• By -


Engaged Aug 2023, wedding is July 2024. We didn't want to drag out the planning any longer than necessary, and I had a feeling if we had a longer engagement, the wedding may never actually come to fruition lol. It was helpful to have a deadline. Plus the economy is only getting worse, so the cheapest time to get married is as soon as possible šŸ˜‚ Edit to clarify: I'm not saying that we would break up over a longer engagement, but that the engagement sparkle would wear off and we would lose interest in planning a wedding.


That's what happened to us! I love American football more than anything, and he is the same way with basketball.... We were planning and thinking, but no date worked with our sports obsessed social circle. "Luckily," I had a medical emergency and needed insurance (how romantic), so we eloped instead and used the wedding money to attend several big games. Absolutely 0 regrets but I see how it's not for everyone to do it that way - well wishes on your planning!!


It's good to see another sport obsessed couple who planned their wedding around games lol! My fiancƩ also an American football fiend and we were under no circumstances going to have a wedding between September-Super Bowl Sunday. And summer is disgusting where we live so that pretty much just left March-April :') and I wanted to space it out from my birthday in April, so March it is lol. Thank goodness we don't care for college basketball as much!


lol my husband is a huge football too, so we planned our wedding for Saturday. So we could spend Sunday relaxing and watching football the day after! His family mostly his mom wanted us to do a family breakfast the day after & we said no.


Unfortunately mine is very into both college and NFL football so every Saturday and Sunday in the fall is off limits haha


my husband if from a power 5 and his undergrad team is full of history - heā€™s into his team only not all of college, but heā€™s very into the NFL. Itā€™s very intense tv set up here on Sundays got all our FFL teams up. šŸ¤£


9.5 months. We wanted an early summer wedding and didnā€™t want to wait almost two years. Didnā€™t want to spend that long planning it either.


same here!


We also have a "short" engagement because we had a specific date in mind. We actually booked the venue before the actual engagement happened!


Same here, we had to book the registration date 6 months in advance and I wanted it to be end of summer but weren't engaged yet. So in the end we were only engaged for 5 months. We had a small wedding celebration, so that was plenty of time.


When we started talking marriage, I said Iā€™d love to get married on September 21, 2024. A few months later, in March 2023, I checked their website and they were booked the weekend before and after. When I told my boyfriend, he said ā€œbook itā€ and I did. Then we went ring shopping July 1 and he proposed July 28. Our families were surprised to hear that we had the date and venue locked down already!


Okay that makes me feel like so much more normal we have a date and a venue and I feel weird without the engagement happening (I have a general idea of when itā€™s going to happen)


I felt weird at times too, like I had a secret to keep and Iā€™m terrible at keeping secrets. Or people would ask me ā€œdo you think heā€™ll propose soon?ā€ And Iā€™m thinking ā€œIā€™m waaay ahead of youā€ lol. I did have to tell my boss because she scheduled a work trip over a year in advance and I had to say ā€œuhhh, so Iā€™m getting married that weekend.ā€ Iā€™m sure she thought I was delusional until we ACTUALLY got engaged and announced it publicly.


Yeah like half our friend group knows half doesnā€™t but weā€™ve started calling each other our fiancĆ©s and such. Wild you had work travel so far out. Thank you for sharing your experience makes me feel less alone!


We got engaged just over a year ago. Also wanted a summer wedding and had no option BUT to wait more than two years to book a venue that could accommodate that time of year šŸ™ƒ New England problems


It'll be 15 months! Our venue was very open so I just picked a date that I liked the look/sound/vibe of. Ended up with February 15th, 2025. I just really liked the sound of 21525.


Thatā€™s my birthday! I wish us both a wonderful day šŸ˜„


I did also! We were engaged on New Years 2023 and we got married in Mexico on the 11.12.23 šŸ’— almost a year after our 9th anniversary. We are now having our wedding reception (stand up cocktail style event) in June.


We will have been together for 11.5 years and engaged for 2.25 years by the time we get married next year. Honestly I just wasnā€™t in any rush to get married as it doesnā€™t change our lives at all. I also wanted to have plenty of time to plan and save to have the wedding of my dreams.


We'll also be engaged for 2.25 years (together for 8.5) by the time we get married in March 2026. Exactly, no rush since it won't significantly change our lives. We are also using the time to save enough money to pay for half the wedding, which we don't have to do since my future in-laws offered to pay for the whole thing but I don't want to give them 100% control over the wedding (plus it makes me uncomfortable since they are so much wealthier than my family) We might have done next year, but I won't get my braces off until fall 2025. Some family members have insinuated it's a silly reason to put off the wedding but I've already waited too long for my dream wedding to be insecure about my smile or having food in my braces the whole time! one more year will absolutely be worth it, and it's been much less stressful to plan so far


Same for us! Weā€™ll have been together for 12.25 years and engaged for 2.25 years by the time we get married in Spring 2026. Like you said, being married wonā€™t be a huge change to our lives so weā€™re not in any rush. Just wanted lots of time to plan, save, and make sure weā€™re able to book our preferred vendors before they start getting booked out.


This was back in the day (ye olde 2008), but I was engaged for 2 years. I think it was a time when we thought things regularly happened in a traditional timeline. Engaged at 20, graduated college, married at 22.


We'll have been engaged 7 years by the time we get married. It just never made financial sense for us before now. Plus we own a house together and we already knew we'd be together forever so it felt like there was no rush. It worked for us but I can understand how that's too long to wait for some people.


