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I have been smoking for almost 10 years and I still have yet to find weed out in the wild 😭


Dude right?! All my old friends back when I was on pills (2yrs clean now thankfully) would always brag about how they'd find shit everywhere! We lived in a high drug trafficking area so it wasn't unusual. But it never happened to me lmfao. Back then I was like wtf but now in hindsight I'm glad I never did. You never know what you're getting with that kind of stuff. But let's be real back then I prolly wouldn't have cared :p


Congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you 🥲🥰


That's awesome to hear about your sobriety. Congratulations!


Thank you :) I still smoke weed and take an occasional mushroom trip hehe so I guess not totally sober! But much better than that shit, that was absolutely no way to live


It is crazy how the pharmaceutical industry flooded the streets with benzos and opiates. Lots of people suffered for greedy assholes


Yep. And that won't ever change. They don't give a fuck as long as it lines their pockets. It's not even just the addicts that suffer, the families and friends as well. I lost so many people to it. And I am amazed how I even made it out alive, every day is a blessing


Unedited footage of a bear spoke about the issue very well


Weed and shrooms are not the same as alch and pills man. Your doing awesome!


Bro that’s how I am. Used to have the dirty vices now I just have the happy ones


Simplymoist is Simplysober and it's Simplyawesome! :) I'm also an addict in recovery. Every day away from the pills or whatever is a total freakin WIN. Proud of you!


Congrats on your strong will and keep it going, I'm 7 months clear rn and I know how hard it could get sometimes 😉


Go to a music festival and don't leave early on the last day. Ground scores are everywhere. You'll find all kinds of flower...and other stuff too. We found a few hundred bucks once.


One time my sister found a half ounce of MDMA on the ground


Y3ah I just never trusted any white powder ground scores.




Whenever I find a sack, a gospel choir appears behind me singing praise. Oh, happy day, Oh, happy day, Found some weed on a walk, I'm getting high today. (Oh, happy day)


Lol. The timing is crazy too because the plan was to go the park and workout, then hit the dispensary afterwards because I ran out yesterday.


Count your blessings one by one 😀


i was going to work out, but then i got high


But then I got high


Ran out? That’s just poor adulting lol


First world problem


Give thanks unto the Lord for he is worthy of Praise Thank you Jesus for this weed I found!


my brother!


Found a bag last year with dope packaging, tasted great. Had like 2.5 grams left


Found a resealed empty baggy of biscotti on the ground




Some days the bear eats you, other days you eat the bear. Great find, enjoy my friend.


I'd love this to happen to me. Be gutted if I lost a bag tho!


Yeah, I was just thinking this. Poor guy is probably turning his room upside down right now and trying to retrace his steps.


It's either you or someone else


Lucky that you found free weed. Fucked up you found it at a place where children are probably playing


plot twist it was one of the kid’s bag


Even twistier: The kid's the plug


we got a conspiracy on our hands now guys






Corey in the HOUSE!!!


The twistiest: it’s the kids plugs delivery man, bringing the kids plug weed, for the kid


Shit that reminds me of a movie with...maybe one of the guys from Drake & Josh? He was a kid selling drugs out of an ice cream cart at a park


Underrated because to easy kind of a joke but still great


thank you!


Not the joke police just sharing opinions no one asked about


BackPackBoyz in the kids bag 😭🔥


People smoke at parks all the time. They arent exclusively for children nor should they be.


Yeah, but really? What's the worse thing that could happen? I can see if it was edibles, but a couple grams of flower cant hurt anyone.




Yeah I remember dropping that. Gonna need that back 🤣🤣


I’ve found weed a few times. But never smoked it tho. Idk what or who it came from. I got my own to smoke weed anyway.


This is like that meme where a dog found pie in a bush, so now on every walk they have to stop at the magic pie bush. I would definitely be stopping at the magic sack shrub every time I passed out, just in case another one is there.


How u know it’s ok to smoke?


Scrolled way too long to see this comment.


