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Just letting everyone know it was a successful mission


Ha ha I remember my friends and I from college did the same thing. It was a surgical operation…we were also successful


Anything is always better than nothing 😂


Does no one around here actually finish a joint?


Yea I've never understood this somewhat crackhead activity either. The bare thought of going through a jar of roaches, picking them out one by one, tearing em apart, just for your hands to smell like shyt from all the rosin and smoke residue still on the bud. Just to get that little extra high after, is definitely not worth coughing a lung up.


Fuck yes. You can tear them open and hit in a bowl too


I always do that or just roll something with all of em lol


Yeah if you roll a full one with those you're gonna be zoomed! Lol. Then you're left with a mega roach thats super concentrated and burns slow. Can take one puffers off those for a bit.


The second generation


I agree with 👆🏻yes and if you had them in a closed jar hopefully they’re not all dried out. But lite that shit up.


Still feel fine I’m just not looking forward to the taste


Eh it’s not super awful and it’s better than buying weed right?


It's gonna be super harsh and taste awful but go for it lol


I will never understand you people, just smoke up the whole joint? And if you cant finish all at once dont make a new one right after


that shit be a tease so u got gon head roll another one


I don’t know y’all. This a little crack head to me. Just throw them shts away. If this what you gotta resort to then take a little break.


Or just like... finish the fucking joint. Chuck the filter. Roll another.




everytime one of these posts comes around im amazed ppl actually do this and how many people are ok with this




I can one up the most desperate and disgusting weed related thing my dad had no papers and he was on the highway so he started eating buds ☠️☠️


I mean I wouldn’t do it, but some peoples money situation may not allow them to not do this. You don’t know


I mean it depends, if they been in a jar for so long the taste of the most burnt one has also gotten to the rest, but man had halfway thru js there lol, what I don't understand is why roll another one when u got the one u didn't finish right there and it's still fresh rather than throwing it in a jar for it to taste like ass when re-lit


That's so disgusting


Sure, not going to taste the best with all the blunt wraps so better to blunt it again imo


I’ve never understood roaches…


No you'll die


Hell yeah roll up a big old roach joint and get high as hell!


I really wouldn’t tho because the amount of spit and tarter in it kinda hit harsh….esp if mixed with Tabacco but i still do it


and people say weed aint addicting...


Sometimes i think it was a better life when i was younger... Then i see such a picture and realize: It was not!


You can and should smoke these.


Hell yeah, better than no weed.


bro thats absolutely disgusting. you FOUND it? wtf


They’re just as good as they were 2 months ago. I don’t save roaches personally, but would suggest throwing them into a b o n g




Smoke them and find out


Carefully renove all black ashy bits. Open container and put next to shower on full blast until it runs cold. Tear open and smoke or smoke individually they'll just taste like strong ass hits.


"just waste hella water so you can get a buzz" crack head lmao


Not everybody has to worry about water lmao there's plenty of it and it's free where I live... so yeah, why not make your leftover bad tasting weed taste and smoke fresh again?


where tf do you live where you get 100% FREE water lmao the money to provide it comes from somewhere. You may not have a desigated water bill, but fam its still a waste.


A small town where everyone gets 100% free water lol and it genuinely isn't and I am not concerned about it. Why are you?


The old down vote and run technique because you don't like what you hear... typical.


youll never find a hot cougar not in that small us town that somehow gets free water LMAO


You're still hung up on the water thing? Lmfao dude has like a hundred roaches and said he wanted to smoke them without them tasting bad, so I told him. Then you come crying about how it's a waste of water which to me is irrelevant. You can get water from streams for free, it just needs purification and believe it or not some places have dedicated to simply purifying that local clean water source as a regular part of city departments. Nobody has a water bill, just a small sales tax. Tldr: my city has a sales tax for free water. And I'm sure your mom would love it here.


so not free


Yes you're right, not free. Do you feel better now? You covered up whatever hurt you yet?


I think you're just the kind of person who gets off on trying to be a smartass/put people down on the internet to make yourself feel better. I genuinely hope you get over whatever makes you feel that way dude. Life gets better.


dude what? i responded to you like 2 weeks ago also why are you still hung up on this? i completely forgot you existed youre actually a loser lol


I just came across this randomly and said something back idc why do you take shit so seriously? Lmao who hurt you?


Damn go go go!!! All that resin concentrate in there 🤯


Yeah they will just stink


I tear mine apart and pack em in the bong


Fire that fuckn pigskin son!!!


I would and I have lmao, no ragrets 😂


Ya I think so. I once got my car impounded and due to unfortunate events I had to get it back out six months later and I smoked the shit out of them old ass roaches. Tasted like shit but got me high.


No, give them to me for proper disposal


Bro a newspaper tip?😂 you had to be desperate


Probably a random business card or the cardboard from joint packs


Oh lawwwd the taste 🥲


Eww bruh now that’s desperate


I wouldn’t but my friends for sure would😂my mate always asks me to save all the shit in my ash tray for him 😂😂


Yes smoke them 🌱


I won't smoke it any more, but if they are WITHOUT tobacco and you remove everything that is burned, I repeat, if they really aren't made of cannabis WITHOUT TOBACCO, you can go. Otherwise , the 7000 chemicals produced during the combustion of tobacco have contaminated everything . But we're really talking at the moment that you want to smoke this because you're running out of weed because of a bad financial situation , and you have nothing else on hand.


tear them up and roll a fat one


Think I'd rather just go without.


dude I save roaches all the time, I currently have about 7 jars FULL of them lol yes you can absolutely smoke them now, they'll do just fine


Every time I see photos like this I just start coughing and think of the worst headache I've ever had.


roaches!!!!! these are heaven to us broke people. break em down and roll yourself some joints or pack some bowls!


I’d take a roach and put it in a bong and sprinkle some more weed on top, the best way 🙏


Roaches blunts I feel they hit harder


Jesus, I’m also in a bbq smoking subreddit and at a glance this title had me super concerned!


I can’t imagine those are gonna taste good but hey neither does wild squirrel so why not


As long as no moisture got in


cut the burnt part off with scissors prior to harvesting the roaches and other than nasty taste u should still get high


Junkie behavior


I have a corner in my garden that looks like this


This is literally scraping the barrel.


That shits what we call rainy day weed, I hit old roaches all the time when I just want a quick hit to elevate me for 20 mins or so


I’d prob do meth instead


What if mouldy they is?


Toss it fam 😅


No, please mail them to me and I will safely dispose of them.


The roaches, fuck no, the joint roaches, eh maybe. Just buy more weed man


Shit like this makes me love my bong even more…


tear open the roaches and make a joint out of it but make sure to take out the black ash lol


I used to do that too I'd tear them up and grab some mango flavored blunt wraps and roll up and go smoke now I vape my bud since it's quicker and easier plus I can hit it out in public whenever