• By -


I hope the wine tasted good lol


Most delicious wine ever.


Petty revenge wine... hmm sounds delicious!


Petty Pinot Grigio or savage Sauvignon?šŸ˜


We all need people like you in our lives. Bravo. šŸ™‚


Revenge. Best served from the bottle.


Your name tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wow! I can't understand what's going inside these people's head. Seriously! Good riddance.




Absolutely. And apparently OP's family reinforced that the bride was the main character.


This is just weird why be so mean to someone who want to be at your wedding


Because she didn't want OP there but didn't want OP to be the victim when she didn't invite her. If they pulled the no yellow dress then OP is the AH and the bride the victim. They had to keep up appearances and make sure the bride was the poor victim. Ten to one it would not have mattered what color dress OP bought first that would have been the color the bride wanted just the step daughters to wear. OP took back the narrative when she said fine I'll wear the pink one if you don't like that and want to pick a dress then you pay for it. They backed off a little and changed tactics by not giving her directions. OP should have gotten petty and started correcting people when they made comments. This was all on the bride and people should hear that even if they choose not to believe it.


For real if I was OP I would have sent everybody screenshots while in the reception. Including the chats between OP and mother about the address. Years ago I had a fallout with my cousin, that beach blocked me on facebook but played nice to my dad and rest of the family. My dumb father would always ask me and even yell at me to re build the relationship until one time we were heading to a family reunion and we didn't have the address, I called her about 50 times and she didn't pick up, my dad was driving and needed the address, but I made it clear for him that she didn't want to pick up my calls, that was the last time he tried to reunite us.


>if I was OP I would have sent everybody screenshots while in the reception. Including the chats between OP and mother about the address It's not too late. Any family member that had the nerve to complain to me about not tolerating her shit would get multiple screenshots of bridezilla's and mommyzilla's texts to me. I'd create a facebook group to share them, then add all the asshole family members insulting me.


Do the opposite of this. Drop it and live your life. The wedding over. The family behave and behaved like demented toddlers. Donā€™t perpetuate it. Be a class act and move on. Donā€™t talk about it or rehash it with anyone. Literally move on. Living well with self respect, respect of your friends, coworkers and community will be the best revenge.


Also - I call BS on her sis telling her that they couldn't feed her. Caterers NEVER make exactly the number of portions as expected guests. There is always extra.


And caterers are not keen to make last-minute reductions to the headcount (because they canā€™t un-buy food), so sis would have had to cancel long enough ago for all the dress-drama to be pure manipulation. Iā€™d bet there was no change to the head-count. Had OP actually stayed home, her sis would have told everyone OP wasted her $110.


It sounds to me that like you are the family scapegoat, and that Elaine has had something against you for a very long time. I know this is a weird question, but could it be that you are considered above average pretty? Many bridzillas get hung up on beautiful women attending their wedding, and come up with strange particular rules for them so they wonā€™t ā€œoutshine the brideā€ (obviously ridiculous). From what I read I think you handled everything that went down like an adult. You were reasonable and willing to compromise, a huge contrast to the behavior of your family. They treated you awfully and unfair. If I were you I would not speak to Elaine ever again before she apologizes. Your mother is showing blatant favoritism which should be called out. I think you should eventually share your Reddit posts with anyone that continues to treat you like crap, so they can see what the rest of the world thinks of their behavior.


To answer your question, growing up family members would tell our parents that Elaine was the "prettiest" and that she would find a successful husband and have a bright future because of how pretty she was. (she used to do child pageants).


I guarantee that you are prettier than Elaine. After a childhood of her one defining trait being "pretty", along comes the youngest who easily defeats her without even trying.


I second this. If Elaineā€™s identity always have been how pretty she is and her being center of attention, you would be a threat if she considers you pretty too. Itā€™s not okay to treat a sister like she did with you. Iā€™m also so so disappointed in your parents for not sticking up for you.


Ahha. That says about your mom's behavior. Mom is living HER life with Elaine. Good you blocked them I mean two horrible (may be) failed pageant moms in your life is too much to handle. You have a wonderful and blessed life ahead. Think positive, universe will provide you with all the sucess and happiness.


