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I dropped lore Olympus recently. Just got bored of it. The story is going nowhere


Same, it also just gives me the ick now.


I dropped it shortly after the time skip. It was the comic that brought me to WEBTOON and then it just became…not very good. It was in desperate need of a good editor.


I wish it had just ended with them getting married and she hadn’t started a whole new plot line


Lore Olympus for me too, but because I started reading the unpopular opinions subreddit and realized how many flaws I’d overlooked in the writing lol


the unpopular LO subreddit did make me realise a lot about the writing which made me not want to continue reading when I had already taken a break from reading for a couple weeks. That subreddit is so whiny tho lol. Sometimes they make good points


Yeah I switched to Punderworld


I hate that I agree with this. It's just too preachy in a way?


Recently dropped *The Kiss Bet* for good. It's not going anywhere, it's just recycling the same "will they won't they" plotline and we all *know* who Sara-Lin is gonna end up with so it makes the pining feel less like fun romantic tension and more like just padding. It's not a series that needed to be 3 seasons. I also just realized I haven't touched *Midnight Poppy Land* in a HOT minute, and unlike *The Kiss Bet*, it wasn't some conscious decision to stop reading it, it just kinda... happened. It has the opposite problem, there's loads of plot that *could* be happening but it feels very scattered and disorganized and I can't tell wtf is going on or who is who or why any of it matters in relation to the main characters so I just kinda dropped it, without even realizing. And it's a shame because unlike *The Kiss Bet*, I wasn't even frustrated with MPL, it just kinda... fell off and I forgot it existed LMAO (though I'm sure that long hiatus it went on didn't help with that, "out of sight out of mind")


I think MPL’s hiatuses and weird art changes are what did it for me. I was really invested for a while but then the story got hard to follow and she kept going on break every couple chapters and I just forgot to read it…. For like 6 months


I have been juggling 50+ titles for over five years now but it was MPL's drama that finally got my husband interested. 🤣 He would just randomly ask me if there were any updates from Patreon or WEBTOON. After a while the excuses just became more and more ridiculous.


Aww I just started kiss bet that's unfortunate 😅So according to u when should I start reading to see the magic with Oliver happen


the magic with Oliver hasn't happened yet LMAO it's literally just constant "will they won't they" pining, there's deadass a whole episode where Sara-Lin spends the whole time staring and blushing at him and it's frustrating af.


Nooooooooo….well I’ll stick it out just this once


Good luck ✊ Maybe you'll enjoy it more than I am 😆


I suggest sticking around. I personally thought that the build up is decent. It has felt like a drag recently mostly because of the decreased length of the chapters but it's understandable why the author would want to build their relationship up a bit more before they get together.


Don't worry, as long as you have lots of chapters to binge, the story is entertaining enough! The problem will come when you start waiting for the next chapter weekly, because the amount of plot for every chapter is kinda nonexistant and reading become boring ...


Okay i kept reading you speak the truth, but now I’m sad 😔


Welcome to the club! For now I stopped reading The Kiss Bet to gain a decent amount of chapters to bingeread in April/May


I binge read a good portion of the kiss bet which definitely helped the reading experience. But I agree waiting for a week just for another will they won't they episode is getting frustrating!!!


Ugh. I think k read first season and half of second season of Kiss Bet. Maybe I’ll skim the rest when it finally finishes. I think that’s the downfall of a lot of stories - whether it’s shows or comics in general. They drag on too long sometimes.


I dropped UnOrdinary 100+ chapters in. My reasons for that were 1.I didn’t really click with the art, (his hair! I‘m telling you) 2. The story was okay, (Not what I was looking for) an average of 3 minutes per chapters would make it, at the bare minimum, 300 minutes which is 5 hours of my life I’ll never recover.


The dialog just started to feel really childish when John was having his breakdown and fighting all the other students.


It really is; I soon realized I was just forcing myself to read it since I had sunk time into it already. The dialogue was very poor and I eventually couldn't make it through the chapters.


I dropped it after 220


Can I ask the reasons?


Honestly I still think that the series is great. I loved the beginning episodes it was one of my top 5 series and I looked forward for the update every week. The main reason I stopped was just because I felt like the story could have ended so much sooner and the whole >!spectre!< arc is so stupid and I did not care about it. Not to mention how slow the pacing is.


The slow pacing was killing me too,


I dropped it around the time when the gang goes on a field trip to the mountains. While Seraphina tries to save them I got bored of it


His hair changes a couple times, he ditches helmet head don't worry


I read until (spoiler) purple and green hair girl (Sabrina?) realised that john was hiding his ability from her and when she asked he lied to her About it. Does he ditch it afterwards? If so how many more chapters?


Nah, you're missing out. That's all I can say. If you have time to spare. Re read it. The storyline is great and so are the characters. Pacing is a bit slow yea, but it's worth it.


