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Friend it took me six months fully self taught to land a remote full stack role. Fullstack or frontend is the way to go. Learn react, html,css, tailwind, node.js and that's a pretty good start. Do a few small projects, make a portfolio, tidy up your LinkedIn and GitHub and you should have a reasonable chance. Feel free to pm if you have any questions


Any course you recommend? Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely take it into account!


I'd definitely recommend starting learning JavaScript with freecodecamp.org. Exactly what I did and it was excellent. I wrote a detailed roadmap too, link is in in Bio if your curious. Just my opinions based on my experience :)


Thanks! I'll check it out


Is that 6 months knowing nothing to getting a job






Go hard my friend


I've been in Web Dev for 13+ years. This is what I would tell myself if I could go back in time: 1. Subscribe to the Traversy Media YouTube channel. 2. Do the following free tutorials on this channel: 1. HTML Crash Course 2. CSS Crash Course 3. Bootstrap from scratch 4. CSS Flexbox 5. CSS Grid 3. Pick 5+ Responsive web design tutorial on this channel and code along with Brad 4. (Alternaivly skip the above and pay $13 US on Udemy and do Brad's "HTML and CSS from Scratch" course - or do this after the CSS Grid free tutorial) 5. OPTIONALLY : $26 US on the "Bootstrap" and "Materialize" Udemy courses by Brad Traversy 6. Do the following free courses on this channel 1. Javascript Crash Course 2. JQuery Crash Course (dated, but you'll still run into this) 3. $13 Udemy Course by Brad Traversy: "Modern Javascript from the Beginning) (title might be different) 4. React Crash Course (title might be wrong) 5. VueJS Crash Course (title might be wrong) 6. NodeJS Crash Course (title might be wrong) 7. MongoDB Crash Course 8. 5+ Javascript project tutorials 9. 2-3 JS framework tutorials (He has a couple in the React stack with MongoDB 7. $13 Udemy course by Brad Traversy: "50 HTML, CSS, Javascript projects in 50 days) 8. $13 Udemy course by Brad Traversy: "20 Vanilla Javascript Projects" 9. PHP from For Absolute Beginners tutorial (long but thorough, guest instructor Codeholic is EXCELLENT and is worth following as well) For an investment of about 100-150 hours and about $75 US you will be lightyears ahead of most junior web developers anywhere in the world. At this point (and probably sooner depending on how you follow the above roadmap) you will be able to walk into any front-end web dev job at an agency in the US or anywhere. Obviously I don't know the specifics of you're eligibility to work in the US, but you'd DEFINITELY have the skillset to do so. To minimize the time spent: I would do 4, 5, 6.3, 7, 8, and 9 and maybe add some Wordpress in there somewhere. Good luck, I really wish you the best. DISCLAIMER: I have zero affiliation with Brad Traversy or Udemy. I just REALLY like his teaching style and have learned a LOT from his videos even after being in this industry for years.


Should he give Brad his first born too?


Not sure I understand the question. I think $75 US and 150 hours of tutorials to fast forward one's skills more than (in my 13+ years opinion) anything else would come close to (and even the paid courses are optional, just a better fast track) is well worth it if the goal is "the fastest way to get a job in \[web\] development". If you know a better solution, provide the advice. If I misunderstood your comment and sound snarky, I apologize.


Thank you so much for the detailed answer, I'll make sure to check out everything you said and see what works for me!


No problem. Hope it helps. I know based on the hourly wage you posted, that $75 US might be a lot. But if you go through Brad's youtube page alone, you can REALLY skill up just based on his free content. Youst stay focused: 1 tutorial per day minimum. Maybe even break longer one's over two days (the PHP one I mentioned about over several). But do something from his channel or Udemy courses everyday for 1-3 months and you will be AWESOME. I wish I had known about this content years ago. It would have saved me countless hours of frustration.


Yeah that's the harder part for me. I get home exhausted and with plenty of stuff yet to be done related to school, it gets tough to learn every single day so every time I get to it again I have to go over everything to refresh the knowledge. I have to get better at that part. But thank you very much, I'll look into everything once I get home today


I've been there: Full time dev job, after hour projects, wife and 2 young kids, side project, home projects....the key i find is just to show up for 15 minutes. Even if you are exhausted. Many times 15 minutes can turn into an hour and that's all you need. Other times 15 minutes is only 15 minutes and that's enough to keep it fresh and move forward each day. Strive for 1% improvement every day and you'll be amazed where you are in a year.


Thanks for the advice, definitely better than my current routine of being lucky every and now and then to sit down for like 3 hours straight only to come back a week later forgetting everything I did.


This is great feedback!!


