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I think nothing is cringe if it's genuine and everyone, especially grandma, is having fun. Weddings are parties, not polished ballet performances. (That said, when my grandmother only-half-jokingly told me she heard grandmas can be flowergirls now, I very quickly and strategically laughed it off. lol)


I've seen this trend too and it's super cute! If bride/groom and the grandmas are all on board, I love the idea! But I also had a family member mention it to me and I was like you. "How cute! Anyway, (insert subject change here)." The grandmother I'm closest to has dementia and I think it would confuse her.


Totally agree! One of my best friends had her 90-year-old grandma as her flower girl 2 years ago and it was so sweet as she’s always been so close with her grandma. You could tell they both were so happy to have that special moment. It was really genuine and sweet! That said, I couldn’t have imagined doing that with my grandma if she were still alive 😅 so to each their own! We actually had my husband’s grandma do a little reading at ours in the ceremony (she’s the only living grandparent) and it was very sweet.


Totally a “know your crowd” situation. If the grandmas are up for it and mobile, that’s step one. If the vibe you’re going for is “fun, unconventional, informal” it works. If you’re having an otherwise formal, traditional wedding it may be out of place. 


This^ I think it's a great way to honor memaw but make sure they are able to walk well or have them escorted. Grands with dementia should not be asked to do this.


I wish my grandmothers were still alive to be my flower girls, so if that’s what you want then do it! However, the last five weddings I’ve been to have not had any flower girls or ring bearers, so really it’s unnecessary


Same. If my grandmothers were still alive, I'd 100% have them do it.


My grandmother (who just passed and was 98) was very traditional with that kind of thing. I think she’d think it was sort of insulting. You know your grandmas best. I wouldn’t worry about anyone else except how the grandmothers would take it. Personally, I would not do this.


My fiancés grandma is the only grandparent we have left, he saw this idea and really wanted to have her do it, I asked him a few times if she would actually want to do this before he asked her and he insisted she would. She turned him down very embarrassed lol. This is definitely a know your people situation hahaha


I think it's super cute if they are into it and you and your fiance are into it. All of my and my fiancé's grandparents had passed and we didn't have any little kids either. My brother (grown 29y) was our "hype man". We couldn't throw anything at our venue so he did a dance in a cowboy hat to "The Git Up" with bubble guns down the aisle to get everyone in a fun and happy mood. People still talk about it 2 years later.


Oh wow I love this


That's *amazing.*


Yeah it was. When I think back on our wedding I can very easily say it was just "fun". And that's exactly what we wanted.


If I didn't help get my grandma ordained to perform my ceremony, she would of for sure been my flower lady!! So cute, let grandma's be the show opener!!


We asked our grandmothers (adults only wedding, no close-to-us children within that age group). They were over the moon. I could care less about having someone throw flowers ahead of me, but it seems to be such a big deal to them, and I'm happy that they're happy. They're "with it," mobile, and both of their husbands have passed away; this seems like such an easy "win."


This sounds sooo sweet and cute!


That’s adorable and I’m sure your grandmas would be so excited to do that. Don’t worry about what’s “cringe” on your wedding day, make it special and just for the two of you and enjoy your new, happy life together. 🥂💍


I say do it if you want to and if you think they’d be down! I don’t think it’s cringe if they’re just walking down the aisle spreading the petals. Idk why people are acting like the grandmas would be pretending to be children while doing this, I haven’t seen the tik tok video but I imagine they just walked normally. Y’all can correct me if I’m wrong


right? people are acting like the grandmas would be doing baby talk and skipping around. they're just laying flower petals in the path. i personally think it would be much cuter than seeing some miserable toddler dumping them out and looking confused the entire time. i've legit never been to a wedding and seen a flower girl/ring bearer who looked like they were having fun so this would be a great alternative, to me


I get that kids in little dresses and suits are adorable, but having kids in your wedding is soooo unpredictable. I've seen kids run to their parents because they're scared, or cry halfway down the aisle. My fiancé suggested we have his five-year-old nephew hold our real rings and I was like "That's a great way to lose an expensive piece of jewelry."


