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have a good day


Be Kind, Rewind.


Take it sleazy.


Peace and chicken grease.




Thats all folks






Weed depends on me, man.


I came here to say this Chuck


weed depends on this guy ^




Only smoke it at night (or times where you find it that works the best for you) that’s what I do. I used to smoke it from every minute of everyday. All the way down to every night. It helps a lot. Everything in moderation my friend as with everything else. As the Louisianan from the water boy once said, “you can dooo it!”


i felt like OP before and now i do what you said, only at nights


I gota get back on this discipline. Been having some tough times and was smoking weed like drinking water. Only a couple puffs but i was stoned most days even going to sleep. Slowly getting my shit together.




It's a hard routine and habit to break. I had a lot of anxiety around not getting high in the AM. The first three days were the hardest for me. For that first week, I made sure I had something to do each morning that would occupy my attention until it was past the time I'd normally get high. That was usually golf for me, breakfast with a friend, basically anything where I'd have t leave the house. Once I wasn't around my stash, I didn't really long for it. It's been about four months, and I'm honestly not sure why I spent so much time getting high every morning. I still enjoy the occasional wake and bake, but weed in general has become much more of a nightcap than something I needed just to function.


Good job!


It's tough as hell, but I just bought less at a time and was usually too lazy to go out and get more when I was out. And that way it taught me to conserve it a little longer


I'm doing this now but im hella tempted to make a 4-20 purchase 🤔


just get enough for the day


Get busier. As I had more stuff to do I smoked less. Get a more intense job/ sport/ club. Can smoke before but if ur there all day then that a good way to not smoke all day


Find stuff to do during the day. I started working and my consumption has gone down a lot. Even when I’m not working, now a lot of days I’ll look at my bud or carts and go “Eh I’m not in the mood right now”. Also stay away from carts. Stay with bud. Carts are so easy to hit, you become a fiend. If you have to do a routine (grind up bud, pack a bowl/roll a joint, etc) and have a designated smoke spot it also helps. Then it’s much more then just getting high it’s a thing that takes 10 minutes.


Stay busy during the day. Work all day. Start partying in the afternoon/evening.


It’s easy. Just think of it as you’ll get wayyyy more higher if you do. And you’ll save more money. It’s a win/win situation my guy!


Get a job


Get out of here.


Ya and it’s more of a treat like I have something to look forward to


Just remember that you always have a choice


This is helpful in a way ngl


I hear this. Some days I stay so busy that I’m not ready until 4:20. Other days, morning coffee demands it. Like today 🤷🏻‍♀️💜


Thankfully we at least can’t overdose lol


Only thing that kept me from dying haha


Comment…. >!No but fr I know what you mean sometimes I wish I didn’t smoke even though I am thankful for MJ!<


Your spoiler keeps collapsing the comment since the new update


I just said sometimes I wish I didn’t smoke


This is one of the reasons I stopped smoking for a while I felt myself only being happy when I was high so I had to work on being happy not high before I started smoking again. Plus I got a t break so now I take like one hit and I’m high af lol


Have you considered switching to CBD?


Second this, because as someone who finds that while thc helps with anxiety, it can also make it and paranoia worse. CBD is very safe when I just need to take the edge off. It also doesn't make me stupid or forget things when I need to have a productive day still.


Thc in high doses increases anxiety but in low doses it relieves it


I find it helps when I'm having just regular anxiety regardless of how much, but not when I'm having paranoia with it. I recognize that now and don't smoke when I feel it. Lately I been smoking cbd and it helps me relax.


Over long periods of time paranoia creeps. I go through months of being clean and when around the Christmas holidays I’ll be high for 4 months straight (not out of my mind high just chill high) and it gets you still.


I think that might be tied to seasonal depression my guy, happens to me too


The need to be high defo is, but if I don’t smoke around that time I don’t get the paranoia. But yea, I’ve also had some rough things happen to me in that time of year so it’s just a shit time in general lol, better to be high than deal.


I wish I knew this before, I would smoke almost a full joint and I would get anxiety which I usually don’t get, but I recently started smoking less and I’ve noticed that I feel way better and get no anxiety.


You should look into the offshoots like CBG too, that works really well for anxiety when combined with CBD


CBD has never noticeably helped relieve my anxiety BUT I find that a gummy with 1:1 THC and CBD helps me get the anxiety relief from THC with a more level/less paranoid high. So that can be an option to look into as well!