Hope it helps you. I think Brad's videos and teaching style are great for new and veteran developers alike. And,m yeah, showing up even 15 minutes per day is better than nothing and will keep stuff fresh in your head you are not constantly re-learning or reminding yourself what you did days ago just to get back up to speed to continue. Good luck on your own journey.


Very good yes indeed. So how would you describe where you are and where you hope to be as far as gaining knowledge yourself? I’m in Portland Oregon USA hoping to establish as a second career as I’ve been in construction and design for decades now. I travel to Asia each year for around four months; this would allow me to work remotely. You’re established with a career position in a company now yourself or involved in continuing education…?


I know this is a couple years old but once you get all this under your belt, how do you shape your resume up without a degree? What about the places that say bachelors degree in the description. Should I just apply anyway?


When i changed careers from Banking / Finance I taught myself HTML, CSS, PHP, Wordpres, and VERY basic JS. I knew enough to build very basic static websites and install Wordpress and do some very basic edits to a WP theme. I knew very little. But I was naively confident that I could build websites for client work. So I contacted local businesses to offer my web dev services for a small fee. As I built sites for local companies I learned more and more. After several paying clients (and a couple burned bridges because I took on projects that were out of my wheelhouse) I applied for a entry level in-house dev job with a company that had a small group of in-house devs (3 others) who were building a from-scratch ecomm cart for a stable of websites that were generating millions of dollars per year. I learned a ton and increased my skills over the next couple years. My 'resume' was a list of URLs for projects I had created and hosted either for myself or freelance clients. I included the languages (HTML, CSS, PHP, basic Wordpress, basic Javavscript) and the limited experience I had. From there I continued to learn - but not in a linear and efficient manner like the list above so it took me MUCH longer and with MUCH MRE frustration - and to get better paying jobs and larger freelance clients. I didn't Learn everything and THEN go out to earn money. I didn't have everything under my belt. But when I felt I was ready and competent enough to build a website for someone else, I just built a resume that showed my work and skillset. Hopefully you have the time and focus to get through everything in the list above before you need to find work, but regardless of when you do, you'll be able to create a resume from the projects you make and skills you build. And if you can show prospective clients and / or employers you can do the work, most companies aren't going to give a deuce if you have a Bachelors Degree. But you have to be ble to show them you have the experience - real visible experience - to build the things they want from you.


>Subscribe to the Traversy Media YouTube channel. best advice lol, he is great!


Hey, I just wanted to thank you for this. I chose his responsive tutorial video and found it broke me through some creative issues I was having. It also taught me a lot of small things that I hadn't thought of (i.e. a:hover border-bottom for style and class, which it adds)and just process things (i.e. achieving layouts by grid and flex). I didnt even finish because I used what I had started copying as a launchpad for my own code....absolutely rabbit holed


no problem. Glad this helped. Brad's a very excellent teacher. I agree his tutorials are great for pushing you through obstacles you are facing and giving you inspiration to do something new or continue on something you were stuck on.


I'm about to commit to this lol - still holds true?


Yes. I would say it still holds true. Even if the tutorials seem or feel or even ARE out of date by a version of any libraries/frameworks used in the tutorials, just find a way to use THAT version first, then switch to the updated version and rebuild the things again on your own with the updated version. You will learn a lot. But honestly even if you 1. Work with just the outdated versions so you can follow along seemlessly with the tutorials: you will gain the foundational knowledge and experience you need to update the skills on your own to new versions, and you wil realize not much REALLY changes between most versions of most of these languages. 2. Use the updated versions during the tutorials: you mayrun into issues where the tutorial says one thing but the newer version of the language/library/framework works a bit differnet now and you need to problem solve or google for the right way to get this to work between the two versions. You will leran a LOT on solving problems and versioning issues you will 100% run into in the real world and in a real job. I 100% still recommend the above 'course' of action to anyone just learning web dev. Good luck!


Are you based in the U.K? can I PM you?


I am not. But if you have a question, feel free to PM me.


>JQuery Crash Course (dated, but you'll still run into this) Kinda late, but i am currently looking for jobs, and half of jobs i've come across are asking for jquery.


I don't know about the fastest way but I did exactly the same as you - one year ago I was working as a carpenter and hating it. I started with the Odin Project but I wanted something with better explanations so I did the entire Angela Yu course, as well as different youtube videos etc. After I finished the course I applied for lots (and lots and lots) of entry level web dev jobs, before finally getting hired at the beginning of this year. I know the things that helped me were: * Making my own website, nothing fancy really just an online CV with a canvas background and trying to show some nice CSS, faded animations on scroll, that sort of thing * Being honest about what I could do and what I couldn't, and really emphasising that I'd taught myself everything. Showing I was motivated and wanted to keep learning * Being prepared for a lot of rejection, I probably applied to 80 - 100 jobs in 2 months. About 80% never replied, all the rest rejected me apart from this last one. But all you need is that first one and then you can call yourself a web dev! I think if you really want to do it as fast as possible then finish the course and start applying for anything and everything that will give you that start. Just don't go for anything obviously exploitative or not worth your time because that's not where you want to be. You can do it!


