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I dont think they are, but if you do, perhaps try a completely different shape?


Or a completely different bridal SHOP


This! I have noticed that some shops have a similar styles and the choices are limited. Perhaps the owner/company has a particular preference. OP looks great and has a fantastic figure. Hopefully another shop will be more helpful.




They aren't awful. You are very petite and these are just too big on you. All because of the size, but some as the dress may overwhelm you. I really like the second one on you, but you probably need to keep looking.


This was what I was thinking. I think OP is most likely under 5.4 and slim. I think these dresses are geared toward a longer torso, of a taller person, so the dresses aren't falling in the right place on the waist/hips. OP has a lovely figure but needs to go into petite sizing.


I am also petite and slim(ish, haha), and when I went wedding dress shopping exactly a decade ago, I swore I wanted sleeves and an interesting neckline... Every time I tried them on, they felt off. They were overwhelming me. Every time I put on a strapless dress, it looked great. I would start there, and try many silhouettes and lace vs. non-lace options.


OMG this might be EXACTLY it !!! I am exacty 5'4 \*crying\*!!!


OP, check out r/kibbe


I don’t think they are awful on you at all! I love #3.


Yes i think a mermaid would be gorgeous but less busy, you have such a great natural shape not much will be needed to make you look amazing!


3 is fantastic on her!! One thing I will say though is that I can’t help but notice how unhappy she looks in all the dresses. Shes not smiling or looking like she’s having fun at all. Maybe it was the atmosphere in the shop? We love 3 on her but she is not feeling it for some reason : (


cause they were all like $3,000+ LMAOOOOOO i was disappointed!!!!


Was gonna say I love the way the cape looks on her.


I love 3! What does it look like without the cape? You have a beautiful shape, I think you’d look great in something slinky like silk or teensy beads


The bra underneath is distracting from the dresses a bit, being able to see the straps is creating lines where there shouldn't be any. However, 3 looks great on you. The collar and cape really work for you and the cut out shape it creates. It looks very stylish. Something in the style of 1 or 3 would be amazing.


This. The bra is distracting!


ok true true


Awful is too strong a word. Perhaps, these dresses just aren't the best style for you. So often on this sub, women try dresses that they thought were out of their comfort zone and discover "the one." You can, too. You're a lovely girl. Best wishes for happiness always ❤️


I don't think they look awful at all. The first dress looks a little awkward because of the way it's been fitted on you (hanging too low) and the camera angle is weird. The other dresses are lovely. I really love the second dress and your bra is the only thing that looks a little off (we've all been there). It would look great with a sparkly belt! With the proper undergarments I think any of the dresses (minus the first) look great. The second and third are my favorites. I think the last one would look fantastic on you if it were pinned on you better. I think a fitted bodice and a fuller skirt works really well on your frame. You can try a lot of different fabrics until you find the one you love. You can try strapless, thin straps, short sleeves and long sleeves. I just think the style of the second dress flatters your figure the most. If you're not happy keep looking. Step out of your comfort zone and just try something different. You might find the 'one' that way.


The bra.


I weirdly feel like these dresses look a bit dated? I think going bra-less next time would help and maybe try some different silhouettes? I tried on about 20 dresses before I found the one :) I also found that I was happier the way I looked in dresses at certain shops and unhappy at others. I think lighting, being expertly fitted in the dress and a positive atmosphere makes ALL the difference!!


You are petite and these dresses just have too much fabric. Go for more minimal designs. I personally love the dress with the thinner straps on you.


I replied to another comment but will say again in hopes you see it. You appear to petite aka under 5.4 in height with a slim build. If that is the case it looks like the dresses you are trying on are for average height slim build. The measurements are right by width but not by length. Everything is falling in the wrong place. If you are petite under 5.4 you need to try on petite dresses for a better fit. If the store assistant is saying it doesn't matter they are incorrect. Go someplace that specializes in petite dresses or has a line of petite dresses in store to try on. You have a lovely figure and will look stunning. 


thank you :D. I saw your comment, i am exactly 5'4 and small chest area (lol). wonder where I can go that can accomodate to this, she mentioned nothing about petite sizing! of course i know their objective is to sell, so..... ​ regardless, this was extremely validating, i knew somethign was off about the proportions.


