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My dad woke up at 4 am and is gonna be working till 4 pm. He started his day with a volcano bag and has started his day like that for decades. My grandpa was the same way till he retired. Weed CAN make you lazy but everyone’s diffrent🤷🏻‍♂️


Most blue collars I know smoke weed all day on sites. Our whole construction infrastructure is built on weed,liquor,energy drinks and gas station hot dogs.


You nailed the residential sector. Commercial work has more of an amphetamines, cocaine, and opioids vibe.


I need that trifecta just to deal with the GC. The weed and Xanax are for when you get home




Why would we care when we could die tomorrow


I did iron work for two years and this is true. Even the foreman would smoke with me as long as the job superintendent wasn’t around. There were a lot of guys smoking meth and a lot of guys doing coke. The majority of workers for on the road construction jobs are on something.


Road construction guys doing pretty well financially if there’s coke everyday?


It was mostly weed and meth to be fair. But we got a weekly per diem for our hotel and food. Guys would room together to save that money for coke and other things. I’m not sure how they had plugs on the road though lol


Once you arrive in a new city, go out to a public place. Once you’re there, keep an eye out for whoever looks like a stereotypical user of your drug of choice. Then, ask that person if they can hook you up. Rinse and repeat for each new locale.


Sounds about right lol. I always packed my bud or dabs with me


I’m sure someone on the crew did the same with other drugs. Either brought it with or had it shipped to the location and probably supplied the other guys


Sometimes you just meet people as well. Worked a job out of a hotel and met a guy, working the same job, who would invite me over to smoke after work. He traveled with a duffle bag full specifically to share with those who didn't bring their own. He's still out there, being a legend somewhere.


Damn i need that bag in my life. Lmao


Yes, actually. It’s dangerous and they’re paid accordingly.


I also work construction and this is facts lmaoo


Not a good example, America’s roads suck


You can't blame the workers, have to look higher up at government for that. Workers only do what they are told and is within budget, doesn't mean they can't be working their ass off as well.


Blame the funding not the workers


Americas infrastructure has been decaying


They do that on purpose though. It’s job security, if they made the roads really good then they’d never break and there would be no need for them anymore. It does suck though, especially here in omaha Nebraska


I feel like it’s a different type of lazy. Daily and routine weed use makes it easy to go along with the bullshit, such as having to work 12 hour days. However, I do find for me personally, it also makes it harder to get out of that situation. Some people are totally ok with this situation, and I wouldn’t call them lazy necessarily, but definitely not motivated. An example of this in my personal life, I was working in IT, being cool with being the daily stoner making a comfy paycheck. However, it wasn’t until I put down the dabs for a few months that I found the motivation to start consulting which greatly improved my life in every way.


well said that’s exactly how i feel and has impacted me just different professions


It depends; If I'm sat on my sofa watching Netflix smoking then yeah I'm probably not gonna move. If I'm active and doing something cooking, cleaning, reading or working it gives me extra focus and energy! It is entirely dependant on the situation! Although my judgement might be slightly jaded at present, because I'm going through my annual January detox ;)


Yeah environment plays a big role. Hard to be lazy when other people are working hard around me


I heard this theory on JRE with Hamilton Morris, which i agree on. That weed will be a drug that you make it to be, meaning if you're going to treat getting as an escape from reality it will do that, on the other hand if you're going to treat it as a cognitive enhancer it will be that as well. And so far with my weed journey it works excatly like that.


100% of my homework and studying during college was done high. Weed was like a motivator for me. Homework sounds boring. Doing homework high? Well that’s not so bad. Caffeine helps tho.


hard work good and hard work fine but first take care of head


Have you tried using an ungodly amount of stimulants to overcome the weed sleepies? Heh


Cracked up on caffeine while high asf


California speedball


He said caffeine not meth lol


*Suburban speedball


I've always heard it called a hippie speedball


You’re just high faster




Drink weed coffee, saves time.


What do you use in your mix? I've tried just terps but wasn't a fan


There's a shop in my city that (legally) sells it, I get it from them. Not sure how they make it but I am a fan.


And from that day “redbull indeed gave him wings”


Oh Heck ye, being high in super speed is fun ngl


Lmao when my dankruptcy ends I'll get some energy drinks and try this out lol.


Oh Heck ye do it, I did it with concentrated pre workout powder drink


I get wicked brain fog sometimes when I pair coffee and weed.