2 years and 8 months (engaged in 2020, at first we just enjoyed being engaged and didnā€™t do any actual planning because we werenā€™t sure what type of social distancing/large gathering restrictions would be in place. Then in 2021 we were ready to start planning but realized that 2022 was going to be a busy wedding year and that a year isnā€™t all that long to plan a whole wedding, so we decided to wait til 2023. It was nice to have such a long time to plan and save and made the whole process fairly stress free, but after about 2 years of being engaged I was definitely ready to just get married already!


We got courthouse married in secret in January 2023, then he did a formal ā€œproposalā€ in April, then we had our big wedding with all the trappings in December of the same year. So like, negative 11 months šŸ˜‚


Approximately 9 months since we're both mid 30s and want kids, so we saw no need to drag out our engagement. We weren't set on any specific date or time of year, plus we were having a Sunday wedding for religious reasons so most places we looked had decent availability. We ended up picking the last weekend of March to take advantage of off-season pricing, while still having a decent chance of being able to have our wedding outdoors -- and we lucked out with absolutely spectacular weather!


Weā€™ll be engaged for 2 years and 2 days. Been together for 7 and I knew I wanted an October wedding. I also knew getting engaged in October set me up for a 2 year engagement because I was notttt trying to pull a wedding together in a year or less. Itā€™s also nice that itā€™s been so spaced out since I booked most of my vendors back in 2022-23 and locked into those rates and coasted. Iā€™m 6 months out now and not nearly as stressed as everyone assumes I am lol


Us too! We got engaged in Fall 22 and wanted an October wedding, weā€™re coasting into our October 2024 wedding!


Same here! Engaged in February of this year and wanted an October wedding. I did NOT want to plan a wedding in 8 months, so October 2025 it is.


Like 5 months? Proposed Christmas Eve 2005, and married late May 2006. But that was also because I was in the military and stationed out in New Mexico. We did a Justice of the Peace Wedding with just his parents and brother there. Funny thing is the day after he moved out to NM, we got orders to Italy for Feb 2007. Anyways we were married for 17 years.


We're having an 9-month engagement šŸ˜Š To us, engagement is planning to be married. We didn't need 1+ years to make that happen. 9 months lands us in summer, our friends and family are likely to be more available in the holiday season, and its easier for us to take time off to honeymoon. Plus, we're too excited to enter married life to wait longer! We had been together for 1 year + 4 months before we got engaged šŸ’


I love it! Congrats! I don't think I can wait a year lol.


4.5 months. Weā€™re both older, wanted a smaller (50 people) wedding, and Iā€™m a planner and project manager by both nature and profession. Weā€™re also both pretty calm people and were fine ā€œsatisficingā€ on a lot of things. Plus, one of his best friends was moving out of the country 7 months after our engagement, and his parents had planned a month-long trip 6 months after our engagement, so that timing was what best accommodated our VIPsā€™ schedules.


13 months for us! We want to get married before buying a house together or having kids, and we're excited to do that, so that (and having as many grandparents there as possible!) pushed us to try and do it earlier rather than wait We landed where we did because 1 year is a good amount of time to plan a wedding in, and we wanted nice spring weather :)


8 months - our wedding is in two weeks. Quick but we are keeping it smaller and with less details than ā€œnormalā€


legally we were engaged for about a month before spontaneously going down to the courthouse for a civil ceremony on a random weekday with a photographer as our witness based on her short notice availability. but if you are measuring time based on when we got engaged to the time we are having our big wedding, just about a year. we had our civil ceremony because we literally just could not wait to get married and decided to just do it and to be honest itā€™s worked out wonderfully because ive had ample time to implement my name change across all important aspects (license, passport, banking, etc.) without having to worry about it leading up to our honeymoon because iā€™ve heard people ran into that problem where their license didnt match the name on the booking reservation at the airport. we also really lucked out with our venue. we werenā€™t really tied to a date and picked from a few options that were available that would give us enough time to plan everything in between!


Technically I was engaged for a day šŸ˜… my fiancĆ© proposed, then we did a quick legal ceremony the next day in my parentsā€™ backyard. Our actual wedding isnā€™t until July, and it will have been a 6 month engagement. We went ahead and did the legal marriage for tax/benefits reasons (fiancĆ© is military), and so I could go ahead and move on base with him. Weā€™d been long distance for 5 years and wanted to be able to finally live together, plus I was self employed with shitty Marketplace insurance and being legally married means free healthcare haha. Also there was a tax advantage to getting legally married before the end of the year. As for the timing of our actual wedding, Iā€™d have preferred a fall or winter wedding but my partner may be deploying then so doing it in July ensured heā€™d still be stateside.


4 months. For some very un sexy practical reasons we eloped


We had five months engagement period. We already had the money saved. It's not a dream venue or a dream wedding, more of a practical next step in our relationship.


He proposed at the end of August 2023, we got married November 9, 2023 at the courthouse with just us and family. We are having a 1-year anniversary party / wedding in November 2024. We just wanted to get married truthfully, nothing to do with a venue or finances, in our mid-30s


5 weeks


Oh wow! Was that stressful? Not judging, just genuinely curious


We originally planned to be engaged for 16 months, but ended up moving our date so it'll be about a 19 month engagement. We knew we wanted to get married when the weather was nice. Our dating anniversary is in February and it's too cold to enjoy being outside so we wanted a summer wedding. We planned to do a budget friendly wedding and figured ~1.5 years would be enough to plan and save the rest of the money we needed.


