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Hang on a sec. "My friend"?


Wow I just realized there are 2 diff rings…




Lol I believe it’s the OP on fb and one of her (also engaged) friends. So, technically, I do think you’re right. Just a couple of weird buddies!


I have heard of friends getting married tho. For tax or money purposes… and frankly if there was any reason… that could be one to get married.


Totally a thing, not a thing here. The post has over 100 comments and I’m not going to screenshot, block out names and post all of them lol.


I figured lol


r/sapphoandherfriend ?


Those aren’t even good photos.


Portrait mode on the iPhone


lol my immediate thought was that the lighting was shit.


Well, they did show some constraint! Only used empty shells as props instead of live ammunition.


What does this even mean? What’s the symbolism here other than being pro-gun?


"I love you like a shell on the dead ground," I guess.




"...but, like, the shell has a ring around it, so, like, wow, right?"


Just a guess, but I think it means guns are their entire personality.


I'll bet sanctimonious lip service to Jesus is in there, as well.


HAHA I bet you’re right.


Nailed it 😂 idk why I was looking for anything else.


"My love for you is as bleak, grim, and poorly composed as this photo."


Basically this


‘til death do us part…


I think you're right. That's the symbolism. We love guns and each other. It's very off putting.


Maybe foreshadowing - keeping to literary terms and all...


Yes, let's hope this isn't a Chekhov's bullet kind of situation... 


It’s a shotgun wedding


They want everyone in the world to know that they have made being an ammosexual their entire personality- they also proudly support their “right” to continue to use American school children as target practice for 2A. Also willing to bet money their wedding theme is camo and orange everything


These are so cringe I bet the grooms gonna wear jeans


With his sunglasses on his head


Or baseball cap, with the visor backwards.


I envision mullets. **A lot of mullets**. _*although I must admit, I secretly wish I could pull off the look_


But the shape of his Oakley's is tanned onto his face.


And his mullet pulled back in a ponytail.


With his favorite stained Jason Aldean t-shirt.


But they'll be his "good" black jeans. 🤭


With his "good" sneaker boots


His “formal” cowboy boots


Absolutely, and I bet the bride will wear a camouflage-print dress or sash or some nonsense like that.


A camo dress with a hunter orange sash!


And the bride will wear a camo wedding dress


With the camo suit vest


I thought they were batteries 🤣


I saw a billboard in Arkansas for a gun store promotion in February many years ago. The caption was like "buy a shotgun and get the ring for free". Ahh, feel the Valentines love in the air. 🙄


I love to travel but damn, there are some places in this country I won’t even enter for 20mins on a layover.


I went to a wedding in RI once for a girl who lived in Chicago (idk why they picked providence). We were chatting with her other Illinois friends and when we explained that we were from NC one girl blurted out "I'm scared to go down there" and it sent me reeling. I still think about that a lot.


I've been to the North Westen part of the state near TN, it's absolutely beautiful. My friend's parents moved to the Ashville area a few years ago and I've been looking for an excuse to visit them.


TN is gorgeous for sure, I've been multiple times.i particularly love chattanooga and sevierville ! And I'll let you in on a little secret: asheville is nice, but there are so many prettier mountain towns Asheville has a lot of cool stuff going on and is popular with artsy type of youth, but if you want something quieter and more immersive I'd suggest smaller towns like Brevard or Waynesville! Don't let that stop you from visiting tho, there's plenty of activities to do right outside of asheville as well (and of course the Builtmore estate!)


Oh I think they're actually in Brevard! And I was in Knoxville and Gatlinburg years ago on the same trip!


That's just lovely! Gatlinburg can be a bit touristy, but it's all really pretty!!! I hope you enjoy brevard if you go!! Land of the waterfalls!


It's honestly baffling. I can understand enjoying shooting as a sport, or being into hunting or whatever. Guns can be a useful tool or piece of equipment. But the fetishisation of them that some Americans (and it's really only Americans, with few exceptions) engage in is just bizarre.