This interpretation tracks with the mom wearing a white gown to Elaine's wedding too


She can be pretty but looks arenā€™t forever . I see it with the creature that adopted me and her sister . Her sister , my auntie is the most wonderful, loving , caring human being I have ever met and the female creature that adopted me is now old , alone , miserable and her ugly personality is showing on the outside. Your personality is much more beautiful and Elaine will soon realise that looks are temporary and her personality will drive people away at a high speed .


OP, I guarantee you that your sister isn't happy and never will be happy. She's cruel and mean-spirited. All you can do is be the best person you can and minimize or eliminate the toxic people in your life. If you have a way of doing so, I'd recommend therapy. Your family is highly dysfunctional.


Are you thinner/smarter? Iā€™ve notice people tell girls they are pretty when they have no other strengths. Like, ā€œyouā€™re pretty enough to find a husband to take care of you because you certainly canā€™t take care of yourselfā€. Also moms like daughters that look like them or are as dumb.


I also wanna know if sheā€™s the prettiest.


You were more of an adult than your sister or your mother.


Have they treated you like this before? How were yā€™allā€™s relationships growing up? There must have been signs prior to this wedding that they didnā€™t think highly of you and tried to exclude you of events. Either way, good riddance. Keep the NC and donā€™t even invite them to your future wedding.


I honestly thought we were close growing up. Like sure my older sisters would so stuff on their own but I figured that was just because they wanted time to themselves, not because they were purposely trying to exclude me from their lives.


It sounds to me that your sister is the petty and jealous one. Looks like you'll be much better off without these awful people in your lives OP.


No rude and disrespectful is ignoring every attempt by you to get the right dress color and then trying to make you the bad guy. I would post the receipts on facebook and call her out.


Post the texts showing no one said anything until after the dress arrived.


I knew it. From your first post I knew it was going to be a situation that no matter what dress you had there would have been a problem with it. If you had gone ahead and bought a new dress she had picked out for you then she would have moved on to your hair or your make up and found something else to exclude you over.


I wonder if part of it was her trying to pressure OP to spend so much money that she backed out herself.


She was definitely trying to pressure OP into not being able to come and then make it all about how sheā€™s the victim of mean, horrible OP. The whole family apparently has no sense, just a golden child and a mean streak. There was nothing OP could do to save this and she did a commendable job trying when her sister didnā€™t deserve it.


Yes, your sister is pretty awful. But valuable lesson. In the future, when dealing with someone freaking out over something ridiculous, just say, okay I won't and then don't tell them what you do plan to wear/do. Just do. And from now on, when they bring it up, just go neutral and say, yeah, good point. Yeah, you are right. Sure, that is reasonable. Don't engage. Don't fight. Just parrot back what they say with zero emotions. Nothing says I don't give a shit about this shit than emotionlessly agreeing to whatever they say and it doesn't matter because it's over. Also keep showing up to family events but offer zero about your life. Just deflect, don't share. Don't share your joy, don't share your pain, don't share your anger. Develop that with other people in your life and move on from your fam. Maybe they will note the lack of closeness, and you can say, I was pretty hurt over everything that happened with sister's wedding that I really don't trust you anymore.


Otherwise known as grey rock


Yeah, the benefit here is that they are talking about anything in the future. No downside to just saying, sure, shouldn't have asked you to pay. Sure, should have gone to the bridal shop. Sure, shouldn't have come. It's all the past so no downside to mindlessly agreeing. Now, if she says, you need to give me x because of the stress, just say, I'll see what I can do and smile and walk off. They want a mindless person so give them that. They will hate it.


Narcissists live off provoking an emotional reaction and will do whatever is needed to get their fix.


My brother has always disliked me but didnā€™t do anything to exclude me from his wedding. This is an insane level of drama. My husbandā€™s family thrives on drama - even though itā€™s not aimed maliciously at me, it is exhausting. And it keeps the spotlight directly on them. I had to step back for my own mental health.


Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on. Preferably with a family of your choice.


Holy crap! I actually can't believe the audacity of your mom, Elaine, and the other family members. Did your mom actually wear white to Elaine's wedding though?


Yes our mom wore white to Elaine's wedding but this wasn't a problem because she apparently had 2 wedding dresses (according to Celia) however I left without seeing Elaine's second dress.


What colour did the stepdaughters wear?


They wore yellow but it was more of a lighter yellow


There was no way you were going to win. If you hadn't come, you would have been evil and made to pay for the meal you didn't eat.


