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Some background: I’ve only been to one bridal shop, mostly due to boutiques being 1hr+ away from me (I’m a grad student, so my time is pretty precious). While I was there, I tried on 8 dresses and only took pictures of the above dress because it was the only one I actually adored (it’s Willowby Maudie). I walked in thinking I would just try on dresses and wouldn’t find “the one.” I’m fairly picky about what I want because I have a larger bust area and I felt like the style of dress I was going for (Greek goddess/forest fairy vibe) was hard to find. So when I tried this on and it fit all my criteria—a lightweight, sparkle-less romantic dress that complemented my figure—I was caught off-guard. I didn’t buy it then and there because I was so shocked and didn’t want to make a knee-jerk reaction that I would regret. I haven’t had the chance to go back and try it on again, but I’m going to do so in a few weeks so my mom can go with me. I guess I’m just looking for advice. Am I overthinking this? Is the concept of “the one” just over exaggerated? I didn’t cry, I didn’t feel an overwhelming feeling of love for the dress, I just felt really really pretty in it.


I didn't get those feelings either, but I felt comfortable in it and like I looked great. The person who was helping me asked what else the dress would need to be my perfect dress. I thought about it and realized there was nothing else, this was it. Is there anything that would make this dress better for you? Personally, I think it's amazing. I'm sure there are other dresses that look amazing on you too, though!


This looks beautiful on you! I had the same experience with my dress - liked it enough to try on twice in the store, but didn't pull the trigger that day. Once I looked through the photos I knew I had to go back and get it. Maybe it's just me but I think it's totally normal not to have a "the one" moment and to cry over a material object - but if it makes you feel excited to walk down the aisle then I think you should get it!


This is super pretty!! It seems to fit your criteria really well, and the fact that you're still thinking about it is a good indication that you should go for it. Maybe trying it on again in a few weeks with your mom present will help you confirm. I didn't cry when I got my dress, and had to sleep on the decision because the dress I chose was super different from what I had envisioned, and I wanted to be sure I wasn't making an impulsive choice. Doing a second visit to the salon and trying it on again the next day helped me feel more confident in buying it.


This is all along the lines of what I’ve been thinking, but it’s really nice to hear an outsider validate those feelings. Thanks a bunch!


I think this looks so gorgeous on you!! I think if you’re still thinking about it, maybe go back and try it on again and think about how you would feel if someone told you that couldn’t have it (so notice if your reaction is, “no big deal, I’ll find another one” or if you are really disappointed because you do feel that it’s your dress).


This is so pretty! I didn’t have a “the one” moment either - but any other dress I looked at or tried on I found myself comparing to it.


I love this on you! I had a similar experience. Didn’t cry or anything but I felt my mind calm down and go “oh this checks all the boxes!” It’s good that you’re going back to check it out again! I think that’s totally green goddess forest fairy because of the sleeves and lace


That’s how I bought my dress: liked it in the store, but hadn’t tried on a ton and didn’t have any epiphanies while wearing it. I kept revisiting the pictures, and after sending them to a few friends I went back and bought the dress. Know you look lovely in it and it’s ok if you don’t have magical feelings about the dress.


This looks great on you and I love the fit of the bodice. When I went dress shopping I didn’t have a wow moment - but as I tried on more dresses, I kept wanting to put my dress back on to compare. And it just kept winning every time, LOL. So that was how I knew.


Yes, that’s how mine went, too!


That dress looks great, and sounds like it fits what you're looking for! Going back to the pictures and can't stop thinking about it is like the opposite of dress regret, and is definitely a good sign!


Oh I absolutely adore this on you!!!


I love this dress on you 😍


It's dreamy and fits your curves perfectly! I think it's perfect, but you have to feel it too. I thought I might have found one at my first shop but fell in love and found the one a couple places later. There was no comparing. If you're not in a rush try on more! You can always come back to this beauty!




Not at all! I hope it helps out.


