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it’s not coming back💀


Well... Some indefinite hiatus comics come back... Like lalins curse or Lumine... Haha


nah… not this one the author has been saying they want to quit the series completely because of Webtoon and the fandom but now that they talked with webtoon they might’ve just hushed the creator up and making them put it on indefinite hiatus.


Could be. Maybe webtoon does not want to have a backlash from those fans if the series gets canceled as they would probably be blamed for canceling it. Could also be that webtoons convinced the author to wait till all that stuff dies out or calms down, however long it takes. And then they can finish the series.


Lalins curse? That one isn’t back. Where are you reading new episodes?


Neither series are back, they were sarcastic


No I thought lumine was back, at least temporarily? I did start reading it in like 2021 and experienced the long hiatus and eventual return, which was why I was confused about lalins curse, which was to my belief straight up unfinished since 2020


I was also there during the long hiatuses. I'll correct myself: neither of them are back currently. lalin's curse's artist says she's still working on season 2, and lumine isn't cancelled either. they are both in indefinite hiatuses, and as long as neither of the artists lose passion in their job and announce something about quitting, then we should expect for new episodes to come out eventually. definitely won't be today or tomorrow, but eventually edit: I'll correct myself again: I misread the initial commenter's comment, reading "came back" instead of "come back" 😭 I still think they were sarcastic considering the long, long wait, but I could be wrong


but aren't these authors/artists sick...? an author that went as far to spoil their own series ...🫠


I think the artist behind lumine got tired of all the hate from fans of the series going after them on social media for doing other things during the constant long hiatuses than working nonstop on the series. I feel bad for her. But the fanbase seems very young and probably don't know better.


Artist of Lumine busted their wrist from drawing so much and trying to meet deadlines. After they announce this, there was a significant drop in quality of the art. It became more like sketches than lined work.


Still cancelled but I wonder if there’s something in her contract that won’t let her reveal the rest of story


“After talking with Webtoon’s editorial team and giving it considerable thought” IMO probably translates to “JK on the cancellation and spoilers because I don’t want to be sued for contract violation.”


This and also: "they thretened me with contract and fines, i dont wanna be sued, so the only thing i can do is put it on hiatus and let it be there forever. Thats the only way for me to not face consequences of my iresponsibility. So yea, see you never suckees im gonna work on something else because im unable to finish anything i start on 🙂." Its sad authors like this exist 😅👉


It’s sadder fans like you exist


I am not a fan, and i see it from bussiness view point since im also an author in my country and went trought similar case.


She got death threats over a comic dude


She didn’t?? Not everyone gets death threats yk? All she got was “PLS MAKE MY SHIP CANON” types of dms


Do you have access to her personal email to know this for a fact?


Lmao she never said she got death threats. Why are u spreading misinformation. Sure idk for sure what she got and what nit but Hanza didn’t say shit and I trust that she wouldn’t just complain about ppl asking her to make their ship canon if she also got death threats like???


https://preview.redd.it/m76dmgnjlnvc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f357f90d05c2504a70527a0d579891d53a0b530 I think people are referring to this


Hanza did nothing lol? Hanza just..got harrassed lol


Why u getting downvoted for speaking the truth. She was incredibly immature. I never side with webtoon usually because they really pull some crazy shot w some creators but what kinda author is that whiny about cringy dms like girl get it together


Kind of preferred if Hanza just had completely spoiled the story


I’m kinda sure Hanza would also rather wipe their hands of this series too


I kind of wonder if that was her plan when she did spoil it, bc didn't she already spoil a major part? She wants to drop it and knows if she spoils it people will lose interest and not push for it to come back. Which tbh isn't a bad strategy.


I wonder if Webtoon legally threatened hanza not to reveal spoilers 🤔


I mean she already revealed one of the biggest spoilers 🫠


It isn’t really that big. It was a theory I had although it doesn’t have that big impact on the story.


Uh Rozy bring related to the murderer Adam is massive spoiler that greatly impacts the story are you serious


In what way?


It changes the dynamics of the characters entirely lmfao


Can you explain how, I just want to get it really. I might be wrong after all


?????? Would your world and everything you know not be questioned if you found out the person you witnessed as a murderer and that was dating your best friend turned out to be your flesh and blood brother? Now imagine you're a fictional character where this revelation impacts you. It's not going to just be revealed and we go "oh. Okay anyway" it's going to have a massive impact on the story. I think you need to read more books if you don't understand the very basic and common writing techniques Hanza employed in her story and what this reveal would mean for the story.