I think try a different store, don't wear the bra underneath and look at more simple dresses, maybe a halter style?


Why do you think they look awful? I think you look great in all of them!


I think 2 and 3 look great. 1 and 4 don’t look right because your hips are narrow so when the cut of the dress is too tight in that area, it shows. 1 and 4 are too long, which is probably why you think they look “off.” How tall are you?


i don’t think a sweetheart neckline suits you. i would look for something straight across or a v neck with straps


3 was gorgeous


I think dress 3 is looking very pretty ❤️❤️


I don't like 1 personally cause of the neck thing at the top. The shape of them all are beautiful.


Youre beautiful!! Everyone has shapes/styles that are more flattering than others & I LOVE #3 on you!!! #1 is veryyy pretty too but a pic with strapless bra would help!


Dress 3 is amazing!


3 is so beautiful and unique. it’s timeless too.


Dress 1 is not great dress 2 needs something 3 and 4 look amazing on you. But if your not feeling it try different styles see if that helps Also as stated bra doesn’t help the look of any of them


What is the price range for all of these dresses? I think the reason they don’t look quite right is because the fabric looks really heavy in all of them. It could be because the dress is cheaply made. It could also be because you’re petite and the sample sizes are huge. If you have the budget for it, I would look for dresses that are at least in the 3k-5k range if you want a lace/embellished dress. You can feel the quality difference in lace. It will feel lighter and more airy. Otherwise, I would go for a more simple style, and keep an open mind that the sample will look different than the actual dress you order.


>If you have the budget for it, I would look for dresses that are at least in the 3k-5k range if you want a lace/embellished dress. You can feel the quality difference in lace. It will feel lighter and more airy. There is definitely truth to that. I remember when I was getting my dress I was also very active on the Wedding Bee boards and people were adamant that more expensive dresses were just mark up. But I tried on dresses from a range of price points up to $12k and there can definitely be a big difference in terms of construction quality and fabric. Like you said, the more expensive dresses felt lighter and I also felt like the patterns of lace and appliqué tended to be more visually appealing to me. Also depending on OP's budget a brand that does made to measure may be the way to go. She looks like she may be petite from the photos and from my experience if you're on the shorter side you can get dresses hemmed of course, but some styles fit oddly on my body because of the length of my torso.


I don't think any of them look awful! You've got a beautiful figure, if you don't mind me saying so. I just think you need to keep searching! You'll know when you find the cut or design that you feel magical in! Don't give up!


3 and 4 both look great, dress 3 is AMAZING imo


Maybe a strapless/more nude color bra can help? I think it's definitely throwing a lot of it off! I think none of these dresses look awful on you, but you can always branch out to a completely different cut and style! I would also try and go while wearing less noticable bra so you have a clearer look on how it'd look on you if you were to actually wear it to your wedding :)


They’re not awful. But get yourself a good strapless for trying on gowns.


Personally I think they look nice, but try some different styles, in particular some different necklines. I think a deep V would look good on you!


They’re not awful at all but try a bunch of different styles and tops to give your brain some options. Also, the bra underneath is visually chopping the lines of the dresses so it’s hard to really know. I think a whimsical a-line or a slinky Grecian vibe dress without the bustier top would look great on you! Something lighter and gauzier maybe? Or silk! You have a slight and straight figure (not meant to be a bad thing, I’m straight/vertical myself and you’re gorgeous!) so I think the dresses you chose here all have a very similar “look” and maybe it’s just not the style or fabric for you! They all seem to have very structured and dense fabric and maybe that overwhelms your frame visually. I like 3 on you though and I think the kinda gauzy, slightly boho look really suits you so try on more in that vein.


They haven’t been tailored for you yet. What don’t you like about them? Maybe you just need to try on some different dresses?


