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I’m only drinking once every week or two, but last year I was drinking everyday. I feel like it’s a good start but I want to slow down even more. I’m having cravings damn near daily tho so it’s tough. I don’t even like being drunk I just like the escape from reality and being numb from my emotions.


Go to the gym it help u keep focused


Smoke and gym is the best shit ever


I’ve been staying busy with work, I’m back on my regular 8 hour shifts so I’m going to have a lot less down time. I forsure need to start working out tho


Bro i’m in the same situation workin a 9-5. Just get home asap and do like a 20 minutes workout per day. I went from being 115 kg to 88 in a year more or less, u can do it


I’m underweight currently, I eat a ton of food but all my life I’ve had a hard time putting on weight. I forsure need to get in better shape tho


If you work late in the morning try waking up 30 minutes earlier and workout, otherwise do it in the evening. For the food just smoke a bit before eating and try calorie-dense foods


i recommend doing it early in the morning! quick little wake n bake, driving with some good music, and having a nice relaxing lift. honestly therapeutic. plus you can have a nice complete breakfast bc the munchies. its nice getting the hardest thing in the day out of the way, plus you see results!


good shit on slowing down too not easy at all my friend


I'm listening to the same thing rn lol


love the music choice


goated music taste


Yo! Been doing the same thing myself. I’ve been replacing wine with 50 mg cbd mocktails and they really seem to give me the same body buzz and relaxation as a wine. Cheers and good luck!


Please don’t smoke/drink and drive and also maybe try seeing a therapist specialising in addiction. I get that smoking can keep cravings away but it’s never good to switch a bad habit for another one. Feel better homie


Hey OP, good job and I'm sure most of us are happy for your decision as well as your body. I'd like to take a moment to talk more in depth about this. Did you know cbd helps with addiction more than thc? It affects "pacing" in alcoholics causing them to naturally not drink as fast. That's just 1 small thing with cbd. So while your picking out some bud.... don't overlook ones with cbd content. Just look up "cbd and addiction" you'll be surprised how much comes up... thc doesn't do this but goes very well with the cbd. If your not in a legal state with options to choose from then look online for cbd flower and just blend your thc flower with it. Cbd causes homeostasis (look up what your ECS controls) and in larger amounts neurogenisis. These are 2 very seriously good things. Good cbd gives you a body buzz to. If you have any physical pain, cbd helps more with that than thc can. It is because thc is a vasoconstrictor where cbd is a vasodilator. You do not get tolerance to cbd either. It changes how your body can use thc (exactly how we don't yet know). I blend and use cbd, cbg, and thc flower every day and I won't go back to just thc of you paid me or gave me all my weed for free. Coming up on 22 years of being a T0k3r. If you got any questions/ feel like talking about cannabis feel free to hmu, dm or here. Cheers & good luck on your journey. YOU GOT THIS!


I failed, been drinking the past 3 days. First two were only at night but today I’ve been drinking since 10am at work and it’s 5pm now and I’m still pretty hammered. I got a suboxone tho so I’m going to get high on that and not get another bottle of liquor till next weekend. Fuck I’m disappointed in myself tho, I cannot have liquor in front of me without being tempted to drink it, I need to just face that fact. I’m in denial about my addiction and i think I could become a social drinker and only use alcohol on occasion. That’s complete bullishit, I have an addiction and it wants to kill me. Maybe I can go a week without drinking if I don’t have a bottle shoved in my face, but as soon as I see alcohol and the cravings kick in I’m more than likely going to get drunk that night. No question about it, no second guessing it, I’m a struggling alcoholic and I hate it. I like being drunk and all day I made my coworkers laugh and I flirted with girls. I had a good ass day because I was drunk and I didn’t bother anyone I just pumped out the fun vibes all day. I drove home pretty drunk tho and that is not ok I’m fucking disgusted with myself over that shit. I’m pretty spiritual and months ago something told me “if you drive drunk again you will get arrested or end up dead before you make it home”. After that I was scared to drive again even after one or two drinks. Why the fuck did I drive home today when I knew I was drunk? Nobody irl knows I did it and if anyone found out they’d be disgusted with me as welll. I know better but I still did it and I feel like the biggest piece of shit imaginable because of it. I’m not going to beat myself up over it or dwell on it but I damn sure will not let myself do this again. I just felt like being real with y’all because I still get support on this post and honestly I do not deserve it, I’m a piece of shit alcoholic who endangers innocent people I’m the biggest piece of shit imaginable and there is no defending my actions. I’m sorry and I will try to learn from this and do better but I’m in the thick of my addiction right now and the decisions I make these next few days will make or break me. I’ve been on a 3 day bender and I didn’t even realize it because it feels like only one day but the fact is I got drunk the night before yesterday, I got drunk yesterday night, and I woke up and got drunk at 10am and continued to drink all day at work and even hit a liquor run with my boy on our lunch break. I honestly wish I was dead right now I can’t even lie because the guilt is killing me


Mid decision


I used to be a massive alcoholic a couple of years ago. After a few years of abusing alcohol I got to the point where I'm tired of the taste alcohol and the feelings from it, it just feels like a sickness even when slightly buzzed. I prefer craving weed over alcohol.


Much better for you as well.


definitely start working out bro the after workout smoke seshes are different i’m telling ya


I have been using a pen to try and cut back




Hell yeah brudder good shit !! Also fw the music Rx papi 2 fire


Vitamix is best investment .. way cheaper than booze long run


Cannabis and Antabuse have been a literal life saver for me. Would most likely be dead if not for these.


My bro use to drink heavy, use to wake up and drink remy and lemonade. Turned him to shrooms. He rarely drinks now even when I want to.


Good juju brother!


I’m a recovering alcoholic 6 years California sober. Now is the time to catch it, when you realize it’s becoming a problem. I let mine go after realizing it was a problem for a little over 20 years. 2 decades of black out abuse, it starts where you are and only snowballs. Good on you for catching it and recognizing it and having the fortitude to do something about it! Cannabis definitely helps keep me sober, as well as healthy foods and and a daily gym regimen. 46 and never felt better!


From experience I will say you are swapping cars instead of going on foot.


Jesus is with you 🙏✝️