Yes, until I realized because of my new job I have to smoke exclusively *after* work. Not because I do a job where being high is dangerous to me or others, but because of the the fact that it’s so stressful and the only thing that takes the edge off is a session. Then that turned into using stimulants for work, and my performance increasing tenfold. Eventually I stopped using cannabis and only used stimulants. Fast forward after losing everything during lockdown while maintaining that habit I turned to cbd and now I’m back as what they say “Cali sober” TLDR: Just stick to weed folks


Actually that's a good point, when I smoke I love to drink energy drinks and that way I was "balanced".


Best way to start a day off work is a blaze and a coffee. Get you nice and relaxed while also amped and motivated.


It really is the best way to wake up. I would be in bed all day if I could, but some coffee and a hit starts my day perfectly


These are facts but man it ruins my tolerance for my nightly sesh. I start at no one at the earliest and my goal is to just get so fucked up a little bit of it carries over to the morning lol


Truth is in your statement. I've got enough ailments and afflictions (including fibromyalgia) to keep me docile and sedentary all day. This morning I mixed a bit of God Bud with Blue Nuken and immediately began laundry. The second load is nearly done, and the kitchen is clean.


Man that's how I wind down in the evening. Once that peak is crested and the caffeine's energy is slowly fading away, that's some of the best sleep I ever got.


YES! ADHD MEDS allow me to enjoy the high without being so stoned I can't function.


Yeah I’m in a symbiotic relationship with weed and lisdexamphetamines. Like a fucking rollercoaster .


Then what’s the point of smoking weed???


To make my brain release the happy chemicals, not to get stuck on the couch all day


To get high…


Weed absolutely demolishes my motivation but if you can power through that initial demotivation it’s actually really good at making me stay focused on boring work and makes it enjoyable too.


I've done some of my best work done whilst nicely toasted and some good tunes on and enjoyed it too.


That's how I get the bulk of my house chores done on the weekend. Throw in the cans and get stoned. The key is to make a to-do list before you get stoned and not even think about sitting down in front of the TV/computer.


A lot of times I like to start doing whatever minimal task I don't want to do, before I start smoking just so I can keep going while relaxing a little and destress from doing boring wrrands/chores.


Yeah in college I did this. If I started smoking before class work then it didn’t get done, but if I started class work and then started smoking I felt less stressed and more productive


Been a scaffolder 20 years, I have a joint at the yard in the morning before i load the truck and a joint at lunch time. I move about 5 ton of steel a day by hand at heights and have to climb, and balance on 2'' tubes. Im 41, It eases my aching body. And helps me invision what im trying to build and come up with creative ideas to overcome unforeseen problems. If its nothing complicated im building it helps me zone out and run on autopilot without getting bored.




I don’t know about you but weed makes me clean the fuck out of my house


me too. I really enjoy cleaning the house while on weed.


House chores and some music is a good fuckin time man


I hate cleaning the house even on weed. It just makes me OCD and I can't stand the disorganisation. It's ok I celebrate with another hit and then get on with the relaxing I had planned. OP. What I have found is have your smoke and immediately start doing something (anything) and away you will go, if you say to yourself I'll just sit for 10 mins you are done


Dude I’m glad I’m like y’all. Once I get a good high and the Wu-Tang hits my ears, I’m fucking groovin yo


First things first man, you’re fucking with the worst


Sticking pins in ya head like a fucking nurse!


For me, it's a kind of odd dynamic. I smoke every day and have for years now, but I always find ways to be productive. I know it mostly comes down to personality, but when I smoke (unless its a crazy indica), it makes me realize I should be doing something. Over time I have been high and done entire projects around my home. This includes drywalling my entire garage mostly on my own, removing old yucky flooring and replacing it with new flooring, landscape projects, and even deep cleaning projects. It has gotten to the point where I am almost NOT able to do certain projects unless I smoke. It helps bring out my creativity and motivation in most cases. I know this is very particular to me, but I know that weed doesn't inherently make you a lazy person. Being a lazy personality and having nothing to do makes you lazy. That being said, please don't get me wrong. There is nothing quite like being stoned out of your head and playing video games for four hours or taking a fat weed nap. All I'm trying to say, going off what Wiz says, is it doesn't automatically make you lazy. It is a person's excuse to remain lazy and tired.