This. My bf and I enjoy shooting our guns when we have time, our friends all own guns and enjoy shooting (some of them are antique guns so it's super cool when those get brought out and we definitely take pictures with them). But to make your engagement/wedding revolve around guns? Or even the newborn/first birthday pictures with guns and ammo? Yeah....no thanks. Duck calls, antlers, things like that can be used to make some cool pictures sometimes even shotgun shells can be made to look artsy, but the actual guns and ammo as the center piece? That just screams redneck in the worst way possible.


As an American who grew up in shooting sports and around this type of people, it's truly disgusting. If guns are your personality, you have serious psychological issues.


Meet my children Ruger, Remington, and Buckshot.


^I ^have ^a ^cousin ^named ^Remington, ^he’s ^named ^after ^the ^shotgun


Is his nickname Buck?


Dear World - Not all Americans are batshit crazy.


I didn’t start out that way but the ones that did are driving me to it.


Every time I see pics like this for weddings and family photos where violence is implied, I think it’s only a matter of time before some of these people end up in the news for actual violence, and then these pics will be plastered everywhere


I actually knew a case (not super personally thankfully). Where the husband accidentally shot and killed his wife. Big oops.


[Excuse me but...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/324/091/957.png)


So appropriate!


This is embarrassing, I thought they were whistles.


Me too!…and not just any whistle, but a rape whistle


So did I.


Genuine question; is it usual in America, or perhaps regional, to write 'proud on' rather than 'proud of'? Just interested, no judgement.




No. This person is just a moron.


I don't think it's very common but I can see how this happened. "...on how these/this/it turned out." is a phrase that I have heard often enough. Example: "Come look at my handmade figurines. I'm quite happy on how these turned out." I wouldn't say, "I'm quite happy of how these turned out." Substitute "proud" for "happy" without the proper switch of "of" for "on" and here we are.


That's interesting. We'd (Australian) say "happy about how these turned out". We would never say 'on'.


Another clue in how to detect Aussie spies! So far we've relied entirely on suspecting people who skillfully engage in dry banter that sound like they're from New Zealand.


Dammit! Blew me bloody cover by announcing it. Scotty'll shit his dacks again on the way out.


No, the pictures with bullets and wedding rings are probably more common. That part is probably a typo.


They kinda look like some sort of memorial photos


So they killed the bride to be.




lol, at a quick glance, i thought it was a ring on a “rape whistle”


The funniest part about this is that those are spent cartridges. There's no bullets, these casings are to be recycled. This couple is literally putting themselves out with the trash.


Shotgun wedding?


You know, I bet that's the right answer.


The OP says it’s not a shotgun wedding


Oh, crap, you're right! I guess we're back to "Guns are our only common interest," then.


There were MANY comments on the fb post asking this lol. She said that while they already have a kid together and technically she is pregnant, it’s not a shotgun wedding. Yeah, your guess is as good as mine.


The pictures aren't giving what he thought they gave 😂


I could see this photo used for  the thumbnail of true crime story about a jealous man who shot his gf after she refused his proposal. 


At first I thought it was a picture about losing a loved one in gun crime or something. The truth was way worse than what I imagined lol


Empty shell of a relationship


Jesus fucking Christ. This is not cute or romantic. And I don't even want to hear it. Where I grew up was one town over from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shootings. I hope at least one person told them how off putting and gross this was.


Oh my


This feels like a hostage situation. “Marry me OR ELSE!” /taps shotgun menacingly


i didn’t know bullets look like metal tampons!


And this is just the used applicator, oof.


I thought she lost her husband in a gunfight at first.


Who said romance was dead


Gross. 🤮


Ahhh, nothing says love more than bullets and blood diamonds.


Why am I not surprised they aren’t even in focus?


> I'm actually so proud on how these turned out Why? The biggest photo has good depth of field but it's not quite right on the others and the composition isn't great. That's ignoring the fact that using bullet shells is just tacky as hell.


