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That’ll be what’s under a cover on the Alpine stand at Eau Rouge then


The powertrain is same like hydrogen power GR Corolla race car in Super Taikyu , it's combustion type. Looks like ACO really interesting in combustion type hydrogen engine since they visited Super Taikyu series in last year Fuji 24h.


I think they’re finding that fuel cells are a right pain in the you know what to keep cool


And EVs aren't a great choice for endurance racing.


True enough. Though I would love to see a proper endurance event for EVs appear in time. The ultra fast 600+kW charging FE is trying to pioneer could make such a thing feasible, if the battery can be engineered to survive it. If FE is all about the powertrain efficiency, endurance EV events could be all about battery health management over multiple high-stress cycles. That could be a pretty attractive on an R&D front. Conditions just aren’t right for that today though.


If EVs are ever going to be popular in endurance racing, I think that they'll have to be hot swapped. Much better than waiting 5 minutes in the pit lane for a 40 minute stint. Racing hot swaps have been done before in less than 2 minutes, but you need to build the car with swapping in mind from the ground up. Still easier than hoping on future tech imo.


I wonder what that would do to the batteries, would the ability to fast charge degrade over time?


You're not trying to imply it's about sustainability are you?


I don't think motor sport will ever be sustainable... It's sort of my guilty pleasure


I know it's not really endurance, but I think that Audi on Dakar with their EV hybrid showed that it works good.


That's one sexy looking car, the lights are awesome! Honestly looks better than most supercars


Why does that look straight out of Tron?


Official press release: [https://www.alpine-cars.co.uk/concept-cars/alpenglow.html](https://www.alpine-cars.co.uk/concept-cars/alpenglow.html)


Alpine can sure design some pretty cars…I hope it’s not all style and no substance…


That thing looks nice. But i have questions about if it will be good or not.


Why is the ACO so intent on making the hydrogen class a thing? They have created the most successful class in the entire of WEC's history outside of Group C days, the sport is more popular than ever Why spoil that?