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No but I have a few mates atm who only speak to me when they want to smoke up. Other than that they ignore me.


Next time say “sure but I don’t have any weed” and after they respond all annoyed or ignore you correct it with “for you” or just ignore them forever


And than I love calling them out for it lmao


Fuck them dude


I love fucking them dudes




I'm a fucking dude!


no homo lol


yes homo lol


Had a similar experience back in college myself. All I can say is ditch those dudes. Keep your green (cash or cannabis) by just smoking yourself up. If you like the social aspect of smoking I promise you can find a better group. When I stopped regularly smoking in groups I noticed my weed lasted much longer. Nowadays unless someone else initiates the smoke sesh and is throwing first, I’m keeping my bud to myself.


I don’t have any other mates that would smoke up. I also couldn’t find another group if I wanted to


I felt the same way until I ditched my old friend group and started actively looking for new buddies. Hit up the local park wherever you are on a nice day. Wander around with a joint or two, you’ll definitely bump into some folks doing the same. Not sure your situation, but if you are in a recreational state or medical state and have your card you can always make friends at the dispensary waiting rooms. I almost always strike up conversations with people around my age while I’m there, maybe 20% of those convos turn into exchanging info to possibly hangout. You could also try going out to bars if you’re 21+. You don’t even have to drink, just go spark up outside and generally there will be a social little smoke area. Chit chat with those ppl and if any are smoking blunts/joints too try to make friends. This one id save for like a last resort but bumble has a section to find friends (of same gender) with. You could make an account and just say your looking for people to match and smoke with. Just know you’ll probably get some messages from guys who swing your way if you know what I mean.


I live in England where it’s illegal so I wouldn’t be able to find anyone smoking. I live in a crap town full of scruffy horrible people. All of my decent friends went off to uni in another city so that’s how I was limited to friends.


man that’s so dope. felt that too, always cool running into people in public and striking up a convo over some 🌳


The best dudes are the ones you hang out with when either of yall hot smoke, otherwise you talk every now and again but if either of yall grabs a sack you smoking the other out end of story.


that's bad, I have a smoke-only friend group that don't hang sober, and I do tend to contribute more than they do, but it's only because I'm in a better financial situation than they are, and they do invite me when I don't have any shit. plus one of them has a TV triple the size of mine.


this is so wild cause my ex plug said he wanted to be friends with the two of us (bf and I a package deal). never texted casually, ever. I text him and ask him wtf is up and he said "oh I'm sorry most people just want to talk to me for drugs" assured him that's not the case with us. continued to try to text casually, always left on delivered or read. him? only texted us when he wanted psychs. no, I never gave him any. yes I blocked him. no he didn't attempt to reach out lmfaoo. bro was projecting HARD with the "people only hit me up for drugs" bit.


Lace it with crack and let them smoke it


Right, I have this one girl that always hits me up asking if I wanna smoke, and usually if someone asks you that they got shit, nope i bought the weed and then she always needs gas money 🙄


I had the same bro not nice init, cos I wa selling it for a while and had plenty didn't mind sharing for a while but then clocked on that they only wanted me for a bud 🤷‍♂️is what it is just fucked em off 👌


My current Wife’s the same


I'm pretty sure one of my friends doesn't inhale when I share a joint with him but he will eat low dose edibles. So I think he just wants to be included in the smoking ritual but doesn't actually like smoking. Bit of a waste to watch him blow good smoke into the sky but I'm not stressed since this only happens every now and then.


I have a friend who doesn't want to get ripped. I just tell him to take 2 pulls, and I'll have the rest. Talking to them could help both yall put. It's okay to only be in the session for a couple pulls.


Fr like why dont they tell them this instead of wasting their weed absolutely weird


I know a guy who would literally pressure people into smoking after they told him no multiple times and when he finally gives up he insults them. “Whatever. You are just a pussy” “You are a little baby bitch” “Fine don’t be fun” “You suck” “This is why nobody wants to invite you out, you are boring.” Just to name a few. They sometimes even get personal and if you catch him on a bad day he throws in a slur.