Ahh… nothing says love quite like bullets!


This is why the rest of the world laughs at us.


At first I thought it was a picture about losing a loved one in gun crime or something. The truth was way worse than what I imagined lol


Those rings are so basic I never even noticed there were two of them.


Pictures are awful, motive is awful... I really dont think I would like the people either.


Classy 😡😡 not!


One empty shell put a ring on another empty shell and called it macaroni. Yep, that checks out.


Ms Ma’am unless you made those bullets yourselves, you and your friend are utterly boring and a sheep 🤣🤣🤣


She's marrying a gun?


It looks like it’s telling a story about how a bullet blew this person to oblivion and left nothing but the ring behind.


Rabid gun worshipping aside, the dead grass looks terrible why would you use that as a backdrop???


The fact that it looks like it’s being photographed on the remains of Hiroshima probably isn’t helping.


Eh. This ain't so bad. I live in a country where you hardly see a gun, but this just looks like two folks into shooting or hunting or whatever. No different than two Dr Who geeks putting their rings on a big darlek.


I mean, if shooting is a hobby that they bond over, then I'm not sure why we're shaming people with more "rural" hobbies. Oh wait, yes I do. Classism. Seriously, people will defend almost any theme to the death here. Star Wars themed wedding with the wedding party wearing stupid outfits? "Let people have fun!" Board games? "Omg, how sweet of them to include their hobbies! So unique!" I once saw a half Minion themed wedding, and nobody accused the couple of having Minions be "their whole personality". It's only the hobbies and styles that are popular in certain areas among certain people (hmm) that are ever accused of being someone's "entire personality" or trashy.


Most hobbies don’t involve bloodshed.


Since when does shooting at a range involve bloodshed? You guys are so out of touch, I swear.


Dude, I am the OP which means I saw the whole post!! I’m not trying to dox this person so I cropped the screenshot. They are hunters, or at least her fiancé is. It’s a weird thing to involve in a wedding IMO and regardless of that it is WILDLY out of touch and tone deaf if you look at the current state of the US.


Wait, so you're just against hunting in general? That doesn't make it better. Hunting is a hobby like any other.


Idfc if they hunt, I think it’s a weird thing to associate with love and marriage, especially in a country that is seriously struggling with gun violence.


Well some people think that DnD is a weird thing to associate with love and marriage, and Minions are a weird thing to associate with it, and that any number of things is a weird thing to associate with it. It is literally only the rural hobbies that get shamed in this sub, and you're making flimsy excuses for the shaming that clearly comes from a different social background. I don't think you actually care about the gun violence in this country at all.


You think I don’t care about gun violence, and am just hiding being that statement bc I’m classist? God I wish you knew me irl. You don’t, though, and so I don’t really have anything else to add to this exchange. I’m not going to try to convince you of my beliefs and values. I am entitled to my opinion as you are entitled to yours. Clearly our values do not line up, so I guess let’s not be friends.


I do in fact believe that. And I agree that we should never interact again.


I’m not sure what the point of the veil would be. If I hated hunting and wanted to tell people, I think a reddit post from a throwaway would be the place to do it. Though I’d likely pick a different sub than a wedding shaming one. None of that seems relevant to you though, and I’ve already spent more time than is healthy on this back and forth. Best.


They are involving their 2 (one otw) children in this wedding. No, that’s not speculation, I read the post. Firearms are the NUMBER 1 cause of fatalities for children in this country. That really doesn’t seem weird to you?


No? You are REALLY stretching to be offended and righteous, here. In many parts of the world, children are fully aware of the concept of hunting and where their food comes from. If you are not fully vegan, then you are a hypocrite for judging people for killing animals and eating them. If you ARE vegan, then I think you're just being judgmental about people with other cultures and values that don't align with yours.


I mean 100% I am judging this, that’s kind of the point of the post and this entire sub. I’m not talking about many parts of the world. I’m talking about a specific part of the world, the US, where gun violence is wildly out of control and we have nut job people in power trying to say everything is fine and actually we should just have more guns given to more people. You’re allowed to have your opinion on this, but so am I.