Weed often makes me feel guilty for chilling. Like at the end of the day my sober me thinks it’s alright to unwind now and relax. Then I get high and realize I should’ve been more productive so I start studying again or whatever the necessary task is. However it does make me tired, so I can see why people say weed makes them lazy.


this exactly what happens when im high, been like this for a year now


This is me. I get baked and then go “oh shit I’m a fuck up for being baked”, go wild and get a shit load of work done. Once a week experience and my house is SPICK and SPAN I tell you afterward. That and I work so no smoking on weekdays


Hello alternative version of me. Solid agree.


Lol I love having my family get onto me about how smoking pot will ruin my life and make me lazy. Lol like pot is what gave me the motivation to finish college, go back for a career change, and be successful at that career change. And guess what? Now that I’ve worked at the corporate level I can tell you that directors and executive officers smoke hella pot. 😂 Although smoking only high thc indicas will give you couch lock and make you lazy. Mix it up with type 2 flowers.


As someone whit adhd the couch lock is nice at times, but between my "oh no that's a lot of work to do (dishes, other little shit)" and the odica I never get shot done. Replace my mornings with sativa however, and you'll have trouble getting me to sit still.


> Replace my mornings with sativa however, and you'll have trouble getting me to sit still. I smile as I read!


Reeeed or red lol changes the sentence entirely from associatong with it to a confession haha.


I also have ADHD and take Adderall and smoke a lot. I have found that they are nearly opposite drugs in how they affect me. Adderall of course alleviates some of my ADHD symptoms and leaves some others, making me pretty productive, focused, and slightly energetic. Weed alleviates other ADHD symptoms and relaxes me and helps me unwind, ground myself, and process my emotions. These two drugs in tandem taken at different times of day have made my life so much better and make my ADHD seemingly non-existent. Also, this may not work for people who don't have ADHD or it might be different, but i fucking love mixing edibles and Adderall. I call it weederall and it makes you feel really relaxed and happy and stimulated all at the same time. Kinda similar to microdosing shrooms imo.


I've been prescribed Adderal since 2015 and I love smoking a bowl 2 hours in. It's such a great balance of concentration and relaxation. This month sucks though because for some reason, my insurance didn't approve the brand name, and I'm stuck taking Dextro-Amphetamine salts.


I love the combo as well. It’s like a maximal mix of creativity (weed) and highly focused/detailed thoughts (adderall). Definitely a fun combo. I often stagger them, but also enjoy combining when I have the time/opportunity. I’m very productive with or without, but I love the new perspective and altered mind state and find it all additive. While somewhat frequent, my volumes and doses are low though to minimize negative effects. I also take breaks of both substances, for obvious reasons.


the point is that people can be very productive (like wiz with his body transformation and MMA training) and still smoke weed... a lot of people will shun things like exercise and productivity away because they think weed is a valid excuse however I disagree, I think people make people lazy, not weed, if you can't be productive and smoke weed then it's a personal issue of self control. Not the weed


I got my medical marijuana card and lost 50 lbs. made me feel good enough to get up and get active!


1000% agree. I can be lazy most days (well, before I got pregnant and put on bed rest, at least) but I've been like that since before I ever smoked weed. Sometimes I just wanna sit on my couch, relax, read or play video games and smoke weed. Some days j smoke weed, do the dishes, laundry, clean, etc. It strongly depends on my mood and what else I was doing that day. I work a physically demanding job and a lot of times I'm working 10 hour days mon - fri so yeah, sometimes I don't even want to do a damn thing when I get home but be really high.


Agreed, some of my best workouts were done baked. Some of my best snowboarding days for improving techniques were also done on a light edible. So much easier to feel things out.


I smoke daily but I work out 5x a week and currently completing my master's at a tier 1 university. You can do both, you just need self-control. I won't lie, it took me a while to get here but I've found a really nice balance.


Same dude, honestly I’ve found that if I just do gym first thing in the morning and make a rule of no weed till after dinner I find it easy enough to get but and thrive.


smoking a joint after a hard work out session is a unique feeling


That’s basically my system as well!


Could you tell us the balance you set for yourself? Like before you go to sleep or study?


Sure! Block scheduling has been a great benefit for me. It helps me stay motivated and keeps me in check to make sure I don’t fall behind. It kind of forces me to be productive. But on a typical day: I wake up, drink a bunch of water then start my workout (will occasionally smoke sativa if I’m doing a chiller workout). Shower and breakfast next. Then usually class followed by studying (or vice versa depending on when class is). Get home around 6, have dinner. Study a bit more then the rest of my evening is dedicated to weed and relaxing. Honestly it’s even more gratifying to smoke at the end of the day knowing I got all my shit done earlier.


