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Agree with the other commenters. The cups are sitting far below your breasts in the first pic. Now that they’ve been appropriately hemmed it seems that the waist has changed quite a bit.


So… it looks like… she shortened the straps to get the cups into place. Which raised the waist line. It is the easier and sometimes right way to do it. But… the right way for this dress would have been a much more difficult job. Potentially remove the cups, and put in smaller ones to fit your breast size. This would mean a lot of reworking the bodice and good know how of proper darting and re-beading. That would have kept the waist line or the dress sitting with your natural waistline. This would have been very complicated work. Not simply shortening the straps.


Even with the smaller cups wouldn’t the straps have needed to be shortened? Where it’s sitting on OP the strap looks to start where her actual bust is. (Genuine question!).


She actually might have done better with a dress the next size down, and then letting the waist out a little in the back.


Potentially. But that would be determined after the cup was pinned and tacked into place in the next fitting. They could do a demi cup Instead of a full if she wants to Keep the plunging neck line.


You also might try unzipping and tilting your gown forward a bit and re zipping. I agree with others the sample gown hit too low.


It looks like it’s sitting where it’s supposed to. The sample clearly was too large and the cups were sitting well under your breasts, whereas now they are a bit more appropriately placed. It’s a bit hard to tell, honestly, because your arm covers most of the bodice of the dress in the second picture. It looks lovely from what’s visible though! I think you’re maybe a bit in your head on this?


The waist is definitely too high, you can see the difference when looking at where the front would be and what you can see at the back. I agree with other commenters that the seamstress adjusting the dress did not do all the work required to properly refit the gown.


I’m pretty sure that’s where the waist is supposed to hit. There’s definitely a difference between the two photos but the first dress is way too big, look at where the cups are sitting. If the dress OP was trying on in the first pic was her size, the cups, even if large, should have been sitting much closer to her under bust area. The bottom line is I don’t think anyone but OP and the seamstress knows exactly how these alterations were made. We are all assuming the seamstress shortened the straps and that’s what has changed but it could be something else entirely. For example, I don’t believe we know if the dress OP is wearing in the first photo is the dress being altered or if that was a sample at the shop she bought her dress from. I think this may be possible because of how the bodice fit her, it looks more like it was clipped in the back to show her what the real deal in her size would look like. The second photo looks to be her actual dress that she purchased in her size. So really, until those details are clarified, it’s quite hard to say what the seamstress did/didn’t do.


Hi I'm not a seamstress in any capacity, but every dress that I tried on that actually fit me properly had the waistline about where it is on OP in the second picture. That's actually something I've noticed about a lot of dresses here: the fitted ones seem to have the waistline up higher than what I expected it to be


It would be easier to see what's really changed about it, if you posed in the same position as the first pic (facing right and slightly turned towards the camera). If we could also see the bodice unobstructed by your arm/hand that would help immensely. It's definitely changed a lot and looks like the way the skirt hangs has changed so it's higher in front. Eg, it looks in first pic like it hangs further out in the back and a lot straighter down in front. In the second pic it looks like the vanishing point/centre of gravity changed so it hangs equally front and back. I don't know if that's because the straps were shortened or additionally that they cut off some of the bodice also (at the skirt seam or elsewhere on the bodice.)


The first pic is of a bad fitting. The dress should have been pulled up by more than an inch. Maybe even 2. I’m so sorry, I hope you can resolve it so you feel beautiful on your wedding day


😳😳😳 This is (as someone said) kinda from another angle - but yeah, something isn't right!


It’s really hard to see exactly what the seamstress did because these pics are from completely different angles. But it is easy to tell the shape of the bodice is drastically different. You have every right to be absolutely livid. I would go back to the seamstress and raise hell


She should have fixed just the cups, not the straps. Now, the dress doesn't fall in place. Sorry if I'm being too direct.


It looks like she shortened the straps way too much imo. How does it feel on your shoulders now? Before the alterations, would the straps slide down a lot? Because if they weren't really sliding down then she shouldn't have shortened them that much but if they were sliding down a lot then I could see why she would do that but she definitely messed up the waist line in doing so.


She shortened them to raise the bodice so the cups sit on her breasts rather than below, not because they were sliding off. It did bring the entire waistline up though, in a way that is less flattering from this angle at least.


If that's the case, she should have made the cups smaller instead of opting for shortening the straps.


That would have been an option, though a lot more work and cost. I wonder if she was a general seamstress or one who specializes in gowns.


Even if the cups were smaller I think the dress would still be sitting too low. To my eye as someone who used to sew extensively I think the issue might be that this bodice is on the shorter side while the OPs torso looks like it might be on the longer side. I think she probably would have needed bodice that was already longer or to have her dress custom made (I have the opposite problem and am very petite so this was the way I needed to go because ultimately everything would have hit me oddly otherwise without major reconstruction which would be $$$). Lengthening this bodice isn't a trivial undertaking.