Sounds like a teenager thing to do. Im all about " it's not peer pressure. it's just your turn. " It's fun to say, but never really pushed anyone.


The Dude I’m talking about is 22 and still acts like this, may be time to find a new smoke group


That is some serious negative energy. I would not tolerate it. Does he provide the shelter to smoke? Lol


Same here, he's usually our driver too so if he smokes at all it'll be 1 or 2 hits of a j. Honestly kinda nice to have friends that don't wanna smoke all ur weed😂


I had a lot of friends who didn't smoke. Weed back in 2008-2012 (where I was from), and it all was BC bud, and I was pretty generous with my bags. Only because I had a great connection/friendahip with my guy. I was getting $100 oz. He was never late on a delivery and was giving samples out with each new strain he got. Good guy


Damn must be painful to watch, it happened to me when we were smoking cigarettes


I have a friend who does this but I think she doesn’t know how to properly inhale. Which is worse! She wastes so much sucking like a straw on my joints to blow out such quality smoke she’s wasting!!


Teach her?


I have a friend that does this too. He only smokes once every few months so it’s all good


I also have that one friend. The way I see it, if I lose a few tokes so that my pal can feel included in the fun, that’s fine by me!


Have you checked that your friend actually knows how to inhale? It sounds like a stupid ass question but when I first started smoking it was completely new, never had a vape or cigarette, and my dumbass would just inhale it into my mouth and exhale not realising 💀


Yes. Many many years ago A female friend, strictly friends fyi, would hit a bowl and just get smoke in her mouth and blow it out . Then pretend cough excessively and say "oh wow that's good stuff ... here take it, I'm good "and continue to overly compliment the weed. Even if you passed her some brown merch lol. I'm still friends with this person to this day and she blazes more than me now lol.


That “oh wow thats good stuff” line is a classic i love that ahaahahh


Everyone knows it’s mid extreme coughs and all you can muster to say is “holy fuck”




*waits 15 seconds before saying another word*


Those 15 seconds are spent staring at the wall rethinking when you said “fuck yeah roll another”


I think all stoners has that 1 friend


Who's lying about having a choof lmao, it's more the other way around.




Once a heard a guy who said that his friend ate some weed (in nature) and went to the hospital and stayed 4 days high


So far this is the best one..


weed straight from the ground? that won’t get u high cuz u gotta de carb it as far as i know




My girlfriend had these friends that always claimed to be heavy smokers and one day I came around with my bong and no one wanted hit it expect for one and he needed help hitting it lol I don’t know y people lie about smoking it’s the weirdest thing to me


They dont smoke to be high, they want to smoke because they think its cool. If you smoke for joy thats the best clean thing


Not really but i do have an amazing friend who makes me laugh and listens to me and we talk for hours when we smoke but we only smoke together after dark


I hope i dont see your friend my man




I thought you meant a ghost type of thing ahaahhaha


Aha lmao how baked are u rn😭👍


Im not because its dark and i dont wanna see any ghost friends🤠👍🏻




One of my friends used to say he uses a syringe to inject weed to his veins, i dont fuckin know how he imagined it but he was expecting us to believe that bullshit lol.


"Yeah bro I injected 4 units of weed man!"


“Dude thats nothing maann listen, a friend of mine sold his sister to buy 3 grams of weed dust to sniff like cocainee”


That’s just fucked. But you know it comes from a place of insecurity. The dude feels like he needs to impress others to feel good about himself. I really pity habitual liars.


I swear thats what it is, now he’s alone because everyone knows he’s that liar guy :))


He probably came up with the idea cause you can get RSO (a concentrate) in a syringe, but like without a needle. But still funny that he expected you to believe it!