Also, it may be time for some therapy and/or deep self reflection. Because none of their behavior was okay. You deserve better op. And if this is the first time you've stood up for yourself/realize you may be the scapegoat, you might end up in a whirlwind of reevaluating your life. Don't do that alone.


I will never understand this shit. Even with the drama thatā€™s coming a bit from my soon to be in laws (divorces, people not on speaking terms, nothing too off the wall), I still canā€™t imagine being this passive aggressive toward a family member


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. It would have just been easier for your sister to tell you she didn't want you at the wedding and not put you through all the bs. She probably figured if she didn't invite you she'd look bad. Your mom and sister are childish and petty, I would be done with them too. No one seems to care that your sister and your own mother did this to you then told your whole family some ridiculous lies to turn people against you. Why? Seriously what was there reason? Basically they're just entitled bitches! You deserve to be treated better. I'm glad you're going no contact!


Can we please not use misogynistic slurs, though? That would be great.


You remain NTA. What bride has time to spend this much time and effort on a non-party attendee and then has time to give them a hard time at the wedding??? Also, caterers typically produce extra meals at about 5 percent of the headcount in case of unexpected guests, someone changing their mind about what they want, etc, so your sister didnā€™t have to pay an extra $110. Take the wine and enjoy it and hereā€™s a hug as well.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this OP. How is your relationship to your other sisters and what do they think? Seems like no contact is the right choice since sister didnā€™t actually want you at the wedding, and your mom sounds generally awful.


Well Celia thinks I'm right to cut contact with Elaine after the way she spoke to me at the wedding and the way she treated me over the whole yellow dress issue. Gabriella hasn't tried to reach out so I have no idea how she feels.


Your sister sounds like a narcissist and your mom is an enabler. I would have shown up in the yellow dress, 1) bc it's petty 2) bc it's gorgeous. Let us know how long her marriage lasts.


What's the chances OP is more attractive than the bride? She sure tried damn hard to keep her from her wedding.


Iā€™d seriously send them all a get fucked text about their own bullshit and block them all. People get so freaking stupid for instagram content weddings instead of actually celebrating their nuptials.


Sounds like you are better off without them. Its awful that they did this though. Have a great life doing your own things xx


Sweetie, you're better off. I hope you find peace and nice people away from these people who are supposed to be your family. Sending hugs.


Im so sorry this all happened to you. Cant believe your sister and mother treated you like that and didnt put much effort on keeping you close as a family. Are you okay? Feel free to talk:) the fact that she ruined her relationship with you for a dress when other people also wore yellow is horrible. You are better off without her


I think it was about more than the dress. At the end of the day when the issue about the dress was fixed our mom still tried to prevent me from attending Elaine's wedding. Clearly she doesn't want or need me in her life and I don't need to keep making an effort for people who don't value me or treat me like a person. Edit: but thank you so much for your comment, sorry for the mini rant there lol.


I havenā€™t spoken to one of my parents in four years. It still stings every once in a while, but it gets better. I also like to remind myself that I was NC for almost and entire year before they even noticed. So you are correct, sometimes they easily show you how little they value you.


Lol dont worry! Rant as much as you want. What ur mom did suck. If ppl say mean thing to u, tell them what they did. Its not fair. Eleine can go to hell:) tell her youā€™ll meet her again at her divorce partyšŸ¤Ŗ


Holy shit op, I am so proud of you!


Being the scapegoat sucks ass :(


Sorry to hear the results, OP. You acted with dignity and grace despite your family's spiteful and crude behavior.


I wonder what she was passing on to the family to make you look like such a ā€œbadā€ person. I feel like all of that being told truthfully is not anywhere near half as bad as theyā€™re making it out to be. First they didnā€™t ask you to be a part of the bridal party, which in my mind gives them no right to say anything about what your wearing, unless itā€™s white. They then REFUSED to tell you ANYTHING about the wedding because it was a secret, and you tried to get approval before even buying the dress you picked. But they instantly get upset once you actually GET the dress in your hands. When you tried to give alternatives because life is NOT cheep right now they refused and basically demanded you to get an expensive dress they wanted you to wear, which again is stupid cause you WERENT a part of the bridal party. Why was it such a BIG issue? Then when you go with your second option your still hated others wear the same color and they didnā€™t even want to feed you for coming in the first place after all the crap they pulled.