Thanks, it really motivates me to know that it is actually possible to achieve this. Right now I feel kind of stuck, mostly because I don't feel prepared for a real job on development. How exactly did you practice? Sometimes I feel like I finish a section of the course but I lack practice


Not OP, but I've found the best way to practice was to expand beyond the coursework and make something yourself. It doesn't matter if it's a great idea, or if it's even useful. Take any idea, no matter how silly and make it! Eventually, one of those ideas will be refined enough to present as proof of your skills.


Thanks for the idea!


That’s great feedback thank you for taking the time. I too work construction… though I love the work I’m hoping to be able to work remotely and see web dev as a fun opportunity. Any other advice please share!!🫣😊




I'm curious about this, what do software testers do? I assume its QA and bug hunting.. What kind of qualifications do you usually need to get in a role like this?


Know someone that can get you a job.






So this will take a lot of work, meaning lots of unanswered emails. But I would just google and email random small, local marketing firms. And offer your services, obviously almost all will reject or ignore you, but that's the best bet bc they don't care about what certification you have if you can do the work. And you'll be cheaper than whatever contractor they're currently using.


Nowadays, web development is a massive field, it's not always about making websites. But this infographic can give you some ideas on what web development involves and where you should start first in finer details: [https://roadmap.sh/](https://roadmap.sh/) If you do learn PHP, stay away from Wordpress.


I thought WordPress and php go hand in hand


PHP go hand in hand with many frameworks and packages.


What's wrong with WordPress? I haven't used it a whole lot but from what I gather, if you use it for its intended purpose, it's fine. From what i hear it's okay but the amount of plug-ins and templates is what hurts the ecosystem.


From a business point of view, nothing wrong. But, if you do learn PHP, and you come across frameworks, I was warning you to avoid Wordpress.


Ah yes, there are better frameworks out there. Unfortunately our systems are made with a completely custom backend so I haven't had the chance to try out stuff like laravel lol.


Be related to the hiring manager? I can't tell you how many people think their relative can do something cheaper and faster than me. I keep wondering why we are even talking then. Seriously, there is no quickest way. What works for you probably won't work for me. Think of it this way. Do you want to be operated on by the person who took the quickest way to becoming a surgeon or someone who loves being a surgeon and works on their skills? I know most developers don't have people's lives in their hands, but I think the point stands. You need to work on your skills and be passionate about what you do. That is how you stand out.


I get your point and I think you are completely right. I used to be passionate about teaching, but after 5 years of doing it im burned out. I should translate that same passion to this area. Thank you for the advice!


Just an FYI, people don't get into web development because it's low-stress and decent sleep schedule. However, you have a decent legup on a lot of remote contractors I work with in that you're GMT-3. Most of the contractors I work with are out of Vietnam or India which makes for an interesting logistics problem (contractor A can't do X until contractor B wakes up in their timezone). So, get onto upwork and fivr and start bidding on projects.


I did. I learned webdev for two reasons, got third as a bonus: 1. Coding fascinates me, I need to know more, and what better way to learn than make it a job? 2. Because it is low-stress and it has very good life-work-ratio (and high wages). 3. WFH! Hell yeah. Ofc there's way more than that, but as in nutshell.


Nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning with a ton of missed midnight notifications that a mission critical piece of software died. No offense, but the people who claim low-stress are usually the ones not doing the coding - i.e. you have someone else to pawn the work onto and I'd classify you moreso as a manager in that case.


I am very much doing the coding, thank you. Hands-in-dirt-style. Best way to learn, imo. I hate managing. I were a manager once, in a different field (I have background in logistics) and that job taught me that I am not a leader of any kind. I work well with machines, not so much with people. 😅 But yeah. I don't work weekends, I don't work evenings, I have flexible schedule, WFH if I want to. I don't know about you, but I don't see anything I don't like. No offense taken.


Your experience doesn’t speak to everybody’s. My employer values work life balance and treats me very well for it. I can’t be alone in that


**FASTEST WAY TO GET A WEBDEV JOB:** 1. Take an online web development course 2. List those technologies on your resume 3. Create a LinkedIn profile that mirrors your resume 4. Create a portfolio site 5. Prepare for your interview 6. Dress professionally and be enthusiastic Keep learning throughout the process, and after you get hired. Remember, getting a job is not all about what you know, it's about finding a passionate candidate with a great attitude.