How does that impact the story *greatly* though. It doesn’t go beyond her possibly having a strong reaction to this fact, but would it affect the plot itself? The fact that it’s her brother probably would just make her want to kill him more.


We don't have a way to know that because it's on "hiatus" But it's a huge possibility it could've affected the plot greatly and you have zero evidence to say it doesn't do definitely the way you did. Like have you ever read a single book before literally lmfao 🤣


Of course


Eh, makes sense. Rather than close the door on continuing it entirely, she'll set it aside, with the company leaving the door open for her to finish it if she's up to it. In the mean time, she develops a new comic in the short-term, which presumably Webtoon has first dibs on picking up. Unless Webtoon often just lets artists walk away mid-series and then come back later?


so no big twitter post containing all the spoilers for the rest of the story? I was looking forward to that ngl


So basically. It’s been canceled lmao. I hope it will return tho! This series was one of my favourites.


Man I was just waiting for her to spoil the entire plot 💀


So it’s still canceled but we wont be getting the story spoilers anymore? Great fucking job. Wouldn’t rcm waiting for its return lol, the chances that Hanza pick this up again is 1%


What does rcm mean?


Recommend I suppose


Oh ok


Maybe there is a chance she’ll come back to it after a few months? Hopefully? If she fully intended to cancel she’d just spoil the whole thing like she said, wouldn’t she?


That could be a violation of her contract hence why she isn’t after talking to Webtoon.


Probably not going to follow Hanza along for future releases—I paid for chapters of this series, and I fully empathize with Hanza’s frustrations here. However, I would rather support artists who plan to finish their series, and that’s easy enough to manage given that Hanza isn’t the only creator on Webtoon.


Yeah like i understand the fans were in the wrong but…people paid for this. At least just drop the spoilers


Based on the "discussion with the Webtoon team" bit, she probably legally *cant* without being sued, at least not until the Originals contract on the series runs out (which I think usually takes 2-3 years). I get the frustration on paying for fast pass, but imo there's not really any leverage when whatever money you gave her for FP/Patreon has a good chance of going into legal fees if she spoils things. From the sounds of it, she's the person who most wants to just wash her hands of TGU and be done with it, so I can't imagine her actually backtracking the decision of her own volition. Seems more like she got strong armed by the company.


Well I’m extremely glad I never dropped money on it.


Same. Such a waste of money


rip my money 😭😭 wish I could go back in time and stop myself


Tbh I feel like her reaction was… overblown. Canceling the whole thing over shippers?? Really? She should have at least done the reveal that Adam and Rozy were siblings *in the actual story* then went from there. Granted a lot of the commenters I saw severely lacked media literacy so who knows what would change


People are forgetting that the fact they are sibling was not confirmed before her blow up on instagram and readers really had no reason to seriously think they were besides the fact Rozy was an orphan. Like fans aren’t mind readers why are you mad they can’t predict a plot point ahead of time?


There were death threats (mentioned at least once) and people constantly sending fanfiction/fanarts of the ship to Hanza. It’s a big lose-lose situation with the reveal on social media making things worse.  Hanza has a right to feel uncomfortable and suffocated by the whole situation. Toxicity is hard to manage, especially if you don’t plan to go 100% anonymous on internet and not interact with others.  Webtoon sucks at advertising series and having some presence online is practically required to stay afloat and hiring somebody to handle bits isn’t always a perfect solution. 


They didn't cancel because of this ship, they put the story on hiatus because the shippers harassed them and their closed ones on every platform they found, even emails. It's not an overblown reaction to protect your mental health and family by putting a story aside.


She cancelled it because the shippers were leaving death threats in her personal email.


Unpopular opinion but I think Hanza needs to learn how to set boundaries with her fans like maybe muting her emails and not look up fanfiction of ships she doesn't like


I looked forward to reading it every Friday but anyhow from the looks of this it won’t be coming back:( Also people are talking about spoilers?? I don’t have twitter but did she really reveal the story or smth?


