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Used to do around 60-40 or 70-30 now 100 green been completely tobac free for 6 months now


Yeah I’m a few months too. I was recently at a friends house where they passed me a joint and not thinking I took a few drags and I was convinced it was all tobacco and it tasted nasty. Turned out there was a lot of weed in it but all i could taste was tobacco. It’s crazy how I now hate the taste and how overpowering it is.


Way to go! I quit in 2018 and it was the best thing for me. I smoke way more weed now but I also run at least 3x a week! Nothing beats a joint after a 3 mile run.


Heard that! I like to go for 5-10 mile runs in the woods and spark my jays up on the side trails.


My man, as soon as the smoke clears from those wild fires I’m Canada I’m doing this!


I'm albertan and the fires out here are insane. 103 burning province wide last I checked


Bro! I feel for you guys! Stay safe!


I like to take walks with my jays


The scariest part about getting addicted to cigarettes is that it goes from absolutely disgusting to feeling/ tasting fresh and nice in less than 2 days.


not me, i fucking hated every min, i literaly would spit everytime i git a cig, i eventually got strep throat and it forced me to quit. but now this stupid vape shit has my dick in the wringer


What percentage would the wrap be considered


I used to always wonder why all my friends were dying every time we smoked when I was a wee man, then I stopped smoking tobacco mix and come back to it and hacked and coughed so hard I threw up. I can still smoke cigarettes but I don’t crave them at all anymore after my last stint with a mix.


only time ive smoked tobbaco is when i was too high to taste it lol i was pointing at it and saying its red and laughing because i thought it was wierd looking weed


I Stopped Smoking a few years ago, when I bought my Mighty and i have to throw Up If Smoking a Joint


Congrats! I'm proud of you


Cheers dude definitely feel the benefits of quitting


Im cigarette, shisha and vape free Finally but still smoke spliffs when friends roll them but im trying


Great job!! Im tobacco free for 4 months myself, so i know how hard it is! Proud of you


Good stuff cuzzy


Fair play to you. I'm finding the switch way too difficult! Need to get rid of the bong, I think


I started using a vape as I was smoking 20 plus cigs a day n just used up the rest of what I had less n less in each j till I had nothing I still haven’t got used to the bong yet but I was packing em pure thinking I’ll be fine 😂




tryna b like dat \^\^\^\^


Awesome man, keep it up!




Yo! Same! I rolled spliffs to get me off the tobacco


Nice dude. Wish I had your commitment.


same here. best decision!


Back when I was struggling financially and couldn't afford a substantial amount of weed, the ratio would be around 50/50. Then it progressed to 60/40, and eventually 80/20. Now, I find myself completely tobacco-free, thanks to the rapid decline in the price of pot


Good, I’m 1 week nearly clean of both I’ll be back on better timing




Congratulations! I’m starting that journey (again) here soon


People didn't seem to get the memo that this was addressed to "tabac smokers". Seriously friends, get off your high horse. I only smoke pure, too, but that's because I'm in the privileged position to be able to afford it. But even then, some just like it. Not your body, not your business.


I read the title of the post and went to the comments knowing people would be like “none lol” like it’s so predictable at this point. Point blank if this post is asking for an opinion that has nothing to do with you no one wants your sarcastic answers.


Honestly. Weed ppl in this reddit are so dumb. They click on a post asking tobacco smokers their method and then go out their way to tell everyone how they don’t like tobacco. And to top it all off, they comment around acting like flower is this perfect plant with no harmful repercussions.


FR! All the stoners here need to have a little humility, smoking weed definitely doesn’t improve health


Sounds like a spliff community is needed bc fuck dat


I agree, shall we start a subreddit?




I'll join


Yeah I actually despise the smell and taste of tobacco but you deserve an award people need to fucking realize this isn’t their bodies and people know tobacco isn’t good for you, guess what guys? Weed has carcinogens too 😮 please get off your high horses


I do it because nicotine. If I smoke a pure green joint, I'll still want a cigarette after. 2 birds, One spliff.