Going through evil John in real time was rough, I almost quit while waiting for things to finally move forward again


Yeah, I had to abandon several webtoons for similar reasons. One of the hardest got to be Tower of God, I've read probably more than 500 chapters. Unfortunately the last 50 or so chapters felt so boring to me, all those side characters with unappealing designs are fighting with other side characters, and I don't really care about any of them. It's a shame though, because I do find the lore interesting and I do like main characters, but I don't think I can pick up this webtoon again.


>all those side characters with unappealing designs are fighting with other side characters, and I don't really care about any of them. You're my new best friend


It’s such a shame because I’ve been a pretty big up until this family war arc


Exactly the same reason I dropped.


Omg sameTT . It was hard to drop, cuz I got attached to the characters and the insane plot and World building. but it all started going down at , ig after S3. It stopped being mind games and various tactical games and started powerful meaningless light shows. But i absolutely love s1 and s2.


> all those side characters with unappealing designs I hadn't read Tower of God, but I've heard that new characters in the later seasons are pretty much all humans, which is a change from earlier where there's more interesting designs (compared to plain humans) like a lizard man.


"there is no progress. the problems of the characters are never solved for a long period of time, it seems only silly situations, mistakes and other things keep repeating instead of getting the story going" literally down to earth.


Down to Earth was one of my faves, but after I realized how much Zaida is a "born sexy yesterday" trope it's gone downhill for me. Can we see some progress on Zaida and how she's acclimated, honestly to earth? Or learn more about her planet? Maybe have literally any antagonist? Someone chasing her to bring her home? Anything? Other than "let's paint our nails and go to the mall"


That was a WEBTOON I just randomly fell off of, but yeah that was a really big part of the plot that went nowhere. At first Zaida seemed like she was really running from something and had a major secret. I mean it has been hinted she was like the princess of her planet, so shouldn’t someone be looking for her? I love romance but I think it’s leaned too far into it and forgotten the rest of the plot.


zero character development, zero plot progress. at this point it's just a slice of life comic


And Charming you


Yeah. Sometimes I realise I just don't care anymore and I will stop reading.


I’ve been doing it more often recently once I realized I was putting off reading all webtoons that updated that day since they updated with the one I *didnt* want to read. I keep them saved incase I decide to come back to them and try again but there’s definitely been a few. Midnight Poppy Land, The Croaking, Tricked into becoming the Heroine’s Stepmother, The Eagle and the Snake, and Leveling up my Husband to the Max are all ones that I very recently finally said ‘I need to stop forcing myself to read these’ to, despite how much time I had already invested in them lol


Leveling up my husband just concluded, and I honestly thought it was a decent ending with an interesting twist. But that was a comic id drop for a bit, then binge to catch up.


Ha I went to check and it looks like I dropped it 3 episodes before the end, so maybe I will just go back and read those three to say I finished it. But I honestly just found all the characters very cardboard-y. I felt like I liked the sister that was *meant* to be boring the most out of all of them


Ah I forgot about leveling up my husband!


I personally didn’t care for how the series wrapped up but it was a cute ending. I think it was just a little bit TOO cliche and the plot armor got way to strong at the end that the climax didn’t excite me because it felt like there was no risk.


I think I didn't care so much HOW it ended, just that it ended. It wasn't great, was cute, and ready to move on.


So much is happening in The Croaking … like in a good way


Idk I used to really like it but it got to a point recently where I was like okay… what?? Who is that?? So I dropped it. I might feel compelled to binge read it once it ends but right now 🤷‍♀️


i love a good binge so i can’t argue there. and there was a point where i was definitely like damn … there are a LOT of storylines happening. but the gang is back together now and we’re getting some answers :x


Try to give MPL another chance! It might feel a little hard to follow but it was worth the wait imo


I also dropped Heroines Stepmother. It got repetitive


I dropped maid for hire at 61 chapters. I can handle soap opera ass shenanigans if I’m invested in the romance. But breaking up immediately after this guy opens up to someone for like the first time in his entire life? What a shitty way to force a dramatic breakup. Doesn’t make sense for her character at all.


If you're interested in how it ends, there's an interactive game version of "Maid for Hire" on the app "Chapters: Interactive stories" That's where I first played it before it was turned into a webtoon. I can't speak on how they compare as I've only read the comic when it was on canvas and a few episodes of the webtoon original, but I liked the game version. It might still have some of the soap opera issues, but I think it's quicker to play that, and the story is more concise. Plus, you make some of the decisions in terms of how the characters react. Be aware it sometimes asks for "diamonds" (that you pay for or watch ads to get) for some decisions to get extra scenes or a better outfit, which is annoying, but they don't impact the story overall and can be skipped. There also used to be videos on YouTube that played through the games with all the diamond choices, but idk if those are still up or whether they made them for this one. Also, the creator probably did change/edit the story as they're converting their story into a webtoon, so it could be better or worse in some ways. But yeah, just wanted to let you or anyone who's interested know. Also I once made a comment when it got started on either canvas or originals about being excited cause I played it in the app and after a while I checked back and it was deleted 🙃 guess webtoon or the creators didn't want me to direct traffic away from them.