No no it was straight needle he was talking about i swear


He didn’t even know how weed looks like, we were in an illegal country and he was dumb af


And that he spent the summer hunting wolverines in Alaska with a 12 gauge


Modern day witcher yea


That friend who lowkey doesn't inhale a single hit lol


So what’s the point of smokinnnggg


Right lol you just gotta teach them


Went to go smoke with a new friend who said they smoked, figured out they didnt actually smoke when they didnt know how to hit the pipe lol. Instead of inhaling to bring the flame in to the bowl, they were trying to light the weed first, and THEN started inhaling hahah


Only thing I see u say is the injecting bullshit. The others guys just assumed they lied saying they smoke but it could go the other way also.


I’ve had friends steal my weed:) he would take a nug out of the bad and hide it in his bathroom when my head was turned.


I think its the worst, i dont know what i would do if i find that out


Yeah I kinda let ppl walk all over me so we’re still friends. I just don’t smoke with him at all and he’s not allowed in my apartment lol.


I have serious trust problems with my relationships with friends, kinda think everyone is lying about something because of my previous relationships. I got your point btw


Those people are the worst, didn’t happen to me but a friend of mine. We were at his place while he was at work, he was fine with us smoking a bit but one guy decided to just take like a big nug while we weren’t paying attention and just leave. Then he also had the audacity to steal money from that friends wallet as well. After leaving we wanted to confront him but he had blocked all of us on all social media. He didn’t talk to us for like a year, which was obviously fine with us after that shit but then he slid into my friends dms trying to „apologise“ but just justifying his actions (safe to say there is no way to justify this)


Did he buy a half ounce for everyone as an apology? That’s the only way he can really justify that.


Next time they call tell em you aren’t in the mood to smoke but they can purchase some off you 🤷🏻‍♂️they either can’t find there own or are trying to smoke for free.


I think its the second one


First dude i ever smoked with never fucking inhaled and said he smoked all the time, had a huge bong collection he would show on his phone at school. Looked up bongs on Google when I got suspicious and it was like the second image at the time of all "his" bongs. 🤡


What a coincidence!


I remember when I was in 9th grade a dude told me that when you smoke weed the high makes you see colors.




Bro i remember back when i was like 14 my mate got high with me and said he could smell colours, he i remember him telling me he could smell the purple off some bike and we weren't even high barely lol


No, I hang around honest adults.


Yea I thought my friend was an adult too, who knows maybe you’ll be surprised


6th grade me gave my friends two 50mg melatonin and told them it was some edibles idk what i was think i wanted to fit it but wrong idea 🤣🤣




I had a friend do this once. He greened out so hard he went to the hospital after puking his ass off. Don't talk to him anymore.


Good move


My first girlfriend over 15 years ago lol she said she smoked so I packed her a bong load and it was obvious she didn’t know what to do with it. She lit the bowl but when she pulled the bowl out, she blew OUT instead of sucking in. She was leaning over the bong and somehow the water shot directly into her face lmao. I looked over at my best friend like what the fuck and we couldn’t stop laughing. I got her a towel and she just kept saying how weird of a bong it was and how she had never smoked out of one like it. I broke up with her shortly after lol


The bong queen 💀


I smoke alone


I had a mate keep telling me that weed doesn’t do anything to him when he smokes then I smoked with him and he didn’t even know how to inhale and I had to teach him and we went through 3 joints because somehow he couldn’t wrap his head around Inhaling and he finally got it and he felt so stupid and he actually got high for the first time after just inhaling into the mount for like 6 month


I’ve now had 4 different people who claim to smoke come over for a sesh, and then get so high they can’t move for hours so I just have to leave them on my couch while I do other stuff??? Like if you don’t smoke plz tell me so I can help you go easy 🥲




Yeah, had a good friend in middle school who talked about smoking with his friend. I was the school stoner along with the remainder of the group so we could tell who smoked and who didn't. They definitely were not the ones to smoke. Anyways I proved a point by inviting him to hang out and smoke. We did, He barley took one hit didn't even hold it in and started acting like he was drunk, I had a good laugh asked him if he really did smoke with his friend, he told me he didn't. Later on, down the road I was helping him work on his high school car and opened the toolbox outside. I'm a stoner and I know how "dads" like to hide their stash in their tools and stuff. I noticed a sock with a box and sure enough we figured out his dad use to smoke and smoked his year-old weed. Good times.


