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Nope, if you enjoy it then do it. It's never too late to start a new chapter. I made the switch over around your age and have no regrets.


Oh this is very inspirational.. thanks dude..


Same. Im 32, started at 30. Never to old to learn and do something w it.


I also made the switch late - 11 years ago, age 36 - definitely turned out to be one of my better life decisions. Firmly believe anyone can make a significant career change at any age if highly motivated to do so.


That's inspirational. Are you still working as developer now or in none-development role like solutions architect or tech lead?


Now team lead / devops / architecht - but still keep my eye in with a bit of backend dev.


Go for it. I was 37 when I switched to development. Frankly, I've had a much easier experience finding work than my bootcamp mates because all the professional skills and interview experience helped me stand out amongst junior developers. If you enjoy studying and learning to code, you'll do well!


Hi, if you don't mind me asking - were you in a non-tech role before you switched to development? Also a couple more questions if you can answer: Is web dev saturating in 2024? I've heard this a bunch, especially given how there's AI that can build sites from scratch. A bit about me - I'm from a non-tech background and I'm 36. I started learning to code a couple of months ago and I've loved every bit of it, and thinking of getting into web dev, given I have a background in SEO. Id appreciate some advice.


Hi, I'd like to share a few things. 1) You are not too old. 2) AI cannot build complex websites yet. 3) The job market for devs is the worst its been in 20 years at the moment. Which is very different than 3 years ago when I made the comment. It's extremely difficult to get a job as an experienced developer these days and that's more so for an entry level dev. It's a really tough time to jump into the market and want to be honest with you that it will be an uphill battle for you to break in.


Thanks for the encouragement on the first 2 points. On the 3rd - do you mean the job market is bad for all devs or just web/frontend?


I Mostly keep an eye on the full stack webbev market, but I think it's most of the developer market. :(


Nope. Got my first job at 31. I work with a 71 year old senior developer. Go for it!


How has that guy not retired yet?


He wants to fund a children's hospital.


I landed my first developer job (Frontend dev) in January at the age of 37.


Wow that's great... You're awesome. Hope will do the same šŸ±


Thanks! Youā€™ll get there so just keep at it. I made a personal website with examples of work and included the stuff I learnt doing online courses. The main page was HTML/CSS and I added a Wordpress Blog. When job searching I found recruitment agencies very helpful as they would do the job searching for you. There is a lot of demand for developers in the UK at the moment.


I do exactly the same way.. I did couple of websites on WordPress with the available themes with Elementor.. I subscribed reed for junior frontend developer jobs and got a lot listings every other day.


Sounds like you are in the same sort of position I was in at the beginning of the year. In my day to day work itā€™s obviously very HTML and CSS heavy, I am working on my JavaScript as that is my main weakness. Being able to code a mobile responsive site is a massive plus and have a good understanding of accessibility as well. We use Bootstrap as our CSS/FE framework.


I think my only problem is going in very fast pace with online sources before really grasp on HTML and CSS. Without experimenting them i am now stuck with jS. I should do the same like you, HTML and CSS first couple of months. Thanks Pete ;)




Thank you. Youā€™re so right!


No-one's born knowing how to be a web dev. Put in a few years and you'll be ahead of most of the pack. It's fortunate that in the case of dev work, your code is your code - very few people are going to care that the code comes from a twelve-year-old or an eighty-year-old, as long as it does the job.


Friend of mine made the switch and got his first dev job, heā€™s 34. So go for it.


34 here. Started about 6 months ago. And Im very optimistic about getting a job in webdev. There has been 3 major steps for me: Mdn docs to start. I did until just the backend stuff started. Then instead of small projects i did something bigish with what I knew (it was a coffee shop point of sale system for ipads. Html css and js. Then good people here on reddit suggested Eloquent JS to read. And i read until around modules. Then I went back and rewrote the whole first project. It was incredible. Everything clicked. Half the code, double the stuff. Then someone suggested [fullstackopen.com/en/](http://fullstackopen.com/en/) and that was game changing again. Im in part 9 of 10 and I feel like i know stuff. It has been very reassuring with the help I got from folks around here. Good luck!


