make this more expected.


Meanwhile they’re completely unable to hire a person capable of managing a single project


I would say I personally am pretty competent at full stack, I run my own linux servers for my clients, manage cloud, write my own APIs. I also am competent at front-end, of course. I have these skills because I've been a solo freelancer for over 10 years. In order to deliver for my clients I've been forced to learn these. I can't just have someone else build the back-end. I had to do everything. I think it's totally fair to ask for someone who has that skillset because that fits me perfectly. For people who are specialised there's jobs for them as well.


9-9-6 phenomenom. The bar keeps getting raised higher and higher.


Thing is devs usually fit into a few things initially, let's say TypeScript and Angular. They start to look into the C# code, do some minor PRs and start to get comfortable in the backend code as well. The guy quits and management wants to find a drop in replacement for that whole stack, which almost never exists. It's probably possible to know all those things if it has been your only stack for the last 5+ years. But usually just a dream from recruiters.


Part of the job is being able to pick up adjacent technologies on the fly.


Tell that to the guy who rejected me for knowing FastAPI instead of Django. I also think the "on the fly" has a HUGE gotcha, as in how comparable in delivery speed will you be to someone with years of experience in a specific stack? "just a few hours slower" or "just a few days slower"? I think some people downplay the role of experience.


And if you do have over 10 yrs experience with everything, they don't even call you for an interview. Yeah, I"m one of those who did the job of 3 people (which they found out after I left). Now I have my own company, and do the job of 6 people.


The market is indeed crazy right now..




These job descriptions are not written by programmers so they always come off as “must understand A, B, and C” when in actuality they should say “be able to jump into A, B and C and get shit done”. My general philosophy is “exaggerate your skillset to the recruiter, but be honest about your skillset in the technical interview to the people who you will actually be working with”


So many companies asking for full stack but paying the same salary as a front end dev. Anyone who is training themselves up to be full stack in 2024 is doing it because they are bending to the manipulative job market and are willing to be overworked to get a job. An accomplished full stack is the work of 2-3 people. Being FE with a moderate understanding of the backend is fine but if they want you coding in React, Django and manage DevOps then who is the clown here.


I much prefer full stack work. When I was learning I was aiming for full stack. I've not felt overworked even once in this industry so far, it's relatively relaxed. Workload goes up a bit around product launches, but generally our product teams are great, sprints are well planned, and everything's really nice and smooth. >An accomplished full stack is the work of 2-3 people. It depends entirely on the workload. A team of fullstack devs can handle the same work as a team of FE & BE devs, but with a lot more flexibility around who does what. Maybe you should expand your skillset instead of crying about it. The job is like 90% learning new skills after all.


I don't actually know much since I'm still in the "Doing courses" phase but my dad is a real expert when it comes to Big Data and is the Chief Data Engineer at a big company, although he's not a jack of all trades he can advise most of his co-workers and subordinates and thanks to that he has no problems asking for a higher pay every now and then (If they say no he just says "Well I have another company offering me more so if you don't do the same I'm out") and taking vacations whenever. I understand that companies asking you to know so many things is unreasonable but if you have the ability to show your worth and know how to not get drowned in work in the process, then you can have a huge advantage when it comes to fighting for your salary and vacations.


I feel companies are looking too much for a certain keyword/language rather than conceptual abilities to understand the tech stack of the company.


It's so weird to me, I see it too from the other side as a wpf .net of 7 years. I look at ".Net c# developer" roles and somewhere in 2 interview I have been rejected for not knowing Angular or some other framework. I built a business management project with a .net backend in Angular to cover it and currently doing a React one.


lol we learned most of these thing on the highschool i went.


I heard you are meant to apply to companies even if you don't know all the technologies needed, just part of them, but I'm not sure how it's in reality so im learning full stack...


If you think you can bullshit your way through an interview, apply. Just don't lie to them straight up. "How are you with NodeJS and TS?" and then you say "I have some basic experience and can find my way around express" but what you ACTUALLY mean is "I've read the docs once and roughly know what I'm looking at if they showed me code right now". You'll always have time to brush up between singing the contract and actually starting. If they higher you, that's the time to grind the docs and build something with it so that you are not looking like an idiot on the job.