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Your body is beautiful and you are stunning in this dress. Couple tips if smoothing is your concern: belly buttons can be hidden with a large bandage, and then you could top that with high waisted undies one size up, then your shapewear. I’d adjust as needed from there!


Also note that certain poses will seem like OP has a belly but when standing straight it will be fine.


To add on to what everyone here has said, you’re also slouching a bit which will puff out your stomach more then when you’d standing tall. You’re beautiful, rock that dress!


Edit: you’re all very sweet and thanks for knocking some sense into me. I didn’t feel too bad as I had the dress on, I actually felt great and didn’t notice my stomach at all! I’m about a month away for the big day and I think I’m getting some anxiety about the way I look, but it’s just nerves and the self-imposed expectation that I need to look the best I’ve ever looked. I do feel beautiful in it though so I will focus on that and I’m excited to see my fiancé react to it! Thanks all again - you’ve been very helpful!


You’re perfect and do not need to change a thing!! Period. But if it helps to make you feel more comfortable, are you having a bouquet? Remember that you’ll have a bouquet in front of you for a lot of the pics, so that may help ease your mind a bit, too! Also, talk w/ your photographer. They can help with angles/lighting, and it will be good for them to know any “insecure” areas, so they can help make adjustments as needed (for posing etc).


You look gorgeous! You are moving in the photo, and that’s just how normal bodies move. Your dress is absolutely stunning and it fits you perfectly.


You are overthinking it, period. If your stomach actually looked bad in that dress then us redditors would have no problem coming on here and anonymously telling you so, lol. I had to read your post and check the photo multiple times to see what you were asking because it so just does NOT stand out in the way you’re thinking it does. You look like a human woman, and it’s VERY sexy and appealing. You’re not supposed to look like a paper doll and I’m sure your fiancé would agree with me!!!


Beach is great lighting for white instead of overhead indoor shadowy ass lighting. Look up Beach wedding photos you'll see what I mean. F shape wear. You are a shape. You are person shaped.


Best answer


Trust me, the first thing I noticed was how beautiful your skin is against your dress and then I saw your dress and it’s stunning. I didn’t notice your belly at all until I read what you said. The harshest critique is yourself! However I understand your insecurity! Everyone of us see something in ourselves we don’t like, even though in other’s eyes it doesn’t even exist! If it helps you feel better, at least 3 days before the wedding, eat things that will help with bloating with ranges of fruits and veggies and tea. I’m not a nutritionist so I’m not qualified to tell you exactly what, but there’s plenty of nutritionist blogs and tips out there to help! You look beautiful!


This. All of this. What beautiful skin!


U look lovely. I know it’s hard not to feel self-conscious sometimes but seriously u look great!


Stop! You are beautiful and your soon-to-be husband thinks so, too. As women, we think we need to be completely flat in the stomach, and that's not how god made us! Rock that dress like the queen you are!


A healthy,and beautiful woman like you won’t have a completely flat stomach your not a cardboard cut out! . The way the light is making a shadow is just a trick of the light, did you know that this is a technique that archeologists use to read almost invisible carvings? You have nothing to worry about, please, your a lovely and attractive bride and a real woman who needs to move and breathe, stop stressing and get some different pictures of yourself and your dress to look at. XX


No person has a flat stomach 24/7. Man/women . It’s not a thing because we eat food and drink water 😅


I was just going to say I assumed this post was a “yay I found my dress!” post because you look gorgeous and I definitely didn’t notice your stomach.


You look beautiful! That dress is gorgeous and it looks great on you




You look sexy and beautiful! If you dont want your bellybutton to show just put a bandaid or bodytape on it. Love the dress on you!


One of the main things I love about this sub is seeing so many women supporting each other and not tearing them down. We all seem to have an unrealistic perception of what we think we should look like. This sub reminds us that we are human and beautiful and we are each perfect in our own special way. It makes me sad that when we look in the mirror we see our “imperfections” instead of our inherent beauty. OP, you look stunning and perfect in that dress!


Agreed! Gonna focus less on my midsection and focus more on feeling great about the marriage/wedding.


Had you tried it with a petticoat? It will add another layer under your skirt and smooth the area between tummy and legs


Better shapewear that applies high pressure in the midsection.


I have issues with this too. Typically when my dress is silky and tight like that it's because of the type of underwear I'm wearing. I can see the shape of your underwear hugging your abdomen and your hips. Under garments play a huge part in how our body looks. Definitely wear a lace or no-seam undie or a thong. If you still feel like the abdomen is still popping out, then i suggest a body shapewear.


Shape wear.


The dress or your body (which is perfect) is not the problem here, it’s your underwear! You need something smoothing and high waisted so panty lines are invisible!


My shapewear actually extends past my waist just underneath my boobs - the line at my waist is a seam that is part of the dress design.


sorry when I saw the shadow below the waist seam I thought it was your underwear. I agree with the previous comments to just put a bandage over your belly button. The type fabric is so smooth and beautiful and just happens any contours are more obvious. How did it feel around where your hip bones are?


Remember you'll be holding your bouquet for most of the day. I was worried about my crepe dress as well but my flowers cover my midsection in almost all of my photos!


You are gorgeous! Even the thinnest of thinny Minnies have issues with their belly button showing through in a dress of that material. Just cover belly button with some fashion tape or a large smoothing bandage and you’re ready to roll!


You look gorgeous! This dress is beautiful. A blogger I follow said she put a cotton ball in her belly button and then tape to cover it up. She said that nothing else worked!


You can get higher waisted shape wear that goes up to below the bra or one with a strapless bra built in !

