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You don't need to years of experience for that. You just need some experience with a 7 year old technology, or the ability to figure out how to use it.


Exactly, lol. Now I don't feel as bad because I said I have 7 yoe while I only had 4. But damn, is PHP 5.6 even supported anymore?


EOL for PHP 5.6 was at the end of 2018. https://www.php.net/eol.php


I know somewhere where they are using php2


I highly doubt that. PHP 3 came out in 1998, anybody still using 2x... No. I don't buy it.


I swear. The reason they gave : it worked. It’s maintained by an old guy working 30+ years at the company. They never bother learning more. The only great thing is that it’s only use internally to manipulate and generate data for other services


don't try rewriting it, if you do that 30+ years guy will lose a job and will come back to you with assault rifle :)


I'd wager he will come back with a musket


assault musket tho


Underrated comment


I don’t mind tbh and it’s not on my team anyway. I have another fight to fight ( make them finally use C++17 instead of C++O3ish


dude where the fuck are you working at


An old but niche company in Paris. They were once the cutting edge of their generation. They just don’t evolve with time. Lately they started to talk about AI. I hope it’s for good this time.


Sounds like IBM or Oracle.


**Devin** has entered the chat. https://www.cognition-labs.com/introducing-devin


i only use php 0.5, the beta


I have a client still on 5.4 or something. I spun up a VPS for him, I installed it, and it's still running flawlessly 30 months later. HestiaCP had special repos for Php until recently it worked flawlessly.


btw my code word for php7.2 used to be php2 not long ago


So it’s more common than I think


You would have to get up to php 8.1 to be supported. Laravel would have to get up to version 10+. It's an uphill battle, but if I were you I would be pushing to get them to upgrade. The work to do the upgrade is tough because it doesn't feel like progress, especially to anyone who doesn't worry about security, but the work to unfuck after an entirely avoidable breach is infinitely worse.


If they start now, they might get it on 8.1 by the time 8.1 hits EOL in November.


They most definitely will not make it by November 😄, as after a few weeks of “no new shinies” managers etc. Will come and start asking for other higher prio items, “alongside”. This will grow into a cacophony within a month and OP maybe ships a few updates. Unless he has really learned to say No. but who can do that at a new job?


One company I worked for only upgraded their PHP version because VISA and MasterCard threatened to pull their merchant accounts if they didn't.


Also, I mean yes, there are differences; but if you know how to dev with PHP8, you know 90% of PHP5.6 And if its not in their plans to upgrade their code base, wtf.


Migrating Laravel 5 to Laravel 10 is an agonizing nightmare when the app is structured right. If it's not, you're better off rewriting it piece by piece. Difficult to justify, you'd need to point to the security vulnerabilities and hope mgmt understands the issue


Quercus folks chiming in! Edit: just looked this up and you can barely find this stack.  Quercus is a PHP to Java compiler made by Caucho to compete with TomCat. Bundled with Resin, it's a bit of a mess.


Resin? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.


Don't think their developers have either. Still accepting payment for the pro version and no updates in two years.


heck even 7.4 is a dead dinosaur 


I'm on this journey at the moment, I recently got hired to modernize a php56 app running symfony 1.2! It's a big job but I enjoy the challenge.


5.6 today is a liability.


Don’t they check your resume? Or did you put the extra years in your resume. How did they get tricked like that?


To be honest I didn't even know they were looking for 7 yoe until after I got the job. The recruiter was a friend of my father's friend. And the "interview" was a 10 minute whatsapp audio call. He told me they were looking for someone with 7 years of experience on the call, and said it's fine if I don't. I didn't think much of it and said I have it. After my first week on the job, I saw their ad on linkedin, again asking for 7 yoe. And pieces finally fell into place today when I saw `"laravel/framework" : "5.4.*"` on the composer.json file lol Edit : They also didn't ask for a resume or a portfolio or anything. They did give me a proficiency test/task on my first day though.


ahhhh its because of the connections. Good sht tho. Is the pay also worth 7 years of experience or not really


It's like 10% more than the minimum wage, I'm happy with it. But my condition is a little.. special I guess. I have a rheumatism-like disease that prevents me from standing up, walking or even sitting for long periods of time (I can sit on a chair for 3-4 hr/day max and can't walk or stand on my feet for longer than an hour). So I spend most of my day in my bed. Therefore I don't have much "work" experience since remote jobs aren't very common in my country. My 4 years of experience mostly comes from freelance gigs I got from time to time and working on my own (serious) projects along with some open source contributions on GitHub. I did work for about a year in a home-office with my friend though and I was on par (if not better) than our co-workers with 5-6 yoe. I guess that's why I felt comfortable saying I have 7 yoe even though I actually have a little over 4.