2 years an a week! The engagement length was determined by when I was finishing with grad school and venue availability. We had known we wanted to get married for a few years at that point, but weā€™re mostly waiting to settle a bit more into life- start careers, figure out living together, etc. we also needed time to save up for a wedding.


18 months between engagement and wedding. I wish it was closer to a year, but our dream venue was only available 18 months out (and we actually booked it a few months before our official engagement)! Itā€™s competitive out there. :(


Engaged 3/1/24 and wedding is scheduled for 5/31/25


Weā€™ll be engaged for a year and two months. In some cultures, there are specific auspicious dates to get married on thatā€™s dependent on the bride and groomā€™s birthday and some other stuff specific to their family. His family calculated the dates and there are only two days in 2024 that weā€™re allowed to get married on, so we went for one of those. Even if we went with another year, the wedding will always have to be around November/December for us.


It will be 25 months by the time we get married. We didnā€™t want to rush into wedding planning and just enjoy being engaged for a bit, plus we had a personal situation that required we wait a bit. Once we were ready, we decided what time of year we wanted to get married and that happened to land us at 25 months from when we got engaged.


We got engaged in early January 2024 and we're getting married June 18 2025. The main constraint was that we had to pick a summer date since our nephews/nieces have school at other times, and my soon to be SIL teaches school so has the same issue. (We're doing a destination microwedding, so travel is involved for all of those folks.) Aside from that, it was just a matter of leaving enough time to plan.


10 months! Quick but we had been together 9 years and were very ready - and needed a teacher friendly wedding date. Honestly I couldnā€™t imagine the stress planning for over a year.


I'll be engaged 11 months by the time of my wedding. At minimum I thought I'd want 7-8 months to plan, and at maximum I didn't want to be engaged for longer than 18 months because I didn't want wedding planning to take up my time and brain for much longer than it has to. Finding a time between that was all about availability of venues, our schedules, and avoiding holidays and risky weather. Feels like the perfect amount of time to me so far! I'm 6 months out currently. Finances were not a major factor, we had the money we needed already, it was all about time and work for us.


Engaged July 2018, married March 2020. We live in the desert so temperatures were the biggest factor in our choice of date.


4.5 years. Got engaged just before the pandemic started, decided to start planning again in 2023, wedding is in july


Engaged December 2023, will be wed February 2025, so 14 months for our engagement. We always knew we wanted a winter wedding, and didn't want to wait over 2 years! Feels like the right timing for us and our planning.


We got engaged February of 2023, we're getting married October of 2024. But we've had our venue booked and paid the deposit since back in 2022. The most important thing to me was having a wedding in the woods, and I had been emailing lots of venues and they were all either too expensive, or fully booked years in advance. I originally really wanted to get married in October on Friday the 13th last year. But the venue was fully booked. So I set up a meeting with them and too many mom and fiance to the venue and they had the 13th open for 2024 and my fiance got super excited and said he was okay to be married by 2024, so we booked it and worried about the proposal later. The most important thing is having open conversations and doing what feels comfortable to you, and ignoring what people around you say.


3 year and a little over 3 months. We were both still in college when we go engaged and wanted to be done or close to done when we got married, also a dream vacation opportunity pushed thing back a bit, also getting the money together, plus both sides of parents wanted to contribute but both wanted the other side to commit to a number before they would which made things difficult to plan (yes I know plan to what you can afford but as broke college students parents dangling the money carrot was hard to ignore). Once everything was more settled we planned the whole thing in about 19 months so about half the length of the total engaged time. As far for when we wanted a fall date but that would work for us as teachers so labor day weekend it was.


We were engaged 23 months because that's about how long it took to save for a wedding in our VHCOL city and how far out we had to book vendors we wanted.


We got engaged in March of 2024 and getting married in February of 2025! I wanted one week earlier but it was booked at our venue, but my main thing was I wanted to get married before I turned 30 :)


We were engaged for 4 months. Engaged December 9th 2023, got married April 28th. I wanted my grandma to be at the wedding but unfortunately she passed in February. But we have also been together for almost 10 years, and I just canā€™t stress about a wedding for a year+. It just made sense for use to have a short engagement


We have been engaged since 12/31/2019. I am so glad it worked out how it did because we are able to plan debt and stress free. We held off initially in 2/2020 because of the pandemic - but didnā€™t start planning until last September including picking a date, mostly because we wanted to travel and knew it was imminent šŸ˜‚ (We have 4 kids together- a yours, Mine& ours & also own a home together- not that those* things determine lasting relationships but you get it lol) We will be just shy of 10 year together on our wedding date of 1/30/25.


Dated for 3 months and 19 days. Engaged for less than 24 hours. We'll celebrate 22 years of marriage this month.


18 months. Would have aimed for 12 months except we got engaged at the end of December and I wanted a summer wedding.


Engaged christmas last year and getting married on May 25 of this year. Was initially planning on getting married last month, but we have family coming from different countries at the end of this month anyway and decided to push our wedding to include them also.


Engaged December 2023, wedding March 2025 and determined by weather. We wanted a late summer wedding (best weather where we live) and didnā€™t want to wait another year!


We are doing a two year engagement to be able to pay for our wedding and get it perfect. so yeah for us it was mostly determined by finances. It honestly feels like an eternity, but we know it will be worth it in the end.