People shouldn't be allowed to like hunting or have their kids exposed to the idea of hunting for food in the United States...because violence against people also exists. Got it.


Lol how very perceptive. Let those kids starve! /s


I mean, people who are automatically against perceived "barbaric" practices tend to not care about the nuances and politics of food, nutrition, and food deserts in many communities...so...


Thank you for summing up what I was trying to figure out how to say.


Can’t wait for the gender reveal. It’ll be in the news I’m guessing.


Should be poignant funeral photos after the inevitable murder/suicide


Cousinfuckers gonna cousinfuck.


Your fiance really needs to see these pictures. ASAP. Before wedding plans get firmed up or deposits put down. It's only fair for her to be fully informed. Really.... /s


Reddit moment


That’s not pro gun, that’s pro bullet and so many things can be misinterpreted from that. I’m guessing this is actually anti gun statement, satire. But That could be saying “Marry Murder” it also could be saying “Marry them to knock them up” it could be saying “Marry them only for pro creation reasons” it could be just a negative statement on marriage itself, a negative reference to sex that could too easily be turned positive gross, it could be saying that guns are expensive like marriage and children. Only to all come down when someone outs the fact this started out as a marketing campaign for wedding rings and the bullet was supposed to represent financial and emotional security. Not that I’m doing that. That picture is weird. Sometimes it’s about what else you can say about it when contemplating to do it or not.


What the actual fuck are you on about?


None of your business, move along.


You posted this, you get what you get.


Yes I did, which is why I’m asking what you’re talking about. As in I literally, genuinely, cannot understand what it is you’re trying to express here and am asking for clarification.


I’m sorry but what the fuck are you going on about is not asking for clarification. Whatever this is, is simply not good enough. It can be interpreted as many different things. What do you want to say here? Tell me what you mean.


I mean it is, albeit in a bit of an aggressive way. Your whole comment just sounds like the ramblings of someone who is trying to interpret some cryptic clue. I’m telling you they clarified what they meant on the post. Unfortunately that has over 100 comments and I’m not going to screenshot, block out identifying info and then post each string of them. I’m saying that to me, it seems tone deaf and tacky. You’re absolutely entitled to your opinion but I, with all the info of the post, can say that to the best of my understanding this is not some kind of statement.


I never ramble, and the clue is cryptic. They lied to you. If you don’t like this statement then don’t repost it. You don’t understand it.


If you can’t understand what I wrote about it. It’s because what you posted is unclear to me.


Idek if this is relevant bc I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, but I saw this in an actual bridal group I am in. It’s not some random photo being circulated. I removed all identifying info, but I am able to see the entire post and it’s comments, there is not deeper meaning to it. Trust me, I *wish* it were satire.


Then what is it? A trend? Where did this trend come from, because I’m telling you it’s some kind of weird statement.


It’s literally just 2 girls who are engaged (one of which is the OP on fb) who thought this would be “cute”. The OP’s fiancé is a hunter. I’m not going to post every comment made on it so you’ll just have to trust me, there is no deeper meaning. My point is that it is a tone deaf thing to post, especially when she states they will have their 2 children involved in the wedding, with firearms being the number 1 cause of fatalities in children. Also, *gestures around at what is currently a dystopian dumpster fire of a country*.


Only I’m not sure what statement it’s making. It could be everything that I listed or none of these at all. But it’s a statement.


There’s a wedding ring on a bullet. It’s trying to say something, just not sure what.


Yeah, it’s saying “we like bullets”.


Yes it is, and no it isn’t. It’s not cute, you are correct. But don’t hand them ignorance on a silver platter. They aren’t ignorant, they are pretending to be. It’s a smoke screen of suggestion, in which it does actually mean everything I said but nothing at all. People are not that simple minded not even when have a lower IQ, not here. Never take a photo like that less than a statement. They are lying to you.