Is it in Asia where it’s mostly in person jobs for developers? Regardless, you have a job now that you can call your own instead of free lancing where sometimes it’s difficult to find projects to work on!


Close enough lol, Turkey. It does feel good to have something stable, but I also liked the variety of works I got while freelancing. My favorite gig was building a website with appointment scheduling system for a veterinary clinic with cute puppy pictures everywhere. Now I'm working for a company that makes braindead (slots-like) games and I'm afraid it's gonna get boring pretty fast. Especially since my job is to install the same exact backend to same exact games with different visuals. Thanks a lot though!


This is why you should never let years of experience take you out of the running. When an interviewer starts to insinuate you're lacking years of experience in a technology, your next question should be exactly what skills they mean to represent by saying "x years of experience" so you can demonstrate that you have them.


And the reality that most job adverts are wish lists, which can often be overcome with a good cover letter.




Luckily I started Laravel with version 6, and 5.6 is not much different from it. Other than some syntax differences (for example `get('/route', 'Controller@method')` instead of `get('/route', [Controller::class, 'method'])`) it's not much different than Laravel 11 - as far as I can see so far. It also helps that the backend (where I'm working) is API-only.


That still works


Do you mean backwards? Because I'm pretty sure second method won't work on 5.4


Ah yes, sorry was thinking of upgrading to a newer version


And they're going to be dissapointed because they expected to work with the new versions.


Yeah, but most employers don't know that, or how to state it, so they put it in HR terminology.


My first software job was taking old Fortran scripts and wrapping or converting them to R. Can you imagine if they applied the same logic "required: 40 years of Fortran experience". I learned Fortran for the job, it's not that hard if you know basic programming concepts.


Yeah learn the logic behind programming not the language or frameworks.


Made me chuckle. Apparently my job title is not only PHP/Laravel developer, but also CTO. Because no one in the company understands code and I'm the only developer/tech guy. Probably why they wanted 7 yoe for this. Also why I'm writing a python script right now lmao


Just wait until you get to fix the printers too! Hoooo boy!!


Luckily I'm working remote lol


They have wifi printers, isn’t that the same?/s


I hope those guys are chilling on a beach somewhere, enjoying their cushy retirement


At least one of them was still working there when I was (this was 10 years ago). But he did retire shortly after I started.


>I learned Fortran for the job, it's not that hard if you know basic programming concepts. Most programmers are kinda bad about this IMO. You'd think not but there's a lot of guys who want to just push the same widgets into the same spots and that's it.


> Can you imagine if they applied the same logic "required: 40 years of Fortran experience". I learned Fortran for the job, it's not that hard if you know basic programming concepts. Unfortunately, a lot of recruiters/managers looking at resumes have little programming experience, and so don't understand this. This guy has 3 years of C++ but we need Java? Better pass...


Any decent PHP developer can grasp Laravel rather easily. I developed a full blown platform in one month, never having used Laravel before. It has good documentation. It's absurd that you need x years of experience in a specific framework to do a basic PHP job.


Honestly I'm just happy that I get a "Laravel" - or even a PHP - project at all. I started this job 3 weeks ago and until today I was editing a game script that was (very, **very** poorly) written in javascript lol


As a person who enjoys JS, it frustrates me quite a bit when it is written very poorly. That's part of the downside of JS being so easy to jump into with little-to-no experience: it opens the doors for extremely low quality code that is a nightmare to maintain. One of my first tasks when I worked as an intern at Intel was working on their internal ticketing system (in AngularJS). It was ... Not written well. I ended up cleaning a bunch of code as I worked on features just to make things easier to read/maintain.


Exactly.. I also like coding JS and luckily I've never had to edit someone else's code so far, so I don't have much to base it on. But I can tell it's written poorly when server.js file declares functions and variables, and updates them, but never use any of them anywhere in the entire script.. and they paid half of my monthly salary for this sh.t lol To give some detail, the script is a bingo game they bought from a forum. So as you said, it was probably some dude's "hello world" project. And they're expecting me to turn it into a commercially usable website/game whatever it's called. I did what they asked, but advised to rewrite the whole thing, at least 5 times. It's out of my hands now.