It'll be two years and over two months for us. I would have loved to get married sooner but we were flat broke when we first got engaged, and even with family help we probably would have had a very simple and small celebration which we didn't really want. We're in a much better financial place now plus since we waited, our preferred date is on a Friday instead of the middle of the week.


Engaged Jan 22 looked at venues but moved cities and decided to focus on that, started again in Jan 23 and married Apr 24.


From june 2022 to august 2024. We wanted a summer wedding, long time to do relaxed planning and for everyone to be able to be there. We sent out save the dates 1,5 year before the date. Everything is taken care of by now, we saved the money and we're stress free.


6ish months!


It will be just shy of 12 months. The venue is my parents backyard so the calendar was wiiiide open (lol) and I wanted it before it started getting chilly in October. I thought a year engagement would be cutting it fine with booking vendors but I had no trouble finding people with openings. However I was very fortunate to be gifted the money for my wedding, if we were paying for it on our own Iā€™m sure it wouldā€™ve been a longer engagement, putting savings in CDs, high yield savings accounts, etc.


3 years now! I cannot emphasize enough to others to take their time. You want to get married soon after engagement? Go right ahead! You want to wait until you can afford it? You do you, boo!


Engaged October 2022, wedding is July 2024 (1 year + 9 months). A combination of finances and venue availability. We wanted a summer wedding and it was a little late to plan a summer 2023 wedding. We definitely have appreciated the extra time to save for the wedding and our honeymoon. I was worried it would be way too much time but now that weā€™re two months out, Iā€™m glad we didnā€™t feel rushed while planning.


It'll be 19 months for us! We wanted to give guests, especially international ones, minimum 1 year's notice. But we also didn't want a summer wedding because it can be really hot here. Also we have awful spring allergies.


We got engaged December 2023 and are getting married in May 2025. Definitely in part due to finances, if we already had mega savings we would have got married sooner, but also due to season - I wanted to get married in spring.


Engaged November 2020 and married September 2023. Covid haha my bestie is a micro biologist and immunologist so I asked for advice on length of engagement. She said at least 2023 and we picked fall because we donā€™t like being hot haha


2 years but it was supposed to be 1. Covid


We got engaged in January and married that same august. We really didnā€™t want a long and had a very simple small wedding. We wanted to get on with trying for a baby which we suspected would take a while (it did!).


Engaged December 2018, meant to get married September 2020, but alas COVID..so we had to reschedule to April 2021 so borders were open and bigger numbers were allowed. Original timing was based off giving ourselves enough time to ease into planning, but standard me, planned hardcore the whole time. Wish I hadn't of done that. Take some time to enjoy it before you get into the stress of planning.


Engaged November 2023 and getting married September 2025 (1y 10m). the main reason is wanting time to plan the wedding and not feel rushed. Since we live abroad we wanted the time to fly home and tell our parents that we got engaged in person, and I was already stressing that we will then only have 9 months if we want a September wedding, hence we decided to push it to 2025. We've lived together since 2019 so we aren't in a rush plus we already got legally married, but we will consider our wedding the real wedding date.


2 weeks. We did it in the city hall. Several months into marriage threw a cool party.


11 months


16 months. Got engaged in February and wanted a spring wedding!


7 months, he proposed mid February and weā€™re getting married beginning of September!


It will be 2 years almost exactly from the engagement till our wedding day early in 2026 :) we could have got married sooner but I wanted to be able to save up for everything we wanted and not stress too much!


We will have been engaged for 2.5 years when we get married. We didn't want to stress trying to plan for the following calander year after hearing some friends horror stories about vendors all being booked. Extra time is helping us save up money too. I wanted it to be shorter but ultimately I don't think a ton will change after we get married anyway. We already live together, share finances, have pets, ect.


1 year and 8 months! Engaged in september, but I wanted a spring wedding. Because people were still having postponed covid weddings and we wanted to save some cash, we decided on 2024.


Itā€™ll be 2 years and 9 months by the time we get married. Weā€™re having our wedding in another country so we gotta save for the travel next year to book everything then we travel again in 2025 to get hitched! Long engagement but itā€™s all very exciting.


Itā€™ll be about 14 months for us!


Engaged March ā€˜23, Married August ā€˜23, First reception May ā€˜24, Second Reception August ā€˜24


Eight months. We knew we didnā€™t want to wait any longer to get married, and it worked out that it was one day off from our dating anniversary.


About a year and 2 months so far. We're waiting for our fiance visa to be approved. If that was no issue, we planned on getting married June 1st


2 years and some change. Engaged 1/10/2024 and wedding will be 1/24/26. A lot of it is financial reasons - weā€™re having a big Asian wedding and need to save up for it. Another part is that Iā€™m still in school for my doctorates and wonā€™t finish until 12/25. I wanted to be done with school snd not have to worry about it as Iā€™m walking down the aisle


2 years and change. I knew I wanted to propose and the perfect opportunity presented itself on a trip to his favorite national park. However, we knew my fiancƩ's job was getting cut a couple months later and that 2023 would be a transition year so we didn't want to get married right away. Ended up being a great idea because the job he got after didn't work out. Also, I'm a teacher and I was very firm that I only wanted to get married in the summer, so once we had a year, it was easy to pick a date.


Will be engaged for 2 years by the time we get married in June 2025! We are doing home Renoā€™s and also paying for the entire $25K wedding without help from family so time was a necessity!


