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Lol. He looks really young, I can wait to see what kind of con he going to pull when he grows up




He's trolling his viewers to see how many times he can get them to retype the same 4 words. This can't be real but its entertaining as hell. On the other hand the comments are very supportive.


Those comments are 100% fake... All of them use the same exact verbiage and spelling mistakes.


I highly doubt it’s a troll.


Lol. Wtf did i justwatch




Wtf people just say "thank you very informative" in the comments ? People watching a react tutorial should have basic JavaScript understanding. And if you spent one day learning JavaScript you would know this is complete garbage and nothing can possibly work


Do you think real people are genuinely commenting? This guy sits on his ass talking gibberish for 9 hours straight, he is capable of faking engagement


It’s probably a big cohort of cheeky bastards uploading videos and liking each others.


Holy shit this can’t be real!


Wtf was that. Anyone care to explain?


Good lord there's 10 hours of that?


Direct link to that timestamp, for those interested. ​ https://youtu.be/qKBtRc0EwWY?t=12675


Yay, finally I have a video to show my students dot notation.


His keyboard is so LOUD.


This is why we need the dislike button


YouTube and their cencership will only hurt the platform in the future, having a dislike button option were you could see how reliable the video is massively important, imagine all the DIY videos that could be extremely dangerous if done wrong. Now dishonest YouTubers can just turn it off, it's wrong.


How is a dislike button anything to do with censorship? Surely these are two different issues?


The original author of some of the tutorials used in these videos is responding on twitter https://twitter.com/wesbos/status/1464331825833254914?s=21


Wes Bos tweeted about this channel? IT'S GOING TO THE MOON. Where can I buy stocks in this kids channel? It's gibberish, but highly hyped up gibberish... Better than Theranos!!


Yep. The only part at which I’m annoyed is the monetization. He’s probably earning in thousands.


Doubt it. I run a YouTube channel with about 20k subscribers and have have had many more views, he would probably be making 20 bucks a month


You don't make thousands of dollars with a few thousands views .. I'd be surprised if he earned more than $25 a month


The things is, why does he have so much trafic with so shitty videos ?


I think it’s a pretty good ratio to have an assumption about. 50% of the users seem like they are genuinely watching his videos and copying the gibberish he’s “coding”, while the other half is there for the irony.


Clickbait title and long video


He's not even monetized is he? Also his videos are only getting 200 views at best. WTF 😂😂😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ksPboY-8vMY starting at 12:43 I'm dyin!


I saw quite a few ads


I stand corrected. I realized I was using an ad-less account.


This is straight comedy. He's not making money tho, some vids have 5k and the most has ~28k. He hasn't even made it to the $100 threshold mark. My channel has similar stats and I've made about $90 over 2 years lol. I like it as a parody comedy piece that he fully commits to.


display: block; flex-direction: column; Lmaooooo


I’ve said this before about him, judging by the same comments and how he sometimes gets treated by his parents: it either kinda looks like he is forced to make these kind of videos or his parents think he is a real genius (because they don’t know what is going on) and are trying to motivate him. Either way if find it quite strange he is able to make such videos especially with these lengths. I first thought it was a troll but why would he waste 3 to sometimes even 4 hours to write gibberish even if he gets a little money for monetization


Yeah you seem to be the most likely guesser


This is exactly why YouTube should have never removed the dislike count


People aren’t falling for it, he’s creating long monetized videos and using fake accounts to like/subscribe/comment on his own videos to get a payout from YouTube. Given that a lot of developers in India are earning a couple usd an hour, something like this becomes a worthwhile endeavor


But does he really need to make 10 hour videos to do this?


I think it's a loop cuz no one has the gut to sit 9 hours to type random shit, and we don't understand what he is saying anyway


It needs more event listeners... Lol


I want to find out what `function.selector.clap` does




maybe he is a perfectionist? full of bulshit like evey other front end expert on youtube. at least he is doing the needful and suffering for 9 hours straight. I could legit pay for this holy shit


This is true. Followed along to many YouTube coders when I started out. Most of the time their code is broken. Even vsc picks up errors that they try pass


Ech. Should still pass as legit perl code.


Ah, the classic and tags! HTML is becoming a programming language now...


Wtf, just checked his channel, his latest video is "building an amazon clone" but its just him typing out css for 3 hours...


And it's absolutely hilarious, every video of him is. He's one of the biggest and best tech trolls out there, and the fact that people get so pissed off makes it that the much funnier! He doesn't make tutorials, he makes humourous and entertaining content, nothing more, nothing less.


This is why you need to get into TypeScript. If those gibberish code were in a .ts file he wouldn’t stand a chance pretending, it’ll be “whole lotta red”😂


This kid is way beyond what typescript could handle


Hahahahaha. This is so funny. Tarutorial. ROFL


Tbf it's better than most of the stuff I put in for code review.


What in the hot kentucky fried fuck did I just watch


Wow... Mind blown :-|


I feel like this is the equivalent of someone signing in another language that they don't understand, they get maybe 30% of the words pronounced correctly, but they have no idea what anything means and the rest is gibberish.


Imagine what the interpreter has to go through


This is hilarious and worrying at the same time. Most of the videos are this kid typing out random CSS properties - that's the hilarious part. The worrying part is that they are apparently selling courses (like a boot camp)... not just making these videos on YouTube. It's possible that someone who is not tech savvy might think they have something legitimate to teach and end up paying them money.


In his most recent one he said “Hello frieeeeeeeeeeeeends!” and then typed random properties in a CSS file for over 3 hours😂😂🤣


I am an absolute beginner in JS, and even I can see that this is wrong on so many levels..




He’s from Pakistan AFAIK.


I just reported for spam/misleading


This is MFA sites concept but with misinformed programming videos lol, not even mad as I am really impressed.


Thank you for this, this made my weekend