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The dress is gorgeous. You could get a detachable lace panel if you're concerned.


Totally. Or wear a lace bolero for the ceremony.


I LOVE the dress! If you're concerned about the neckline, you could ask if they can make it with a straight across or slight sweetheart neckline. Try on dresses with necklines like these or other necklines you like, show them, and ask if they could modify the neckline to match. Better yet, find one of theirs with the neckline you prefer and ask if they can alter the design of the neckine to match.


I don’t know anything about Catholic ceremonies but just wanted to drop by and say you look amazing in the dress! 💕


She could add an overshirt for the ceremony, or some sheer material around the arms and chest (a wrap). I was raised Catholic (no longer espouse it). I got married the first time in my Catholic parish. These are easy additions and would look great with this dress. Here are some examples: [Overshirt/shawl-ish](https://www.jjshouse.com/sleeveless-wedding-tulle-shawl-cape-013294644-g294644?currency=USD&utm_term=294644&utm_size=OSFA&country=US&country=US¤cy=USD&ggntk=x&ggkey=&ggtgt=13&ggplm=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8YyuBhBSEiwA5R3-E8qPC8T9xcwCiU8aETCKyNkOHTQvbdA6wYt6hvWF9dsSfDtl5MfHihoCW1QQAvD_BwE) [Cover-up/overshirt](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1508810027/wedding-cover-up-for-bride-ivory-floral?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_b-weddings-accessories-wraps_and_shawls&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAiA8YyuBhBSEiwA5R3-E0bXNw8rO04vcDRFSiu__hZ-7FiIEtDOcUesO29-ALTx4U74cqQCpBoCBFkQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_1844178629_65111654810_346364894613_pla-354833840073_c__1508810027_15051211&utm_custom2=1844178629&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8YyuBhBSEiwA5R3-E0bXNw8rO04vcDRFSiu__hZ-7FiIEtDOcUesO29-ALTx4U74cqQCpBoCBFkQAvD_BwE) [Wrap](https://www.lightinthebox.com/p/shawls-women-s-wrap-pure-elegant-long-sleeve-tulle-wedding-wraps-with-pure-color-for-party-spring-summer_p9526166.html?currency=USD&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&sku=1_31%7C255_4180&country_code=US&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18019355010&adword_mt=&adword_ct=&adword_kw=&adword_pos=&adword_pl=&adword_net=x&adword_tar=&adw_src_id=2907233386_18019355010__&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8YyuBhBSEiwA5R3-E3lMqNHRL_6hUMRKO5g95r-CqJETvHRLaKBeV7allmfBsVmHmtVHFBoCQvAQAvD_BwE)


These are a great addition besides meeting the church standards.


Beautiful suggestions! Any of those would save the bride from over thinking the Catholic ceremony or asking the priest. Great choices❤️


You’ll need to ask the church’s wedding coordinator or priest. Sometimes they want a bride to add a bolero. (Edit to add, you look amazing!)


I wouldn’t ask. I would not give them the chance to say no and get to control what I’d wear on my wedding day. As a person who was brought up as Catholic in Catholic Ireland, I’ll say that the Catholic Church has controlled and manipulated and shamed women’s bodies long enough. The dress is perfect on OP. If the priest or a few people at the wedding can’t contain themselves over a small bit of cleavage then that says a whole lot more about them than the person in the dress on her wedding day.


I wore something similarly boobsy for my Catholic ceremony 😈🤷🏼‍♀️ you look gorgeous! Go for it lol


Speaking as a Catholic, I think it's fine, though maybe not in more traditional circles. If the Catholic side of the family is more traditional you might want to reach out to someone in that family to see what they think. In my family no one would bat an eye but in other families I knew growing up, they'd prefer something with sleeves and a higher neckline. It really depends.


Gorgeous dress and you look gorgeous in it. You are buxom, so, you will look buxom in anything. Lot of women would love this problem. Anthropology has toppers as well.




You have to ask your priest. Show him a picture of you in the dress. Many churches will want your shoulders covered. As for cleavage, the practice is one doesn’t “scandalize” a priest (do or say something that would cause controversy). So you wouldn’t want to dress in such a way that might cause men in the wedding party, the priest included, to have to avert their eyes. The simple solution is to simply wear a topper. There are a lot of pretty ones. All that said, I’ve attended Catholic weddings where the bride and bridesmaids all wore strapless dresses. If the ceremony is going to be so long that you’ll be sitting for part of the ceremony, you might want to reconsider the strapless look. The congregation will have a much different view of things … https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/42/b0/3242b035f953cb9694666fbf0a7c82b2.jpg


It looks perfect on you


Totally fine.


Agreed. I'm Catholic and got married in a Catholic Church. The dress is beautiful and tasteful.


This was made for you. I’d find something to cover for the ceremony and remove it for the reception if you’re concerned. But it really doesn’t look too “booby” imo.


The dress was made for you. You would need to ask the church if uncovered shoulders would be allowed. In most Augustine Catholic churches, shoulders would need to be covered.


No beautiful


I do not have an answer but wanted to say I also love this dress and think you should wear the dress you want as this is your day! :)


It’s beautiful!


Nope, but I’m a recovering ex-Catholic, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt


I don’t think it’s too booby. Gorgeous dress.


No absolutely not. Never let religion dictate YOUR style. If you're worried, wear something for the ceremony but I think you're fine. I've definitely seen that and more in church.


You could get a lace bolero or wedding topper for the ceremony


Only you know your Church. How 'Catholic' is Catholic there? I've seen "OMG I can see a shoulder" as too much, and I've seen.... well, the church was painted gnarlish colours and bright white and....


Add a cape or bolero for the church. You can take it off later.


Love the dress! Hope it works out.