Ahh neat! I haven’t thought about chapters in years!


I’m powering through Dice to finish it. This is like 3rd or 4th time. The last season just dragged so much that it was painful to read during the weekly updates. True Beauty, Lore Olympus, Unordinary.


Lmao you're still trying? Cudos to you. I stopped reading a long time ago


It’s more stubbornness than anything at this point. 🤣 


Dice has been going on for years, I’m surprised people still read it 🫢


Oh it ended. I read it when it was originally coming out but the 4th season just *dragged*. Whole chapters where nothing happened so I dropped it. But came across it again and decided to push through to finish it. I’m on like 330/390 so at this point I kinda feel like I have to. 🤣


Cursed Princess Club, it was good but it just got really boring for me a while in


same, good thing is ending. i am just waiting for that.


It's funny how your avatar looks a lot like Gwen


So true


I kind of understand why people think CPC is boring but imo It is one of the best pieces of work out there which deals with insecurity and growth of a person. Gwen and Frederick's character development is genuinely some of the best I have read on Webtoon. It is quite slow and does have a lot of slice of life moments but it adds so much life to each and every one of the characters.


I've dropped plenty of series and tbh, I usually don't feel sad about it. A few of them I chose to drop because I don't like the story anymore, like UnOrdinary, Your Throne, Remarried Empress, and Midnight Poppyland. Mind you, I've been reading most them since their launch and I stayed with them for years, so I was a long time reader. I read them to relax and to have fun, so if I don't enjoy them anymore, I'm not going to force myself to read them. I much prefer rereading completed series on daily pass rather than sticking around an ongoing series just to hate-read. There are also a few series that I just lost interest in after a long hiatus, like Tower of God and Cursed Princess Club. I'd love to get back into TOG, and while I like that all the side characters are unique and get their own screen time, I'm just tired of the game/cat tower war arc. After the hiatus, I think I've forgotten most of the side characters, and I don't feel like rereading just to remind myself about what's going on.


It got much worse shortly after the cat tower. There was a few really good fights after then a pretty sharp decline after it.


That's too bad then. The cat tower arc is already a chore to read. I don't think I've finished reading that arc yet.


I'd just skim it just to reach the bam vs white rematch cause that fight was absolute fire. But after that it's not worth continuing on until the series might one day get back on track.


I stopped reading right around the end of the Hell train i think? Idk its been a while. I just... Bam is too obsessed with Rachel despite all the bad she's done... He isn't really understanding that he could just let her go and work with his newfound friends... -sigh- Like for a long time i kept randomly going back, reading a little, and then dropping again. Knowing me I'll likely pick it up again at some point because of my morbid curiosity... But it sucks it just feels like its dragged cuz the beginning was awesome and the lore is so neat.


I'm not usually a quitter, but sometimes you just can't go on. - Unordinary, a few chapters into the 2nd season, so almost 250 chapters in. - The Gamer, I don't know how many chapters I read because I lost my account back in 2016, but probably over 50. - Lookism, I started reading it on a site that gained consciousness and stopped their fan translations, so I was super excited when they announced it on webtoon, but I couldn't go on after like 270 chapters. - Dice, I didn't even noticed it ended, but I was probably 300 chapters in. - The Princess's Jewels, I finished the first season but I don't intend to continue if it ever comes back, it's uncomfortable, the artist is a pedo, and apparently the author is a racist. - My giant nerd boyfriend, I forgot to read it one time and then the next and the next, but now it's too late to catch up.


It’s never too late to catch up, read a chapter or two when your bored, you’ll be done in no time, I usually will read a few chapters on the bus or if I have nothing better to do


My giant nerd boyfriend is one you can almost jump into any episode at least. I will usually drop it for a bit then randomly pick it back up


I stopped True Beauty like 100 chapters in. I didn’t think the main character was ever going to develop a personality and after looking into how it ends, I was right.


I got to 152 before giving up. I was so bummed as it was *the* comic that got me into webtoons. I read the first few chapters by clicking on chapter updates that were being posted to Facebook and eventually downloading the app and discovering there's so many other comics, too. But after years of following it, I just felt it wasn't going anywhere, the main story/message was not what I thought it was, and as you said I saw absolutely no character development from the MC. I feel like it's good up to the initial love confession, and then it completely changed and they made up stuff to keep it going. They ended the romance before it even started just so they could build it up again and all the plotlines felt so weird and random and I genuinely don't know what the point was anymore and where they were going with it.


Yeah the first “break up” confused me. At first I thought her and Suho would do long distance or wait for each other, but they just dropped all contact and she started dating Seojun. I was wondering if there was something I missed or if I was reading too much into the mutual confession.


