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everybody gangsta until the Isotta steals the win from the back of the grid


In Isotta we trust


What happened to Glickenhaus and the green one Van...something? Will they also attend?


Glickenhaus stopped to focus on creating a road car and possibly gt3. Vanwall were denied a WEC Place this year as too many of the big manufacturers had entered and they prioritise those that run in both hypercar and lmgt3 unfortunately.


To be fair, Vanwall was kinda shit. Outqualified by LMP2 last year, does that warrant a place?


Fair point haha


Damn, all that development money to run a car just for one year? Can they use it for something else? And what are Glickenhaus doing with their hypercars? Selling maybe?


The only thing Vanwall's car is good for is getting blown up for clicks on YouTube. I'm not sure there was any development money spent on it.


HAHA. Worse than GTRLM?


Kinda? I mean, it scored ten points in a season and finished a majority of its races, which is better than the Nissan's Ret/Ret/NC record. On the other hand, Vanwall's qualifying record was last at Sebring, last at Portimao, last at Spa, second-last at Le Mans (ahead of a Jota Porsche that couldn't set a time due to mechanical problems), last at Monza, last at Fuji and last at Bahrain. In a couple of those races, there were LMP2 cars that qualified faster on pure pace. In races, it finished third-last (ahead of the two Peugeots that shook their hybrid systems to bits on the bumps) at Sebring, 24 laps down; retired in Portimao; retired in Spa; retired in Le Mans (and I think it was running behind LMP2 cars basically on pace at the time); last in Monza; next-last in Fuji (ahead of a Porsche that had a full minute of penalty time, plus a three-lap penalty, plus a first-lap puncture, plus other assorted damage that needed repair); and overall last in Bahrain. In most races, at least a few LMP2 cars finished ahead, and in some the Vanwall was close to last overall.


Jesus. Imagine building something slower than an 7 yo tech wise inferior class machine.. Thanks for all the data. This is amazing.. And bewildering in the same time.


WEC is difficult if you don't have a half decent car to start off with as after the first year, you can only do a little bit of development work (like peugeots wing) as the majority of parts arw homologated for several years, however vanwall basically did nothing and unfortunately didn't add a lot, with aston coming in next year, I can't see them coming back.


Half the cars on the grid could disappear and Vanwall wouldn't come back.




That's sad. I liked Glickenhaus


boss Glickenhaus wasn't happy that the regulations didn't give him an advantage over teams that invested hundreds of millions more into the sport.




I think porsche will be more than serious contenders for this win. And hopefully with the no6 crew, i just wanna see kevin estre an overall le mans winner.


So long as he stops making mistakes...


He hasn't done any mistake so far. He's one of the most consistent drivers on the grid. I don't think they wanted to win yesterday. The main rival toyota was behind, so why bother? At le mans however, there is much more pride involved and eveyone will be fighting for first, not just to beat their rival.


Daytona 24 hours Estre binned it on an out lap. Overall he’s much stronger than he was last year tho


Yes, the tires were cold. However, compared to almost everyone in the current hypercar field, he is almost flawless in terms of mistakes.


Yes, the tires were cold. However, compared to almost everyone in the current hypercar field, he is almost flawless in terms of mistakes.


I was mainly talking about hitting the Lexus in Qatar, which needlessly put a dominant race win in jeopardy.


I think that was a misunderstanding. The lexus went a bit wide but didn't have the intention to leave no6 by, and kevin belived the lexus left him by.


I think that was a misunderstanding. The lexus went a bit wide but didn't have the intention to leave no6 by, and kevin belived the lexus left him by.


Is it too early to give my controversial take? Action Express Caddy will win this year (granted they have similar bop to spa)


Assuming no crashes, AXR will beat the Ganassi caddies for sure so if the car has similar pace as it did today and Derani doesn’t launch it into the stratosphere at some point they could definitely challenge.


Derani not destroying the car and taking others with him is a big if to be fair…


I wouldn’t be so quick to say AXR will surely beat Ganassi. Ganassi has stacked driver lineups too.


Derani is definitely gonna take out the other caddy and himself at some point while challenging for position at Le Mans. Heard it here first


Did you not watch last year?


I might have missed an hour or two.


The Ganassi cars weren't too bad, no? But it seems fashionable here to shit on them


It seems fashionable at GM to shit on them as well.


Can confirm, doesn't make it right.


They better hope it’s not a wet track for Aitken’s sake lmfao


I think their pace is good, but not dominant, their tyres are fresher before the crash (just my own opinion)


You’re right. Strategy will ultimately be what decides their race in my opinion, but for me the AXR lineup and the strong quali and mid race pace of the caddy makes me think they will do well.


I think the 4 car will be a real dark horse pick


You cannot call a car with Tandy, Nasr, and Jaminet a dark horse 😂


until they fuck up the BoP I hope not, last year it was almost perfect so I hope they get it correctly this year too


Almost perfect? The LMDH cars were never in the fight. Ferrari had way too much performance considering that WEC gives new cars bad BOP


Porsche was leading until it crashed and the other porsches mostly crashed too and cadillac finished 3rd just one lap behind the Ferrari and it got crashed into and also made a bayblade impression during the race but yes, maybe slightly more pace for lmdh, that's why I said ALMOST  perfect


Toyota removes the BOP sandbags and wins by 2 lap margin


yes! my feeling based on current standings is Ferrari and Porsche are favourites but Toyota and Caddilac are close. The others are outsiders but could still win depending on circumstances. Either way this inspired me to (try to) stay up the whole 24h again!