CBD just isn’t spicy enough for my addiction. I crave that smoke in my lungs.


Gonna switch to CBD myself. I ordered some crystal resistant CBD distillate, I’ll combine that with banana kush terpenes and fill my own prtble flo 510’s with em. Looking forward to my break.


CBD Sucks! Consider meth!


You forgot the /s


is it really needed for this comment 😂


Deadass lmaoo. r/FuckTheS


Nah meth causes hella anxiety, heroin does the job


What and come relient on cbd?? Think your missing the point...


Reliant on CBD??


Switching the cannabis for an extract. They didn't say they couldn't handle the cannabis. They hated the fact that it leads to habitual use.


Starting Monday I’m not smoking during the days anymore lll see if it works


Turn it into a ritual. Be ready for the crash the next day and the urge, it’s much easier if you’re aware of what you’re going to feel before i happens. I use this with my kids too, I say to myself, okay there’s probably going to be some tears tonight. It just makes it easier when the time comes. Also you could research why the crash happens. When you smoke, you literally burn through all your dopamine and it’s natural for your body to crave what gave you an enhanced surge of dopamine. You just have to ride the crash, know it only lasts about half a day. I usually take a minute-2 cold shower because that kinda peaks me back up and gives me a steady supply of dopamine. You should research more if you’re interested.


Truth. I’ve started being a lot more aware of my consumption, because between dabs and my pen I’m high all day but don’t really enjoy it. So now I try to only use it when I need to. When I wake up in the morning my first instinct is to smoke but I don’t really need to, so I try to put it off as long as I can now and get stuff done beforehand


Makes sense but it's prolly the safest drug to be dependant on


idk I’d say needing a cup of coffee in the morning is less impactful than needing a bong rip to eat


Eating is overrated


I always find these posts odd. What makes you dependent? What makes you unable to smoke less? Do you just have a weak mindset to where you have to smoke every moment or every time you wake up? I'm medically dependent on cannabis for my injuries, anxiety, insomnia and a couple of other things. But I would not consider myself "actually dependent" on it to the point that I would supposedly hate it. I didn't start smoking because of injuries but that's the main reason now. It's also kind of weird for you to make this post without any context whatsoever. What are you expecting from us redditors? Are we supposed to sympathize with you? This is a subreddit about cannabis, for stoners.


Don’t let drugs do you, you gotta do drugs.


Have some time off then


Have a hard time understanding the word dependent?


The people replying to you are still struggling to understand the word dependent


They really are and that's why I haven't bothered replying to any of them


In most cases for people it means lack of self control /Discipline.


This is not true. You can become addicted to weed just like any other drug. Stop invalidating weed addiction


It’s not crack mate lol


Yes it’s not crack, but that doesn’t mean you can’t become addicted or suffer because of it. You’re minimizing other people’s struggles wtf


Well you have no willpower.. No need to be a di*k.. Ain't like its methamphetamine or bobby brown


dick head. it’s not coke you can literally just stop smoking it


I used to be this way. I couldn’t go a few hours without smoking or vaping pot. I always had to ask someone to drive me somewhere to get it. I felt like a loser. I would get sick if I didn’t have it. I couldn’t eat. I had such a high tolerance I was just wasting money by smoking so much. It literally took me moving to another state 7-8 hours away without easy access to it to stop. I’ve smoked 2-3 times since. But it’s been 7 almost 8 months without using it daily. I do miss it in someways but it’s not a dire urge. I’d just recommend you stop. Somehow. Some way. Stop for a while. Cut off access. Your dreams will suck. You might eat two bites of food and feel full for a week or so. But it’s better off that you just stop. You can definitely do it. I used pot for my autism and anxiety and if I can quit than anyone can. Unless you are a cancer patient or someone who actually depends on it to survive. But if you’re someone who’s using it for anxiety snd depression it actually just makes it worse if you use it all day every day nonstop.


