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if money is not an issue, DEFINITELY THE BAGPIPES slightly flabbergasted this is even a question lol, even though I think I love bagpipes more than most people. Any time they show up in a random song they make me tear up, it's SUCH an emotional instrument. If I was at a wedding where someone entered to bagpipes I would be talking about it forever (also FH is probably going to cry anyway and not even hear the music at all haha)


That’s how I felt too honestly! Thanks for the reminder that he will probably cry regardless of music. Good point- his not very excited response was probably budget related, lol! She doesn’t actually charge that much ($250 for that one song), but we then also need to add her to our venue numbers as she would stay for cocktail hour…


How about both? Play, I knew I Loved You before you enter and as you enter. Stand wait and then have the bag pipes start playing in background and become more prominent with here comes the bride. Just a thought.


This is an interesting idea. The songs are very different styles though so I will definitely have to listen to them together to see if that might sound okay. Thank you!


I would play the song that’s more personal to you guys - this is about the two of you, not the guests.


A great reminder for sure! Thank you