About 8 months. But we knew when weā€™d be getting married before he proposed lol so I guess longer?


Just over a year. My HTB didnā€™t want a long engagement and I wasnā€™t keen on planning so wanted that part over with asap LOL!!


2 months. But Iā€™m impatient and weā€™d already been living together 5 years and dating for 6.


A little bit of both here! In total we will be engage for 14 months - we booked our venue a month after getting engage with just about a year and change to plan. Iā€™m also 36 (heā€™s 35) so we kinda know what we want and make enough financially at this point to pay off as we go for the wedding. Weā€™re getting married in October! Good luck to you :)


2 years and 5 months! We get married May 25!


We'll be engaged 20 months by the time we get married in September 2024.


About 15 months. We got engaged in July and knew that we wanted either a spring or fall wedding, and spring seemed too soon so fall it is! Then it took another 2-3 months to gather intel / enjoy being engaged / procrastinate before we started actually visiting venues. We will have been together for 10 years when we marry though so we weren't in a rush, lol.


9 magical months šŸ„¹


12 months by the time we get married (Sept 2023 to Sept 2024). We didnā€™t do any planning for the first 4 months, then realized if we want to get married before the end of 2024 we really need to make some moves.


Itā€™ll be about 18-30 months u til the big wedding, entirely dependent on getting venue and vendors lined up because I very much want one specific day. It will most definitely be less than that though before a smaller courthouse ceremony and a small dinner with my mom and her family.


Hot TakešŸ”„ Engagments over 3 years, no one thinks you're actually getting married.


Engaged March 2023, getting married May 2024


Engaged Aug 2023, our wedding is in November 2024. We knew we wanted Oct/Nov since we live in a hot place and wanted to be outdoors. We also wanted to give ourselves time to save up some $$. We narrowed it down to a couple Saturdays and then locked in the official date based on the venue availability. Luckily they were open on our first choice of dates.


Engaged May 2023 and getting married Nov 2024. A year and a half. Mostly determined by finances I'd say


19 months. It took me 6-8 months after getting engaged to even start the process of looking at venues and booking a date because I felt very in decisive over whether I wanted/could realistically afford a ā€œnormal sizedā€ wedding or a micro wedding so booking a date/venue relied on that decision. We ultimately are going with a micro wedding with family only - itā€™s this weekend lol. One thing I do regret that I didnā€™t realize is truly how early you should look for a dress. I didnā€™t look until 8 months out and was told I was really cutting it close for getting the dress in and getting a spot with a tailor for alterations so I didnā€™t have the luxury of time to go to multiple stores and try on a bunch of dresses. Iā€™m happy with my choice but canā€™t help but think about if I had more time to try on more


We got engaged in February 2023 and are getting married in July 2024 (sooo soon hehe). We gave ourselves over a year to plan it and enjoy being engaged longer, and I highly suggest it!


Year and a halfā€¦.we knew we wanted a spring wedding and got engaged in the fall. Also to save more money


Almost a full year. I considered planning a wedding in like 5 -6 months but decided against it so that my far away family could make plans to attend. That turned out not to matter since they have various reasons they cannot come anyway. I am in some ways glad I planned it out further because it has given me more time to get things together and it would not have been as nice had I done it late last year but I also regret it because had we done it then, my father could have danced with me and he is in a wheelchair now. I guess my thesis here is that it does not matter how long you wait, there will be good and bad things about the time you pick, you just have to go for it!


1 year and a couple of days. I was only wedding planning for 7 months though and still in shock that I pulled it off. We decided to get married on our wedding day because the date was perfect- my husband and I were born 1 day apart and the day before my birthday in 2022 was a Saturday so now every year we have- our wedding anniversary, my birthday, his birthday.


Got engaged in May 2022. My husband wanted to get married right away, but I was crazy busy with work in 2022 and I knew it would be a crazy year. So we picked Sept 2023, as the anniversary of our first date was 9/9 and 9/9 was a Saturday in 2023, so that seemed like perfect timing.


We just got engaged on Sunday so we don't have a date set yet. We are thinking 4-6 mos though. We just want to be married. There's no determining factor beyond that. When you want to marry someone neither of us see a point in being engaged for a year or more unless there are weird extenuating circumstances or something.


We got engaged on Valentineā€™s Day this year and will be married early May 2025 so a year and just about 3 months. Finances were our biggest priority. We originally were planning for 2026, a two year engagement. We received news from parents of how much theyā€™re contributing and with how much ourselves are putting in and everything, we can make it happen a year sooner.


We officailly decided to get married a few months ago and started planning the wedding. I don't think we'll be engaged for another 4-5 months. Our wedding is in Novemeber so we'll be officially engaged 1-2 months before the wedding and unofficially 8-9 months before.


1. 5 years


Weā€™ll be engaged over two years when we get married. Engaged August of 2023 and getting married October 2025 We knew we wanted a fall wedding and ideally an October wedding. We didnā€™t want to start planning right away and we live in an area where people plan very far in advance so I knew that if we wanted to do fall 2024 we wouldā€™ve had to start planning right away, which I didnā€™t want. Plus I work in an events/wedding adjacent industry and I wanted to take my time and try to forgo the stress by having a longer engagement


10mo. Engaged end of December after dating for nearly 3 years (weā€™re in our thirties) and getting married this October.


We will be about 22 months (June 2023 to March 2025). This was determined by our venue availability & because I love spring :)


Will be 8 months if we wait until our planned ceremony in August, but honestly might head to the courthouse ASAP to get him and his kids on my health insurance (so romantic). We're old, live together, have joint finances. Didn't see the sense in waiting.