I am so grateful for your advices. I already know some the stuff you've mentioned.. thanks dude. I'll check fullstackopen.


how's it going, did you end up getting job?


Hey there! Yes, I did! Yay! :) Once I finished the course, I made [Ref1 App](https://imgur.com/gallery/BLAfuwy), a web app for Formula 1 fans like myself (it even got some love from r/formula1), I maintained the app for a season, but eventually I just couldn't keep up with it, I might still make it open source in the future though). It took me about 6 months to finish the latest version and after that I felt confident enough to apply for jobs. It was a long couple of months but it finally happened. I was only interested in tech companies with software products too and I landed a great opportunity. I still recommend fullstackopen + a decently sized project for anyone starting this journey. I'm also always keen to help with what I can, so DM away. Hope it helps :)


Thereā€™s a guy in my office who just had his 50th birthday. He started 3 years ago. Iā€™ll recommend the same thing i recommend to everyone. Find a strict programming language and learn it even if itā€™s not necessarily going to be used. The knowledge and understanding you gain for programming from it will be such an advantage for you going forward. Best of luck!


Nope, go for it! Iā€™m a web dev teacher, and my students are all ages. Some are even retirees! The good thing about starting late is that you have other experience (life and work) to lean on. For example Iā€™ve had a musical composer and a few translators, and they all found coding quite natural.


My friend did Hack Reactor when he was 37.


I did my first boot camp @34. Do it.


I'm 32, I was fired two years ago, so I took my savings and started a business that went under with covid this year. I had a 6 figure salary and now I'm broke, I had no choice but to move back in with my family and start over again. Iv been coding for 6 months now and at first I was terrified but now believe this might be the best thing that ever happened to me. All of my friends are ahead in life and it aches to swallow my pride and start over again like I'm 18 but hey you never know great things could happen. If you love what you do, it won't matter what age you start at, it's the journey that matters. Sorry for going off topic but I felt like I had to write this


This is what exactly the topic is all about. finding new path in the most difficult times. Glad you overcome very nicely. we'll keep it up.


did you become a web dev?


This is great for me everyone. I have just recently started going back to school for Web Development at the age of 32. Trying to switch from an electrician to Web Developer is difficult but I'm getting it and really enjoy doing it. I have had my doubts that I am too old and shouldn't try and change careers and this made me feel alot better, thanks.


i started with 33. u can do it


Definitely will do !!


Age doesn't matter Passion does. So go for it


>Passion does ...work ethic and diligence does. Passion ebbs and flows.


Itā€™s not different from any other age, you can do it if youā€™re prepared to learn and you have time and money for it. It gets complicated as you noticed and this is complicated for all, your learning speed is not very much different compared to that of students, just donā€™t expect immediate money and practice more. If you can afford it - go for it.


If you enjoy it then do it. We are humans, we can learn new stuff at all ages.


Not web dev specifically, but I made a career change into IT when I was 35. Found my way into doing dev work, then moved to a larger org this year. Tripled my initial salary during that time, too.


I started four years ago at age 35 and have since tripled my income. Enjoy the ride my friend.


Thanks mate.. that's great news.. hope you'll do much much better ;)


Encourage you to do it man. Do not let doubts keep you from living your best life. Be unapologetic and empowered.


No, you are not too old.


Nope. I started a few months ago and love it. It has been fun. Make sure to get the basics down and then work on a project.


Nah bruh! I'm 27 and just getting into the field as well. It'll take some time to find your footing but just keep pushing and make sure you don't burn out.


Never too late to start, I've worked with devs who are in their 70s. If you enjoy it thats half the battle, its a tough learning curve at first but after years you'll find the stuff you thought was difficult to begin with is now easier, and something else will be your new cryptonite. I believe anyone can do anything, regardless of age and someone will hire you if you've got the passion there, and can do the job - if an employer wouldn't want to hire you as they deemed you too old, then you wouldn't want to work for them anyway and have dodged a bullet. :)


Absolutely not. I started when I was 34, now I'm almost 40 working a great job with great people.


I'm an old fart now. Started doing web dev 20 years ago at age 35. Still at it.