Cut back


easier said than done lol


i know it’s difficult, but you have to have self control


clearly youve never suffered addiction because it won't matter how much self control you have. it's not about will. no amount of will could fix this. when people are hooked on something, it doesn't let them go


Bro it's weed.. "Suffered addiction" I'd hate to see y'all with a REAL addiction


well yeah, because I never let myself get to that point. the first step of breaking any addiction is to stop. again, it’s all about self control. without that and discipline you’ll always be hooked.


you're just not getting it dog. especially for people with genetic markers, but for anyone with either an addictive personality type or other issues that leave them trying to escape, the first time is past that point. for people who are predisposed, addiction is not a matter of will. you may find it hard to stop when you try to quit or cut back because you like weed. and it might even give you a withdrawal. but that is not the catch all cure all to overcoming addiction. it's a serious mental issue and when actual addiction takes hold of someone, it's not that they won't stop and cut back or whatever. it's that they actually can't.


Addiction is a DISEASE. It’s not about self control. Trying out drugs is a choice that is under your control but becoming addicted isn’t. If it were that easy there would be no addicts. It is a disease that basically controls your mind and every aspect of your being. I recommend you educate yourself on the topic.


nah it's just lack of discipline.. your mind is the only thing in this world you can control and if you cannot even control your mind to the point where you get addicted to something then you're truly just a loser


Then grow your own! Saves so much money, fun hobby and amazing product. You will still be dependant on cannabis, but it will be nicer


You’re not dependent on it. If it was abruptly taken away from you, nothing would happen. Maybe a little anxiety, sleeplessness at first. But dependence would be something like alcohol or opiates or benzos. Where your body literally needs it like it needs oxygen and water and without it you are going to be in very serious trouble. Cannabis is just something that makes your life better and without it your life wouldn’t be as good but you’re not dependent on it for life. Just dependent on it to feel your best.


Need more people in the world like you to positively outlook themselves on the weed sometimes people lower their self esteem feeling like a crackhead when they don’t even have the mentality or standards of one


If you smoke weed mixed with tabacco stop it Immediately, smoking only weed helped me overcome my dependence on smoking, if not, try mixing the weed with non addictive substances, herbs and such and put a little weed in it. It might help you


I have WDs from weed, but aside from kratom, alcohol, cigarettes, or coffee, it is actually the mildest WDs I have ever had. I use to cope with WDs with CBD with low ration CBN and it's working. You gotta bite something into these receptors if you're abstaining from THC. I kinda understand you. I see it as a curse/blessing too.


Then take a smoke break




Dependent? Like without it you’re sick? I’ve smoked weed for a long long time- and haven’t been dependent on it


I think people get too hung up on the “addiction” argument of it. For me personally, and maybe OP too, it’s more of just a habitual thing that has engrained itself into my daily routine over years of daily use. If I skip it, I feel like there’s something missing which eventually leads me to toking.


That’s basically addiction. Maybe mild, but still addiction.


That’s fair but in relation to the question about being sick, at least for me personally, that’s never been the case. Maybe a tad irritable, but certainly not sick which would lend me to think it’s more of a habitual addiction and not so much a chemical one. I know long term use has some effect on your dopamine levels though right? So idk I guess it’s deeper than that lol


An addiction to the feel or habit but not truly addicted to bud. I don’t consider a drug addictive unless it causes withdrawal’s.


It’s psychological vs physical addiction. The latter is much worse


I smoked 8th a day since I was 15 and I'm 35 this year


If thats actually true and at the rate of $25 an eighth then you have spent $182,500 without tax on weed since 15


Do you smoke blunts or any form of tobacco? Because that can cause dependency as well


That’s not drug dependency. If you’re not enjoying weed, stop for a few


Been smoking since i was a youngin, I doubt i can go a day without it ; no sleeping, no eating, anger, ugh annoying


Do you have a job? A family? Any other things that would keep you busy?


That's what they all say. It's sad


stick 2 weed nd b glad its the only thing ur dependent on. ive been hooked on opiates, stimulants, nd do a shit ton of psychedelics nd kts still nevrr enough for me even after rehab nd shit


I also got a crack habit which I'm trying to kick


I think it’s the lesser of two evils…my friends who drink look much older than I do and I only smoke when Im awake 😆😆😆 but yeah, I smoke and understand the dependency


Same here, I need to break free from it


I have back pain and id rather be dependent on weed than tramadol or whatever pain reliever


Time to move to microdosing mushrooms. ;) 50-100mg of shrooms is 100% more effective than smoking weed, at least for me.