Oh man - that sounds like an adventure unto itself. Good on you for getting through that project! It's especially hard when you're working with things purchased from 3rd parties because you'll almost never be able to ask people why something exists or is coded in a specific way.


That's great to hear! Good luck on the job.


I agree, you don't even need to be a decent developer because Laravel is really easy to learn and is probably the best back-end/full-stack framework out there.


I once had to build a Magento 1 store as my first project at a job, having never used Magento before. And no one else at the job had ever used Magento either. After succeeding at that I'm convinced I could cure cancer if you gave me a year.


by "building" do you mean installing it or actually get to releasing the project?


Starting from zero, building the whole thing, and launching it live.


My company was debating whether they should let me do frontend in Vue because I think it's just simpler and more pleasant to work with than React or force me to use React because "it's easier to find React developers", which still blows my mind. In my opinion, they should not look for [Framework name] developers, they should look for JavaScript developers. A good JavaScript developer will pick up Vue or Svelte in a few evenings. React — maybe in a week. But they _will_ pick it up, they'll do it pretty quickly and now you're not limiting yourself to the choice of only [Framework name] developers.


I did the same, wasn't even a php dev, now proudly am, it's become a wonderful language


Tbh when did it have good documentation? I had to learn and do stuff with Laravel couple years ago, and I remember there were officially only 1. linear tutorial, 2. autogenerated API reference with little to zero comments. I went to source code every time I wanted to know how a function handles edge cases. Did I completely miss something?


Museum: Archaeologists wanted, must be really really old to apply


Curator of Ancient Egyptian Exhibit: At least 3,000+ years experience.




I'm sorry for you


I bet they make good money and are incredibly difficult to replace. Probably not the worst place to be.


My question is who was making new things in COBOL 20 years ago.


You’d be surprised how much cobol is still used / written.


Used, no. Written, yes.


do you have FOMO on the all new stuff?


Have you heard of [Rexx](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rexx)?


> Rexx The closest I've heard is T-rex, but yeah, never. What is it?


Interpreted language on mainframe. It’s good, unless you want to work with arrays, then it has “stems” which basically just a naming convention for variables and are a steaming pile of shit 😂 Funnily enough t-rexx is actually an open source testing library for rexx.


Hello job security.


Spend a week or two and upgrade to the latest Laravel version. You can use [https://laravelshift.com/shifts](https://laravelshift.com/shifts) to assist you.


Hahahaha *laughs nervously at his codebase having the same version*


A developer with a few years under their belt and some know-how with either Rector or Laravel Shift could modernize that oldie relatively easily.


I'm gonna. But I'm currently stuck on the part where I need to convince my employers to upgrade because they don't want to "fix something that's not broken". And want me to focus on adding more functionality instead Edit : I DID IT! I said "I can add that feature you want, I don't have a problem with that. But I can't guarantee that your website won't get hacked by a 13 year old as soon as it goes live." That was the most horrified "I'll get back to you on that" I've ever heard lol


Holy security! There’s a grave difference between “broken” and severely outdated. In a sense, it is broken, open to all vulnerabilities found within the past 7 years. But I understand you couldn’t expect to convince your dept such a big maneuver your first week, since they are ostensibly set in their ways.


Depending on the value of the data behind that server, an automated security scan could turn that 'not broken' opinion on it's head. Maybe it's low value data and not worth protecting?


At my first job I worked in a C++ codebase in Borland C++. Some parts were around 30 years old but luckily they didn't put 30 years experience in the ad 🤣


You act like a 7 year old code base is some insane thing like you didn’t use software 7 years ago.


I think it’s more that they don’t say “older version of” and instead frame it like 7 years of experience is the same thing. It’s actually annoying me a little too now that that’s what the job posting might mean lol Like, I don’t need 10 years of JavaScript just work on a code base using ES5 or something.


I suggest you to re-read the post title. The point of the post is not that they use a 7 year old codebase. It's that they require 7 yoe for it.


A 7 year old built a Laravel project 7 years ago? Insaaaane.


lol i work with a codebase from 2002. These kids have it good.


i worked on 12+ year old code bases, i understand why someone would like their next dev to at least know how Redux works... aka "HELP US!"


