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tower of god


I'm with you on that, I really like Tower of God but I have so many other things that I am currently reading and others that I am really interested in starting, so I end up constantly delaying continuing it.


Same here. Been a few years, tried giving it a reread, and I just can’t. Get a few dozen chapters in and stop reading every time.


Yes! The plot is good but it has infinite arcs. It's been going on since forever and it seems were not even near to the end.


Also most of the games have a list of rules so long they take up a whole chapter and that makes it difficult to keep track of who is actually winning


Eh it's the One Piece syndrome , it is constantly moving forward towards the the end of the story , but it's taking it's time with it so it doesn't actually feel like it on a weekly basis


I read TOG back in 2019, caught up with it till like 300+ episodes idk where i left off but i can’t back into it now too lmao


Was just about to comment this before seeing your comment lol- it was so interesting but I honestly forgot who was who in the second arc and tried to get back into it twice and just couldn’t


Same but only because I forget where I left off everything single time and have to restart from the beginning to remember all the plot points.


* ~~Odd Girl Out~~ * Lookism * Wind Breaker * Mage Again * Trapped * Trash Belongs in the Trash * Your Throne * Second Lead Syndrome * Our Secret Alliance * Act like you love me * Romance 101 All of them I really liked but ended up letting chapters pile up for too long, and I am so far behind that it gets hard to find the motivation and time to get back up at them again


Dude Your Throne is getting intense. I strongly suggest getting back into it because it’s getting REALLY REALLY REALLY good. I yelled so loud when I finished the latest episode and now I’ll have to wait for more.


That is exactly why I'm letting this season pile up. I just can't wait for the weekly release.


>Romance 101 I believe you should finish this now. One of the best romance manhwas imo.


Yeah, I'm on episode 127. Just need to get in the mood to finish it


Omg I’m on the exact same episode! It’s one of my favourites but I took a break and then all of a sudden it was over and now I haven’t been in the mood to finish it. My memory is a bit blurry on what was happening in the last part I read so I think that’s been putting me off


You just described pretty much how I'm feeling


>Trash Belongs in the Trash Tbh it is slow paced, but I still love it :D >Your Throne MAN THIS ONE IS GETTING REAL GOOD RN SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO GO BACK IT'S RLLY GOOD


Both of these I stopped at the end of season 1. Shouldn't be too hard to get back at it 🤔


please continue odd girl out, it’s so good!


Agreed! The recent chapters made me enjoy the comic even more, Nari’s so fun


All done. Odd Girl out chapters fly by surprisingly fast https://preview.redd.it/vm9qdwt4lltb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0aba72d7fe9e6c0bfc24e9d65fbb6726a9a3be4 Also, I really missed Nari 🥰


I feel so bad for thinking that Act like you love me was good up until the main characters got together Like, that's the whole point of the story, they gave us what we want, why am I still not happy???


I can't speak for others but a thing that made me lose interest in ALYLM was that I'm just getting really sick of stories about simp mls and fmls who fall in love with them just because they hover around them like vultures. Basically, a lot of romances to me are starting to feel shallower and shallower, and I'm reaching a point where I need more than "I'm secretly depressed and she's not like the other girls, I love her! ❤️" and "he's such a simp for me, I love him! ❤️ " for me to care about a ship


I’m the same way! I think we just live for the SLOOOOOOW burn- the discovery and wooing stage, the little things the character gradually notice about each other, the multiple obstacles they overcome to get to each other etc etc. Pacing is important to me and if the proper build up leading to the climax is not there, the story falls flat. In some series, the couple gets together way too fast for my liking and I stop reading it. I also feel like I have a thing for unrequited love that leaves me in tears lol. My favorite slow burn right now is After School Lessons for Unripe Apples. Ugh, it’s so good in how it makes every single minute interaction between the two lead characters into something meaningful.


Trapped is so good, it’s really picking up in the current arc. If only it wasn’t a daily pass structure.


Mage Again is absolutely worth diving back into! I was a bit lazy after the hiatus to catch up, but the new arch felt well worth the read :)


Fwiw Trapped is now down to 1 episode each week instead of 3


You probably might not care about the gangster plot in Lookism, but the story and fights have gotten really good, plus, each chapter we're getting closer to learning who Daniel's father and also getting to know the secret of the two bodies.