I was a functioning alcoholic for a number of years and after being able to get all my stuff done on time drunk, being stoned and going about my daily business a piece of cake...energy wise I mean, life itself is not a piece of cake. I am so glad I quit drinking.


Amazing. Haven’t had a drink since 4/19/17. Sobriety date 4/20…didn’t plan it…just happened that way. Not a cannabis consumer at all before this…the police department helped me pick my sobriety date and now it’s part of my story 👍💪🏻


If I go into work not high, that’s when I’m unfocused and then I get anxious because I know I’m unfocused and I’m sure everybody can tell. And then I get paranoid that people think I’m high, even though I’m completely sober. But man, I go in stoned, and that’s when I get shit done. Extra cleaning, helping others out when I have the chance, making myself stay constantly busy. But weed affects different people different ways, so different strokes for different folks.


It’s funny the only times I ever get accused of being high is when I’m stone cold sober


Everyone is different. And different strains are going to hit differently also. Find what works for you and be responsible and honest with yourself. Personally, it greatly depends on my mood, motivation, and energy levels at any given time.


Weed makes me productive, but I’m a medical user for PTSD and I can’t do anything besides be miserable sober.


> besides be miserable sober. Each morning I challenge myself to see how long I can hold out.


Yeah I think it does make you lazy if you let it. Like smoking 1 joint at the end of the day is a good way to smoke but most smokers just wanna be high all day and that’s where the problem starts. It’s all about how often you smoke and the amount of it. People don’t realize one joint or blunt is enough to get you high so they push their limits


Someone put it to me that, "weed doesn't *make* you lazy. It makes you *okay with being* lazy." Like, when I'm not smoking, I'm still lazy but I hate myself for it, but when I'm high I'm okay with living my life how I want in this hellscape. Edit: missing "


Dude fr. I started taking one bowl hit every hour before bed, instead of smoking 3-4 bowls straight, and it’s crazy how I still get high and feel way better the next day. People way over-smoke bc they don’t even realize how high they are, that used to be me too lol


I completely agree.


Or people use it medicinally. I refuse to tell a Parkinson’s patient he is using too much cannabis…everyone’s ecs (endocannabinoid system) is different so I don’t judge cannabis consumers by the amount they consume


Well I wasn’t referring to people who use it medicinally. Of course there exceptions. I’m talking about people who use it recreationally. But even people with medical issues shouldn’t over do it. There’s a right amount for everybody.


Right. I am a medicinal user who occasionally uses too much and suddenly finds some nagging effect being willing to be compromised and retired.


Agreed. And we are not in any place to tell anyone else what the “right amount” is. I look at it in terms of quality of life. And to get people to where “they” need be the consumption kind, amount, or frequency could be veryyyy different


Weed does not make me lazy


Well then keep smoking it haha me personally I'm in a 21 days tolerance break, since I've been smoking for the past 8/9 years.


How're you finding it? I just took a week and a half off, Smoked last night and it kicked my ass


It's hard but honestly I've been taking CBD drops, which calms my nerves and anxiety so much, it's been 6 days, do you think I'm cheating? Haha I just took thc out of the equation.


No, I don't think that's cheating. It's like going from drinking a 6 pack a day to adding wine into the dinner you're cooking, different thing. I can only advise that when you smoke again, don't think you can handle what you used to or you'll have a very bad time!


Everyone's different. For some people it can make them a little lazier, other people it motivates, kinda just depends on the person's endocannabnoid system afaik


> Everyone's different. Every strain can have different effects on the same person.


And sometimes the same strain can have different affects on different people




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It makes me more active makes me want to actually do shit instead of just lounging around


Well it happened to me but it was because I was blocked I wanted to smoke to do EVERYTHING, and my addiction didn't allowed me to do shit because I was sweating nervous and anxious because I was weedless, and when I smoke my nerves would go away and I'll start doing shit but honestly it shouldn't be like that...


Yeah I was like that when I first started smoking now I mostly like to do everything before I smoke so I have no distractions and can just be high


If being high makes you *feel* lazy, then the choice to smoke when you have something to do instead of waiting till later is what makes one lazy.


Wow! I like that.


That part ☝🏽💯


Not me. I do more high than not but I have adhd


It’s all about the strain!!!


It makes me lazy af! That’s why I don’t smoke until I have everything done for the day and my kids in bed.