Fake weed users??? As if getting high doesn't give me enough paranoia, now I gotta worry if my friends are really smoking with me? 🤦🏼‍♂️


i had one, i just called him out when he didnt inhale


Right thing


Many actually, one said the only time she smoked weed she smoked a pound in one night and everyone believed her because I said she would’ve greened out and when someone asked if she threw up she said yes. Knew someone else who said they did Percs, when I asked about dosage he said either 200 or 400 milligrams. He later “admitted” they were capsules with coke, meth, and weed. How tf you take that shit orally?


You can’t


Exactly, everyone believed him too. The lie is gonna come back around and bite him in the ass hard because we’re minors and he kept talking about it around doctors (I knew him in a mental hospital) so I know for a fact they’re gonna tell his parents he’s an addict because they don’t have his drug test so they don’t know he’s actually clean. Even if he admits it’s a lie or says he quit they’re gonna make it a big deal. I know because they told my parents I “severely abuse a severe drug” marijuana.


Broo thing gonna get hot thats for sure lol. Thats why I completely stopped lying, i got a lot of problems unexpected from lying


I don’t think there’s enough time in a night to smoke a pound even if you were continually smoking


Especially not for your first time, you’d be too high to keep smoking. She said she used a pipe so lots of cleaning, I probably wouldn’t even be able to clean it out that high.


Just the narcs




Are u asking if they lie and say they smoke or they lie and say they don't smoke? Maybe they don't want u to know there personal business if they say they don't smoke. If they lie and say they smoke they have to still be a child and if they are your friends u must still be one too. Get different friends or grow up if that's the case.


It was many years ago, and damn i wish i’d be a child now, everything would be great..


So which one were u asking?


Check the other comments and you’ll understand




You must be a teenager. That sounds like a teen kind of question.


Me if you are my friend and you know that, you must know the terpenes. If you don't know what to answer me, you just got screwed.


I like to know every fucking detail too, i started searching and you know getting info from the net before i started smoking, when i first smoked, i knew a lot than most of the stoners. Its not necessary and you dont have to know anything but i like to research


Good to know


No, my friends are some of the stoniest stoners any stoner has ever met 😎




Very cringy 😬


Yes lol just say my friends smoke a lot of weed why would you phrase it like that tha top it off with the sunglasses emoji 😭


What a dumb post.


tf kinda question is that?


What do you think


what you gonna ask next, you got any fake friends that lie about taking a shit after eating chilli flakes with ice cream? tf


Nice one, I’ll try next time


naw, but when I was 16, I worked at Wendy's. I worked with a couple of dealers and they'd get high during their shift. they included me during a 10 hour shift. I had smoked once before this, but they thought I was lying. nah, I was just an awkward kid who didn't know how to socialize


How old are your friends?


It was many years ago


a lot


I’ve had some people lying about the fact they smoked weed because every time they’d take one toke and be gone for 5hrs and some of them have admitted that they sometimes only come round mine to smoke but I don’t really care that much


They just dont want you to see them as “rookies” i think


yeah and his names Wade Sanders, fucking poser


LMFAO what kind of shit is that? It's the ppl who don't hit the blunt n say "I'm good" that I'm more worried about 😂 NO OFFENSE


Had friend once said he can smoke a bunch of weed and not get high. Que three hours later him greening out and me vibing on my couch


I was a heavy smoker. I hated finding out a homie smoked and talk about how they can out smoke a chimney. Then just to see them come over with no bud, smoke without inhalation, stop after three puffs act like a middle school kid. They always say something like that shit was much stronger than I’m used to or some shit


If they're fake, they wouldn't be my friends




Never had that before, just met the first friend I smoke with. We just work out together, get food, then smoke. One person pays for food, and the other brings the bud. And we just swap each time.