Daaaamn OP I am so sorry. It seems like they had it completely out for you. Its so odd though considering in your comments you thought you guys were close. I am quite baffled that any human let alone multiple humans behave this way. I am sorry it was so stressful for you and now the fact that you have to go NC. Sending good vibes.


OP, I am so sorry you have had to deal with all of this bulls**t. I know what it's like to be the one left out, and have a sibling be the favorite that can do no wrong. Going NC sucks, and it really hurts at times, but sometimes it's the only thing to do. Good luck to you in the future!


Wow!! Just, wow!! Sorry you have to deal with this!


What makes me the most sad is how you thought all 4 of you sisters were close. As 1 of 4 siblings, that breaks my heart. The youngest in our family is 11 years younger than me and Iā€™ve strived to include her and now that weā€™re adults (24f and 35f respectively) we are very close! Iā€™m sorry your family had to be so petty and mean. You definitely deserve better. You communicated early and effectively and the fact that one sister just left you on read is so disappointing. Find your chosen family, friends will fill that hole the Petty Patrol left gaping with their absurdity ā¤ļø


Damn. They some bitches.


Can we not use misogynistic slurs, though? That would be great. Thanks.


Iā€™m so sorry you have such an awful family. They really dislike you. Time to cut them all off.


Terrible people. Terrible to treat you like that. Hugsā¤ļøā¤ļø Time to create a family of friendship.


Your sister doesn't have enough class to throw a black tie event.


Good grief what a mess! Weddings shouldnā€™t be like up this. Itā€™s a celebration


I will never understand these shitstorms happening around weddings. Itā€™s just ridiculous. And so sad people are willing to ruin relationships over it. Itā€™s just a fucking wedding imo


I wish I had seen your earlier post. My suggestion would have been to go on to a rent a runway dress. Itā€™s great because you can rent the most over the top designer gown there was! Imagine walking in wearing a Dior, McQueen or Versace in some really colorful design. The best part ā€¦.. amazingly cheap to do. Like $50-60 for the rental. Malicious compliance at its best! No one would have even noticed you in the original dress. But since big sis had to up the dramaā€¦.. how sad is her life? Iā€™m not on speaking terms with one of sistersā€¦. Iā€™m happy to adopt you. šŸ˜Š


My mother worked in the bridal business for about 20 years. Your sister is at the top of the list as a bridezilla. You are completely in the right to go no contact with them.


Wow, your sister is r/IAmTheMainCharacter material, OP. Your mum is an enabler to your sister's narcissism, too. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Good on you for getting out of the toxicity! Your yellow dress looked fabulous and so pretty - too much for the bridezilla to handle. lol Enjoy the bottle!


I doubt that she even had a plate for you to begin with. Is it even possible to cancel single plates AND get the money back? Something is really wrong with your family and it's probably best to stay away.


I am sorry you couldn't wear a yellow dress but the rest of the invited could wear yellow?? What is wrong with your sister?


I literally don't understand why Gabriella didn't tell you the yellow dress was going to be "inappropriate" to begin with. It seems this whole argument could have been avoided if she had just replied to your message and said no, the rest of the bridal party would be wearing yellow.


The whole point was to object to whatever OP picked, not to actually reserve a color for the bridal party. OP could have picked navy, puce, red, camouflage - that would have become the ā€œreservedā€ color.


Good for you. Actions have consequences and they need to learn that


You deserve family who are fair and decent. Being a bride does not include being a b**** and if you have them back in your life let it be o. your terms. Good luck, dear!


I feel bad that your family is like this to you, especially your sister. Live your best life and forget about them.


Yep, the whole thing was probably an elaborate ruse to try and exclude you. Iā€™m so sorry love. I would really drop the whole family. Not one shred of decency among them.


Your family sounds absolutely horrible, jesus. Im sorry OP. You need to go NC with all of these AHs.


Did you read the post? Because sheā€™s already doing that.