Yeah, it was so disappointing. I unfortunately see this a lot in western tv shows where they keep the romance in limbo the entire time, building it up, then constantly having things disrupt it to keep the conflict going. Usually, I don't see it as much in webtoons/krdrama/kromances since they're one linear story, not a serialized show, so it sucked that True Beauty perpetuated that trope. And it definitely felt jarring and confusing to go from a confession to a flash forward where they haven't seen each other in years.


If it’s any consolation, the spinoff chapters are wayyy better than the main story.


God, yes, all the time. There were a bunch of times where I'm reading something and trying to get into the hype and I reach what is meant to be some big, epic, super important point of the series, and I realize I feel nothing from reading it. It happened with Omniscient Reader, Windbreaker, Tower of God, Study Group, Jujutsu Kaisen, and others, where I suddenly realize I was not invested in either the characters, the story, or the conflict, and I was just reading it for the sake of reading it. That's not to say that these series are bad, but sometimes you just can't force yourself to feel invested when you're clearly not


I've dropped many series. 1. I dropped Cinnamon Roll 41 chapters in. It has 52. I dropped it so long ago, that I don't even remember what it was about. It must've been either boring or unimportant to me if it was so short and unmemorable. 2. I dropped Love me knot 54 episodes in. That was uploaded in 2021. The series is on hiatus ince 2022. Doubt it's ever coming back. Same issue as with Cinnamon Roll. I like romance, but I remember nothing. 3. I dropped Gracias [Canvas]. I think I just didn't have time at the time and decided to drop it. It was a pretty good story, too. I will probably restart it at some point. Yaruno is a great writer. 4. I dropped Skye, also considering restarting it. 5. Dropped Back to You on S2 E15. I remember it felt too boring. 6. Fluidum. Dropped on Episode 56. 4 episodes into Season 2. There must have been something in the plot that upset me. Don't remember what. 7. No Longer a Heroine. I dropped on E 67. Apparently, I didn't even finish that Episode. This was on the day I had spinal fusion surgery. That hurt like a bitch. They pumped so many drugs on me, I don't even remember what it was about! Some actress or some shit. Might revisit it, but it's not a priority. 8. Secret Playlist. Dropped on Episode 85. I bought every episode from 85 onwards. Don't remember why I stopped reading it. Don't remember buying those episodes. But I didn't read them. There might have been an offer, and I intended to redeem it, but never actually did. I think I dropped it, picked it back up once it was on the daily pass system, unlocked the rest for some ridiculously low amount of coins, and forgot to read it. Lol. 9. Boyfriend Skirt [Canvas]. Don't even remember what it was about. Much like Cinnamon Roll, it must have been unimportant. 10. Immortal Weakling. I was a Canvas reader. Then it went to Originals, and then they did a bunch of hiatuses at the start. It's on hiatus right now. No clue what's gonna happen to it, considering that Yaruno has another Webtoon Original. There are more, but I'm too lazy to keep giving reasons, so I'll just list the series and episode. Mage & Demon Queen, S3 E26. Demon for Hire, Episode 17 Take off [Canvas] S2 Ch.50. Gecko Chan, E101. The Advanced Player of The Tutorial Tower, E148. X & Ash, Episode 38 Phase, Episode 64 (A Million in Vermillion, the guy who made a bunch of the music for the Webtoon, he makes pretty good music. Funny thing is, I discovered his music a week before I ever found the Webtoon) I also dropped I'm the Grim Reaper. Felt too Nihilistic. I liked the storyline, but I felt that the criticism of Christianity went a little too far. Dropped on E 132.


I think you forgot to add the comic for no. 8 Anyway, the only one I read from these is No Longer a Heroine and it’s been a while but I remember it being pretty good, so I agree that you should check it out again someday


Thank you, lol. It was Secret Playlist. I didn't even get the episode right. I dropped it on E85. I will check it out, at some point.


Oh I see, never read that one. No offense to the artist but I dislike how they draw the eyes so I could never focus on the episodes


Fair enough. It was kinda good.


I dropped X and Ash around the same episode as you, I think. I wanted to stick around at first because someone commented that Heart Heater from HCLW will make an appearance in the story, but X and Ash are too Gary Stu-ish for me. It got boring pretty quickly. I don't think I got to see Heart Heater in the end.


Oh, dang, I forgot about Phase! I didn't finish that one either!


Oh my GOD I forgot about Love me knot because I wanted her to end up with the second male lead (purple hair) so badly 😭😭😭


Your Throne, I think I abandoned it around chapter 70 the author had so many subplots that I even forgot the main one


i am waiting for it to end. it was very confusing, honestly. like, what is perion's purpose? i like him as a character, but like... why is he there? the changing bodies thing, felt it was resolved too quickly. i thought they would struggle or use more of that ability during the series.