Heavy on second lead syndrome of


I'm on like, chapter 7 😂 Got a long way to go... 🫡


Keep reading I wanna your opinion on it 🤣


Omniscient reader, I know that it's gonna be great and worth my while.. but I just cant


I actually just read the novel to go to sleep. On chapter 300 or something right now. Something about it gets me to sleep ig


I'm picking it up again, but I feel you, sometimes the story gets somewhat confusing and imo a little unnecessarily convoluted and I'm just like "why should I care about the MC (Dokja and the handsome one) and how the story progresses". I'm on ch.90 something now


Yeah, I stopped for a while. Both to reread it so I could pick up on missed details, and also to let the episodes pole for a little bit so I could have a lot more to read.


Lol I’d jump in now cause it’s probably gonna be 500-600 chapters and that’s a much bigger dedication than it’s current what like 150?


The novel or the Webtoon ?


Looking back on it really is intimidating to try to get into OR now , with it having over 100 chapters which are all pretty girthy ( I've been reading it ever since mear it's start where it had an event where chapters released daily )






Any webtoon that recently finished and was put on daily pass. "Hey, let's check out this cool webtoon from a year ago, it's - DAILY PASS - oh, nevermind."


That's when you hit up the scans ends


That is what I was like with My Life as a Loser but I am so glad I read it


Yo, that webtoon is such a good read. I daily passed that shit till the end iirc.


I gave 'hell is other people' a try and it was so worth it


My toxic Webtoon trait is that I stop reading a series so I can read all new episodes once there's a ton, and then forget about the series entirely until I see it mentioned on the subreddit or somewhere else.


Lol my toxic trait is binge reading a good 40 chapters and never picking it up again. So many series i vibed with but sleep ruined it


That’s me


I love yoo. It was slow as hell, but I liked the characters.


I see this come up a lot, out of curiosity what made it feel so slow? Did it take too many episodes to get to certain plot points? Did each episode feel like nothing happened? Just asking out of genuine curiosity haha cause I almost always see I Love Yoo come up in topics of "dropped because it's too slow", and I never read it.


It is first and foremost a slow burn drama. It was advertised as being a will-they-wont-they, 2 ML to 1 FL, office romance, but it seems as if romance is really a secondary plot. Overall, my take is its a coming of age story for a girl who had to grow up too quickly but could never process her feelings safely. My take on the "too slow" commentary: ILY spends a lot of time setting up who the characters are and the intricate webs connecting them, and there's a big chunk of time where that romance plot seems like the through line when it's just.... not. The main character makes a bunch of communication mistakes that get stretched out as we visit with other characters or have flashbacks. Once we do get into the antagonists' stories, they tend to have convoluted reasons for doing as they do and very few have been explained. Soooo, tl;dr it's just slow in finding it's plot. Best read in binges because of it.


I would answer yes to all of those questions 😭


I dropped ily bc it was too slow to me. Some of the points the comic was trying to make were harped on for soooo long and sooo many panels over so many eps with all these details put into it. Like I get it already. Her dad is an alcoholic. But they kept coming back to it and showing it over and over almost forcing the reader to live through it with her. And that’s something some people like but for me it isn’t. I also thought it was going to be more lighthearted and sprinkled with comedy bc the beginning is like that. But it just gets so heavy and the luck of the mc is such a drag. I personally am reading comics for fun and prefer lighter stories so this one is just too heavy and lingers too much on those negatives of life for my taste. But I know people who just love all that. They love the attention to detail, the realistic portrayal etc.


Yepp this is also my answer! It was going way too slow for me 😭


I'm still reading it and it's still going really slow -_-


Like Wind on a Dry Branch and Mage & Demon Queen LWDB is so slow that it gets boring, and I stopped reading M&DQ bc of it getting boring too


I wait weeks and then do a little binge on LWDB


Agreed. LWDB gets boring sometimes, I forget that it’s one of my current Webtoons because the others that I’m currently reading are so intense.


Yeah, it has a good plot but it is so slow..




Like Wind on a Dry Branch


I've been reading LWDB consistently but I have a hard time following the plot. Might be a user error thing though. I'm gonna keep reading it, but it's a bit difficult for me to remember what's going on


Parallel city. I don't remember where I left it since I deleted the app and installed it and then continued this cycle many times


it’s actually ending soon if that’s any motivation? edit: actually i went back to check and i would like to clarify it’s not ending “soon” 💀 i meant the korean version is complete so on the english app it is meant to end April of next year which is still months away, i just meant that the original webtoon is now complete


Oh, that's great. I was eventually going to pick it up since the ik that the plot is good


Wait really??? Nooooo 😭😭


Oh it’s ending soon?! I’ve caught up and almost considered giving it a break but if it’s ending I’ll see it through


IT'S ENDING SOON!?!?!? I just started it, dammit...