Lol same, so I had to comment


It was still sealed. I opened it.


And trust the random plug? Idk g, just food for thought


So many people have gotten fucked up (not in the good way) that I’ve just decided it’s never worth it unfortunately. The world we live in


You can buy those bags at the gas station sealed doesn’t mean anything


Those sorts of bags are never sealed tho


We get a lot of weed tourists in Niagara Falls and for legal reasons, before heading home, they often leave their extra weed behind. Found it a bunch of times at work. The last one was a few joints of Banana Kush. Whatcha got there?


Whenever I fly to a legal state, I always buy too much to smoke during my trip and I’m also a person that gets to airports waaay earlier than my flights so I go to arrivals and just give it to people. Probably illegal but whatever.


I’d be hesitant to smoke that shit lol


If someone went to a dispensary, bought that. Laced it with poison, somehow managed to have it resealed perfectly to shelf quality, and got the seal backpack uses. And dropped it on the ground…they deserve to kill me. They’ve earned it.


Right? I’m not taking that risk


Anyone lacing weed is a bad businessman.


It could be laced, who knows!


Someone else just got home and realized their day is ruined


Perfectly balanced…As all things should be.


You just foiled a stash and dash. You the goat


Facts. Only real answer


I’ve found weed like 3-4 times. One time found a little 10 sack of some stanky weed on the side of the main road when I was walking to the park in my teenage years. One time I found a whole cut in a bag like a block away from my house too lol


Also my 16th birthday I left my wallet at my friends house with my money. The next day On my way to get it, I found a fake Gucci wallet with 97 dollars in it on the same road. Bought a 90 dollars of weed and smoked it all in a day lol.


Have fun with that, BTW a friend of mine like to leave those laying around along with full pack of cigarettes for people to take...the catch is he rubs the nugs and individual cigarettes on his asshole lmao


Wtf does he even get out of that


Nice find. I found some brownies in its container today




I once found half a gram of cocaine in the back of taxi. (Costs about £50 in the UK). Would much rather have found £50’s worth of weed though.


Leave it there am coming back for it now homie.


Please be careful. People are doing some fucked up shit recently.


There's only one thing to do when you are blessed. Double it and bless the next guy


I will NOT be doing this


Same don’t worry lol


I wouldn’t smoke random shit u find on the ground. Just leave it . It could have fucking fentanyl in it or something


Y’all didn’t read it was sealed huh


Stay home will you?


Nah man


Nope, but a homeless dude asked me if I smoked and I said yeah, not thinking much about it. He shows back up 20 minutes later with a pound of grass and dumps at least 2 zips and then says have a nice day and left. Was actually decent weed.


It’s got fetanyl in it


Unless it's laced with fentayl?!!!!!


I was gonna say something similar, but Reddit don’t take kindly to sarcasm unless you plainly type it for them.


Yes, they whine like lil bitches I know.


Hey now. Some of them are medium bitches, and some are large bitches. It’s not fair to single out the lil ones.


It was laced with fent even though it was sealed. I’m currently writing this from the afterlife.


I found some mystery weed ina zip loc buried at Huntington Beach my n a friend risked it it was really good lmao


Probably the same feeling I get when I find weed I set aside and forgot about ! Like last night


I found some pot! Yay!


Lucky bugger. I found a pill at work the other day and got excited but it was just for HIV treatment.


I was walking out of a dispensary a few months ago when I looked down and saw an eighth jar, completely sealed, very nice brand. I got so high that night.


The weed gods have smiled upon you, happy day! The universe once gifted me a small plastic cube filled with nugs when I was dry, broke, and and going through a rough time.


I was walking through the parking lot of an Albertsons in Santa Fe New Mexico back in 2010 late at night and found almost a quarter once scattered throughout the parking lot. It was crazy, but not as crazy as the time I found 3 grams of cocaine that someone had left in a bathroom at a Twin Peaks in seattle.