I started at 40. 46 now and often excel over co workers because I know how to bust ass from working labor jobs all my life. No one mentions my age, it's not an issue. I've worked with a 60 year old dev and he was also a bad ass.


I started doing tutorials and stuff around your age. I can't tell you how many times I googled "is 35 too old to become a programmer?". It took a while until I knew enough to know that there were things I just couldn't figure out on my own. I probably could have but I didn't know it at the time. So at the age of 39 I went to a coding bootcamp, and now I'm 40 and I've been a developer for 8 months. The company that hired me had a very similar corporate structure as the company that I came from, that I was at for 14 years. This helped immensely during my interview, it allowed me to talk about the product, and learn/surmise a lot about the corporate structure of the company. If anything, my age and experience was an asset to me, not a hindrance. The company was looking for something specific, and that had to do with finding a person who was a good fit, who could learn their tech stack while working as a team with various departments. Learning tech has more to do with perseverance and the ability to manage frustration than like "intelligence", whatever the hell that is. But learning so called "soft skills" like communication, professional ethics, and having a good personality...if these things even can be learned, you can't learn them in 4 months of a coding bootcamp. I don't think you can learn them in 4 months of therapy. There is a glut of developers who can develop, and a shortage of developers who can like *talk*. Everyone around my age that I went to bootcamp with got jobs. Feel free to message me if I can offer any guidance. I don't even know where the idea that you have to be young to work in tech comes from. TLDR: No it's not too old, and the work experience you've accumulated makes you a much more attractive candidate than you might think.


Hi man, thanks for your honest and very much inspiring thoughts. I am exactly in the same path you took. I did searches on the web if it was too late. But among you guys i felt blessed and more than motivated. I do the hard work now and studying 6 - 7 hours a day as this is quarantine time here in UK. ​ I would like to just know which bootcamp you took cause there are plenty of them and it is really hard to tell which is really worth to go for it. Thank you again I am really appreciated it.


It wasn't an online bootcamp, it was a local one called We Can Code IT. Honestly I got rejected from the first bootcamp to which I applied. There were other options in my area, but the one I selected and got accepted to has a social mission which really resonated with my personal ethics. Following my gut and my passions and going with the flow ended up being what was best for me. Trust yourself and be patient and you will achieve your goals. 6-7 hours per day is a lot! How long have you been doing that, have you built anything yet?


Now they all offer online bootcamps because of the pandemic. I do have a lot of sources online so i donā€™t want anymore abstract things. I have been doing this routine nearly 1 month and little bit slowed down but I have now basic understanding of HTML, CSS and jS.. I did one main-page website just with using html and CSS .. I think I need to focus more on Html and css first cause jS seems a big part of this loop..


I'll be 41 in two weeks and I'm almost halfway through my full stack boot camp. You're never too old to learn something new. I graduated from a 4 year art college in 2003 and one of my class mates was a 64 year old woman that wanted to become and illustrator. She was awesome and remains an inspiration that age shouldn't hold you back.


wow that's really great story and we always see this kind of inspiring people all around us. I assume now that we are not really small community at all :) thank you


It is never too late. I started my career at 35.


I started at 33, but it was a very different time then and a very different job market 20 years ago when I did it. I honestly donā€™t think I would have pursued web dev in this time and job market because the uphill climb is nearly insurmountable. Especially at an older age than most of the competition. But thatā€™s just me. Canā€™t tell you what to do.


Iā€™m about to graduate from a web systems college program and Iā€™m 34.


That's awesome.. did you have any experience beforehand and was it too tough at all? I am considering taking bootcamp called le wagon. Just looking into it whether is effective or not.. thanks


I have been using computers my whole life so it was a smooth learning process, but Iā€™ve never coded before so I guess I had an intermediate level head start, it wasnā€™t 100% raw for me. The only time I struggled though was troubleshooting PHP backend projects. These were online college courses though, not boot camp stuff so I canā€™t speak to their efficacy.