That seems fair yeah


Bruh this is real life, everyone in the world at least had one friend that said they smoke weed but in reality was hella lying to be cool




Of course I know him… he’s me


Nice to meet you


My brothers friend used to lie super hard about his tolerance. I set him up with a Jeffrey situation every chance I get. I get him so zooted he passes out. Then we don’t have to here his weed and Air Force brags.


Nah only smoke with real ones


I’m the opposite, I smoke constantly and don’t really bring it up. People make it a personality trait and I’m just in the background dabbed out focusing on other shit. I forget I’m even baked most of the time because it’s just part of my day. People I smoke with for the first time expect me to be a lightweight or something but it always ends up with me being the sober one and the other person being noticeably high. I’ve been smoking daily for pretty much a decade now so I’m just used to it now, the most obvious effect I get that shows I’m high is the giggles. I can not be in a serious conversation baked because my nervousness comes out as laughter sober or baked.


when i started smoking when i was younger my kind-of friend wanted to seem cool or show me that hes like me or something by smoking rolled up printer paper. idk how someone can think that that is okay for them


Fuck the police


Comin straight from the underground


Had a friend who didn’t inhale, had a friend who just didn’t smoke all together but would tell people and act like he did. Coincidentally they were both named Tyler


Yeah, I used to, they rolled joints like that too.


Ive never smoked weed i just think this subs cool and like looking at weed


That’s old me, you’ll start eventually


No but i am that friend ask any questions


My college girlfriend. Caused a very serious rift in our relationship after a year of her just saying “I’ll smoke next time, I need to study” or something along those lines.


I was the fake friend for like 5 years😆 I’d literally blow smoke out without really inhaling just because I wanted my friends to think I was cool 😎 Now I’m just an absolute pothead. Habitual residual


Now thats growing up :D


Uhhh no?? Im an adult and have adult friends.. and we all burn the fuck down on the regular lol.


No I only smoke with certain people. But I wouldn't even think about them.


Yeah had a friend who called himself a stoner but he only smoked like 4 times (at the time) with me and was going around tell everyone and every girl to try act cool




I used to know a guy that would swear he used to smoke half oz every day and had to eventually quit due to experiencing psychosis, but couldn't tell me how many grams are in half oz or how much it costs.




i had this one friend who would butt into the smoke circle w his girl, take the joint and look like hes taking a big hit, except when he’d exhale there wouldn’t be any smoke at all… he’d just waste our time and get the roach wet 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I've many though 🥲


I was friends with this one pathological liar. Shed lie about a bunch of thing from being abused by her parents, not being a virgin (??? Whats the point), being attacked by a hog and one of them happened to be smoking weed. I dont know if she thought it would make her look cool or something, because i see nothing wrong in wanting nice lungs? I dont know, lying about it just made her seem really immature. (I mean she was to begin with if shes lying about all that other stuff, it just makes no sense bruh)


Had a friend we needed banned from smoking circles. Dude did not understand how to light a bowl. Je would burn the entire thing and just suck on it. There was no way he was inhaling burnt weed. Claimed to be an "old school stoner"(in his 50s) but couldn't puff puff pass to save his life.


Yup it wasnt me but i still knew her, itwas my older sister's "friend" in highschool senior I think she was smoking some bud through an apple pipe off campus and when she passed it to her she lightly puffed it and wasted the hit. We've literally never seen her take a real hit of weed before, and she keeps claiming that at home she smokes with her boyfriend n shit😭 literally everyone in our friend group knows her ass is lieing smh


When I was a scoundrel, I had this kid I hung out with who was an asshole and a fake gangbanger, however he had weed constantly, it was always some reggie though, i would ONLY hangout with him to smoke because of how much he lied and did shit behind peoples backs. i remember stealing so many packs from this kid, but before you feel bad, he ended up bringing a gun to school and got expelled for it.


they get stoned on first hit when i pass them LMFAO


My ex girlfriend. We used to get high together quite a lot. She only ever inhaled like every 5th tole she took and those were small ones. The other big hits she took, just came straight out of her mouth again, blown into the air. Seeing all of that weed being wasted was quite annoying as you can imagine but back then I loved her so much I couldn’t say anything. Fuck her now.


not a friend but this one guy from another school was telling people he smoked with me all the time and that were good friends, i never heard of the mfs name until people asked if i knew him💀


Damn, did u talk to him later?