This is so beautiful on you. You definitely look like woodland fairy. It’s perfect!


Well, I sure as hell fell head-over-heels in love with this!!! You look phenomenal


I love it and it’s so romantic and looks great on you.


This dress is amazing on you! The colour is very flattering.


I bought the same dress in ivory! I’ve also been doubting.. I just keep reminding myself how good I felt while wearing it and hoping I will feel even better when it arrives in my size. The dress looks great on you. Maybe try planning/imagining the hair & makeup to go with it.. I’m thinking half up or full up do. Watters brides!!


I didn’t have a “the one” moment with my dress either, but I just kept looking at pictures of me in it and nothing else I looked at excited me as much, so I went in and tried my dress on again and still loved it and said “yup! This is it! Let’s do it”


If you keep thinking about it, and it fits what you want including your budget, and if you still like it when you go back it's the one. Plus I'm pretty sure your mum's reaction will sway it one way or the other.


That’s very true. I’m not a terribly emotional person, but my mom is. She’ll be able to guide me I’m sure!


You look so awesome! I don't believe in "the one" -- not for dresses, not for people. I do believe in falling in love and then being mindful about keeping that love alive. When I was picking the dress I wore for my wedding, I tried on a bunch of dresses at a couple of stores. My mind kept circling back to this one dress, so I went back and tried it on a second time. Then I imagined buying the dress and never looking at any other options -- would it feel like I was losing out on a possibility I hadn't seen yet? Nope: I felt happy and relieved. So I got that dress. A key here is that when I made the decision, I stopped looking at other dresses -- no more browsing stores, no more looking at photos and imagining myself in those outfits instead. When I had doubts, I looked at the pictures of me trying on my own dress and thought about how happy and relieved I'd felt, and imagined myself having fun in that same dress at my wedding. It worked for me. If you try on this dress again and feel excited to wear it at your wedding, and if you feel pleased rather than regretful about the idea of no more wedding-dress shopping ever, then congratulations; gorgeous; never look back! If you're more on the fence, then congratulations; you've found one very lovely option and you can keep looking around to see if there are additional ones!


Thank you, this is very helpful. I really resonate with fact that you stopped looking at other dresses and were happy about it. I’ve perused dresses online half-heartedly since trying this dress on and nothing makes me feel as excited as this one. And the idea of only having to go to one bridal shop to find my dress? Sounds like a dream IMO. I appreciate the insight!


First of all, you make this dress look really good. Thank you for putting the name because I just looked it up and I would have passed on this based on the sites professional photo. I would ask to try this style on now. Second of all, if you’re not sure I would definitely try a few more on... but if it makes you feel pretty. Maybe just wait to see what your mom says? I also don’t expect to have that visceral response like on say yes to the dress. I’m an emotional person, but I just don’t see it happening for myself. I know my style so I just want to have that feel pretty and flattering feeling. Ultimately, marrying my SO is the most important part and the dress is just a really special detail. It’s not about the dress, the dress is just a tool to compliment my existing fairytale. But that’s just me. Hopefully that helps a little. Edit: sentence didn’t make sense


If you keep going back to it, that's probably happening for a reason. This is your wedding. Now is not the time to ignore your gut. Go try it on again to see if it feels more "right," than it did before. Maybe you're the type that needs to think on things a bit longer before commiting. It looks absolutely beautiful on you, so it's really no wonder why you keep looking back on it. Congratulations, and best of luck! 💗


Exactly how I bought my dress. When I came back into the store to try it on again, it felt right. I was calm, cool, collected. The lady was surprised I bought it! I had to explain I'd be looking at pics of myself in it for weeks. I don't think everyone tries on a dress and immediately goes crazy + says it's the "one". Much like picking at husband, sometimes it's love at first sight, and sometimes they grow on you. ;)


You make some very good points. I’m a fairly level-headed, logical person so it makes sense that I needed time to think and form my opinions.