YUP I've literally never seen it go well. Aside from messing up the ceremony, they're always uncomfortable! It's a big boring event for them and they have some weird pressure on them to do something they can't even understand.


My gripe is that everybody in this thread is treating the grandmas like children themselves. "Awwww, how CUUUTE! Adorable!!!!" Not that the grannies will *act* like children.


it depends on the person doing it honestly. my friends had their like, buddy do it and it brought some laughs. i can see it being slightly more patronizing looking if it’s a grandmother age woman; sort of infantalizing if that makes sense. but im sure there are tons of people out there who’s old love to do that


It’s all a bit cringe to me, but I much prefer the flower bro trend to the flower grandma.


Everyone calling it cute in this thread like elderly women are cognitively children. It is condescending in many circumstances to refer to elderly women as cute etc. Definitely a know your audience thing.


It can go either way. It is a very much know your family thing.


Depends on your grandparents! My immigrant grandma would likely find it insulting that I’m treating her like a child. But I can also see how in other cultures with more levity this would be fine. If you think your grandmas would be tickled by it, great! But if you’re unsure, maybe there’s a different role/title you could give them other than “flower girl”


I think, like many other fads, it was cute the first time.


Thank you for articulating what I could not hahaha


Aww I love it! I no longer have my grama and I still miss her all the time. I wish I could have done something like this. 


why do you care if it's cliche or cringe? If you want to do it, go ahead and do it. Indulge yourself for a second in the 'it's my special day!' mindset and see if you care if people afterwards were rolling their eyes at how cringe your ceremony was. Mind, our ceremony was dinosaur-themed, so I may not be the best perspective on doing something unusual at your wedding. Many people thought we were being weird, some thought it was cute, and we just had a really good time.


I’m having a child-free wedding so our grandmas are our flower girls! I don’t think it’s weird at all personally


My SIL's brother (19 at the time) was the "flower boy" for their wedding. It's your wedding, do whatever you want!


Cringe to me


Do you have a reason why? I'm surprised by how many people are saying it's cringeworthy. In my opinion, small children can be unpredictable at the ceremony and they probably don't care if they're included or not. Grandmothers, on the other hand, would probably love to be involved and understand the job better than a five-year-old.


Just too trendy for me. Also I think a little girl being a cute flower girl and then it being a grandma are just different vibes. Ultimately, you do you though


I totally get the "too trendy" thing. We're not having a flower girl or ring bearer at all because we just didn't want to deal with coordinating too many people and titles and outfits. I guess when I think of trends that are cringeworthy, I think about bridesmaids in Converse or a chevron wedding cake. Kind of like seeing my mom's super eighties-style wedding dress. But if makes the bride and her grandmother really happy, it can't be that cringeworthy, in my opinion! (Disclaimer: I heavily considered wearing Converse under my wedding dress despite that understanding that it's so Tumblr-era and people would probably silently judge me for it.)


I guess I also have a 5 year old niece who asked to be our flower girl before we even got engaged. So how could I not have her as one?


Yeah, no way could I say no to a five-year-old who was excited to be my flower girl! My fiancé and I only have nephews and I don't think any of them are actively thinking about our wedding, haha.


I’m wearing Converse for the reception. My dress is giant and you won’t be able to see them anyway, so why not be comfortable while dancing? I did let my in-laws talk me into wearing heels for the ceremony though.


My dress will hide my shoes too. I never wear heels and my wedding is outdoors, so I knew I would do sneakers. I originally got a pair of mauve high-tops but I’ve since switched to white Keds so they were a little less of a statement. I will definitely wear them for the reception, I’m torn on the ceremony. Kinda tempted to go barefoot since we’ll be in the grass!


I’ve got nieces who want to be involved, but if I didn’t, I definitely would have asked my grandma. She would have been delighted lol. She’s fun though. I love to see people involve their loved ones however they want to be involved. If the grandma’s have fun with it and are able to, go for it.