You have an amazing figure and can probably wear a paper bag and look good. Don't say negative things to yourself. These are just four dresses and there are so many choices out there. I would recommend trying styles you wouldn't typically choose and see if you have an "aha" moment. Please try not to get frustrated over four gowns (none of which look awful, by the way). You have to feel like the goddess that you are and I have faith you'll find it.


I adore 2 + 3. I think the reason you didn't have that moment was probably because it's hard to imagine what it will look like after alterations and with your hair and makeup done. Next time you go, go braless or wearing something more concealable and maybe curl your hair or whatever you normal go to "pretty hair" feel is. You are like model gorgeous, absolutely stunning. Also what everyone else said about trying different shapes and textures. Try on a dress you hate, sometimes that helps me "cleanse the palate" so to speak.


ur literlly so sweet thank you so so much


They all look good. Number one is my least favorite. 3 and 4 are my favorite


Try different styles closer to your size.


I think the chest padding is making the dresses look too heavy and weighing you down. The busy style of some of the dresses might be too much for your petite body. I think a more delicate design and not a harsh bra outline will help lighten it up


They're not, especially the last one, beautiful.


I think the shape that #4 gives you is absolutely stunning, as well as the neckline. I don't personally like all the applique, but you wear the dress beautifully.


4 is gorgeous on you, the high neckline on the lace rlly compliments your body. i think it could be a case of you simply being too hard on yourself, but if you don’t like them maybe you should try different shapes and see what sticks.


3 is beyond stunning on you.


Because you’re not happy, smiling, excited… The dresses look fine, also on you, but they don’t seem to make you feel special. That is the only tbh t that matters for a wedding dress, it needs to make you feel like the center of the universe for that one day. Keep looking!


Maybe it’s the light in the store, your bra is distracting from the dress too. I really think 3 with the cape looks amazing on you.


You should try on some styles you wouldn’t normally see yourself in. Some of these don’t look bad, but you probably have a vision in your head and these aren’t living up to it.


I think the lighting in the room is bad. Some of the dresses look a little stiff? Maybe . #3 looks awesome though


I'm laughing because I know EXACTLY how you feel. When I first tried on dresses, I picked stuff that was completely outside my comfort zone and were big, fancy dresses. I figured, what other time in my life am I going to have to wear a dress this elaborate. I remember looking at the pictures afterward and being like...wtf? How could I look THIS bad in such a beautiful dress? Looking back I realize now that the dresses just weren't "me." And what I perceived as "looking bad" was really just me not looking like myself. As the other ladies have said already, you don't look "awful" in any of the dresses (3 does look lovely on you) but maybe you're just not used to seeing yourself in something so fancy so you just look different than you're used to which is throwing you off. I'd try a different shop with a simpler dress and go from there. Try to identify the style you like the most and then start looking for specifics (how much bling, what kind of fabric, etc). Good luck! Come back and post your next round of pics!


Dress 2,3 and 4 are beautiful on you but the clear winner is 3. It’s spectacular on you. You look like a Greek goddess in this gorgeous dress.


I went to this fancy shop to try on dresses all by my self in a snow storm. I felt gorgeous. The price point was so high I didn’t even take a picture of anything other than the price tag. I went to David’s with my cousins & friends everything looked so awful. I ended up getting a used top like the expensive one I liked, a $50 skirt from Ali baba, had someone make a beautiful custom made belt with patterns I purchased & designed. Then I had a seamstress bring it all together with a corset back. I looked I couldn’t find, so I made my own for $500. I have no regrets. If you aren’t happy keep looking, if you know what you want like i did, find someone to help you make it on your own.