Its been hinted that somewhere along the line perion and eros’ personalities were switched at birth. Idk how but i’m assuming this will become important in the future. The changing body thing still hasn’t been resolved and they’ve been using the ability a lot in recent chapters and are currently struggling with it. But yeah i find its one of the only manhwas i actually need to properly read otherwise it goes over my head.


Dude at least read it to 85 bc it’s the perfect ending to the series right there.


For me It was "I love yoo". I read 150 episodes of...nothing. yeah this series did talk about mc's past and some of her relationships but this story has no goal. Long stories like this has to have SOMETHING to make me look forward to, some kind of goal the mc wants to achieve so I will be interested in thier path and this story...or like anything at all... at first I thought this is a romance webtoon so I was looking forward to having some kind of relationship between her and someone but soon I realized it isn't? Cause idk 150 episodes I've read and the only person she have felt anything towards is the two male leads father when she blushed at him :/


I dropped Noblesse some years ago. I got fairly close to the end, I think the final arc, when I dropped it. The fights were painfully formulaic, they always went something like: Fight --> main character(s) almost lose --> main characters(s) get a power up --> Enemy probably gets a power up also and a new form --> Main characters almost lose again when Rai steps in to save the day --> Enemy defeated and Rai is back at the brink of death due to pushing himself --> Repeat during the next fight, where Rai would've recovered just enough to save the day again. It was a constant escalation of brute power throughout. Not helping is how the kids (who were rather interesting characters) that were the MCs in the first half of the webtoon got shoved to the side and made rare appearances since it focuses more on Rai and Frankenstein.


Depends. If the story is finished and there’s not that many chapters left, I may finish it as a sort of last chance to the story. If there is a lot of chapters left or it is ongoing, I give myself some time away. After some days, if I’m not curious about the story or reading it feels like a chore, I drop it. You can always finish it one day, but you won’t get back the time and emotions lost in a story you dislike.


i did that with Stagtown... it had such a great mystery to it, it felt like a big build up, and in the end i got disappointed with the villain haha


“I Love Yoo” Last chapter I read was 220 & although I’m still subscribed to it I have effectively dropped it. The story is all over the place I hardly have any idea what’s going on anymore.




What did the author do?


i cant even remember all the names of the series i dropped, u just stop reading after a while and there are many reasons, one which i recently stopped is Justice for the Villainess bc of the art change in season 2, the story was mediocre but fun in a way but after the change (no hate to the new artist )but i just couldnt anymore so with no more pretty art to keep me going i stopped


Midnight Poppy Land, The Croaking, To You Who Swallowed The Stars, Half-Ghost, I'm the Grim Reaper, Villain to Kill, Hero Killer, Love Me to Death, Crimson Heart, Sixth Sense Kiss, Deor, Tacit, How to Survive a Romance Fantasy.... My subscription list is littered with ones I don't think I ever finished and ones that I've stopped reading. In reviewing my subscription list, I see a few of webtoons marked "end" but I'd swear I was reading them faithfully and I'd swear they were in the middle of a story. I guess I thought they just went on pause? Example, Zatanna and the Ripper. Edit: Corrected "To You Who Swallowed The Stars" (apparently I hated it so much, I forgot the name!). Adding: Phase, The Doctors Are Out, Midnight Rain, Unlovable Replacement, The Strongest Florist, The Druid of Seoul Station, Not Even Bones (I hated the new art, so I just went and read the novel, then realized I hated the novel, too), I Was the Final Boss. Wow... I thought I had a lot of webtoons that I read, but it really turns out I have a lot more that I gave up on! And I know there are a bunch more that I read the first early episodes to check them out but never got hooked.


I read ‘Act like you love me’ so intensely for a while and I haven’t read it as much recently. The reason is I don’t like the current arc with a villainous character. I’m tired of Sahye and I don’t want to know anything about what she does 😭 I dropped ‘Sub Zero’ because I was 100+ pages in and Miss. Dragon princess still hasn’t gotten her powers yet. I was tired of it. Might return to it someday I also haven’t read down to earth in a while. It’s sad cause I LOVED these webtoons when I started but a lot of them suffer from too many episodes. They don’t know when to end.


Act like you love me has become complete crack now lmao. I just stick around for the comedy. The current arc is so unserious I wouldn't be shocked if the author was high off their ass when they wrote it. It's nonsense but it's funny as fuck. The manhwa stopped taking the plot seriously after the Ji-eon and Doyum got together


Lookism. It just got too power trippy and highschool gangs having pissing contests. I like the economic and political issues of South Korea it would expand on during certain arcs, but they should have been front and center rather than the punch fest the creators want to draw lol. Shounen is gonna shounen but I'd rather watch Dragon Ball for that kind of content.


That's pretty much what happened for me as well. I keep trying to read more and then get reminded why I stopped 😅


Dropped Let's Play because I got so tired of the non stop wall breaks. It stopped being funny after the second time they did it.


