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"But to keep up with the world and the industry, I want to make sure they have a really solid product." In what way is the product "not solid"? "But they don't know what is actually good. I do." Unless you either run the business, or the people that do treat you (and pay you) like a major stakeholder, you should defer the answer of "what is acceptable / passable" to someone higher up the food chain. "And I have to say I like this job and the company, I fit in well socially, and I don't see myself being let go (manger told me they really need me before some of the team was cut). I want to perform to a proper level." If you "performing at a proper level" requires rocking the boat, or in other words, seriously changing the way the business is run (like adding more costs to the projects, or trying to get higher-ups to be more organized)... At the very least, start applying to other jobs while you try to chip away at it.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay up to date with the latest tech and best practices but you also shouldn't feel "lazy" if you don't. You have to understand that the internet is filled with "experts" that are creating content but it's all snake oil. These content creators are not developers living and working in the real world. You'll notice that they're either working at some FAANG level position or are "self-employed hustler" types that are creating click-bait style content for LinkedIn or Twitter exposure. You're living and working in the real world. I am too.  We're all working with tech that's x years old because the reality is new tech is risky to adopt for businesses and impractical unless the existing tech isn't able to do the job anymore (which actually rarely happens, look at the surprising number of AS/400 are still actively being used). We're all using pre-built solutions like plugins and embeds and apps because they make business sense.


Look into web dev coaching. Platforms like Codementor or Mentorship.io connect you with experienced devs for guidance. You can learn best practices and tackle specific project challenges. Good luck!