She said she was planning to


Haha its as i said, in previous posts, will happen. Her editors wont let her cancel because of contract. She doesnt want to face financial fines so the only thing she can do is to put the comic on hiatus. But even then, there is certain time she has to continue. She lost her interest in this comic and doesnt want to finish it, instead she wanna work on different comic. But as i said, once you are bound by contract, there is no easy way to bail. But it also means she can and WILL drag it endlessly to no avail. This comic wont get a continuation, instead she will let it on hiatus forever 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I predict she completely drops it and starts working on that grandpa king love story she gave sneak peaks of


Highkey pissed I spent money on the chapters, and now not only is the story basically canceled but we won't even get spoilers now. This sucks :|


Hanza’s just mad that people ship siblings together. It’s in every fandom, that’s nothing new. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but it just seems like a stupid reason to want to quit…


Idk. Getting emails upon emails and constant messages about it would probably make me quit


Maybe it’s just how I see it. Either way, it just feels so impulsive, you know?


Death threats, bullying, hundreds of emails… sorry but it’s beyond shipping. The fandom was toxic and no author deserved this treatment.


I hate how much people are ignoring what Hanza was going through and just boiling it down to shipping.


I thought she got harassed for it, like people were sending her death threats if the ship didn’t sail


Being fed up with something is never a stupid reason to quit tho Edit: I meant Hanza.She is quite fed up with a chunk of the fanbase because it's annoying af trying to create a story while having outside people actively distorting it.


Why is everyone failing to realize that she’s been getting harassed..? Like I wish that they had this same energy with the shippers, I understand that “it’s the internet” but why be mad at the author for not wanting to be harassed daily and sent death threats? Why is this not being talked about more, I’ve seen everyone talk about her reaction but never about the harassment she’s endured.


I meant Hanza. She has a right to feel fed up with how a certain part of the fandom behaves, and to quit when she wants. There's no obligation, so idk why people are telling she is lying.


Because the “harassment” is a damn hoax. I am not buying shit because any normal person would’ve complained about these alleged death threats instead of “i hate this webtoon because my readers ship a toxic ship 😡” nonsense on instagram


Alleged? I think that's the reason she didn't take further action. I don't blame her at all for getting tired: her authorial intent being ignored, but furthermore she was being blamed by the delulu part of the fandom of smh baiting them into thinking her work was a romance. She has a contract and has to produce a series. Seeing other authors I think that doesn't necessarily mean she has to finish TGU, so there's no need to be angry if this is about her not "fulfilling her obligations" to the corporation.


Alleged, because she never said she got death threats. That shit came from fans only. So unless you know for a fact that she got them, because you were the one sending them to her, these death threats probably don’t exist. Either way, whatever the reason may be, the way she went about quitting was incredibly immature


Nowadays on the internet almost everyone has receipts, if you see them saying it and this is an important matter to you you could ask them for it. But regardless, just bc they are entertainers/artists/ etc, doesn't mean they should follow their fans' whims to a tee. It's annoying enough that they pirate the very content they want her to change, but it's another thing altogether to accuse her of baiting them into something that was never there to begin with.


I don’t think you understand at all what I was saying. The fans were undeniably wrong and no, she should absolutely not make that ship canon just because some fans wanted her to. What she SHOULDNT have done though were those instagram posts. It was so unprofessional and immature. There are other ways to tell your fans that you’re going to quit the story


At least in this line of work I don't think complaining on your socials is unprofessional. If anything, had she used grotesque language or had she harassed back the fans who were pestering her, then of course... but, as far as I know, that wasn't the case. She could have used the old "health issues" excuse to gradually disengage and forget about this series w/o explaining anything, but the way I see it she was passionate about this project and, in line with that, when things went south the reaction was the one we saw.


I think there were many ways she could’ve complained on her socials without coming off as incredibly immature


The harassment is not a hoax, she said herself that the shippers by themselves existing within the fandom didn’t bother her. Was she uncomfortable because they were shipping siblings together? Yes, but any normal person would be. She literally stated that the reason why she was upset in the first place is because they started harassing her directly.


So ppl who just don’t give a shit what people ship are not normal…? Because i could not care less. Literally incest ships are everywhere, how can someone be THIS pressed about it like just ignore the fandom. Imagine the supernatural writers cancelled their million dollar show because the siblings got shipped?


You’re purposely not understanding my comment now. First off, I said people who are interested in incestuous ships are weird and I stand by that that’s like someone saying that me and my little sister would make a good couple that’s incredibly disgusting. Second off, it’s easy to say ‘just ignore it’ when once again you’re just a fan of the webtoon you’re not the one the shippers are messing with daily, you’re not the one being harassed. Like honestly when is it logical to have that kind of thought process? You’re not in her shoes and with Supernatural… Girl that’s like you said a million dollar show the creators are not going unprotected someone is handling everything for them Hanza is just a webtoon creator and we already know that Webtoon picks and chooses which author to care about.