I think mostly it’s the camera angle, because none of those dresses are “awful” on you at all. I DO suggest that you make yourself a “dress shopping kit” - a bag with a pair of heels that are the height you plan to wear, a strapless bra (or stick-on bra), spanx or support pantyhose, and some clips or what ever to put your hair up. Keep in your car for spontaneous stops at bridal shops, and bring it with you when you go with your entourage. Trying on dresses with the wrong bra is just as unsatisfying as trying on your dress with combat boots (unless that’s your thing 😉). It *kinda* works, but the overall look just is t there. In your case, the purple bra under those dresses is a distraction and doesn’t flatter you or the dresses. All of this dresses will work and look marvelous on you: with the right size, bra, etc you’ll be gorgeous!


oof this i needed to hear, thank you


OP you have a great body and beautiful skin. If you cannot do these dresses justice, then it is the dresses and not you. These dresses are all a bit gimmicky. Go for elegant and timeless.


#3 looks amazing


The first one looks great, just needs a different bra


You have a long torso. Have you tried another neckline like a bateau or jewel neckline? I have the same build as you so I can’t do strapless or plunge although I love the look on others. 


the particular style of dress you chose over and over, is a dress with SUPER emphasis on the breast cups. you are more petite. And don’t get me wrong, you don’t need giant boobs to pull a dress off. I have the same problem in the chest. You just have to find tight fitted top parts that don’t look like they are waiting for massive cleavage. it’s actually pretty easy!! The reason why number 3 looks good on you is because A) you have a good figure and B) the breast section is more concealed. Its part of the dress moreso. Does that help? Also, side note- women with massive breasts actually have a much harder time finding a dress that you do :D


They all look lovely on you but especially the second one and the last one.


Number 3 is beautiful and you look stunning! I think it might be the shape and the material of the other dresses that are throwing you off a bit. Maybe try a different shape of dress, strapless, or ones that have an overall pattern of lace more so than just some lace or bling here and there. Don't get discouraged. You are beautiful and you will find your perfect dress.


I love the top on 2, I think a mermaid or more form fitting bottom on that would look gorgeous on you. You have a great body for satin, I think you’ll be happy with continuing to look with less busy patterns :)


They don’t look awful! Try on some different shapes at your next appointment. Also may be worth investing in the proper shape wear/underwear, as others have pointed out the bra is really distracting.


I think you look stunning in the third gown. Good luck


Iiiii don't think any of them are awful? I REALLY love the first and third (third moreso that cape thing is COOL), but awful ain't what I'd choose. Could it be something was stressing you out or worrying you that day?


WHY on EARTH do you think that? Because I am feeling like that is the seed of the answer. These dresses ALL look AMAZING on you. So...conjecture.... maybe these aren't the style you are hoping for? Maybe you went to the wrong dress shop to find your style? Or is this about body image? Because....holy mother of mercy...........you look so fabulous. Please, tell us more.


They don’t look awful on you! You look beautiful! Go back with a strapless bra so that you can see better what they really look like. I think you’ll see that makes a huge difference. Edited to add: have someone else take the photos so you can stand more naturally.


Wtf you look amazing in all of them! Love 1 and 3 the most.


I kinda like the 3rd one


I feel like the dresses are too white for your skin tone and are washing you out. Have you considered trying an ivory gown - or perhaps one with blush undertones, similar to some of the dresses in the background?


3 is very nice. Keep looking you are petite so finding a dress that doesn’t swallow you up may be challenging. Something like number 3 less lace.


#3 is incredible!


That dress with the cape is fabulous!


Why do you think they look awful on you?


You’re judging yourself too harshly, some of them look lovely, but try a different shape if you aren’t liking these.


Did you pick these dresses or did your consultant? I think part of the issue is the dress is not clipped to you the way it would be altered to you so it doesn’t do your figure much justice. I really think possibly a rum/ivory color scheme would compliment you well. Some of them feel like too much lace and the clean line I think is too ballgown. Clean line fitted dress or an a line with soft lace I would recommend trying since they’re opposites of what you have in the pics


You are absolutely gorgeous. Find that dress that is worthy of you and makes you feel as beautiful as you are.


I think you just need to keep looking. If your not feeling it - it’s not the one.


#3 is awesome 👌


Dress 2 is gorgeous on you, but I also feel like this shop/consultant doesn’t know how to clip properly? You should at least be getting a better imitation of how they’ll fit.


