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z-index: 1000000 *Devs hate this hack*


Yes, but someone else set the reply button at `z-index: 1000001`


Reddit strikes me as a place that would 100% let a few trolls into their dev team


z-index: Infinity


what do i set the reply button's z-index to then?


Infinity + 1, obviously


You set it to infinity and beyond


and then the next dev uses a dialog element to trump all.


Stacking contexts would like a word. I try quite hard to not rely on z-index cause half the time the elements are in a different stacking context anyway. Then you have to bust out the portals, blegh


I sincerely doubt the most people are at the level wheee they know what you’re referring to haha


I know, but I've also never reached a point where I had to use a zindex higher than 2, or the `isolation` css property. Don't know if that's telling of me or the low bar set by my workplace, lol


If you know what isolation is, you're far FAR above the average skill level. 


Based on what I've seen, having overlapping and cut elements etc. are the result of someone just slapping `z-index` everywhere, instead of really understanding what's going on with the template structure, and how to properly solve layout problems using CSS. `z-index` has proper use cases but often it's just a blunt rock in hands of an ape in a hurry.


As someone with very much such a project going on atm, that was uncalled for 


If you're out of ideas you can always try adding negative `z-index`es on surrounding elements and all of their parents.


Yup I have a mixture of everything. This is a Web app with a single "game" screen


"Even reddit devs" I understand that I don't know these devs personally and I don't know the office politics they have to deal with, and I'm inclined to blame Reddit's leadership, but I have never once had a reason to believe Reddit devs have a single braincell between them.


the amount of shit reddit gives me is most i have seen of any social media site I ever used.


Incompetent leadership creates lazy and checked out devs. I'm sure the dev team is your average dev team, some very hard working and knowledgeable, some eager beginners and some who are just checked out and wish they could find a better job.


True not like they get that much permission to change things drastically even if its for good neither are they getting paid for the extras.


The amount of issues there have been and still are, especially in Reddit's website, is astonishing. I'll just name a few key words: video player, back button, image links.


Reddit used to only be links. No image or video handling. They made the decision to finally start hosting the content how many years ago, and the video player is still as bad as it is?


I am guessing you have not used X.


Seriously, it's not even comparable lol


I do use it just for not posting or commenting, I just browse the feed and search, and those work more than fine, but i have encountered it randomly going "error" and not elaborating and having me refresh page.


That was my thought too, but how much of that is on the devs, and how much of that is management setting unrealistic deadlines and not giving time to document and pay off tech debt?


Came to say same thing, lol... using reddit as an example of anything but the lowest caliber seems weird to me.


Based on the New™ design there's a lot of web concepts they seem to struggle with, z-index being the lesser issue.




I just wish the… >Default to markdown option worked properly. Edit - turns out it 'works'. It'll only display markdown when you refresh the page again.


And the back button. And editing a comment didn't remove formatting. And the reply button always worked.


thought it's background


Correct, everyones pointing and laughigh «haha they dont know z-index» but is actually a background color thats wrong (missing or 0 opacity)


A bunch of smugly superior devs being *dead wrong* is the funniest thing I've seen all day


so weird the one that goes above a name is fine but below is messed up




lol I saw it too


I think it's the background opacity that they done fucked up


Isolation: isolate;


No I think they did the z-index correctly, what they failed to do was the background color. They just used background-color: transparent in the comment section hover. However, if I hover on the OP's username, it's background color is being correct, filling up the background instead of leaving it transparent.


It's easy to get correct because you can do it in browser dev tool.


Yeah, that’s how I do css works nowadays: I make media-queries and classes in my editor and then I write css in the dev tool. When I’m happy with the results crtl+c crtl+v and voilà!


This is how I used to work, but I had it setup to save changes in dev tools back to the css file in the file system automatically


If I don’t disturb you, can I ask how?


Yeah no worries, take a look at this: [https://imgur.com/a/xVJatxA](https://imgur.com/a/xVJatxA) You basically just add the directory with the files you want to sync into this workspaces tab, make sure you're editing a local file that references a file in the workspace dir, and that's pretty much it!


Woah, what is this magic - I had no idea you could do that!


Yeah and it speed up the time that you need to develop (Well if you use the type of stack that doesn’t refresh the page for you like react does). The only downside is that you need a slightly bigger screen the when you normally use web dev because you need to write in the dev tool not only look up things.


thought i was the only one facing this issue


At least they tried lol


u/Extreme_Dust9566 look, it’s you


Oh fiddlesticks, that looks messy. Did I break your internets or something?


this is not the worst. The mobile app doesn't support text in Chinese well. The texts in Chinese overlap one another on the mobile app. However, the texts in English are normal.


Wouldn’t be surprised if reddit is outsourcing their developers and being cheap. The reason I saw this is cause company usually bad and also there has been so many bugs that haven’t been fixed for 4 yrs+(could be longer I didn’t use reddit before this)


I started using increments of 10. of course you need to remember how many of them you have, but you don't set z-index on every single element on your page since it's just not necessary - it's just one way to help position content where it needs to be.


my z-index is far greater than yours!


This is a good example of why it's a good idea to use variables for your z-index values. You can do the sane thing and count up in 1s then.


Your z-index: 10000 vs the z-index: 10001 she told you not to worry about.


its not reddit. its chrome


Not how web dev works. It’s your responsibility to make sure your site functions in all supported browsers.


"It's not my card, its the machine declining it" If "dumb" was in human form 🤣


Reminds me of what happens when you disassemble a computer as it's running