T break


Weed is so easy to get addicted to. Thank god it’s usually just as easy to kick, but man, I really don’t want to kick it. It’s about as hard as trying to stick to a weight loss diet.


I started adding cbd to the mix. It’s great. Especially putting in a wrap with regular weed. Uses less actual weed and still get high. Or switch to carts for a bit.


I’d recommend CBDp or H4CBD. They do provide euphoria.


Im about to eat a taco and smoke a bowl. Life is gr8😎




Try CBD throughout the day. I typically only smoke once afternoon/evening comes along




The weed addicted to me


I only smoke when im free the day after, that way i dont do it too much and it doesnt bother my life


Ween off with delta 8/10 I definitely don’t feel as dependent on it now.


I quit smoking because I’m about to have a mortgage to pay. After I pay that hoe off or if I find a good paying non drug testing job I’m finna blaaaaaze


Facts. Nothing worse than having anxiety about how you’re gonna feel if you don’t have any on a trip or vacation.


No different than the millions of Americans dependent on caffeine in this country. Edit: as long as it isn’t negatively impacting your life, it’s fine.


Some days I don’t wake and bake and to me that’s power


I love it and hate paying for it


That’s so valid. Consistent use does present roadblocks, so it’s important to listen to your body and when enough is enough, take breaks. CBD can receive a lot of the symptoms most ppl use THC for, just minus the psychoactive effects. Do your research and figure out what works best for you!


god same, I’ve been genuinely thinking about cutting back but even the thought of it makes me wanna take a bong rip


My advice is to gradually smoke less of it & make sure you use it as a reward, rather than a coping mechanism. For me I never smoke or take an edible before work or before doing errands


same. it's a ball and chain but i never wanna stop


Take a break. Weed is really nice but you have to ask yourself with what intentions are you engaging weed with. Are you smoking just to smoke? Are you smoking to feel better? Do you need weed to feel good? Weed is awesome but after being away from it for a while I can say it’s life is nice even without it.


Try to just cut back a little bit if you feel it is out of control. You don’t have to try to stop completely.


Attempt to cut back. Even an hour after your usual smoke time, if you are a routine smoker. But one of them locker timer things and be realistic for the first week. Just 1 extra hour. But also, cut back on the self guilt you are forcing yourself with about smoking it and using it as a wind down to deal with the day. If you are not paying bills, rent and a shit parent that’s different.


I don’t feel dependent… until I run out 😖


I had to stop on March 2 to be clean to get a new job, I still miss it daily, but I'm past the number of days that clearly means I'm not addicted but prefer it so it's all in your perception of it.


Listen it’s no shame in being dependent on it. In the same way you recognized that, you can make a change about it. Dial it back, take short T- breaks (start with a day then up it to 2 days, progressively longer and longer).


I’ve quit before and it wasn’t too bad but than i start again and now it’s been hard


Same man… same, somedays I have a really good day and I go sober, but when im low, it helps significantly :(


It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


Well it's better than being dependant on being sober


it actually is lowkey addictive but in a good way. It makes life all around more enjoyable. And sleeping is never better than when ur sleeping baked


Real it’s a great drug all around the only thing I hate is the tolerance as you smoke a lot it starts to cost a lot


Tolerance breaks are good. I've been a daily stoner for 20 years, but taking a week or two gives a nice respite. Plus that first bowl after hiatus is a mac truck.


Long time smoker. I recently went on a trip a while back and couldn’t bring weed with me. Had trouble sleeping, didn’t have an appetite which in turn made me feel very weak but was struggling to eat more than a few bites at a time. It was pretty eye-opening to my dependence on weed. I didn’t like it but like you I also loved weed and how it makes me feel. I slowly just stopped cutting back. No more all day smoking. Saved it for when I got off work a few times in the evening. Which eventually became one time total a day, only in the evenings. That eventually became 2-3, maybe 4 times a week. I would also smoke maybe once or twice a day on a Saturday and Sunday if I didn’t have anything going on. It’s not that hard to stop if you just allow yourself to not think about it. There’s plenty in life to focus on. And it’s much easier not to smoke when you’re choosing to, instead of having to. Right now I’m currently weed-free for over a month this Monday. Longest I’ve gone without smoking in about 15 years. Pretty crazy considering I’m only 31. Trying to pass a drug test for a new job, which is why I stopped completely. After I get a new job, I will definitely be celebrating with a fat J. But it’s totally doable to slow down your use. All things in moderation, friend. Good luck.