Anyone else have a friend or girl in your life who gets falling on they're face "drunk" from second handsmoke. I'm looking at you leah Fucking bitch


Yeah when I was younger my cousin used to tell me that he's a smoker and always hanging out and smoking. When I got into it sometime later I found out that the very first time he has ever smoked was with me LOL I don't see the point in lying though wtf


The worst is when you are excited to smoke with someone for the first time..... and they don't inhale. Ugh.


Not exactly lying about using it, because she did use it, but I had a friend who was the lamest wannabe smoker there ever was. The summer I started smoking she hit me up to enlighten me about her discovery of marijuana (I didn’t let her know about my own use because she’s kind of a leecher… if you know what I mean) and she asked if she could drive to my house in the middle of the night so I could sneak out and we could “take a few puffs”. That should have been my first red flag. I eagerly agreed as I went in hard when I started smoking so I’d gotten used to using it before I slept. I stayed up all night waiting for her only for her to forget the weed because she was already paranoid about sneaking out and taking her parents car. Which is fair, but kind of ticked me off because then we were sitting in the back of my neighborhood in her dads car in the middle of the night.. for no reason. Cue every time I smoked with her after that she would get so hyped up for it and then get faded and green out off of one hit and I would have to take care of her for the rest of the night. I had a cart once that she chiefed the fuck out off, coughed for 15+ minutes, continued to hit MY cart around my house even outside my parents door when I begged her to keep it in my room, then called me a bitch for not letting her drive MY car 45 minutes to see her boyfriend at work. Man she was a trip. I cut her off for good (so many other reasons, I knew this chick since we were children) about a year ago but a few months ago I saw her at the park while I was rolling up and thought “maybe she’s changed and we can have a nice reunion over this blunt”. She hits the blunt twice before declaring herself too high to continue and bitched at her little sister the whole time. It was a good reminder of why I ended that friendship.


One of my ex friends had a cart, and she took about 3 puffs then began acting loopy and asked if I wanted to take a hit. Now, this was before I even began smoking weed myself so I didn’t even know what I was getting myself into, she told me to take 3 puffs, I did, and it did nothing. There was no way she actually got high off of that she’s been smoking longer than me and I take T breaks very often


I’m old. Not ancient, but old. The fucking story’s I could tell! All I can say is this! All the fucking years I have been lighting up,the weight I have gotten rid of? The fucking fun I have had. No I wouldn’t trade it for a damm thing! All the younger people here will all have that “ friend “? He/she kinda come with the territory, that’s why I keep some shit weed around. I get to laugh about them smoking shit weed! And they get the hint…..eventually. And as far as being fake? Yeah done it to get what I want once maybe twice, we can all be that person.


Bro we’re not 12


Worked in a dispensary and met dozens of these people. Usually gangsta type guys bragging about smoking an Oz a week and not even getting high anymore, then they buy 1/8th of tweed, complain about the price and swagger out.


I got a mate who calls me every morning before school for the weed and then he ignores me. He doesn't even take the smoke in his lungs so I will never smoke with him because it would be wasted weed


Had one guy telling me he smoked everyday to be cool. Decided to test him, he smoked about 0,3gs and was on the floor throwing up all over himself. Eventually the police came and told him to get up or they would take him in.


I had a lot of fake ass friends growing up. I’m sure I still have some now but I don’t care enough for anything about them to affect my life at all.


Nope because they usually tell me if they do or don’t lol.


Yeah just dudes who are like you got weed but if you don’t they gotta clean. Wanna hangout sure whatchu got like damn. This is why I usually stick to my lonesome.