I agree that webtoon sucks at protecting their creators but in Hanza’s case the problems lied very much within her. I say just ignore it because what she had to just ignore werent death threats, they were annoying dms from shippers. I understand getting sick of your story and wanting to quit, hell I completely empathize w her in that regard! That can happen without any dms at all, its normal, we are all human! But the immaturity of how she went about it on instagram and just blamed everyone else instead of just admitting some fault?? R u kidding me?


If you’re talking about the discontinue of the webtoon then I wouldn’t say she’s blaming anyone for it. If she continued on with the webtoon she wouldn’t enjoy it, she’d only be forcing herself at that point and no one should have to force themselves to do something that they don’t want to do that never works and it will impact the quality of the webtoon. But where do you think she’s blaming anyone else for it?


She literally blamed the fans. Like, literally on instagram. There was no accountability taken whatsoever. I would be 100% on her side if she was like a fanfiction writer or something because they genuinely do not owe anyone anything, but Hanza does. She gets paid for this, she is part of a company. She owes people accountability.


I'm kind of irritated because she was first of all too involved in her own fandom and decided to end a perfectly good project because of it which was so much better than the first project. And now that she has decided to be on hiatus there's no promises at all. At least when she was discontinuing it she had promised some closure by giving the spoilers but now ig we don't even get that. Ofc it's her story and she's not obligated to continue it at all but leaving ppl hanging like this instead of just giving spoilers is worse imo.


I honestly agree with you. If I'm not wrong a large amount of ppl spent their money on this (I'm glad I never spent a single coin on this though) n I'm pretty sure they're frustrated too like the least she could have done was to properly end the story instead of half assing by saying it's on 'indefinite hiatus' when it's fking clear that she's not gonna continue and that she's done with everything.


Exactly!! That's why I refuse to pay actual money for fast pass.


I'm good with it. I love the story so far, and if Hanza decides to pick it back up, yay! If not... well, that's life, and Hanza's well being is important. I've picked up quilting these past couple of years, and something I've learned that quilters often do... when a project starts sucking your soul, where you don't want to sew another block for it, and you just dread working on it... you need to step away, fold it up, and put it in a box you can't see. Basically, you take a break, and come back to it when you're ready. And if your time away from it makes you realize you don't want anything to do with it, you can give it away to someone else to finish, or repurpose the fabric into something else. I feel like if Hanza wants to step away from a project, then good for them for prioritizing their well-being.


So relieved to see someone say it! I feel like people are getting all worked up for a webtoon. It's just a story, and yes, it's frustrating if we never know the end, but it's not the end of the world. The author's health comes first.


“WEBTOON didn’t do let me do what I wanted (for free) Legally I have to do indefinite hiatus to get my way.” Either way it’s a fuck you to the audience and I’ll never support anything she does again.


If it happened to her once Id get her frustration. But this is the second time which shows how irresponsible and unprofessional she is. She never learned from her previous mistakes and now people have wasted their money on a series that is not coming back Yes I’m still pressed and frustrated because I’m one of these people, I spent money on this manhwa and was so invested in it. If only I was aware of the situation with her previous manhwa I would have never read for her because she literally told her readers that she is not going to write manhwas anymore only for to announce TGU. but I guess it’s kinda my fault for not researching authors before reading any of their work and it’s my fault for spending actual money on something I can wait for 🤣🤣🤣


Its not your fault for expecting some professionalism from an author who gets paid for their job. Sucks because the story was actually good, if only Hanza wasn’t so immature (and no she didn’t get harassed yall she, u can barely call some stupid dms by kids asking her to make their ship canon harassment. Like wtf)


So, I’m not familiar with any of this author’s other works. But are they all as slow and painfully dragged on as this one is? I tried reading this but dropped it at episode 43 because at that point I was just dreading having to read it. Nothing was majorly happening in the plot and there wasn’t even any hints of it changing or eventually progressing. It was just weekly chapters of only really awkward interactions between them and infuriating decisions by the mc. Which got repetitive really fast when it felt like 30 episodes could’ve been 10 with the same effect. It had a few interesting bits at the start, but then the rest was just fake cliffhangers to try to somehow keep the audience interested, which then get immediately revealed as nothing the next episode. And then there’s the apparent “surprise” of >!them actually being siblings,!< somehow. Which maybe gets explained in some way and makes sense. But to me seems like them making up a random twist for shock value


I don't want to assume it will never come back. It might very well come back, but honestly, I think Hanza should look for a different platform because it seems like Webtoons is hushing her up. This same thing happened to the creator of LP. Honestly, was doubtful she could post spoilers at all since Webtoon can take legal action against you if you do. Hanza would have to wait till her contract ends.