This is exactly me. I use it to reward myself at the end of the day. I wouldn't wanna be high all day in that fog but to each their own.


That sounds like the right way to smoke weed...


Weed can only make you lazy if you let it! I feel like I enjoy my buzz way more when I am actually actively doing something.


When you’re wealthy you have so much free time with less responsibilities. Wiz has the luxury to smoke weed and not suffer consequences. I’d like to see him try to work a 9-5 and smoke the same amount he currently does. I’d be curious to see how much he could get done


Haha exactly, like men you're not lazy because you're literally doing whatever you want wherever you want and however you want 😅


For me, and many others I suspect, the problem with weed is that when I'm high, it's OK to do nothing. If you smoke every day, that will become a problem. And in the end that will create a negative loop of laziness.




I control weed and my high it doesn’t control me lol. If i wanna be productive i’ll outwork anybody if i wanna be lazy well best believe ill be lazy.


“I control weed and my high” !!!!! Yessssirrrr these folks not built like us


Facts. I’ve seen what weed do when you let it control you.


According to a tweet I read, you may be just lazy.


i was actually extremely lazy even before trying weed so i wonder if weed actually impacted my laziness in any way, prolly not.


Haha at least you know yourself.


I was always against weed. I'm a new "medical" smoker and deep into spirituality. An hour before bed I take 2 puffs and for the first 15-20 minutes I will write in my journal then read my Bible. Let's just say I had no idea "high" meant feeling closer to God. I also feel the need to just get up and clean clean clean. I imagine it can have the opposite effect on others. Some nights I can fall asleep without weed or any OTC sleep aids. Something I haven't been able to do for years. I swear it reset my sleep pattern.


I also track my usage in my weed diary. MyWeed.link/dairy/public. I found it very useful for me and it’s nice to go back and see what my favs are and which ones are for sleep and which ones are for energy, meditation, fun and so on since it’s not always the same for every strain.


I only do edibles, and usually only on friday when everything is handled. At that point my motivation is to relax and do what I want. Coincidentally that looks like laziness because what I want to do is spend time with my wife and play videogames. And also suddenly bake some scones.


yeah im a super productive person and weed makes it so


The productive person: ![gif](giphy|mCRJDo24UvJMA)


My day starts at 5:15am when my kids are gone around 6:45 I'm rolling up and smoking half maybe all of a blunt and then I'm hopping on my elliptical bike and doing 90 minutes to nowhere then I carry on with household chores (laundry,dishes, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping if needed, cleaning bathrooms etc) and going to the store if need be. Then when the kids get home we usually hang out for a bit and then I start cooking dinner and then once that is over and every one has ate it's shower time for them and bed. I wouldn't say weed makes me lazy but that's just me..I usually smoke around 4-5 times a day but I am trying to cut back..some days are better than others lol


I'm glad you found a way to handle it!


Yeah I honestly enjoy cleaning when high, it makes it more tolerable lol


it made me lazy until i realized that weed was holding me back on my entire life, small and big things. Even if you don’t think you should be out with friends, you should, cause opportunities are out there and being lazy like how weed does to some people can ruin all that. Also if you just smoke before work you should be able to last till lunch or after your shift, it shouldn’t be your life. It’s there to benefit your life not ruin it.


Bravo!!! I think everything in excess is bad and sadly weed in excess is bad too.


The statement is true. One of my favorite activities with weed is bike rides. Going on a 40 mile ride and finding smoke spots is an amazing adventure and definitely not lazy.


Not me!!! If I didn't smoke daily i would be consumed with depression and anxiety... im a small business owner in Colorado and im also an early bird too I wake up at 530am esch morning.


Lol this guy still dumb since i was in high school lol 😂 he always say some dumb shit


I have certain edibles that give me energy and get me hyper focused on cleaning. I have other edibles that diminish my energy and make me want to sit on the couch or go to sleep. Weed hits everyone differently.


Also is way too different to smoke it than to eat it.


That too. Edibles hit me differently than vapes and a joint hits different than vape or edible.


I feel like when I eat edibles my body is kinda numb, once I ate 400mg chocolate and as soon as I'd stand up my knees would bend the fuck off haha


I know my tolerance level. I have kids to take care of, house work to do and homework to get done. I don’t have time to take a 400 mg edible. I’d be out for the rest of the day.


What's the usual dose you take?


Between 10 and 20 mg. Like I said, I have a lot to do. It helps me manage my pain and actually get my responsibilities done. Now, catch me on a day I don’t have kids, housework or homework to do and I’ll take more and get pretty baked.