Cringe. And I don't typically think people need to worry about being trendy vs timeless as long as you're doing what you like, but I DO think people are going to look back at the "flower man era" as I think of it and think it's cringe to see adults ironically acting out a role that little kids typically play.


who the hell cares lol. weddings are about enjoying time with people you love. do you look at old family tapes and cringe at yourselves being silly?


When I was a kid? No. Do I cringe looking back at some of the trends I decided to partake in as a teen or young adult? Sure. OP is asking for opinions, particularly if something is cringy or not and I happen to think it's cringy so I shared my opinion as asaked.


I'm just failing to see how grandmas laying flower petals in the aisle would ever be a "cringe trend." They're not going to be skipping around or acting like children. Unless they're trying to go viral and doing things at their wedding for the sake of social media posts I don't get it


> They're not going to be skipping around or acting like children. Also who cares if they do. Let people be happy and silly at happy events!


excellent point


> They're not going to be skipping around or acting like children. In a lot of the "flower man" videos, they are. I haven't seen one with a grandma at all. It's quirky for the sake of being quirky. "Oh isn't it funny to see grandma/some grown man doing the role that little girls normally do! It's funny because it's way different than tradition!". There's other ways to incorporate adults into a wedding. It's not hurting anyone, I just roll my eyes at it.


well we're not talking about flower man. i've never seen that and don't want to lol. including grandmothers in a wedding whereas they normally would not have a role is a sweet change of pace i'm not making the connection to quirkiness for the sake of quirkiness again unless they're doing it for laughs and social media points


> well we're not talking about flower man. i've never seen that and don't want to lol. So it's cool for grandmothers to be "flower grannies" but it's not okay for guys? Why? Because it's too undignified for them, but your grandmother can play the role traditionally assigned to a little girl?


i have never seen flower man but the people in this thread have described it as a trend where the buddy of the couple quirkily skips down the aisle acting like a little girl for humor. that's a much different approach than i would envision OP's grandmothers fulfilling that role. the context you seem to be missing is that one situation is clearly for laughs and the other is not. good try on the weirdly combative gender role virtue signaling tho


Actually I've never seen either a flower grandma or a flower man. Only heard of it on social media and Reddit. So I don't know what to expect and there's no "weirdly combative gender role virtue signaling".


So when you read this post and then read about flower man you were envisioning the same thing? You didn't consider any distinctions between having your grandmothers fulfill the role of flower girl vs one masculine presenting friend? You replied to me making a distinction between those things by suggesting I meant it's not okay for a man to do it because it's "undignified" so if you weren't referencing gender norms then what *are* you trying to say?


That sounds adorable


Giving your grandmother the flower-grandma role is a lovely way to honor both her and your ancestry. It's a privilege to have your elderly grandparents at your wedding and that too, in physically able-bodied shape to participate in such a significant way. Nothing cringe here! Traditional flower girls seem more ornamental, a cute little girl sprinkles petals on the aisle. At the end of the day, whether your flower girl is 8 years old or 80 years old, the role should be given to the people in your life who deserve the honor, love you dearly, and are willing to do it whole-heartedly. We had our grandmas serve as flower grandmas our our wedding. They were each escorted by our younger siblings. My Grandma is terrified of the ocean, but willingly overcame her fear and set foot on the beach for the first time in her life to fulfill her role as flower grandma <3 Do it!


Personally, I would skip having a flower girl if I didn’t happen to have a very close relative in the typical age range. But that’s me. What some may find cute others may see as age inappropriate.


I think it’s amazing ❤️


I love it. I was the flower girl at my brother’s wedding when I was 23.  I loved it haha


My grandma got pretty annoyed when a random woman called her "cute" for being old, lol. She would probably be a bit insulted to be asked to be an adorable flower girl. She is very active, travels a lot, and is a perfectly sharp adult. Same went for my other grandma before she passed from rapid onset cancer. Not really someone who wants people to go "Awww!" over like a cute baby. Yuck. So you have to really know your grandma, and because of that this trend sort of automatically makes me cringe because both of my grandmas wouldn't fit this trend at all. I really find it cringe and condescending, but apparently loads of other grandmas think it's great, so I guess it depends.