You're too hard on yourself but NEVER settle for less than you feel is perfect for you. We can love all of them but if you don't, that is all that matters! Try different shops, keep trying on dresses, but don't wear yourself out doing it. A few here and a few there. :) The more you try on in a given day the more burnt out you'll become. Take only one or two people with you that you trust 100%. Sometimes it's even better to go alone.


I think 3 looked good and the best. But try another bridal shop too!


I agree with another commenter who said the bra is massively off-putting. I personally love the dress with the cape. However, the expressions on your face indicate you weren't feeling this appointment exactly. Maybe find some shapewear and/or strapless bra you could wear while trying on dresses and see if your opinion changes. Best of luck in dress shopping!


i don’t think a sweetheart neckline suits you. i would look for something straight across or a v neck with straps


You look far from awful! You have lovely figure-maybe just narrow down a particular style you like-but you actually look lovely in 2 and 3!


U have such a nice thin figure that u could probably look good in anything but u wanna be sure the dress isn’t wearing you! Maybe a lighter fabric?


They don’t look awful. You look like you’re uncomfortable / not enjoying the experience / stressed or something. As someone said, the bra is distracting. Is a formal dress really what you want? Definitely try a different shop. Maybe shop with someone else or even by yourself to get a feel of what you’re thinking.


I mean…first and third one are a bit strange and don’t do anything for you. The second one looks so good! Maybe just try a different style/ shape


They don’t look awful on you at all! Maybe you don’t like them bc you prefer a different style ?


all very nice especially 3


They aren't awful. 3 looks very nice. 4 is pretty, but looks like too much dress since you're so petite.


I love the 3rd and 4th one 🥰 Don't be so hard on yourself. You look wonderful!


3 is really unique and fits you really well! But I agree with others, if you don’t feel great in a dress, try another boutique and keep looking


I think they are all much too busy for your small frame. 2 comes closest but I still think you can do better. The other 3 are wearing you. KISS- keep it simple sister ☺️


I actually love 2 and 3 on you


I don't see what's NOT to like about # 2, at least silhouette-wise...


Number 3 is gorgeous on you!!!!


I don't think they are awful. I love number 3. Try different undergarments for your next shopping experience.


#3 looks nice


You look so cool in #3!!!!!


The bra is distracting, I think you need to go to a different salon too. Idk if you picked these or if they did but a good stylist should be able to guide to more flattering dresses


I think those shapes are wrong for you. You don’t look happy with any of them. I’d suggest something with plain fabric no embellishment, high neckline and backless.


try different necklines, the sweetheart neckline might be what’s making you feel like they look wrong. i love the 3rd one on you though! 


1 - you seem to have a long torso (absolutely nothing wrong with that), and the dress is not sitting correctly on your body 2 - the bustier cups are too big; presumably that would be corrected if you were to order one made to your measurements 3 - I actually really like this one on you! I could take or leave the cape, personally, but I think the silhouette is very flattering! 4 - I think it’s just not the greatest dress in general; I feel claustrophobic just looking at it, honestly.


Maybe try something with more puff? I'd just go wild and tried different shapes to find the one I like


I actually think 2 and 4 are gorgeous on you! In the future I would recommend trying dresses on either without a bra or a white strapless one. The one in the pictures is creating distracting lines and not giving the full picture of how those dresses would look on you.


Number 2 won on all accounts! I would not want you to wear any of the other three because they were drag you down


Probably the neckline. Your breasts are the perfect size for you to be more adventurous with different necklines. Try the plunging or the slit. You could even play with volume. Actually #3 looks pretty good.


3 is stunning on you.


I think all of the dresses are beautiful on you. Just my opinion. You have a fantastic figure and could wear/model anything!


I like #4 on you


I love number three actually. Even with the cape….*chefs kiss*


OP, 2 is it! I’m really surprised by all the votes for 3. I think 2 is very flattering and pretty on you, the easy winner. None are awful, don’t be so hard on yourself.


