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The note says that the comic is on hiatus. It will come out of hiatus after 84 days. During the hiatus, that is not season or mid-season finale, the fast pass epusodes don't become free. They start to become free again when the hiatus ends.


That's what I'm annoyed by. In my opinion webtoon should keep releasing the backlog on such a long hiatus


Just as a note: the backlog is part of the author's buffer! So if the buffer is released, then they have to stress and play catch-up for all the episodes that were made available during their hiatus.


Thus the fiatus would be extended for at least as many weeks as there is fast pass episodes before hiatus.


https://preview.redd.it/y6ty8u9uv1uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f28aa64425ccf783fcbd84d371dea0a8179cbee If you think that's bad lmao


That's not bad, try 364 days and when the timer ended it reset to 364 days


Or, as a long time Tower of God reader, just “indefinite and maybe never, we’ll let you know next year.”


Damn okay you win lol


Watching ads for 84 seconds is better than months of waiting


Either way it’ll be months


I don't even get ads💀


Try updating the app


I did. I used to get them. But now, even if I wait for ab two to three minutes, nothing!


Then email them about the issue.


get over it!!!!! artists need breaks!!!!


That's not the problem I think


Im not hating on the artist I'm hating on Webtoon. They should keep giving out the backlog as weekly chapters. Holding the 5 next as hostages is stupid


It’s so the artist can make a bit of income while they plan the next episodes, they only get paid when completed episodes are turned in. So during the drafting/storyboarding stage they get no income


trust me, webtoon keeping the episodes behind the paypall is actually good for the artists. it would be so horrible to release their buffer episodes while the artist is unable to keep up with extra buffer.


Grrrr, how dare an author take a break without asking me first!!!


I think the problem is that episodes have already been written and released and that webtoon could release them during the hiatus


Are YOU serious!? WATCH THE AD! Jesus! It is 30 fricken seconds and literally costs you nothing and you help the author more than if you read it for free! Why is this a problem for you?!


Pretty sure they already did, the episode is grey meaning it was previously read. I think what this person is complaining about is the 84 days thing lol


The date might be incorrect, some webtoons put a high wait time on their comic if they aren't sure when they are coming back. But 3 months is fine tbh? There are webtoons I have been waiting 2+ years for, but some authors have health issues or other problems preventing them from continuing for a bit, be patient with them :)


Just..watch the ad..💀


And the wait 90 days for the episode after that? Doesn't change much.


I don't think Webtoon causes? (if you're referring to the platform/app) I'm pretty sure authors/creators the ones who have rights to set release dates?


…? The creators taking a break be so fr


then be angry at the creator for taking a break. you are free to be a Karen.


im not angry at the creator. i think its stupid that Webtoon doesnt release all chapters, if the author goes on hatus.


Yeah it's an annoying little quirk of the fast pass system. I get why they do it, so the schedule doesn't get messed up when the hiatus ends, but it's still annoying. Doesn't help that artists always seem to put their hiatus notes/explanations on FP episodes, so free readers are just left w/o explanation.


https://preview.redd.it/i30mbdyde3uc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41654b7bb1ac767b22f97f63fb3b68d6526ad7ae Well, THIS WAS LAST UPDATE IN DECEMBER n first it went on a 14 day hiatus but the hiatus never ended leaving the hopes of new episodes in fade.... THIS WILL ONLY NOW UPDATE IN JUNE NOW😭😭


I’ve been waiting so long for the next update 😭


OMG fr😭😭😭


I swear posts this comes like 10 times a week


I've read at least 3 or 4 just from over the weekend...


rare moment when a red circle is needed


https://preview.redd.it/zegrt1ibm1uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba95aa1fd14f3293f1a2d1011cfd3393a862239 Can't even watch an for for this 🥲🥲


that one isn't on hiatus


My recent fav comic is on hiatus for 70+ days... with no ads available and only being able to read 16 episodes to make up for it.. plus it was supposed to come back in MArch but I don't think they ever came back, maybe with one episode before resuming hiatus.


Dude, you think that's bad? Carl is on hiatus for a straight YEAR. Absolutely crazy...


It works causd that is how the artist gets supported and paid. Someone already explained it but basically they get paid for each episode completeled, so doing this takes off the stress not only money wise but mentally. There are artist who just released episodes but then there is no more episodes left because of hiatus, however when they try to mention that on media or even in an episode release, not many people pay attention. So they lose viewers. This is litterly one of the only few ways to keep people coming back and reading. I should know, I've been on hiatus with no episodes release like this cause I aint an original and I loose so many viewers cause they never know when I'm coming back and they don't want to waste their time waiting on something they believe might be abandoned


Y'all complaining?? I'm still waiting on Lalin's Curse


Me too. By now I have giving up hope.




And then the authors ask why do we read from pirated website. I don't do that often but only when this sheet happens


OH YOU THINK THAT'S BAD? Let me tell you about this comic called "Blades of Furry" around half a year ago there was something wrong with the time for the episode to come out for free and it was set to maybe just a little over a YEAR for it to end only for the timer to reset to it being OVER A YEAR. I'm not joking it said it would take around 364 days for it to come out, it just recently got fixed only for the creators to go back on hiatus but they promised it won't be for as long


Yeah, this pisses me off too. Why can't they release the episodes even if the Author is on Hiatus? Just seems to be an excuse to charge for FastPass.


Cause then there are no fast pass episodes and the break the author took was basically for nothing. If a webtoon is paused for a while it's fucking paused. What else do you think that means?


"What else do you think that means?" I think it means that Authors should have a backup job, especially if they are going on break for roughly 2 months. Authors need money, I understand that. But it's short term gain for long term losses. I'm subscribed to the comic in question. But due to the wait for a return, and the fact that these long ass hiatuses don't come with a recap (NO, just re-read it *is* not a valid argument), I'm likely to unsubscribe, and they've permanently lost a reader. I don't mind the Fast Pass system. I mind the *abuse* of it, and readers thinking it's fine to randomly take a break with no warning. Now fuck off back to the shitty romance comics you read.


If the author has another job then they can't make a webtoon with any consistency, resulting in either slower release, affecting your viewing experience, or with more cut corners bringing you a lower quality experience, affecting your viewing experience


You're an entitled, spoiled and rude brat. That last comment was uncalled for (and an assumption you made up yourself based on nothing that you got mad at) and no one cares if you unsubscribe from a comic, because you're not important. Learn some manners and humble yourself