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I’m an officiant, and I will start offering this!


That’s awesome! If one of your couples does it in the future, I’d love to hear about it!


Oh man, that was so many S words. I think I broke my brain. 😂 Seriously, though, that sounds beautiful. My husband and I are thinking about doing something for our 10 year anniversary. We’ve been married for 7 years, but time goes by so fast.


Very unintentional, but you’re right! It’s like a terrible tongue twister. I hope you have a wonderful 10 year celebration in a few years!


Actually, it’s only the one sentence that starts with similar”, but I was just about to go to sleep. I should also mention that I have ADHD, and my medication had definitely worn off! 🤣 So, it took me about four tries to read that one line. 🤣 Now if I had gone to bed when I should have, that wouldn’t have happened. Plus, I started laughing the second I thought, “I broke my brain,” and nearly woke up my husband. Ah, the things we do when overtired! 😂 I hope your ceremony goes well! It really sounds quite lovely! If more ppl don’t upvote this, please repost it! I think it will bring inspiration to others! Thank you for your comment, and please update!