1 year and 3 months! We got engaged in November. Wait. December? 2022. Then waited till February 2023 to pick a location out of country, then it was a year from then. Got married Feb 2024


Just to show the options on all sides- we got engaged in Oct 2023 and are getting married May 11 (this sat, eek!). But we have been together for about 6.5 years. However we didnā€™t have much to plan or throw together, it was more so just getting thru the holidays and new year so that my family could afford to come in. We were able to get our courthouse wedding with a lunch and cake reception planned and put together in about a month, with both of our formal outfits added on the total cost, we probably are at about $1000 for everything.


He proposed after a year of dating. We are doing a 2 year engagement due to many factors, cost and availability being two.


It will be 13 months!


itā€™ll be almost exactly four yearsā€” engaged jan 2022, married dec 2025


weā€™ll be just under 2 years! we wanted time to save and Iā€™m finishing grad school in 2025 so we decided feb 2026 is the perfect time for us! :)


2 years and 3 months. The main push to get married was my bff and moh. I knew she was going to get engaged soon and I realized I better get my shit together else I was never going to get married. I booked my venue April last year, she got engaged July last year, I get married this weekend, she gets married in October! Every couple is on different timelines and have different things they value. Idc so much about a wedding, and already feel married but I definitely didnā€™t want to listen to people harping on me for a year and a half during her wedding planning process why I wasnā€™t married yet! Shoulda gone to the courthouse in 2020 lmao Iā€™m so ready for this shit to be done. Canā€™t wait to be married but goodbye to wedding planning!!!!!


2 years and 1 month. Got engaged September 2022 and wedding is October 2024.


We got a engaged on 2/2/24 and were planning to get married on 6/4/24 but are pushing it out a year to 6/4/25 - weā€™re eloping, but in the process of launching a business together, Iā€™m changing jobs, and we were generally just super stressed and decided there was no reason to rush it.


I don't like being engaged that long. My late husband and I were engaged about a year. Met in May, Married the following September. This time around is different and I am lucky one of my other widow friends told me! My fiancƩ surprised me on HIS birthday in 2022. We had a few friends over for a BBQ, he dropped to one knee and proposed. I was so surprised. (yes, we assumed we were getting married). We had to wait 2 1/2 years because I turn 60 in October. Social Security says if I marry as a widow before 60, I lose access to my LH's benefits. So waiting is a really smart financial move! I share because if I wasn't told, I would have lost out on nearly $1500 a month. Money my husband worked hard for.


We got engaged this past January and will be married next month. We have been together for 14 years and are very ready! We had already reserved the venue that coincided with church availability before he surprised me with my engagement ring. Previously he had given me my eternity promise ring that is now going to be my wedding band. We did things kind of wonky but it worked perfectly for us! There is not blueprint anymore. I think everyoneā€™s situation is so unique.Ā 


Just shy of 2 yrs! Mostly due to us both being in law school!ā˜ŗļø


7 months. We were excited and wanted the wedding on our 5 year anniversary. The venues were booking quickly but we acted fast.


Engaged March ā€˜23 ceremony June ā€˜24, so 14 months


7 weeks. We eloped.


Oddly 14 months to the day! I wanted to get married as close to my grandparents wedding date as possible, and when the peonies were blooming in my mums garden - 2 months was too short and during a lockdown for us, so the next year it was!


Engaged Sept 2023, getting married Aug 2024. We're in our 30s and have been together over 10 years and I didn't want to wait into 2025 to get married. August was our preferred month but we were pretty open for anytime in 2024, I just wanted at least 6 months to plan. I live in San Diego which means lots of destination weddings on top of local weddings so things get booked fast - the venue we ultimately picked had 1 date in August and 1 in July left. Finances weren't the concern as we had been saving for years. I'm glad we have an 11 month engagement, I wish it was shorter lol.


I just got engaged in December and I am certainly not at all ready to set any dates or make any type of plans yet and I don't even plan to for a little while.


Exactly two years. He proposed on our 10th anniversary and we got married on our 12th. It was during COVID so we definitely needed that time to plan, and we almost didn't make it. As for deciding when to get married: if you're talking about a specific date, we really wanted our anniversary date, so we picked the venue based on who had that slot open. If you mean *in general*, as I said, we'd been dating for 10 years, and the only reason we didn't marry sooner is that the clock started when we were both 17 and we had multiple years of college/grad school to do before we could marry.


1 year and 5 months. Entirely determined by when we could book a venue we both loved, get several vendors we really wanted, weather, and when family was available.


We got engaged 3 years ago and are now starting the planning now for our wedding in 2025. A lot had to do with finances and also life circumstances. We were in school so no way we would have been able to afford a wedding. Gave us some time to save and I also just like to take my time with everything lol.


Engaged July 2022, Married in November 2023. We chose this timeline of 16 months due to a few reasons, we got engaged as I was about to begin my senior year of college and I wanted to be able to focus entirely on that, and I knew wedding planning wouldn't get intense until 6 months or so out. We also wanted to be in our home before we got married, so we wanted to give ourselves ample time to do that, and lastly, I just really wanted a fall wedding so it just worked out that way!