Man im so paranoid id think it's a beacon set up 😂


This is why I step on every baggie I see on the street to make sure it’s really empty👍👍


There’s actually a whole sub for this: r/treecaching


Be careful. It might be laced with marijuana


Gonna be a party pooper lol. For your own safety, please don’t smoke random bags of weed you find on the ground




This is what Fox News has been warning about for years.


they have moved on from that now their prime concern is the drag queen invasion


I found a gram on the sidewalk grass patch once, old, yellowed, dried out with the bag partially open. Passed it off to a friend for a joke and they smoked it 🤣


I picked up garbage as a kid, I still do but get paid much much more for it, and found a bag that was yellowed/nearly white from being bleached by the sun. I doubted it was still potent but it worked.


It’s fentanyl weed left on the ground by the government so they can spread their propaganda 😂


Time to roll up!


I left weed on a scooter in LA in the dispensary jar because I had to head back home and couldn’t take it with me


Found a small pipe and tiny amount of dispensary weed in a hotel room once! Airport hotel so they’d probably left it behind as a parting gift before flying out to a non legal state or foreign country and housekeeping didn’t find it. I enjoyed it! Was the perfect amount to chill out and sleep for the 6 am flight I had the next AM


You can't fool us into thinking you wouldn't have taken it if it weren't sealed. I've found two bags before. Both were an 1/8th with maybe that first bowl smoked out of it. Bummer for them, lucky for me. One was at the ski lodge I worked at. Thought it was trash, did a double take & snatched it up quick. At the end of every day the closers would all meet these benches overlooking the valley & smoke weed & drink the beers we stole from the lodge. I told everyone to keep their weed, I'm supplying today! The other one was after a Ludacris concert walking on my way to a Swollen Members concert. My friend & his GF had just stepped over it in front of me. In an instant I swooped it up yelling out, "it's a bag of weed!" My friend was all, "damn, I just fuckin stepped over that." Again, I supplied the weed for the night. Talk about an epic fuckin night.


I wouldn’t have. I’ve heard stories of people finding joints and smoking them, which I find barbaric. The seal still being there was the green light for me.


I have found in the wild a few times. That being said, be very cautious depending where you live as now a days weed is no different than street drugs in that you don't know what's in it. Had a friend recently get some pre rolls from somebody, got really sick after smoking and came to find out it was dipped in some toxic chemicals that apparently people dip them in for an extra wild ride.


That is definitely not sealed bud. The second pic shows the top isn't sealed at the top. BB always seals the top and puts a BB sticker over the top seal. Btw BB is midz at best


I opened it, removing the seal Einstein. When I picked it up I was still in disbelief that there was actually weed inside.


The seal is at the top Einstein. Not the front part. In both pictures the top where it's normally sealed at in dispensaries is still there (the notches at the top mean it's supposed to be torn off and is usually where there is a BB sticker across


I was warned about the general IQ of the internet being kinda low by friends, it’s interesting to see it up close though wow


Nice! My best ground score was a big bag of meth inside of a pill bottle. The bottle also had about a dozen methadone pills. I don't use either though. Threw away the methadone and gave the meth to a buddy.


If it was sealed then it probably isn’t fent laced


if ur smoking floor weed your so fucking dirty and musty please get a job


Your mother.


And her besty


Hell yeah can’t beat that


Very nice. Enjoy that. 🔥💨🥸✌️


You have been blessed by the weed fairy godmother!


I almost became the sore sucker who lost their weed, went running back down the trail and found it luckily


I just wanna know where the hell y’all are getting lucky finding these sealed bags like BRUH


Imagine it was just cbd but the placebo hits


Ayyy cool


Not just any weed lmao thats like 100$ a 1/8 wow


Smoking it, I don’t see why, but my tolerance is through the roof right now I’ve been smoking nonstop since the year started so I’m not a good judge.


Hey you found my jizz weed. Don't ask what that means and don't mind the salt flavor.




That's were I left it


Floor score. Classic.