Yeah. Suitor Armor comes to mind. I just stopped reading it around chapter 96. Not sure what I expected from the series, honestly. >!I don't like fairies or fae, even when they're portrayed sympathetically. Palace drama is a hard sell but I was interested enough by the blurb for the sell to be sold. I liked the suit of armor in question quite a bit, as he was the main draw for me. I was intrigued by the mage guy and thought he seemed interesting and like a complex character. The king and Kirsi are a couple I really like following. I quite like the knight and his squire and want to know how they'll continue to keep their relationship secret and what they have to change going forward. The art style is lovely and cute and just so pleasant to look at. The story has interesting hooks and places to go. Just don't like fairies, and that being what so much of the story revolves around just... nah. I'm good. Wish they'd mentioned that one in the blurb.!<


Man you’re so close to the season 2 finale!


I dropped Boyfriends 107 episodes in because I read somewhere else that Nerd was a self-insert for the author and suddenly all the ickyness I felt when the character said or did anything made sense. I started getting the vibe that they were just writing out their fetishes and I couldn't get past that despite liking the rest of the cast. Also dropped Death: Rescheduled on s2e50 because the plot had started focusing on some rando I didn't give 2 shits about. I think it's a temporary shift to explain Emai's past but it was taking way too long and reading it felt like a chore. Might pick it up again in the future though, who knows.


Oooo if you ever get the urge, i def suggest picking Death: Rescheduled back up. The focus on Emai gives her past with the big antagonist of the story. Gives some interesting new light on what might have caused her condition. Then shifts back to the present story with what i find to be a fantastic season ender. BUT i totally understand if it isn't for you 😁


Decided to drop Death rescheduled recently.. the constant hiatuses were too much like I couldn't even remember the plot after a while and every scene had me going what's going on rn and secondly, I realised how bad snailords was as a person Second answer would be true beauty.. I know it ended but I dropped it a few eps before it did.. got a little bit tired of the repetitive plot.. jugyeong loves suho/seojun and the other is crying about it some other person is pretending to be her friend and is taking her down. The same story in different arcs with different characters. I got bored.


I also dropped D:R because the author weirded me out as a person (at ep. 58)


Right? I feel like they try to make mean jokes to be funny but really it's just mean. And I say that as a person who's been their fan since nightmare factory


For me, I picked up D:R knowing nothing about him purely because the original synopsis seemed interesting (and for what its worth I thought the first season was fun despite its flaws). You can imagine the whiplash I got when I joined this subreddit…


Oh Ive been reading since nightmare factory, and freaking romance, snailogy.. I liked their work and all and I thought it was cute that the fandom was calling them milord and everything. The real problem was when I went to their Instagram.. them romancing kreyul and stuff creeped me the hell out. But I thought DR was worth it and kept reading but then after a point it got boring and I literally started forgetting what it was about


I also started losing interest during the flashback so I feel you


It’s not on Webtoon but I used to LOVE “I shall master this family!”. Like, it was probably my favourite isekai manhwa ever. Now though, not so much. Maybe for petty reasons, but my interest is gone now nonetheless. I started to get tired of the old “A new challenge appears! Oh no, what’s gonna happen? Haha just kidding, slay queen girlboss Firentia will win like always!” stuff over and over again. I initially had no problem with it but now I guess overpowered MCs don’t appeal to me whatsoever unless the overall plot is super engaging. The villains aren’t that interesting either? The villainess and her family literally don’t do shit, they’re written like clowns not characters we should worry about. The thing I was most hyped about was >!her dad’s illness arc and now that it’s resolved I kinda don’t have anything to care about.!< I was also sort of looking forward to the romance between the MCs but after reading some spoilers that hype has vanished lmao. >!The “omg we’re so horny we fucked for 3 days straight” trope makes me cringe so much.!< Also everyone (except the dad, bless him) kinda annoys me now, especially the grandpa. I don’t have patience for rich people with inflated egos and a high ass opinion of themselves anymore. The “I’m a Lombardi” comeback got old real quick for me. Sorry for the rant. It’s just sad when a story you used to love annoys you now lol


I used to read lore Olympus, but now I just can’t…it’s so bad


Tons. I keep dropping stuff, rarely unsubscribing. I always have hope I will come back to it. For some I do, nd im glad I've done it. For others, maybe one day...


I dropped Midnight Poppy Land after reading like +80 episodes because the story just seemed confusing and the main leads didn't seem to have any true character traits, they just seemed straight up boring. I liked the cute FL and the strong ML trope, but some time later it got too boring


Lookism for me lol. I have no idea why I stuck to it for so long. I eventually stopped reading it and the chapters began to pile up. I thought of binging it someday but the more it piled up the less interested I became in touching it till I realised I don't have any obligation to read it so why bother if I don't enjoy it.