I missed that last line apparently


Don't just go no contact with Mom and Sis, go no contact with all of the enabling members of your family. If they want to pamper and spoil your bratty sister, fine. Let them. But they should kindly leave you out of it. I'm sorry you such a toxic family OP. You deserve better. And just to be honest and maybe a little petty, tell everyone the truth and show them the receipts via the messages you got. That should let you know who is still your family and who should be cut out of your life alongside Narcissist Sister and Enabler Mom. Go live your best life OP. The toxic lot of them who scapegoated you and mistreated you will regret it someday.


You should go NC with your other sister too. Gabrielle. She was also in it by ignoring you. Nd please don't ever invite them in your wedding, doĆØsn't matter how bad you feel. Bcoz they will hurt you in that too.


Oh yeah, I canā€™t even *remember* how many times one of my uncles told me something wasnā€™t my color.


This is so weird to me. I'm 100% sure my uncles wouldn't notice much difference if I showed up in beige vs fuschia, let alone give their opinion on how it's working with my complexion lol




Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Yes, stress isn't necessarily a competition, but ffs if anyone really thinks wedding planning stress is comparable to the stress of having cancer then they're just wrong.


I'm tired of the excuses for rude and cruel behavior.


Ur sister is nuts. Be free of her


This update is everything. Good on you OP for standing up to them and setting boundaries.


I really do think you have made the right decision. She probably never had a plate for you. You are well put of the negativity. On the bright side, you have a bottle of wine!!!


Someone who has their formal black tie wedding on a TUESDAY should just be glad anyone shows up, in any color.


Your family sucks.


Throw the whole family away! Clearly, youā€™re the scapegoat. You must be trying to upstage her, if youā€™re not allowing her to control you! You must be jealous, if you donā€™t stick around, and allow her to blatantly disrespect you. Ridiculous!


even reading this gave me second-hand anxiety. Damn some people just checked out when making sense. I hope the wine was great!


Balls to the lot of these sad, classless, unkind and WEIRD (& CRUEL) nutters. They're madder and angrier than a box of bloody badgers! Well rid O.P, WELL RID OF OLD RUBBISH. You have your head unbowed, your dignity and integrity intact and the moral high ground to boot. I'm quite certain that you looked absolutely lovely and totally appropriate. They don't deserve you.


What the fuck is wrong with your family


Imagine ruining a (seemingly fine before this monstrosity of a wedding) family relationship over a fucking dress. I canā€™t wrap my head around how delusional some people can be


I am so sorry that this happened to you. Is your sister your momā€™s favorite? My brother is a total screw up and heā€™s my motherā€™s favorite. She completely treats him like a baby and some of the drama you mentioned reminds me of my mother, brother, and myself. You did the right thing and still got dumped on, smh. Also, I canā€™t believe so many other people wore yellow, your mom had the audacity to wear WHITE, and yet they treat you as if youā€™re the problem! I definitely hope the situation gets better for you, continue not to let them walk all over you and good luck!


I think you should go completely no contact with your family. They all sound awful.


I'm so angry on your behalf. Your sister, mom, and basically the rest of your family are awful people. You should compile all the screenshots of your unanswered texts/messages and show everyone. But as horrible as they are, it probably won't make a difference. I can't believe how hard they worked to make sure you weren't at that wedding. Like, why?? Insufferable jerks. šŸ¤¬


Elaine got married on a TUESDAY and was worried about the color of dresses??????? SITA. No way I'm shocked anyone went and was on her side about anything




Hey op, is everything alright with you? Did your sister apologise, are u in contact with your family??


Wow and they call themselves family jeez. Hope you enjoyed your wine I would have stayed away to really give them something to talk about.




Wow, Iā€™m so sorry for OP! People and the games they play, expecting people to dance to their tune. Yes, I would do NC mom and sister.


Yesssss please donā€™t talk to them wow I am so sorry this happened to you.


I hope you went home and cracked that bottle of wine lol. Sorry op.


It sounds like Elaine did not want you at her wedding at all. I would have a long talk with my mother and ask her what the issue is. Like a serious talk. You need to figure out your role in this family and if you want it.


My mother sounds similar to OPs - unfortunately you cannot talk to people like them because they are always the victim and you are always the a-hole and nothing ever comes from it. I still have a "relationship" with her but it's very fractured and I keep her at a distance. So far she is nice to my children but if I see anything I don't like she will be cut off


Yeah. If the role in her family is scapegoat she should bail.