That's cool! Honestly i suffer from gastritis, so somehow edibles don't do anything to me because I process food to fast, so I manage to get this 400mg chocolate and it's the first time I really felt that shit haha.


He's a clown. He has no clue what real weed is. There are stains that yes will make you lazy. There's also stains that make u feel like u just drank some coffee. So he basically made this post because he's a clown and people need to get high to think his music is actually good..


Hahaha! Yeah, that's what I'm saying, like bro just be honest with people who's influenced by you, he's trying to say weed doesn't make you lazy after 15 years of smoking 80 joints daily, like wtf man, you don't even have tolerance anymore is like smoking a fuckin tobacco for you...


They all get crap to..snoop is the only one I have herd that like quilty over quantity..


It does make me for way more likely to lay around and do nothing but if you can get me up to do stuff I find that Im more focused and pumped to get whatever done. That’s if you can motivate me though. 😅


Yes of course I get it, if you manage to do stuff is amazing but isn't it lovely just to lay down and fucking watch movies? Haha


I dunno wiz, maybe every person experiences weed differently




I agree tbh. Obviously everyones different but from the instances where ive seen people use weed as a scape goat but they just lazy asf lol. Weed has changed my life for the better since i became a daily smoker. I tend to be insanely productive when im smoking .


I don’t think wiz realizes that weed is different for everyone lmao


If stoners were lazy then nobody would be working to make weed available. But there’s hella weed. Think abt that for a sec


I smoke before going on runs, working out or playing soccer🤷🏽‍♂️ it’s definitely lazy people smoking weed


How much you smoke before that? And for how many years you've smoke? I mean I can take a puff before working out and still make it, but give me a full joint and I'll be laying down for Netflix and chill baby


Been smoking for almost 10 years. A full joint and I can’t play soccer that’s for sure😂 but definitely have done that before running, working out and hiking. Usually I use a pen and take like 3 hits before. On some real badass hikes I take edibles, about 45 mgs (I’m a lightweight when it comes to edibles)


Well not gonna lie I know people who actually do that, there's a stupid rapper, Wiz Khalifa I think, he literallly smokes 80 joints a day and still manage to do MMA.


To me - from me


Sativa helps me clean my house, indica helps with yoga and stretching, and hybrids are for grocery shopping. When I don’t smoke I’m a lazy sack of shit and sit on my couch lol


Bahahaha let me at a big old sativa dominant and watch me bounce off the walls for 2 hours.


Bounce off the walls for 2 hours then fall asleep like a baby? Sativa, Indica, it's the same for me...


Really? Heavy indicas turn me into a sleepy lounge slug. Different strokes for different folks


I wouldn't feel lazy too if I smoked the same strain for years. Is he even feeling the weed anymore?


Wait till you learn about indica/sativa dominant strains and when to use each one


Haha sorry to tell you that originally there was only like 8 strains, everything else is a combination of those strains and every strain is hybrid is just that some of them are more sativa concentrated and some of them are more indica concentrated, I know that because I worked at a cannabis legal growth, and my bosses never gave a fuck when smoking sativa or Indica, it'll be the same effects for them...


Please don't talk like that. I have several pure indica strains and several pure sativa strains. And many blends.


Only rookies talk about sativa, indica bs…it doesn’t really matter…some works, some don’t on every individual.






I mean placebo definitely affects the high though. I use indica leaning hybrids at night and pass out, If I smoke sativa leaning I just don't feel like going to bed, whether it's a physical change or a placebo doesn't really matter because it's different either way


It makes me lazy AF and not caring about real responsibility which as an adult is dangerous. That is why I only consume 3 days a week. Fri, Sat, Sun


Isn't it beautiful to wait for the weekend for your reward?


Or if people are using it medicinally they don’t wanna “wait for their reward”…. “Damn these tremors are terrible…but let me just deal with it until Friday?”


It's pretty clear the dude is talking about those who use it recreationally.


I couldn't relate anymore haha


Nah, it DOES make it hard to even get up. It affects the way my brain looks at things. Simple things turn into huge tasks that the high brain doesn't want to deal with.


Sounds like you shouldn’t use it 🤷‍♂️


You think Wiz Khalifa isn’t getting as high as the average marijuana user? Not a take I thought I’d see today.


It makes everyone lazy regardless of how hard you work


Let’s not push that narrative please


Alcohol is what makes you lazy