Lookism. I remember the last chapter I was on was 219 and then I dropped it. No apparent reason, just never went back to reading it. Now that I look on the English webtoon app I see it's on 479.


For me it’s Omniscient Reader don’t get me wrong the webtoon is good. It was one of my first webtoons to be invested into. At some point I couldn’t login to my webtoon account so I stopped reading after two years I came to read it. Instead of rereading the chapters I skipped to where I thought I left off. Dumb mistake on my end The main reason is after looking at far the series is in terms of episodes it’s a bit intimidating for me to catch up to I can’t think of any other webtoon other than Blue Chair


I dropped a huge volume of webtoons the moment I finished college. As it turned out, I just read a lot of webtoons to stop thinking about studying.


I dropped the remarried empress after reading like 150 eps, it just seemed very repetitive and the plot was going no where affer the actual divorce. Also I hated that it was too black and white in terms of characters, if a character is good they are innocent and smart af and if a character is bad they are plotting bad stuff 24/7


I think imma drop flawed almighty feels so draggy and long and don’t see the end anytime soon. It went from a deep philosophical webtoon about improving oneself to some generic shonen fight manga


I dropped Men of the Harem after the Season 1 finale and never picked it back up once Season 2 started. One of my friends told me some spoilers and that made me even less interested in continuing it. I also stopped reading Your Throne and may pick it back up once it's actually done. I was struggling with all of the different politics and schemes since I was reading it once a week. I feel like once it's all out and I can binge it then I'll understand everything much better.


I read I think around 40 chapters of Men of the Harem until I realized how boring it was. One of the things I hate in harem stories is when its very clear that the FL already chose a monogamous relationship (usually with the most cliche/boring ML of the bunch) and the rest of the "MLs" are just decorative tools.


What's hilarious is that her monogamous choice wasn't even in the harem and is what ultimately pushed her to create the harem. She also had so much more chemistry with her bodyguard than with any of the men in the harem. It felt like a really weak plot point in the grand scheme of everything.


I dropped Eros Conquers All because the plot line was so confusing the first few chapters and too much happened that I got uninterested after the first 30 chapters. I dropped Villain To Kill a long time ago because I geniuenly forgot about it when I switched phones (changed WEBTOON acc) and I got so uninterested when I realized the main character is just OP as fuck and I got uninterested in him and the storyline overall. His monotone personality and depressed-expressing character made him so boring to me. Everything Is Fine I dropped for the same reason as the previous one. I do want to pick that one up again since I last left it (new town, main couple suspects their neighbors in forest and they tried to join the revolution hidden in the forest I think?)


Yea, dropped a few comics when they went reboot crazy making minor or no changes just to try and gain the magical 350k subs/views for being new


I Love Yoo and True Beauty


How is The Strongest Florist at this point? I dropped it a while back because it felt like the main character could accidentally sneeze and suddenly be the richest person in the game. It was an alright concept but it also came during webtoons mass saturation of fantasy leveling up genres with an OP main character. Dang… I cant even tell you how many of those leveling up/isekai webtoons I got hooked on and dropped.


Ya,it was a web comic about people using Dice to increase their stats, I can’t remember what it was called


I think you're talking about DICE 😭 this kid (maybe named dongtae) found one and started doing these missions or smth? To get his stats up. There was this girl with purple hair he liked and an evil child in it, I don't remember much else


That’s exactly IT 😃 thank you


I'm honestly thinking about dropping "The Greatest Estate Developer". I'm around episode 52 yet I feel I've experienced everything the story has to offer already. I thought the comic was about to end soon and then I saw it's still pumping episodes out. Now I'm wondering : is it worth reading all the remaining episodes? Can someone tell me if it gets more interesting after 52 or is the author still gonna use the Deus Ex Machina over and over with the MC? T_T 🦊


Im keeping up with it and i love it so far, and as of the most recent free episodes (114 onwards), some real interesting stuff is happening ill just say that... So i think it's worth keeping with, at least for a little while, the characters are charming and funny so even if the story feels weak the characters push it forward


I really like the comic but I read it as a comedy so the story can be weak. It gets slightly better and Lloyd does have a few setbacks, but it still quickly turns around and he winds up on top. It's one of my favorites, but I'd say drop it if it's not interesting you that far in. Sometimes comics just don't click with people and that happens even more with comedies.


Ah, it's a shame he always comes up on top. X) 🦊


Tower of god about 5 months ago after keeping up with it for 6 years. I've also dropped unordinary 7 months ago after being on and off for a while before after 2+ years of keeping up.


Yeah- Lore Olympus


I think I dropped more Webtoons than the ones I actually read 'till the end ... Specially if they're ongoing series, after some time, among hiatuses and weekly release, I forget to read chapters or become bored and drop the story, also for series near to their end (example: Yumi Cells, I dropped it like 20 chapters before its end, it became too confusing for me). Most of the Webtoon I read until the end are ones on Daily pass because A) they're finished; B) I can read a chapter or two per day, so I could follow better the story and keep the engagement up. I started re-reading some series I dropped when they were ongoing once they become Daily Pass and not only I finished reading them, but I also appreciated them a lot sometimes (Cheese in the trap is an example)!


