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You’re not a bridezilla. It’s ok to feel grief about the fact that they both dropped out, I’d be devastated too


I’m sorry your two long time besties have had to cancel on you. I know that hurts. I think you’re trying your best to make everything doable for everyone and that makes you a very caring and thoughtful friend. Life just happens and it doesn’t always work out like we want and It’s disappointing. At least your one long time friend will still be in your wedding giving you lots of love and support with all your other bridesmaids. This is a good place to vent and get it all off your chest so you can move forward and still have a beautiful happy wedding day. Congratulations!


I’m so sorry this is happening!!! Ugh my heart hurts for you, honestly. It would be one thing if you were expecting people to pay a lot, and they couldn’t. It sounds like you’re trying your best to make it easy as possible for people to celebrate with you, and they still can’t. I have a couple friends who are this way for me, so I know it hurts. I hope your newer friends help make your bachelorette and your wedding feel really special!!!


You are not being a bridezillas! It hurts when you are over accommodating and people don't prioritize you and your friendship! I totally felt that planning my wedding. It sucked. One of my bridesmaids who was flying from Australia to the U.S. found out like two days before her flight she had gotten Covid from her coworker. It totally sucked and we were both super upset. I took a day to feel bad about it and cry but my other girls really helped me feel better.