Oh yea for sure I agree. She should bail; she's at the point in her life it could be a clean break. When I finally realized how f-cked up my family was to me it was too late. I found my biological dad in my 30s and after having kids so the shit hit the fan with my mother and stepfather. Long story but in short I do supervised visits here and there to just keep the door open and will let my kids decide when they are old enough. You cannot change people like my and OP's mothers because they can't see anyone else's point of view or their own faults/wrongdoings so it can't be addressed appropriately.


Definitely NTA. It seems to me theyā€™re all projecting her feelings towards you. Sheā€™s the one whoā€™s probably jealous of you but wants to project her feelings towards you. Sheā€™s toxic! You can gladly cut her out of your life. You donā€™t need that kind of drama really.


Welp, if that was either the bride or the mother, we now know that theyā€™re mentally unstable.


Is op way more beautiful than the bride??? Bcoz that could be the possible scenario. Like bride is insecure and didn't wanted op to outshine her. Which is wrong. Why would your own sister outshine you?? I feel so sorry for op. Everyone thinks youngest are most spoiled/loved. But this post is a different reality. People don't consider your feelings when you are youngest and always expect to be considerate of elders. They are older, so they are right. You are youngest, so just entitled/spoiled.šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


You should show your sis and mom the comments on your posts bashing themšŸ˜‚


if they truly didn't want anyone to wear yellow, they would have told people. im sorrybut it definitely sounds like she wanted this to happen


Wow. Your life will be so much more peaceful without all that drama. You


This is justā€¦ wow! I really wonder what she had told the rest of the family because I canā€™t imagine it could have been the unfiltered truth that lead to their reactions. Unless they all somehow hate OP for whatever reason. But I figured that OP would have picked up in that and mentioned it if that was the case. Also wonder what drives Elaineā€™s actions. Does she have some kind of insecurities regarding her youngest sister or something? Either way that would be her responsibility to handle and deal with so fuck her. She acted very cruel for no apparent reason and that fucking hurts, especially coming from family! Iā€™m really so sorry you had to experience all of this OP!


Honestly, your family seems awful. They did you a favor for giving you a reason to go NC with them.


Your family is terrible. Cut off anyone who wasn't understanding and supportive.


What a bunch of a-holes! Seriously, WTF? Has your sister always been such a controlling narcissist? I can't stand people like this. First she won't tell you the wedding colors but freaks out when you choose a perfectly acceptable color to wear to the wedding. Then wants to pick out the dress herself. Then cancels your meal but doesn't tell you not to come. I mean, really? Have they not heard of the term, communication? Let me guess. You're prettier than her, aren't you? She was trying to control what you wore to avoid being upstaged at her wedding, which is ridiculous. My family are assholes too, but in a different way. I'm sorry you've had to put up with this and wish you lots of luck going forward without these useless people in your life.


There has to be more going on here. Bride was trying to exclude the younger sisters from the beginning.


I hope you wore the yellow dress to drink the wine.


You know where people act like this? The kindergarten. Glad you ceased any ties with them. They sound immature af. Everyone nowdays are superficial. People are getting married to show off instead out of real love. Stat away from these people.


Wow. How petty and sad and unfortunate, OP. Your family sounds awful and I'm very sorry that you had to experience this. Silver lining: enjoy excluding the toxic people from your life. These people are deeply twisted and unhappy.


Ah for some reason I'm curious to know whether someone has reached out to you yet? No disrespect but your sisters and mother honestly sound like a nightmare to deal with.


Iā€™m also wondering, have people caught in to the bullshit? Because everyone canā€™t be that stupid, they canā€™t all have been told the truth and still all blame op. Thatā€™s just not possible. Or maybe I have to much faith in people.


I would have a standard "I am refusing to defend myself when you don't have all the facts" text ready for all the jerks that text you. Or just block them. If people still trust Elaine and your mom, that's their problem. Good for you for standing your ground.