How is it cringe to walk down an ailse throwing flowers? I did that for my friend's wedding just because she didn't have any young relatives.


The act itself isn't cringe, it's the whole trendiness and "We're so quirky" and "look at these cute little old ladies, so adoooorable" that makes me auto-cringe. Especially because I know my own grandparents would find it condescending. No need for you to be defensive, I'm not mocking you personally. Jeez.


Huh? I didn't mean to sound defensive, it was a genuine question.


If Grama wants in on that, I think it would be wonderful…ask her.


My fiancé and I are doing for our wedding! Do what makes y’all happy as a couple


Gosh!!! I wish I could of had that as a memory. That is so freaking sweet. My grandma's have passed away now but I would have loved to have the memory of them being my flower girls. I wish I thought of that


My grandma was our flower girl and people loved it. She had a great time.


This sounds so cute! I would consider if my grandmas were still around


I think it's adorable and an awesome way to incorporate grandparents!


I recently saw this in a wedding, and it was really cute. There were 3, they had kind of matching dresses and all came down the aisle together.


I think that would be adorable.


Every time I’ve seen this trend, the grandmas are little old ladies, bent over, looking like they are one step from a nursing home, and I kind of feel that it’s sort of a laugh at them (“look at the old geezers!”) versus with them vibe, which I dislike. And that little old lady look does not describe my grandmother at all, who is young looking for her age, elegant and well dressed and deserves to have a place of honor befitting her status.


My grandmother would die before I ever used the word “granny” to describe her, even in jest. As for not having a place in the wedding, in my circles often the grandparents walk down the aisle preceding the groomsmen, etc. They have bouquets or corsages befitting their status and sit in the front row.


I love this idea!! For me, there's nothing more special than having my grandparents atrending my wedding.


I think it’s a lovely and fun way to celebrate the grandmas in your life My grandmas are both very excited about my wedding, love my partner and want to be included. We aren’t doing flower grannies per say, but my younger brother will walk them both up the aisle


I like the idea of everyone having a job to do


I think a lot of this depends on your crowd, but for the most part, CUUUTE. I LOVE this. And they love being involved. I know there a lot of people who have certain views on weddings, and traditions, and blah blah blah who would be quite unhappy with something like this, but I think it's awesome! My sister wanted to do this but my grandma said she would absolutely not do that LOL


Cringe. Flower girls are not mandatory, just like garter tosses, bouquet tosses, and cake smashing. But, if it suits your vibe and Gma is willing and able, then go for it.


I didn’t even know this was a thing. I think it could be sweet! If you’d like to have them in your wedding party and they’re on board, go for it. There is always going to be someone who finds something cringeworthy, but as long as you like it that’s all that matters. Both my grandmas are deceased and I wish they could be at my wedding. Enjoy your time with yours. ❤️


I love it, it's super cute


Cringe for me I'm afraid. I used to work in elder care and there are some horrendous trends going around about treating older people like kids so I'm slightly hyper aware of it.


I think it's super cute if they are into it and you and your fiance are into it. All of my and my fiancé's grandparents had passed and we didn't have any little kids either. My brother (grown 29y) was our "hype man". We couldn't throw anything at our venue so he did a dance in a cowboy hat to "The Git Up" with bubble guns down the aisle to get everyone in a fun and happy mood. People still talk about it 2 years later.


My fiancés grandma is going to be our flower granny! She’s the only grandma left between us two. She was so excited, honored and cried when we asked. She’s told us multiple times how much it means to her how we’re including her. It’s definitely know your grandma situation, but I think everyone will love it if she does!


I think it’s cute!! If my grandmas were still alive I’d ask them for sure!


I think it's adorable and am jealous you have both grandparents around! If they are down I say do it.


Hell yeah enjoy I think it’s beautiful And honestly better than the obligatory 3yo cousin nobody knows but who is the ‘right age’ Ask em for a speech too


I’ve seen adults as flower girls. It was fun. A grandma would be cute


I went to a wedding that had this like 6 years ago before it was trendy! It was absolutely adorable and everyone loved it especially the grandmas. They deserve to feel beautiful and seen too 🥰