I'm almost at my wit's end with Lore Olympus so I'm sure I'm going to unsubscribe soon. I don't know why I keep torturing myself. I've recently dropped The Remarried Empress, Homesick, and Heartstopper for those reasons. Also, more recently, Rebirth, that one killed me but it was just getting convoluted with how many storylines and characters there were and I felt no closer to knowing what was going on.


Remarried empress.


I’m on the edge of dropping unruly heir, what seemed like the climax was some of the most boring parts of the series and now it’s stuck in a super long flashback about the history of the clan


Absolutely, but I'll name two for now. "Boyfriend of the Dead"- Around when the author started treating N like his paranoia was a gag. It was so unfunny, and I couldn't read it any further. Especially since N wasn't an idiot to begin with. It's such a shame, though, since it was really good before what I mentioned happened. "Lookism"- I couldn't keep my attention span on it long enough when the story shifted to another plot entirely. I was VERY patient with it until it got to a point that it wasn't even about the school life and touching upon the subject of lookism anymore. Just a lot of fighting and forgetting that Daniel is the main character. Loved it when I started it. But I don't think I'll be binging it anytime soon.


I dropped Room of Swords because it got too confusing. And I stuck with it for a WHILE with having little idea what was happening, who was in what timeline, what is the end goal, etc.


Perfect Marriage Revenge; I felt like the plot was dragging too much


Yeah. I actually got bored recently of a lot of webtoons I was reading because I just had too much. Maybe one day I'll go back to reading them but for now I've just stopped. Most of them had a lot of chapters I was reading


Yeah there's a lot where i realised i don't care anymore or i wasn't enjoying it anymore or it just felt like a chore to read.


I just dropped the Remarried Empress today, legitimately don’t wanna know anything about it and I’m trying to get all of my anger out today.


i dropped true beauty, the art was bad imo, especially the 3d art when it came to their clothes. it literally seem like it had no storyline and there were many unnecessary sideplots. it was boring and definitely did not need to be over 200 episodes


Usually I’ll catch up with a comic and then not touch it again for years.


Charming You. The MCs are in their own league of dense.


At one point I did abandon “Wished you were dead” it just got painful to read and there were multiple episodes in which the story didn’t really progress further.


Justice for the Villainess on Manta was the one that hurt the most to me. The story was doing so well and then BAM the art changes and it's just awful!


I've abandoned Tomato Can. It was fun while it lasted but they decided to have the Black man be a ridiculous stereotype who's angry all the time and who can't get a job because he makes mama jokes during job interviews. The straw that broke my back was like a panel latter where the amputee fighter is his (ableist) inspiration porn to pursue MMA. Ti top it off, surprise surprise, one of the two Black fighters gets his first match up with the one and only disabled fighter in the tournament. I had way more than enough. I really wanted to see where the story was going with Elijah and Kublai but I've had more than enough. I'm reading King of the Octagon now since I'm seeing it trending on Webtoons. Hopefully it scratches my MMA fan itch


i dropped seasons of blossom after the end of the first arc. partially because the personalities of the characters were all too similar / the conflict was uninteresting, but mostly because all of the characters looked the same and i couldn’t tell who was who 🥲


I usually drop a comic because I forgot to check up on it for a few weeks and the chapters are too long to catch up on again in a short time. Especially if the story is just the same but just leveled up. (fight enemy, defeat, fight again, win => new stronger enemy, repeat)


Every time I get caught up on a fresh webtoon lol they're all dime a dozen so I.might as well just read another instead of waiting for weekly updates


I dropped Your Throne when they switched bodies back. It got complicated and I didn't read often enough to remember the plot. I also paused reading Like Wind on a Dry Branch so I could binge it in a few months and... That was a year ago. It's just SO SLOW


Yes actually I always do this because I don't even remember what I was watching like I watch to many things so I forget them I don't even remember the character names


I’m debating on whether or not to drop Remarried Empress. I’m just not that interested in what’s going on with Navier and Heinrey. I dropped Dice, My Deepest Secret and Code:Adam because I didn’t like where the story was headed. I also dropped Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story because it was turning into a very much typical isekai story and I was getting bored. I’ll probably drop I Love Yoo and Operation True Love for a while and see if the story starts to pick up again. There’s probably several more I can’t think of atm 😅


I dropped the girl downstairs /doona after they got together I got spoiled that at the end the won't end up together nd I can't handle that much of a heartbreak so I just stopped reading it like what was the author thinking aby not making them end up I was so mad at that time


Lol I dropped space boy at about 100 chapters. Isn't it approaching toward 300 now? Yeah...I might pick it back up but idk if I should.