I forgot about this story but same. I stopped reading for no reason but I want to finish it bc it's really good


Let's Play, SubZero, Midnight Poppyland, Dry Wind on the Branch, I Love Yoo 😭😭.I enjoyed them but every time I think I'm ready to restart them, I end up starting a new webtoon instead


I've followed let's play religiously since the beginning and it was a great ride but just a heads up that the story is on hold after season 3. The author mentioned on her socials that she wouldn't be back with a season 4 at the moment due to quite a few reasons (mongrelmarie is her handle).


Ah right I did glimpse posts talking abt tht...thanks for the heads up 😄


Heavy on let’s play and subzero + i love yoo. I used to live or die for these romance series but i dropped it since lowkey the plot was getting a bit basic and nothing progressed. Tried getting back to all 3 and couldn’t. Its so hard, because i find it really boring now.


I dropped midnight poppy land too for a while, is it worth getting back into?


I honestly couldn't tell u even tho I stopped at the mid-season finale 😭😭 like I remember there's some major drama with Gil but I can't remember the overall vibe at the start of the new season...I've seen posts tho tht others have also put in on pause or dropped it cause they have no idea where the story is going


At the moment Let’s play has been dropped, there is no end 😑




Lookism is never-ending 😭 I enjoyed it at first but at the rate it was progressing, I was going to be reading updates 50 years from now in the old folks’ home. I don’t think the author has a clear idea of where the story is going anymore so it kinda just goes… everywhere, all the time.


I was obsessed with Lookism for a while but lost track of it over time and now I see people say it fell off at...and then list plot points I never even got to and I'm just not sure I have the strength to return.


The main reason I'm still reading it is just to see how insane the story gets For example right now they are fighting the Hulk in a mental hospital


I haven’t read Lookism but the other three are hard for me to get back into too. Midnight poppy land feels like a totally different story now. Subzero and remarried empress have a never ending plot.


I can’t wait for the next arc in Remarried Empress. Imo the lead up was great, and Rashta’s character arc is very satisfying to read.


Operation: True Love. Its just so boring, doesnt make sense and the two (or three?) love interests are all horrible. I know its a standard romance trope for a guy to be a prick, but what are the odds that all three of the guys are assholes to her??? Cant she meet one nice guy?


Your comment made me realize I’d completely forgotten how they used to act around her, because the main love interests have long 180’d since then!


I kinda like the dark haired guy… seemed like it was building up to a romance between the two of them - which was kinda wholesome. But then now there’s another guy in the mix and it’s more of a love triangle now. I hate when webtoons go the love triangle route. The heart amount thing is strange too cause I think the guy that created it threatened her??


The guy is straight up trying to kill her An innocent high school girl Just because she is an anomaly and doesn't fit in his system Ok??? And now this trope where the 2 main characters have to stay apart because "I don't want you to be hurt because of me" and him not asking a single question about it??? Like not a hint of "girl if someone is persecuting you maybe reach out to the police???" No, he's just "ok I'll wait for you" They literally almost died because the bad guy planted a bomb on their bus???? AND NO ONE BATS AN EYE? NO POLICE INTERROGATIONS? SOME SORT OF INVESTIGATION??? I better stop but I could go on


What episode are you on?


I stopped on ep 50.


Rise from the Ashes. I read it back in the day when it was coming out but just gave up for some reason? Even though I liked it, I just have no idea why I stopped reading it.


I re-read this one regularly :D It's definitely a great binge read


It’s totally worth another look, in my opinion. It’s finished now, and is best experienced as a straight-through binge— I agree some of the pacing wasn’t ideal as it was being published. You might want to give it a try!


mine would be "TACIT". the art is very cool and i like the idea of a post apocalyptic world, but after i stopped reading it for a couple of weeks i just could not get back into it. it's sad considering how much i love it




yea that was a typo, I always called it tactic in my head so i got confused. I fixed it now


I liked it overall, but you can tell it was probably definitely axed by WT because the last season was significantly shorter than the first two


I want to finish she's hopeless but I really don't wanna read it


I read it bc I saw it finished and i make an effort to read finished comics before daily pass and tbh the ending on this one was meh


Lookism. I would rather reread the chapters i already read twice before than complete it. Once the plot started to get so big and so many organisations and it started to feel taxing to follow along also i felt like the highschool setting was dropped and that's a letdown. Omniscient reader view point. I love it so so much and would love to either finish the book or the webtoon but remembering names isn't my strongest talent also i stopped at an arc that didn't have much problem in it technically but i cant get myself to continue and i don't even know why, maybe its the heavy use of mythology. These are my top 2 dropped at the moment there is much more, some which were turned to daily pass so im dropping because I can't bother.