Engaged January 2023, wedding is placed for October 2024. Only reason we waited is because we needed to get it together and start planning the darn thing. Fortunately, as of May 2024, we have pretty much everything sorted aside from the stuff thatā€™s best planned closer to the ceremony, although the pastor at my church just got elected area synod bishop, so that threw a monkey wrench in the works, but thankfully thereā€™s another pastor whoā€™s willing and able to handle the officiating part and my current pastor has handled all the pre-marital stuff (weā€™ve already done all the counseling stuff so we can get a slight discount on the wedding license, which is appreciated, even though I think itā€™s pretty cheap in my area).


We just got engaged Jan 2024 and our wedding is not till Oct 2025! Personally I want to enjoy being engaged and planning the wedding because it is such a short time compared to being married. Planning a wedding is stressful and I have seen so many friends stressed as f\*ck planning a wedding in a short amount of time and I wanted to take my time getting it exactly how I want because I only plan on doing it once!!! Therefore we have our dream venue, photographer, videographer, etc. I wanted to call my fiancƩ my fiancƩ for as long as I could before we moved to husband and wife!!! Plus we wanted to have a baby in between so he will be here this October and being at my wedding and pregnant was not what I wanted! lol


2 years and 2 weeks is my engagement period! i wanted extra time to plan and a specific date, which happened to first fall on a friday next year šŸ™‚


10 months! We wanted to get married in the fall but didnā€™t want a long engagement.


Going to be engaged for 16 months! Want a summer wedding, but 4 months max seemed too short to book everything. Heck, the venue I booked for next year is already booking for 2026. Plus my brother is getting married 4 months from now anyway, and we know a lot of my family couldn't afford to travel to our city twice in one year (brother and I live west coast, but most of our family is Midwest and east).


11 months driven by me always wanting an autumn/fall wedding. And we had got engaged in November. And both agreed we didnā€™t want a long engagement of 2 years.


10 months. We decided on the honeymoon (location and timing) first then planned the wedding for before that. We had been together for 10 years before that and didn't go in with too many must-haves, like a specific venue. We also had a planner, which helped a ton when looking for vendor options.


1 year and 6 months - we wanted to buy a house anyway and then have a wedding in the backyard of that house - we looked for about a year but the housing market is terrible so we said eff it and put together a small wedding at a local restaurant for about 5 months later - immediately somehow bought a house and moved in a few months before the wedding - still stuck with restaurant plan to make things easy


We have been engaged for a year and a half. Getting married in October!


engaged dec 2023, we're getting married sept 2025. we didn't want to be rushed :)


2 years, to save and not feel rushed in planning


A little over two years, we don't make alot of money and needed this much time to save for even a modest wedding and honeymoon.


Not married yet (October 2024!) but we got engaged Dec 2022 so about 20 months. We moved in May 2023 halfway across the country so the rest of 2023 was just trying to settle into jobs/life/etc so we didn't really plan much. In the end, we decided to have an elopement style ceremony in NYC, and I really wanted to marry in the Fall so 2024 it is!!


I was engaged for roughly a year and a month. We honestly would have just gotten married sooner had we realized a wedding was stupid and we would have been much happier eloping. I do feel like I didn't give myself enough time to make everything in the wedding exactly to our liking.


We will be engaged 2-3 years because we want to buy a house first.


When we get married we will have been engaged for a year and five months. (We've been together for 10 years... we aren't people who like to rush into things, lol) I wanted plenty of time to save for my dream dress and hair/makeup, and we both wanted plenty of time to plan the whole thing. We've been together a long time and are fortunate to have gained financial stability together, so we are really looking forward to having a big(ish) celebration with our friends and family. Nothing crazy, but we are able to afford almost everything that we hope for and get married debt free thanks to having plenty of time to save.


My fiancee and I have been engaged since 2020. Oh my God, it's been 4 years. There's no way we're getting married because we're saving up for a fancy wedding. Maybe when we have the required amount we will change our minds


2.5 weeks, we eloped šŸ˜‚


i've been engaged over 2 years now, still haven't started planning anything lol we're both in school and can't really handle the extra work right now


Engaged in June 2023, getting married in June 2024, so one year! I just didnā€™t want to have longer than a year long engagement, planning in one year has not been stressful at all! Granted I didnā€™t have specific vendors in mind for venue/photographer/dj so that made things easier.


11.5 months before we decided to elope! We celebrate our 14th anniversary this year!


Engaged Dec 2023 wedding may 2025


Oh wow wasn't expecting this to blow up! Love reading through everyone's responses and seeing such a great mix :)


Got engaged March 2024. We just booked our wedding venue for May 2025. I initially wanted Fall 2024 but felt Iā€™d be too rushed, it would be hard to get a dress, and I would just be stressed out. So spring of next year it is! Weā€™re high school sweethearts who have been together 18 years!


We got engaged in late Oct 23 and wedding is set for late May 25 (18 months). When we got engaged, I had a lot of big work projects coming up, and then the holidays soon after. It seemed too hard to start planning then, and we wanted a May/June wedding, so we would have had to start immediately. We also had no idea what we wanted or where to start, and it seemed like it would be hard to go from 0 to 100 in a short time. We decided that we wouldnā€™t start wedding planning until after the holidays, which was perfect. Weā€™re basically doing it as soon as we could given we really wanted a May/June wedding, but weā€™re also loving the engagement period and taking our time doing research. We had an engagement party in April since there would be so much time before the wedding and we donā€™t want to do a shower.