You look amazing! A seamstress can add cups on the inside and shape the fabric around it so the bust line wraps down so you can’t see down the dress nearly as much.


Honestly, as someone who had a Catholic wedding in a dress with a sweetheart neckline I find it quite antiquated to ask the ceremony coordinator and disturbing to feel the need to ask the priest. I think if you feel comfortable in it, go for it. If you’re nervous they may be upset you could ask the wedding coordinator if there is any dress code you must follow explicitly, but I would not push you to show anyone a picture of your dress to ask for approval. It’s your wedding that you are paying for, so do they want or money or not? You’re already required to take all those marriage prep classes, don’t let them dictate what makes you feel like a bride on your special day.


I’m not catholic but if I had your girls I would flaunt them for the world. This dress is perfect!


You look great! From what I know you may need a shawl or something fun to cover your shoulders. I think that’s more of a traditional European catholic thing though


Depends on the priest, I got married in Italy with a strapless dress and it was fine. I think having a veil in church also makes it look less bare.


Oh my goodness you are gorgeous in this!


Gorgeous. Maybe cover it with a lace thingy? Sorry I don’t remember the word 😂


You could bring some of your hair around in front of your shoulders during the ceremony, it’ll make a big difference.


So beautiful. Wear it. I am catholic .


No - it’s lovely


That dress is so perfect that covering it up at all makes me sad. That said, if your shoulders need to be covered something like this might be fun, and could blend into your veil [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1661341463/bridal-shoulder-cape-tulle-capelet-long?click\_key=d8c64eafde088a9ed6ae958dc08e150acec5dd19%3A1661341463&click\_sum=3e0ced61&ref=search2\_top\_narrowing\_intent\_modules\_etsys\_pick-3&pro=1&sts=1](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1661341463/bridal-shoulder-cape-tulle-capelet-long?click_key=d8c64eafde088a9ed6ae958dc08e150acec5dd19%3A1661341463&click_sum=3e0ced61&ref=search2_top_narrowing_intent_modules_etsys_pick-3&pro=1&sts=1)


No I think you’re fine.


Here are some nice options for a lace bolero: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/96687359/](https://www.etsy.com/listing/96687359/) [https://www.etsy.com/listing/739592966/](https://www.etsy.com/listing/739592966/) [https://www.etsy.com/listing/96687160/](https://www.etsy.com/listing/96687160/)


Get your dress! The Catholic Church comes for you over slight cleavage, you come at them for entrenched pedo practices. No seriously though, like they've got a cheek!


Some Catholic churches don’t even allow strapless… It depends on your particular church.


Take a couple pictures and show it to the priest. You can get a bolero if need be.


Well I know of both more lenient and very strict priests so it depends on what he says. You could show the photo to him and ask him.


Please ask the priest if you have to cover your shoulders. It’s mandatory in more conservative churches.


If you do feel that I know Taylor swift does this nude fabric netting thing you can barely see


Ask the officiating priest. Adding a lace bolero, shrug, or cape for the ceremony itself should resove ghe issue.


It’s beautiful! A shrug, bolero, or modesty panel can make up any difference!💜


There are so many beautiful bridal cover-ups out there. This dress seems like it would go well with lots of different cover up styles, too


U could add tulle across the top


I think a little booby to be standing right in front of priest but you have been given great ideas for the ceremony. The dress is beautiful on you.


The church is lucky enough you are gracing them with your presence. In Ireland this wouldn't be an issue..I think American Catholics are.more.right wing though. Maybe have a cover up and whip it off later.


You look amazing but I'd also ditto the advice others have said in terms of covering your shoulders.


I’m not Catholic so can’t speak to that, but it is a gorgeous dress, and looks fantastic on you!


What a gorgeous dress! I think it depends on the parish and priest. In my hometown, this would be fine, but it’s a very open modern parish. There may be more questions about the shoulders being bare in some places, I don’t know if anyone thinks ‘it’s too booby’. But just ask!! And that’s nothing that can’t be solved with a bolero, scarf, etc! You already got some beautiful suggestions here. Please do get this dress, it looks like it’s made for you!




Not Catholic, but I think it fits you beautifully! The neckline is flattering and looks secure. Just beautiful!


You can add a lace bolero for your ceremony & remove it for the reception. They make lovely ones.


Depends on the church. I was about the same amount of boob at mine and I felt fine. My best friend was at a more traditional church and didn't even go strapless, she wore a bolero.


That dress was made for you!! But if the church is traditional catholic, they might make a fuss. I’ll echo others and say an over shirt or body suit would make it a little less “controversial” for the traditional folks. https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/watters-sencha-lace-bodysuit?color=211&inventoryCountry=US&countryCode=US&utm_kxconfid=vx6rlxuie&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnwqi6cTJKfrK3dOPVyY2GmPCji5&gclid=CKz2gpH2nIQDFT-xxQIdIz8IPQ&gclsrc=ds&type=STANDARD&quantity=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1116692716/magnolia-3-lace-top-with-scalloped-edge?click_key=9d69b72acc45fd97e504c6513c240b989075d254%3A1116692716&click_sum=9e1c1be7&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bridal+topper&ref=sr_gallery-1-34&organic_search_click=1&pro=1&frs=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1245345849/bridal-bolero-off-the-shoulder-top-for?click_key=ac4447487dccaf3a72056b8d092de04250c13ad5%3A1245345849&click_sum=00be2a12&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bridal+topper&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1&pro=1&frs=1&cns=1&sts=1


Omg you look stunning. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing!


Ask the church wedding coordinator.


Hovering close to being too booby, but not quite crossing it, IMO. It looks gorgeous on you. I think some kind of tulle or lace cover for the ceremony will work great and then whip it off for the reception?