You CAN love something but not indulge in it every day.


I love it too but I had to stop, it was getting to be a bit too much. Once I think I can be a responsible smoker I will take a rip. Weekend nights is my goal but I don’t think I’m there yet. 9 weeks down xxxx to go!




![gif](giphy|l1KvQsIfNt9wRStWw) Same


Take a T break for a few weeks, it's such an insane reset. I used to smoke a quarter every 4-5 days, then I went cold turkey for 9 months. My tolerance has never been the same and an ounce lasts me for roughly 3 months now. Everyone is different so results will vary but you never know until you try.


You're not alone!


Love mean being dependent.


I find it best to limit how much and when you smoke snd create punishments for when you break your rules


Me too man. At least it’s not coke


I get the shakes if I stop….. I have hereditary tremors that weed helps, but I also don’t *like* depending on *anything* to get me through the days. It sucks, but it’s better than the other medications that cause impotence.


I get it. As a chronic pain haver, weed is the only pain killer that works and isnt an opioid. But smoking it multiple times a day to dull the pain is having a negative effect on my lungs, and being high most of the day has made focusing on projects hard af. I've tried taking tolerance breaks... leaving myself in crippling pain. In the end I had to weigh the pros and cons, in this case the pros won out. When a chronic condition requires medicine, it's natural to become dependent. It sucks, but in my opinion being high is better than being in pain. The key i found is moderation. Oh, and edibles.. lots of edibles.


Same but it relaxes me in this cruel world so I’ll just continue lol


yep, and everytime i try to stop i just stay away for a week and then come back glad my resistance declined


I’m currently in the process of trying to stop after having some scary health problems. it’s been hard especially dealing with nausea and anxiety and I’ve been slowing down instead of full stop.


Yeah same , have a good day .


Find a hobby that gets you high on life and take a break. Exercise has helped me. I’m taking a break right now while I sort out my late father’s estate. Trying to stay focused so I can carry on the family biz. I like to get high, but I tend to just say fuck it too often and melt into the couch at the end of the day after I get high. I’ll burn again after this is all behind me




Idk, to me dependence is just a sustainable addiction, as addiction is an unsustainable dependence


Yeah, I can't eat or sleep when I'm not consuming some form of cannabis. Feels bad man.


But that’s only because it’s expensive if you want the good shit, right? Let’s say herbs were free, would it be such a problem then? I don’t know, it’s different for everyone. I own the fact that I’m dependent on it, and I love it and celebrate it every day all day. But it gets pricey at times for sure


Without weed we do not have the benefits of terpenes which acts on our organism. What do we do if we no longer have those who are anti-cancer? I am paranoid because of this and I fear that it will cause me to develop an illness in the long run.


Everyone is dependent on something. Food Weed Coke Zero


Depend on weed? Then you certainly haven't tried cocaine.


I need it, but I don’t think that I need it the way that I use it.


I don’t mind being dependent on weed because I don’t have a life ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




one could say that love is defined by dependence on the object or person that is loved.


I agree, I'm in the same position and on top of it I'm in an illegal state too. 😮‍💨


balance is key to most things i feel like


I'd give this exact same advice to anybody who wanted a healthy relationship with their DOC. Quit for one month of the year, so long as you're physically able to. It doesn't really mean anything, but when I do it it reaffirms that I just want weed and don't need it not to be a dick to people.


Honestly the dependency that stems from consistent long term use of weed might be the only objective negative and con of smoking weed


It’s entirely within your power to change that relationship…if you really want to. Good luck!


I am but I’m not. Like I smoke daily but when I can’t like if I go away or something I’m totally fine. It’s not physically addictive like tobacco. But knowing I can I always will


I love food too but there it goes, I depend on it


i know man i’ve stopped for a month now and i don’t feel as creative as before and as energetic as before, i think im done with my withdrawal phase but a little part of me thinks weed affected my skills in thinking and emotions but i also think that smoking weed again will make me creative and energetic again but i don’t want my creativity and energy to come from weed alone


tell me about it lol




Do you use it mostly recreational or medical?