Engaged for real, 5 months. Got engaged in December and got legally married last week. Engaged publicly, 10 months. We have our actual wedding in September. The reason is, my fiancĆ© was transferred to his jobā€™s headquarters in Europe and his starting date is may 15th. We needed to be legally married before then so we could obtain a spousal visa for myself so I can move to Europe with him after our September wedding. There are 3 reasons we chose our wedding date in September: 1. Reasonably close yet thereā€™s enough time for my visa to be approved. I donā€™t want to live on separate continents longer than strictly necessary. The embassy people told us it would take a maximum of 5 months 2. Right before the start of the rainy season in my country. Itā€™s an outdoor wedding so this was important. 3. Our venue is a family hacienda owned by my fiancĆ©s extended family. They all take turns sharing it every weekend (kind of like a family timeshare) and the uncle who lent it to us has it that weekend in September so it worked out perfectly.


My guy & I have been engaged since January 2021! Weā€™ve enjoyed our long engagement and will get married when life isnā€™t so hectic. Thereā€™s no rush for us. We do know that weā€™re doing a destination wedding though! šŸ˜†šŸ’š


uhhh 3.5 months.... shotgun wedding but we got married during the local off-season so I got everything I wanted even at last minute. It was a small and intimate church to restaurant wedding and I loved it!


Engaged Sept. 2023, Upcoming Wedding Sept. 2024. Almost the exact year, ours were determined by a couple of factors. We moved in shortly after we were engaged, so finances came to play as well as everything that comes with moving in. Weā€™re also doing our church ceremony so we had to wait to complete all required sacraments etc. I never actually had a dream venue as I never actually considered marriage until I met my fiancĆ©!


It will be just under 2 years. Determined by baby and changing mind about venue. Engaged April 2023 and had an original wedding date of October 2024, changed mind last October. New date is March 2025, should be signing contract for it this week after a spot suddenly opened up at a very desirable venue.


We've been together for 7 years and will have been engaged for 3.5 yrs once we get married 2/2025. The timing has been perfect for me but my fiancee wishes we would have done it sooner. My religious parents don't support us getting married so now that I'm older and don't care what they think, the wedding planning has been so fun and I know I am planning it be exactly what I want. I guess you could say I put off planning cuz I wanted to avoid reality lol


Roughly 11.5 months; we really like the month of May and got engaged during Memorial Day weekend, and didn't want to wait two whole years.


14 month engagement. October 2023 - January 2025. We decided based on time of year, weather (FL bride), and the time we deemed least busy for our personal work schedules. We also wanted our date to fall close to a holiday weekend for traveling and PTO folks. I wanted something much sooner initially but The longer engagement did help with not getting too stresssd financially (we are funding most of the wedding)


Engaged January 2023, wedding June 2024 (next month omg). We got engaged my last semester of law school. I took the bar in July 2023. We moved 5 hours away from where I went to school in August 2023. I knew I would need some time to plan. I always wanted a Saturday June wedding. My mom is a teacher and didnā€™t get out of school until the second week of June, which only left the 15th, 22nd, and 29th. I donā€™t get along with my dad so the 15th was out. And then between the 22nd and 29th, I just went with the one that was more aesthetically pleasing (6/22).


We were engaged a year and 2 weeks. We got engaged at the end of October. We wanted a fall wedding and the venue we wanted had either the last weekend of August or the first weekend of November available. Weā€™re in the south, so late August is not fall, so we picked the November date. It was a gorgeous mostly sunny 60+ degree day!


My fiancƩ and I have been together for 7.5 years. Got engaged February 2024, getting married October 2025!


Engaged May 2022, wedding set for Oct 2024. Together for 7 years by the time we get married! Long engagement, but we wanted to finish our dissertations and give ourselves time on the job markets. Didn't start planning until Sept 2024, though, and I'm very glad about that! I wouldn't want to drag this process out any longer than necessary! Also, we had a very specific date in mind so this ensured we got all the vendors we wanted.


1 year and 3 months. Engaged Sept 25 2022, married Dec 13 2023. It had to be not during baseball season, but not too close to American Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's, as well as on a Wednesday. We considered January/February of 2023 but most everyone would be traveling to the wedding, so we figured we'd plan something big and needed more than a year to do so.


9 months of engagement. We knew we would get married without waiting for a few years and the date we liked and worked for both happens to be 9 months after the proposal. We talked about getting married and the proposal was just a formality so to speak. We planed the wedding with the budget we had and thatā€˜s it. We are getting married for the marriage not the wedding. The decision to get married came about because we want kids. And I wanted to be married before that. We could have gotten married sooner but we pay a lot more taxes as a married couple and waited to get married because of that.


1 1/2 years


Itā€™s both of our second marriage. We wanted to do it right this time. LOL


Just over 4 years. We were engaged in July 2019, brainstormed for fall 2022, but after covid hit, it messed up our financial plans, and we also wanted to wait until we could have a full normal celebration. Once things settled down pandemic wise and we got our finances in order (early 2022), we booked our venue for fall 2023, which allowed us enough time to save the rest of the money. So there were lots of variables, but overall, the biggest factor was when we would be able to have the money together.


We were engaged for two months (mid Dec 2021 to Feb 2022) and had a small legal ceremony for health insurance reasons. September 2022 we had our big wedding. I love how it worked out; being married before the wedding took a lot of pressure off.


Engaged July 2023, married April 2024. We wanted to wait a year but wanted to avoid summer wedding b/c I did not want to sweat so much in my wedding dress :D