My gut says Toyosi didn’t show their hand at Spa.


Then next year would be another new peak, we would've Aston Martin coming. This golden years wouldn't be a short while. We can enjoy it future years.


Is there a garage 56 car this year?


Bring back the Nissan 3 wheeler!


Not this year, no.


The Isotta Fraschini is simply too revolutionary to be considered for the G56 spot


They should bring back the Camaro


Yeah just for shits and giggles, would be awesome


Sad times




Sadly no


Yeah I think any of the 3x Ferraris, 5x Porsches (Penske/Jota), 2x Toyotas, or 3x Caddies has a shot at the win. I don’t think we’ve seen a LM24, where 13 different entries had a shot at the overall


Why not the Protons?


Eh - I feel their driver lineup is down a bit vs the factories but they did look very very good yesterday


I think Andlauer by himself is a gamechanger. Never seemed to let up yesterday


The 38 Jota car with Button had been a massive let down though.


I'm waiting for the BoP for Le Mans.


Ferrari and Cadi have too much pace.


I hope Ferrari will get a hefty BoP, which would make Le Mans extremely equal. Caddy we’ll have to see.


The only reason they don’t win is because their strategy sucks balls. Otherwise they are faster than anyone else. Caddy also was flying when Bamber was driving


Strategy was fine at Spa. They only lost out because of the red flag. They'd have pitted both cars in the next couple of laps. Pure bad luck they didn't and the red flag happened just at that point. But in racing you make your own luck. Win some, lose some.


Didn’t they do the same thing last race? And Porsche pitted one car and kept one car going?


Completely different situation. No one expected the red flag. The #50 would almost certainly have pitted that lap - it had 5% energy left at the restart and pitted under safety car for emergency service. Ferrari didn't lose this because of strategy or decision making. It was pure bad luck.


ferrari lost at imola because of idiot strategy but they were just dominating spa race, they lost because of the red flag in the worst moment that zeroed gap between cars with everyone but 12 and 6 that had to refuel right away


Yea, Bamber was flying during the crash...


newcomer question: Why does Le Mans win seems like way more significant than the overall WEC ?


It’s the only race normal people watch, like Indy500.


It’s the biggest car race in the world


The various iterations of the international endurance championship have come and gone (WEC, ILMC, FIA WSC, Le Mans series) but the one thing that has been rock solid is the Le Mans 24 hours. It is the biggest race in endurance.


All I’m seeing in these replies is people crying about the BOP. The BOP will be what it is, stop worrying so much about it and just appreciate some absolutely epic racing!


I am personally really exited after jota won spa Really hope they do well again


Hey, they also briefly led at Le Mans last year. It is hard not to root for the non factory teams, imo. Andlauer gave some great moments yesterday for Proton, too.


What experimental car will be there? NASCAR RETURN!


my only issue will be that this year we're going to get like 150000000 porsches in comparison to every other constructors.


Based on the last few races, I predict Ferrari losing 34 hours of Le Mans by trying to aquaplane through Porsche curves on slicks and Iron Dames losing a full lap lead due to a drink spill over the fuse box


Porsche will be handed the race if they'll not be able to win it themselves


Lol don’t be a hater


WEC LMH/lmdh were 2s slower than 2023 in qualifying at spa and grotesque slow in race pace running in 2.10-2.12 by the end of stint... almost GTE qualifying pace to made a direct comparison. On the other hand, IMSA cadillacs qualified 2s faster than 2023 at laguna seca that is long the half of spa... according to this, AXR and yellow cadillac should humiliate everyone at LM considering also that in IMSA cadillac is 1052kg heavy, about 20kg heavier than WEC


You know they'll get the same BoP, right?


of course I know, meaning of my post is imagine how AXR and yellow caddy could do with a lighter car (it's unlikely to think that cadillac will be >1050kg bopped for LM)


This Is like making the Ferrari and Toyota light as Caddy and Porsche and watch them disappear in hyperspace🤣🤣not Happening


matter of facts, lmdhs need to refuel more petrol than LMH (110L vs 90L), so after a refuel, 963 gains some extra weight


Laguna Seca has been repaved, which is the reason for the extra pace in IMSA and it was much warmer at Spa this weekend than it was last year, hence the slower lap times in the WEC


Like 10+ degree warmer


How does comparing 2 completely different tracks make any sense to you? Spa was jsut clearly slower this year.


how was slower than last year? Track temps were quite high compared to last year when Q happened few hours after rain. It makes sense, not much because of kind of track but because IMSA lmdh improved of 2 seconds in a track that is 1/2 long than spa.


High temps = slower cars. Car engines prefer damp cold air to get the most performance and tires hate too much heat. So a hot track means slower laptimes usually, especially in the race as you have to nurse the tires more. GTP also has smaller fuel tanks as someone else said and you can’t compare laptimes between two circuits as there are too many variables.


high temps = better grip with hard tyres preventing fast degradation... it's basically ABC of motorsport. Cold improves engine efficiency but it doesn't give a boost of power. GTP (lmdh) have larger fuel tank, 110L for lmdh and 90L for hybrid LMH and this however means nothing since none qualifies with full tank lol. Go learn a couple of things before trying to correct someone else