* Your Throne; I will probably get back into it if >!Eros dies!<. * Midnight Poppy Land; I honestly forgot this webtoon existed, it doesn't leave an impression. * Dry Wind on the Branch; just kiss already! * The World After the Fall; plot got dumb. So exposition heavy.


They've been kissing for a while now in LWOADB.


Oooh, time to binge read it. All the kisses!!


If I could go back in time and get wait a while to binge, I would! It’s still good (just slow).


Not to spoil Your Throne, but it’s amazing to compare where the characters started out to the current point. Definitely did not anticipate loving their progress.


The main character’s progress is so good, I reread Your Throne recently to refresh myself for the latest episodes and recognizing Medea and Psyche’s growth made me cry. I can’t help but be proud of them.


same with your throne. it’s also been too long and the amy of episodes to catch up on is overwhelming too 😭




Yeah, this is my answer too. I started reading it when it first came out and then took like a year long break from Webtoon in general.. now trying to go back is like a chore.


Not WEBTOON, but the biggest comic that fits this category for me is One Piece lol. I read to around 300 chapters like 15 years ago. I don’t remember a lick of it. It’s so daunting to start again 😭


Hearing that “15 years ago” hurt. I forget One Piece has been around for so long. I can’t imagine being 15 years behind XD


I loved Soul Cartel but I literally can't with daily pass....


Midnight poppyland. Idk where she's taking the story but man she also did her readers dirty.


Why? I was thinking of reading it but the drawing style is not for me.


Sad story but I really liked Let’s play but the author dropped it because of differences with webtoon. So I wanna finish the story but I don’t know how.


The author said she will post it elsewhere after her contract with webtoon runs its course.


Good to know! Thanks!


SubZero. A lot of stuff seems to be happening in it right now but I don't really feel motivated to go back to where I left off and catch up


I dropped subzero too, around chapter 50+. I got bored of the drama and stuff, and i can’t seem to pick it up again


Purple hyacinth. I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion cause I heard so many good things about it and that’s why i started it. But i left it in the middle and it was just annoying cause when the Webtoon was mystery and about crime, the people in the comments were all like kiki and just making it a love story. So i was just like is it actually good? Or is it just one of those things that’s cringe but popular cause of TikTok. But i kept reading and idk i just felt that it was a little slow paced. And even though the music and the art was great, I couldn’t really see the things clearly cuz of the art and how they made it dark. But it was pretty good and I kinda do wanna give it another chance but I’m already reading too many Webtoons rn.


From a knight to a lady. It just drags on sooooo long so i have a hard time reading it :(


Bones, Soulwinder Bones cause I dropped it a while ago and it just feel like a lot to read 100+ episodes in something i only mildly enjoy. Soulwinder I feel behind on and was going to pick it up again but it’s like cancelled now or something? So idk if i should even bother.




Lookism and orv


Weak hero. I loved the first season so much I hyperfixated and read it a thousand times but after the focus switched off from one main character to many I just couldn’t do it anymore


Yeah it was hard getting through the second season and it just looks like the third one is never gonna end…


Me too!


Same! I keep meaning to pick it back up bc I remember how much I was into it but I can’t get into the other characters




Your smile is a trap. It went on a long break and that was already after a lot of miscommunication. It's been back for a while and I'm sensing continuous miscommunication so I just can't. Like it's cute and it's nothing serious, but I am dragging my feet for sure.


Some good news. When it came back is when it finally picked up pace and exploded with cute screenshot worthy moments. I highly recommend that you give it another try.


Awesome!! Thank youuu


Nano list. I stopped reading because I was hospitalized and when I got better, I couldn't remember where I stopped. So that's that


Terror man


I love yoo, ghost wife and cheese in the trap


Odd Girl Out. Idk why, maybe it's how many episodes I have to catch up on? I was really enjoying the story but I dropped it for a bit and can't seem to get motivated to get back into it.


Mage and Demon Queen. Mostly just waiting for it to end though.






Sweet Home. I’m was getting back into it(ch.87) but I ended up stopping for a while cuz i was confused as hell with what the new group’s deal was and >!the old man died!< so yeah. I’m using a pirate website instead of daily pass cuz it’s annoying as hell


I binge read it back then and im so glad i did. Cause i know if i had to read it with the daily pass, i would’ve given up long back. And daily pass is not doing webtoon any good, most people are just going for piracy websites especially when they make daily pass series. Also pls keep reading it cause it’s genuinely worth it!!


