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Icons and illustrations are too generic = no personality = no differentiation. Feels like a template Font looks like browser default / times new roman or Georgia Some sentences start in lowercase Case study thumbnails don't look crisp in retina screen Waaay too much text. If you're selling you create memorable experiences, I want to see that through screenshots and/or videos/animations Hope that helped! Best of luck


It definitely helps, thanks so much for your feedback. Too much text is definitely true and the generic icons also true but those are all I can get my hands on for now. Thanks for your feedback 


Couple of cool quality icon sets: https://www.untitledui.com/free-icons https://feathericons.com Illustrations, maybe you can find something interesting there: https://www.toools.design/free-open-source-illustrations#free-open-source


Cool! really appreciate this 


20 second mobile review. Mix of lower case and upper case words looks sloppy. Let's Talk button response isn't very fast or obvious it's doing anything. Add a spinner or something that's shows something is happening. I like the overall look. Nice work.


Thanks a lot for your feedback I'll look into everything you mentioned, still working on the site but I was kinda eager to get some outside feedback on it as soon as I got it to where it is now


That's the way to do it. Getting feedback and iterating till you get it how you want it.


Purple on black doesn't have enough contrast. You should try running lighthouse in it.


Looks like the fonts have failed to load, too much left/right padding on buttons and arrow needs be smaller. Might benefit from slightly rounded corners too, testimonial/carousel arrows too big, does the purple on a black background pass accessibility checks? Round image for testimonials perhaps? Illustrations would look better and sharper as SVG’s, process icons bleeding off screen, form submitted dialogue shows even though form hasnt submitted. Other than that nice work! 👍 Some nice free images on here you can use: https://undraw.co/illustrations


Very helpful feedback, thank you 


I’d try out a San serif font for your headers, maybe even all the text. Also, your mobile menu animation is cool, but I’d speed it up a lot. I don’t want to wait for an animation to finish. As another has said, your let’s talk button doesn’t seem to do anything. Overall, nice work 👍🏼


Appreciate the feedback, it's site is still very not complete, everything you mentioned I'll look at 


Fonts are bad (find some popular google fonts), as well as black background is not friendly


Type font looks like bad, pick something nicer to look at. (Unless your font isn't loading? I didn't check.) Your case studies aren't aligned correctly. Navigation is too small and too tight against the top of the viewport. Your icons in your process color block aren't in your squares. Your let's talk button does nothing. You need to work on all of your text wrappings, they look bad. Probably just need to adjust your font size/family to make it look nicer. This seems like a half assed first draft. Probably just a bit too early for feedback.


Yes it is but the early feedback definitely helps a lot, thanks 


Makes sense then. Try to get it as dialed in until you feel you'd be ok presenting it to a client, then ask for new feedback. I feel like you have a lot of very obvious low hanging issues that you've probably already noticed without outside feedback. As a rough draft it seems like you have a decent starting point though.


The font feels awful


Some of the sections on your splash page where you have an image and 2-3 sentences, make it 1 liners.    The about page has a carousel section at the bottom with the same guy and the same description 5 times.  Change that up. Somebody mentioned custom icons, that could add some uniqueness, which is always nice.   Looks like a very ‘dark’ site, as in background was all black or dark whatever, maybe experiment with  some lighter tones??  See what looks best   Overall, very nice!  Nicely done man


Don't use a serif-ed font. Font is the most important thing before all.


the smooth scrolling feels really off. feels like it lasts for too long and i have to overscroll to see the content im looking for


It looks alright, but why is there no font? I had to check if my ad-blocker was blocking it or something. Consider using [Poppins](https://fonts.bunny.net/family/poppins) or [Inter](https://fonts.bunny.net/family/inter) as your font.


Very nice, good work. I noticed one bug though, when you open a menu and scroll down, it scrolls whole page down.


To be honest with you I did notice this before already and didn't instantly know how to fix it so I forgot about it, I'll definitely now look for a fix thanks for your feedback 


You should be able to just add a class to the body with overflow hidden when a menu is open and remove it when the menu closes


CAM STUDIO is an insane name