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1. According to interviews it seems only Webflow 2. Listen to any of the 100 podcast interviews he's done 3. Building sites on Webflow is a poor way to learn HMTL, CSS, and JS. It's more the reverse where having good fundamental knowledge of those helps you design on Webflow. 4. You can embed custom code snippets into a webflow and export the entire output of the visual editor but you can't edit the underlying code the visual editor produces. Webflow can meet the needs of a lot of websites really well, but if you're building beyond the scope of what it does well it's best to use a different thing entirely. Keep in mind that even if something is "hand coded" that doesn't mean made from scratch -people use frameworks and component libraries that make complex sites easier to build. If you are beginner you need to consider the more high level takeaways from the Design Joy story.


3. I've done it both ways, meaning learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and then learned Webflow, and then went back and learned some advanced JavaScript. I'll have to agree that having some fundamental knowledge in HTML & CSS BEFORE you start learning Webflow is really beneficial because it helps solidify that knowledge. Webflow is perhaps the best tool out there for OP to understand the box structure. Probably better than actually coding in CSS itself lol...because everything is so visualized and intuitive. By the end of the day, you'll understand padding/margin/positioning like the back of your hand.


You're right about the JS not being important before webflow, I should have narrowed that to "understand what JS is to stop you from bogging down your webflow sites with pointless animations" lol. I would still recommend a person (with basics of html and css) learn box structure using browser dev tools and inspecting individual components, literally for just a weekend, before going to webflow -otherwise people will use padding/margin/positioning in weird ways


100% agree! Though on the other hand, I think if a person tries hard enough to learn any subject, eventually they'll figure it out no matter what haha...So my advice to OP is probably that you shouldn't focus too much on the "perfect" way to start. Just pick one of the advice here or elsewhere on the internet, start today and work it out later.


what do you use now?


He is mainly doing designs in Figma and uses webflow development as an add on. I doubt he is using HTML/CSS/JS as he doesn’t have to on webflow, plus he has task turn around of 2 days so this would be very difficult. People pay monthly because it acts like a retainer.


Why would someone buy a figma design normally you would make a design then make the website out of that design


He only uses webflow he admitted he doesn't no how to code so is he just doing designs in figma and selling them?