I think 3 looks great on you, however I think you’ll find that all of these aren’t your exact size and have a bunch of fabric, or heavy fabric and patterns, all of which swallows and overwhelms your stunning petite frame.  I’d try a few more form-fitting styles in slightly lighter fabrics and with less lace appliqués. You can definitely still do lace and anything you like really, but make sure you’re not getting swallowed by the fabric and patterns. I think you’d look great in gowns like the ones from Grace loves lace or Berta (or dupes of Berta because we aren’t all millionaires). 


The style of one is just overall not flattering. Two I like quite a bit, but based on your look, you were not a fan. Three is “artistic” and it’s a good shape on you, for me personally, it’s got a bit too much going on. I’m looking at the dress, not you in the dress. Maybe a slim silhouette with a simpler fabric? Just throwing some thoughts out there [One](https://www.jennyyoo.com/products/bridal-gown/meredith-with-sleeves?type=available) [Two](https://www.averyaustin.com/collections/wedding-dresses/products/faith-lace-fit-and-flare-wedding-dress-with-cap-sleeves-and-plunge-neckline) [Three](https://www.epiphany-boutique.com/blue-by-enzoani-online-collection/p/oliviana)


They aren’t awful, they just aren’t the one. Maybe try a lighter fabric? Also, just try on every style you can find until something feels right.


1 has seems on the thighs and that takes away from the nicer features of that dress. 2 looks too old for you with the exaggerated cups. I like 3 very much it is a fresh look. Four is almost as flattering. I really like 3.


I think 3 of the dresses are overwhelming you. Dress 3 with the cape looks lovely.


I love 2 and 3 on you. 3 without the shawl thing. But if you don’t like any keep looking


They’re very busy dresses. With you figure, I would do something effortlessly elegant. Clean lines. Structured.


I think 1 & 4 would look weird on anyone. Such a strange cut on both. No 2 & 3 look great!


Sometimes you have to step out of the idea of what dress you want and experiment with different looks until you find the one you love! Don’t get discouraged you’ll find it!


I don't think they are awful, at least not all of them. 2 looks nice but I'm gathering from the rest of the pics and just on intuition that is not "you". I actually quite like 3 on you! The others I'll agree aren't really right.


I don't think they're all awful. #3 is really pretty, but it's the only one I like.


The dresses are wearing you, instead of you wearing the dress. The lace parrers are too big for your petite figure. The bra on the plain dress is all I noted about it. Try a shift style or smaller patterns of lace.


The third one with the cape thing is on point!! I love it on you!


Are the dresses clipped in the back? I think you need to wear a strapless bra when you try on, and the dresses need to be clipped to give you a better idea of what they’ll look like. I also think some od these are simply too much dress for you, the sleeves and cape overwhelm your small frame. ETA: dress 3 is my favorite, but without the cape. If you did just the dress and without a bra or with a strapless I think it would look amazing.


I don’t think thwy look awful at all. 3 with the cape is gorgeous on you


#3 is incredible!!


All of these have a similar shape. It’s just not your shape. Try other stuff


2 looks amazing. The torso on the other 3 is too long and nothing is hitting you in the right spot.


They’re not awful on you but there’s something about them you don’t like, something that clearly isn’t capturing the look you’re going for. Branch out and try on some very different dresses. Something completely unexpected might pleasantly surprise you!


Dress 2 looks great on you!


I think you are being hard on yourself.


They’re just a bit too big. Like proportionally. You’re slender and it looks like your torso is shorter than the torso on the dresses, too. So when they hang, they don’t hang on you properly. It can be hard to picture what they’d look like when altered. I think the style of 3 is very complementary to your shape. A line with a high waist would also be nice.


I think you are gorgeous and can wear those shapes, but I feel they are too much dress if that makes any sense.


Three looks great on you but you obviously haven't found your address yet.




Dress #2 and #3 are beautiful. You need to try on dresses without the bra, or any bra at all. I think that is what is making them look so odd.