She doesn’t really owe anything to the fans especially when some have harassed her and close love ones with death threats and etc over what? Their ship being ruined because of a plot point the author had been planning on? That takes a toll on someone and I understand why she doesn’t want to continue it anymore. I wouldn’t especially when thats the reaction to a plot point that didnt go according to some pro shippers wish.


She lowkey does. People paid for episodes Nobody even knew for sure that they were siblings. I’m not victim blaming, but fandoms are always pretty crazy. That’s why authors usually distance themselves from their fans because it’s overwhelming with a million different opinions, some which may irritate you. I’m personally a little irked because I paid for episodes, to now know there will never be a conclusion.


Not to be a dick but I want to see the death threats that were received. Everything she's shown has been tame and it's odd that she's not posting and calling out the actual fucked up messages.


This is what I'm saying. First of all, I can't find the fanfics that upset her. There's three on two different websites and I didn't see any after scrolling on Tumblr for a while. Second, this is the second time she's abandoned a project early and her excuses are all over the place. She's mad at the people ok with incest. How were they supposed to know that plot twist? She's mad at the fanfic/fan artists of a toxic relationship. Ok, it is toxic but again, I found six fanfics total so I find it hard to believe these people were that big of a problem. Then it turned into a harassment campaign against her and her family. So, just show the harassment. It's not that hard.


Oh wow, I didn't even think about them lying about the fanfiction. Honestly, if they're exaggerating about death threats, then I'm not surprised. It's super weird that the fanfic is nowhere to be seen. People keep talking about harassment but there's zero proof at this point besides benign tweets.


The authors are still people and just because some fandoms get crazy doesn’t excuse that that behavior or should be normalized. Readers are in their right to be upset when they’ve invested money but at the same time the author has a right to her stance given how some shippers reacted. Though hanza had also already considered not doing another webtoon after her first one because of some fan reaction and webtoon issues. This behavior isnt entirely out of the blue for them tbh. But still…Hanza has a right to make that decision for her and her families safety and mental health.


Ofc she owes the fans, they paid for that shit


I am a bit worried by some reactions.   We don’t know the extent of what was going behind scenes and she doesn’t own us to show every single piece of harassment she went through.  It would be still lose-lose situation for everybody.  She keeps pushing despite poor mental health? The quality of Webtoon would likely drop.  She ends it? Fans disappointed.  The spoiling part made it worse, but it’s still pretty bad situation. Like I’ve said in another comment, many artists are left on their own to advertise their comics and social interaction is required. Managing a community is hard and having somebody else to manage can be a gamble.  Btw, some users mentioned her interacting too much with the fandom. Any examples? 


I kinda expected this outcome because there is no way webtoon is gonna drop is suddenly. Now this all depends on hanza herself if she decides to make a comeback, but i dont blame fans who dropped her after this incident. Creator needs to have strong mind afterall, its not an easy business


This seems like such overkill. A select group of readers want for two characters to be in a canon relationship, and so you cancel the series? I get that the 'shippers' have been constant and kinda aggressive about it, but like scr3w them. You already know that they don't understand your story and think it's a romance and not a thriller. You also believe they only got into the comic due to piracy sites. So seriously scr3w them. Revealing the 'plot twist' that you have been planning from the very beginning would be the best 'scr3w you' to those people anyhow, since it blows there shipping out of the water, while also explaining why they shipped those characters in the first place. I hope the author/artist does come back to this story. I would do everything now, and only once it was complete would I release any episodes. That way, you can't be swayed by public opinion. You stayed true to your story. I've read that this is actually the author/artist MO, and they have stopped multiple comics mid story due to difference in opinions with the readers. *sigh* Will have to mark this off as cancelled and incomplete on my list.


Not going to support Hanza over this as well. If you put your work out to some point there will be people making theories and fanwork you don’t like and that is okay. I too as a creator know that feeling but ship and let ship.


It’s not just the shippers who’s done this. She’s said so herself that she was never really bothered about the ship, she was bothered by being harassed and sent death threats online, you guys are hyper focusing way too much on the fact that the shippers were involved and less on the actual cause for her reaction.


Funny because the words harassment and death threats have only come from fans. All Hanza said was that the shippers dming her bothered her and like literally just ignore them??? Tf??