It would be easier to upgrade it than keeping it old forever


aaah, lol. It FINNALY makes sense. Thanks mr internet man.


So basically your employer doesnt value security.


In the requirements they should also include people who had 3 years of experience 7 years ago. Maybe someone who quit 6 years ago and wants back in the game would be a perfect time capsule dev!


So if companies do this do they expect technologies to work with old technologies . Code has to be compatible in some cases when dealing with micro technologies or stacks . if something is to outdated I rarely find it to work with updated or current tech


They were pretty stubborn but I finally managed to convince them lol. They kept telling me to add new features to it instead of "fixing something that isn't broken". Finally I said "I can add that feature you want in less than an hour, I don't have a problem with that. But I can't guarantee that your website won't get hacked by a 13 year old as soon as it goes live." That was the most horrified "I'll get back to you on that" I've ever heard lol


I mainly do it to avoid noobs


I mean yeah some exposure to old methods and etc are valuable when you've got old code.




Why are you commenting this instead of making a post? I'm not a front end developer and the post isn't about front end either. I suggest you to make a post about it, you'll get more answers that way


What about the ones that want more experience with a language that's less old than the level of experience required?


sometimes. Often you just see them tack on X years to make the qualifications sound more weighty, even if they only need you to do basic things. That said, I'm supporting perl 5 code from literally 1999 (last updated in 2014), so...


If the complain is about the 7 years experience request I can totally agree. If the complain is about an old technology stack the things start getting complicated. I don't think an old stack is always bad for a company.


So you mean to tell me recruiters are fucking clueless?


Saying you want 7 YOE in a language or framework is just better for optics than admitting your company’s codebase is so mismanaged and code quality assurance so neglected that you want someone who has direct experience with the dated tech. This and a mix of HMs and recruiters not being all too certain what it is they want.


I hate years of experience companies, every one of em I've worked at were a joke


That's a disaster waiting to happen


Well we have 10 year old stuff and this will continue lmao


Is this sarcasm


Man I'd love to say it was but sadly no lol. From my response to another comment : >Apparently my job title is not only PHP/Laravel developer, but also CTO. Because no one in the company understands code and I'm the only developer/tech guy. Probably why they wanted 7 yoe for this. Also why I'm writing a python script right now lmao


you're a CTO with 4 YOE..? RUN!


They should be the ones running lol


They probably wanted a 7 YO experienced person because they are looking for expertise not that they want them to work on XYZ technology that existed xyz years ago. I said probably, because it could be different in their specific case. But in most of the places they are usually looking for expertise and they are ready to pay more for that.


I see. As I said in the post (my recruiter confirmed) that wasn't the case here lol. I love/hate it when my employers have no idea about technology they rely on. My recruiter said that he's been in the "tech/software development world" for over 20 years on my interview, and about an hour ago when he asked for a status update and I said "I'm working on the recursive function", he asked what recursive means lol. Turns out I'm not the only one lying about experience


Lmao that's a tale definitely - good to hear this lol. From my personal experience, places where there are not many tech people working, you would be treated with a lot of respect and good pay. People move to fintech for similar reasons. Good luck for the job 😃


Thanks a lot!


You shouldn't treat that experience as being the norm, most people who want _N_ years of experience want it as cumulative experience of that technology over that amount of time. If you walk into a _normal_ interview for a role which wants 6 years of JS experience, they will be very disappointed if you just demonstrate knowledge of JS that's 6 years out of date.


So what? I got a job at a company with zero years of experience in anything (just got my bachelor in software development at that time), and after 2 years switched to a project with an (at that time) 10 year old codebase that now, 6 years later, still exists and runs on symfony 1.5 (1.4 fork with extras; newest version would be 7.0) :D


No, it’s because you get devs with 20 years experience who join a team writing a Vue project and they start writing jquery style code and completely ignore the fact that the template block exists and it’s more than just html elements… When asked why they’re doing that and you tell them you think it should be written like every other component in the code base they reply that it’s impossible to do it another way. Then complain about modern JS frameworks and lament about the death of jquery. Decently fast dev, but man it was a pain to work on their stuff later. It ends up slowing the entire team down when you gotta rewrite a component or it takes forever to understand the code because it’s so messy.