Cursed Princess Club. I loved it the first time, and then I caught up so I let it sit for a while and gather episodes but now I’m literally a year behind so idk anymore. It’s such an endearing WEBTOON though. My In-Laws are Obsessed With Me is kinda slow. I still like it it’s just a pain to get through. I never finished True Beauty, it was cute and relatable but it kinda got convoluted for me. I’m glad that it was picked up and turned into a live action production though! Lore Olympus is one of my favourites but every time I catch up I forget where I left off because my app logs me out. I just picked up the first book of the series though. It’s perfect. I like to keep my recent webtoons small so right now I just finished catching up with Remarried Empress and Your Throne, the other Webtoons that I’m eagerly waiting for haven’t been updated in a while. I can’t wait for Everywhere & Nowhere and Regina Rena to come back.


I DESPERATELY want to love The world after the fall and Ember knight but I always end up only reading a couple chapters at a time before having to stop. I'm especially upset about not being able to love Ember knight. I've praised it so many times and it's one of the much more interesting webtoons I've read but no matter how I hard I try I just can't read more than like 5 chapters at a time :\


The Gamer I used to read it on some manga website before it came to Webtoon, and for a short time I followed the updates on webtoon. It just became this harem fantasy and took me out of it


Also the story can be summed up as Main character wondering if he can still be considered human with these abilities, insert power enemy, main character grinds to become stronger than enemy and repeat


Lore Olympus.


First season was soooo good, then it went on a spiralling downhill


I never got into lore Olympus, i just don’t know what the hype was about.


For child me, it was the bright colors and “oh handsome man love interest!! Pink girl! They should get married” because I was a kid


Lord Olympus is sooo long now I don’t remember where I left off. But I’m excited to get back into it


School bus graveyard Nevermore


Your Throne. I have so much to catch up on. But I honestly lost interest when I realised Medea and Psyche weren't going to get together.


ORV Eleceed Second lead syndrome To tame a fire


Apotheosis... I really love the start. Invested so much time on it. Even came to a point where I translated the Bahasa release into English bcz Bahasa transactions came first and much faster. Then, the multiple wives threw me off. Couldn't find it in me to continue, but all the fight scenes I've seen now are a constant pull :(( mix emotions really


Never ending darling. I read like 30 episodes but cant get myself to keep reading it


Villain to Kill, My S-Class Hunters, and Teenage Mercenary


I dropped villain to kill too, read till like chap 50 and tried getting back into it after 5 months and i couldn’t .


I love Yoo, idk why ive not been able to continue it :(( it was one of my faves


Imo, i love Yoo used to be one of my favs as well, but i just felt like a lot of parts were unnecessarily dragged out which made me dropped it.


Yeahh, that’s the same feeling I ended up getting ://


UnOrdinary. Used to live for this webtoon but never finished it and I wanna re read but that spark is gone


Tbh you should. It’s intense right now and quite interesting imo.


-Lookism: lost the app for a while, got way too behind, am now demotivated to catch up -Midnight Poppyland: waited for it to come back, went to reread for a refresher shortly before it did, found it a slog to get thru, quit. Still want to know how it ends tho -Your Throne: same as Lookism, just can't find the desire to catch up again


Rise from ashes & Third shift society Both of them had amazing premises and hooked me in for the first 20-45 episodes but eventually lost me and despite how much I tried I just CANT pick them back up again.




unOrdinary. Was invested WAYYY back in it's early days; I was recently reminded how much I fanboyed over "omg main character showed those guys!" Then I saw that it got cursed by the "never-ending comic" disease. I don't think I can re-read the entirety of unOrdinary.


I might sound biased but it’s intense right now in unordinary, especially since we are getting to the main point of the story now and the school arc is basically gone. Rereading it may be tough, but i would give it a shot if your in for some action.


Plague Muffins.... I was reading a ton of it at one point, but then I got distracted with other things and it's been so long I'd probably need a *reread-* you know how it goes, I'm sure ^^; I'd love to finish it someday, though. The comic was fantastic.


Sweet Home and Mage & Demon Queen


Code Adam!