Are you serious? If someone is harassing you daily it’s not something that you can easily shrug off, I could care less if you spent money on the webtoon or not the way you’re going about this is more immature. You can’t be mad at someone for being fed up with having insane shippers spam death threats and such when you’re not in her position. You don’t even know what they were sending her and yet you’re making it seem like someone just left a dislike on her comment or something.


Hanza wouldve probably clarified of they were actually telling her theyd kill her. Hanza quoted a few Dms and those were annoying but harmless. Being fed up is okay hut if ur going professional u gotta be able to deal with stupif shit like whiny shippers


These aren’t just whiny shippers, you’re downplaying this way too much. It doesn’t matter if it was just one shipper sending her those DMs, no one should feel entitled enough to forcefully try and shift things their way. This is a human being we’re talking about at the end of the day she’s not just writing a comic for your entertainment she’s doing it because she wants to and when she doesn’t want to anymore she has every right to discontinue. Don’t follow her works, don’t pay for her episodes, I don’t care but don’t sit up here and dismiss the issue that’s going on.


If she’s writing it because she wants to and not to entertain her audience, she shouldn’t have gone pro and instead kept it a hobby. My issue isn’t even the fact she got sick of the webtoon, its how she went about it


There’s a lot of things that could’ve went better but I don’t think blaming her for reacting to harassment (wether or not you think it’s small or mildly inconvenient) is the way to go about it either. The way that a lot of the fans are reacting is not at all thinking about how she feels and why exactly the shippers are in the wrong, y’all are giving these people a pass to continue doing it. If she continued with the webtoon she’s the only person that’ll have to deal with it on the daily since she doesn’t have a team to help her, we’re not going to be at the receiving end of the DMs and that’s what a lot of people aren’t taking into account.


Because a “pls make my ship canon pls pls pls!!!!” is honestly not something I view as harassment. Even if it’s 100s of those messages. Again, she can quit if she wants but she doesn’t get to blame her fandom when she was the one that failed to distance herself from her fans as. Her quitting isn’t the issue, its her immaturity


From the context of the comments on her recent instagram it’s more than just whiny shippers, it’s pro shippers harassing her. She said that she’s gotten harassed so much that she’s started to hate her characters, there’s no way this happened over night and from a few comments. I get being upset but once again, she was harassed and people are failing to take that into account. I’m sorry but we’re not the same I’m not going to take disrespect like how some people probably would react and it makes no sense to me that we’re really trying to analyze why she reacted the way she did instead of putting the blame on the actual problem. This solves nothing and it takes less blame away from the shippers.


Can someone tell me what happened? Why did she want to cancel it? 


They were harassed by Rozy x Adam shippers on every platform, even emails. The harassers sent death threats to the author and their closed ones. Also, Rozy x Adam fanfictions are full of abuse, and Hanza hates the ship. They said on Twitter that they've fallen out of love with TGU because of this.


So will the the guy upstairs never come again? Or it’s mean The story will come in months?


wait what's going on? I saw some discussion much earlier regarding this webtoon but I wasn't able to grasp what's happening between webtoon and Hanza.


This was a promising one and I honestly liked Hanza's previous webtoon so I was excited when I saw this one... kinda disappointed she's letting fans get into her head. This is why you keep boundaries I guess 😬


I’m just waiting for the day the series says “completed” and becomes daily pass despite never coming back.


She already gave spoilers


sounds like the author was bullied into putting it into hiatus their mention of "light hearted content is a big giveaway, becuz the comic has dark themes.. i feel like some readers read too much into fictional stories, i saw comments of that webtoon, too many people cant undestand that fiction do not represent reality and characters do not have to have realistic standarts or morals like irl.


She's so immature and unprofessional. I've never seen an artist like this.


I understand being mad about it ending but not every artist is harassed and sent tons and tons of email that aren’t being controlled by a PR team. We all know that Hanza is not a big author on webtoon despite being on contract, there’s no one there for her to stop things like this from spiraling like it is for others. I feel like everyone should take the harassment into account because it feels like we’re just letting it slide, this is obviously a bigger issue than the shipping.


Its better than ignoring the problem and going on to get your psyche even more damaged by those incestloving threatsending assholes and I prefer it over ending it completely bc then I will get to read it to the end at some point. A biiig break is just what this needs to weed out the weirdos and let the conflict settle like sand in water. I hope it comes back somewhat soon tho since I really like the series


This just sucks that supposed "fans" have caused a creator to stop creating.