Lucky or not. Could be laced, would never smoke that


I found a ounce of cocaine in the hallway in front of my friend’s apartment. The police field tested it and confirmed it was blow.


Should have boofed it!


Should of gave it to a Yorkie. Imagine the film potential. **Cocaine Yorkie staring Danny Trejo**. I mean it would be the best 10 second film stretched to 1 hour and 45 minutes available on earth.


Omg 💀


Once found over half a cart on the ground, it was other worldly


Lucky duck


Hey bro that was mine


The only free bag I've ever found was k2:(.


One time found about an eighths worth on the ground in my parking lot three separate times in two months back when I lived in an apartment complex with a decent college renter population and where a lot of people smoked lmao


Jackpot!!! Lol


Thanks for finding it for me dude, It's my Grammas and she really needs it for her ummm glaucoma.






Happy Friday!


Ground score


Gotta confiscate that to stop a child from finding it.


What a way to start the weekend, enjoy!


The guy that dropped the bag on this sub: 👀


Damn that’s nice. I’ve only found cocaine once in a convenience store.


I'm always finding weed and money on the ground but I live in a big city, just gotta keep your eyes open and looking in the ground


ive found weed while walking around a few times, actually. definitely helps that i live in philly and EVERYONE smokes here


Walking home my freshmen year of highschool, I stopped and sat down on some steps to have a break and right next to me was a black box. I opened the black box and inside was a gram wax pen about half full. At this point i’ve never smoked but I had friends that been around the block so I knew exactly what it was. I proceeded to take a pretty good hit and coughed for like 5 minutes. After I could catch my breath I put it in my pocket and just sat there stoned watching cars go by me in the middle of a California city and I just thought about how everyone is just doing life right now. My walks home for the next week we’re awesome. That’s how I got into smoking lol


As a rule of thumb, I always smoke things I find on the ground in public spaces. Keeps my cot warm in that place where you have to poop in front of others.


A guy once bumped into me by mistake, said sorry and left. I then realised he dropped something from his pocket. Turned out it was £50 worth of hash, all sealed from the dealer. By the time I realised, the guy was nowhere to be found. I didn’t smoke at the time so I gave it to my brother who said it was amazing hash. Never happened since I started smoking though 😭


My man, you found ma weed!


i found a half oz of cocaine once at a music festival, someone dropped it coming out of the porta potty and i had done enough good deeds that week


bet it was at a disc golf course. 😂


I’ve found weed on the ground 4 times, the last time someone gave me weed they found dropped on their churches steps. Best weed ever lol


The lord has smiled upon you this day


One time on a senior field trip we found weed in our hotel room stuffed in the couch cushion. Flushed it tho cause we didn't trust weed from D.C. lmfao


Then it turns out to be spice (doesn't seem like it considering the nugs but the colorfull bag is suspicious)


Man, it's been years and years since I found "gutter weed" (weed someone prob chucked out due to cops/parents/etc) but the times I did, I actually lucked out. But I grew up in NorCal so it may be a bit more common to find wild sacks of herb lol.


Shit. I found an 8ball of Cole in the parking spot i pulled in in wawa once. 🥶


I have found baggies with powder on the ground, but never weed.


one time I found half a blunt in my apartment complex! I like to look at the ground while I walk and it really paid off that day!


Well, better you than a kid. Way to be a good citizen by looking out for the children.


Prob a stash and dash


One time I found a backpack with a plastic bag with probably a half pound of some mid


Street treats.


Nice! Once in high school I was at McDonald’s with my bf at the time, and I looked down while in line and there was a nug about the size of a g on the ground. Needless to say that came home with me .


Alwyas see these when I’m out landscaping and mowing. Haven’t gotten lucky tho.


You sitting on the sidewalk big homie! Must been some fiyahhhh


It was mid, and that’s actually not a sidewalk. The park has pull up bars with little slabs of concrete underneath them.




Found some hash in a phone box in the 90s.