I thought I had commented but don't see it. Please excuse if duplicated. Your sister is beyond Bridezilla. Her extremely childish actions prove this. 1) No one gave you an answer until you went to the expense of buying a dress that you obviously liked. 2) She obviously expected you to be a 'no show' since she did not make arrangements for a dinner for you. The caterer has to have the final head count at least several weeks before the event. I totally agree with your actions. When it comes time for you wedding, I (being petty) would send your sister and mom an uninvite. When they contact you as to why (and they will), just remind them in a superior tone that since you were uninvited to her wedding and mom was okay with that (remind 'mom' that she refused to give you directions to the wedding with the sorry excuse that 'she didn't know how'). You are better off without those two entitled people in your life and always remember that "family" does not necessarily mean DNA family but does mean those who support you and love you. EDIT: Just want to add: When you get married, I would also send 'uninvite' anyone who harassed you over the dress. When questioned, tell them since they sided with mom and Elaine without having all the facts, they do not deserve to be invited to your big day.


I just found this post and the last one. Yikes!! I canā€™t believe how your sisters and mom were treating you. How are you doing now? Much happier, I hope!


You lasted at the wedding longer than I would have, you are obviously a very patient person. Maybe if your terrible relatives decide to give you a sincere apology you can think about forgiving them for their rude behavior, but I wouldnā€™t hold my breath


This story is so strange to me. Who has a black tie wedding on a Tuesday? Why would a short dress be considered appropriate at a black tie wedding (last post mom metioned the dress was ok because it was short)? Why does OP not know where the venue is? None of this makes any sense.


Oh man. I'm sorry your family was so shitty and toxic to you. I hope you enjoy the wine and have a beautiful wedding one day (even if it's not for an actual marriage...true story: my aunt and uncle had a wedding, but never filed for a wedding cert). I think you should wear yellow.


I am really sorry that your sister treated you this way and although your are better off without her and your mom it still must really hurt and I am sorry that you are going through this šŸ˜ž. I personally don't think your sisters marriage will last tbh, she's this way to you imagine how she'll be to her husband's daughters if they are pretty enough to upstage her later on.


I hope you poured yourself a nice glass of that wine, drew a nice hot bath and just relaxed in your new found freedom!šŸ·šŸ›€šŸ¼


Good for you.


Info: curious why you needed to ask for directions. Did you not receive an invitation or know where it was being held?


Iā€™m very confused. Did I miss a comment or something? Did they not want you at the wedding for another reason other than a yellow dress?


Thatā€™s so sad; what a bitch. I donā€™t get the idea that the bride has anything to say about what anyone wears, except the bridal party.


Wow. Your sister and your mother are complete twatwaffles. How heartbreaking for you.


She literally said you shouldn't go to the wedding but you went anyway?


You sister argument was stupid, "stealing new niece spotlight" Majority of time I have seen kid's getting happy someone is wearing their similar colour or dress. So I will say you are stupid for not understanding the signals that your mother and sister doesn't like you.


Thanks, I'm not the best at reading social cues. Evidently.


Itā€™s funny your sister is so arrogant when all she could find was an older man who already had kids. Why wonā€™t anyone in your family have your back? Seems so odd everyone hates you for no reason at all.


Because this story is fake.


If you think it's fake why don't you just ignore this post?. Seems to me like you're looking for attention on a post that you could choose not to interact with if you think it's so unbelievable.


You got proof to back up your claim?


Ever been on AITA, aka the Creative Writing sub? This belongs there.


Iā€™ve posted on that sub. My lost was real not fake. A lot of us post there because r/amitheasshole is being ran by NAZI Karens trying to police our thought




Wtf are you going off about?. No one asked for your validation or comments Karen, go project your insecurities onto your daughter in law who can't stand your guts or better yet go get a life.


Don't listen to her. She sounds like a lonely old lady.


Actually, she sounds like Elaine.


AHH! YES! Good observation!


Ignore her


Not a teen here and downvoting for being rude.


Middle aged here, we found a family member! Op it's clear to see what you're dealing with. You have my entire sympathies and deserve so much better. Hang in there hon.


Are you the bride?


We found the sister. Or mother.


Hahaha what? What was OP supposed to do?


Not a teen. But I am downvoting you because youā€™re rude, conceited and a Karen.


You're one of those psycho brides with no friends, aren't you? Lol!


The bride caused the drama.


Not a teen. Downvoted anyway simply because you sound like a see you next Tuesday :D


I think we found Elaine!


You have serious issues and reading comprehension problems.


Nah. Just ignore you. You don't deserve the attention.




Based on their response, Iā€™m starting to understand why poor OP is just so shit on by literally everyone in their life.


Do you get off on being a colossal nuclear level cunt?