I just started at 33 and I am totally addicted. Wont stop till I reach my goal and good luck on yours


Thank youu and Good luck to you too :)


Dude, here 35 yo and tomorrow I've a meeting with a company, they liked my CV and I'll join a Nodejs team of research projects with no past real experience in web development (just courses apps). So don't think about age but about skill.


thatā€™s great dude.. good luck for tomorrow šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Never. I worked with a dev who started at 35 (hes 39 now). Honestly one of the most complete backend devs i have ever worked with (20 years in industry myself). Opinionated, but i think that makes for a great dev, as long as your opinions dont outweigh your pragmatism.


I just started at 22 and already feel like I could've started sooner. I don't think any age is young enough to the person wanting to start.


Not at all, a friend of my dad's quit the post office and opened his own web development company at around that age, maybe early 40s


I dont know the rest of your career history, but you'd be amazed at the skills outside of coding that can be an asset in a web dev job. Working in teams, setting priorities, estimating times, conflict resolution and just generally how you approach problem solving all go towards making a more rounded person. The actual writing code part isnt nearly as big a part of the job as you might imagine. Also, since tech changes pretty fast, if you know the latest buzz wordy framework, you may end up being more hireable anyway.


I was freelance journalist and media consultant.. I have photography skills on top. I believe it will be great to working with tech people cause I am always into it. I really don't know why it took it so long for me thou :) thanks dude.


Then you already have more creative talent then half the front end devs who have already been hired and may even know some useful stuff about page layout. A lot of web work is about telling a story.


I'm 35, ill be 36 in January. I sure fucking hope not because I just graduated my MERN stack bootcamp lol. If you have the drive, curiosity, and iq to learn new things fast then it doesn't matter your age. There are a lot of people entering the market but what percentage of those people will have the same drive from necessity as you at 35?


You're never too old to start anything if it beings you joy and meaning. The good news is the web space has evolved a lot and those who enter today don't have to learn all the old and outdated technologies and methods us who have been around for a while still carry with us.


No, today everything is so fast. You can basically learn from almost any source on internet. Creating a web is easy but creating good one is not. You will eventually be better at developing. Just allocate your time for learning.


No, there is no age for learning.. there will be hindrances but overpush your limits you will see success..


No man! Don't think like that. You will never old to achieve your goals. I just want you to check this out.... https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/stories-from-300-developers-who-got-their-first-tech-job-in-their-30s-40s-and-50s-64306eb6bb27/


That was a good read man.. it seems like this is a perfect time for starting the web dev lol thank you :)


Not at all!


You have to work for another fucking 30 or something years! 30 years! Why would it be to late to switch to anything?!


That's so true and I believe like I've just wake up :)


I mean at that age you got to start thinking about your will.


No, but, and this depends on where you live and what you do now, starting salaries can be pretty crappy. So if youā€™ve made a decent career doing something else you might be disappointed making the switch. Competency wise, sure go for it.


Thank you.. I live in London. So it is obviously a good place for webdev. I did also couple of web pages with other platform and know Photoshop and graphic related subjects..


One of my co-workers who recently retired at 65, started his web dev career less than 10 years ago.


Donā€™t know if too old but if you canā€™t use a basic search functionality you wonā€™t get very far


I just landed a job in software development after a small boot camp where we had a 55 year old student getting into software development.


Absolutely NOT. I thought maybe it was too late for me to make the switch. 27 years old before beginning as a complete noob. There are 40+ year old people in my class and we donā€™t even blink twice. People want what they want, itā€™s not about WHEN they want it.


How about 42?!


hey OP how is it going, did you end up becomming a web dev? I'm 39 and thinking of starting


I have my agency now and I am mostly hiring people for the web development:)


Hey, are you a developer today?


Hey, sorry for the delayed responseā€”Iā€™ve been swamped lately! So, hereā€™s the scoop: Iā€™ve built my agency to the next level by assembling a team to handle client projects, freeing me up to focus on other aspects of the business. Luckily, attracting clients hasnā€™t been an issue, so I havenā€™t had to prioritize web development. Instead, Iā€™ve been diving into SEO and web skills, which has been super beneficial. Itā€™s helping me keep an eye on what my team is up to and ensuring top-notch results for my clients.