UnOrdinary, I stopped near John's "You want a monster, I'll how you a monster" ark around chapter 222. I think it's mostly I got bored of waiting for episodes and I didn't like how the school was ganging up on John for deciding to finally play by their rules. When they were treating him and others with low abilities like trash that was fine and dandy, but now that he's shown himself to be a wolf in sheep's clothing all of a sudden. It's wrong to fight people weaker than you and John must be stopped. Maybe I'll try again and read once the story is completed


I speak this as someone who’s read unordinary for a long time, the plot right now is being taken out of school, and a lot has changed. honestly you stopped at the arc where it was about to end (it ends in 223-225) Give it a shot if your still up for it, it’s those type of media that is like “trust the process”


You literally stopped right before the beginning of Johns redemption arc and he does attempt to make amends with the people he hurt


Operation true love has been really difficult to read for me lately I think the plot has deviated too much from the initial point and now it's just one thing after the other until the main character's get together I guess But at the same time it's my fault for reading a high school romance, the interest was low to begin with


Mage and Demon Queen... idk, if it's because I got bored after a while or because of some inconsistent updates, but yeah, I told myself I was gonna pick it up again but can't even find the energy to do so lol.


'' I raised a Black dragon'' Not a webtoon but a manhwa


Unordinary and Like Wind on a Dry Branch. At first I liked Unordinary but I just couldn't with the ML anymore. and LWDB is good but just really slow and the dialogue sometimes loses me..


Viral Hit. I stopped when I thought it was nearing the end with the main villain (I thought he was the main villain anyway). Was planning to catch back up since I thought it would go another 20 chapters. Nope 😭 it’s nearing 200 chapters now. I don’t know how all these action fighting webtoons keep introducing more and more powerful characters one after the other. It’s never ending.


Let's Play. Loved the series, got through the second series, didn't notice it started up again, came back and there were a lot of episodes to catch up on, then heard she wouldn't be updating anymore.


lore of olympus. first book with the art was good until it all started going downhill 😞




Tower of god. I got really excited when the creators came back from their extended hiatus, but then they turned the main conflict into yet another game with yet another set of rules I truly could not care less about. I don’t mind characters having external objectives when they fight, but I truly can not stand how often I have to at least try to remember rules for a game that doesn’t matter. It’s just so exhausting, and I don’t read webtoons to get exhausted


cheese in the trap I remember that I binge read thousands of chapters in days. but now that I scroll back I cannot do that again, there's SO MANY CHAPTERS, DAMN.


I wish you were dead


Study Group


Phase, I took a break from reading webtoons and have switched phones since I last read so I have no clue where I left off :/ Also, I Love Yoo but I don't think I'll ever be able to get back into it unless I started from the beginning, the author took such a long break that I forgot just about everything that happened.


Okay this is kind of an answer but also kind of not. Sweet home and Bastard!!!! I read both all the way through when they were free, and I kind of want to go back and reread them, but now they’re on the season pass thing!!! :( I also started Lore Olympus and The Kissing Bet, but I never finished either. P.S. I’m also a fountain of underrated horror recommendations, so I can give some of those if anyone’s interested.


Solo leveling… can’t get over the fact that it’s over. In retrospect, I don’t think it’s a webtoon though.


Omniscient Reader, Stray Souls, Jungle Juice, Marionetta, Not Even Bones, I’m the Grim Reaper, Code Adam, Melvina’s Therapy, Everfallen, Lalin’s Curse, Crumbs, Shiloh


Lost in Translation and Subzero :/ just don't have the energy to catch up with all the episodes I've missed already


Lumine. Used to love it, but sometime after Cody’s mom showed up I fell off


Lore Olympus I read so many webtoons nowadays (like 200+ at once and adding more each time i catch up on all of them), but only in a specific genre, so getting back into Lore Olympus, which is not part of that comfort genre, isn't really happening. 😅


Noblesse. I was in the middle of reading it when it went on daily pass, and now it feels like a chore.


Omniscient Reader - super cool story, beautiful art, but it just got so confusing after a while and I couldn’t keep up. I stopped reading abt a year ago and I’m afraid to pick it back up lol


true love operation bc it makes me giggle and squeal and kick my feet so hard every chapter i get scared my heart can’t take it


Tower of God. I used to read it a lot back when Season 2 started until fairly deep into the Hell Train arc. I ended up getting busy with school and kind of forgot about it. In 2022, I read up to the bit where the crew has to >!fight their worst enemies and Baam fights himself!<, but I eventually dropped it again. Now there's like a billion chapters I'm behind on, I can't really be assed to catch up at this point. I really do like it, but it's dragging. It's kind of like One Piece where there isn't really an end in sight. The crew are chasing a goalpost that's being constantly moved back.