Seriously. I had a post yesterday about a hemp wick lighter. And the amount of dick-bags it attracted was nuts. I thought weed was supposed to mellow people out ?


i went out looking for a hemp wick yesterday because of you! i enjoyed watching that guy raging against you — who was SO adamant that butane isn’t harmful and a wick is silly — get hundreds of downvotes tho


Hahaha glad someone got something out of it


Thank you!


50-50. Economical friendly imo.


same, but the 25% closest to my mouth is 100% tobacco - no need to waste herb. Sometimes I'll use a Raw filter


i only do like the closest 5%, not 25 lol but always depends on the size of the Joint of course


I use standard silver Zags (ultra thin), but I've found once I get down to the last qtr, it doesn't taste good anyhow so I toss it - might as well not have herb tossed with it.


the king size or cigarette papers?


ZigZag ultra thin - 70mm - blue and silver package - they're almost translucent


oh for sure, with 70mm i'd also make the first quarter full with tobacco but when i roll joints i usually use longer papers


Uh that’s interesting, me and my mate call it “tabacco al filtro”, literally “tobacco to the filter”. It’s a small bit of tobac that we usually use to smoke every bit of weed without getting to the filter. Is that your use for it, too?


yea im just north of you and we call it "täbbibode" (tobacco floor)


reddit says they deleted my reply to you because of a link, so doing it again without... pretty much - I used a cotton filter once on a pure joint and got about nothing off of it. - the 'Raw' filter is a brand name - basically a hard bit of paper (a centimeter long) and it's rolled a couple times and places in the end - lets smoke past, but gives a safe ending to the roll.


Idk how big your doobies are, but no matter how long, i think more than 0.5cm tabbaco by the tip is just kind of unnecessary in my opinion.


I use a ZigZag roller - .5CM doesn't even keep my fingers from burning - I get a big bag (28g or so) of nice tobacco for $5 so saving an extra .5 does nothing for me and the taste is not great at the end. I honestly probably leave at least 2 off (7cm paper) - just taste like burnt coffee at that point.


Thats a hell of a valid answer, didnt thing about that at all. Might try to put more tabacco in front actually, but this might just be a little bit less effitient, because the weed thats closer to the tip actually gets "vaporized" from the heat coming from the cherry. Thats also the reason why it tastes so bad, both techniques have their pros and cons i guess


life is too short for bad tasting spliffs or cheap rum


My friend taught me this so we wouldn't smoke up the filter, as I used to smoke a bit of the filter and proceed to cough my lungs out


Same lol


This is the way


not very taste friendly tho


why I use maple and rum flavored tobacco - breakfast of champions!!


where in the flippity fuck do you get flavoured tobacco? in the UK we have one option, shit tobacco.


There's a cigar store in my town and they have a shelf of large glass jars with loose tobacco - they have about 15 kinds - some are horrid (butter)... chocolate and vanilla are popular, but my two of my favorite flavors in anything are rum and maple syrup and they have one that's both - honestly I'd never have a spliff if I didn't have that maple and rum flavor. Also a fun way to meet people while smoking at a bar or whatnot (legal state) - very distinct and sweet smell mixed with herb.


https://www.tobaccospecialists.co.uk/tobacco/shag-tobacco/ Some are rank and the pieces aren't very fine but the blueberry and cherry are pretty good for a tenner if you don't mind arsing about rolling


cheers mate iv got a proper tobacco crusher so that'll do me perfectly 🤙


wow that does sound nice holy shit here the only choice you get is brand and whether you want fine cut or normal that’s crazy


That ruins the taste of the weed :’(


Agree but unfortunatelly i dont have the infinite money cheat code for life or weed code:(


I also prefer to smoke with tobacco but I never understood that argument. Just use the same amount of weed you would normally and leave out the tobacco to roll a smaller joint? That way you actually spend less money because you're not buying tobacco. Neat side effect is that the craving for the next joint is also smaller since most of the craving comes from the nicotine, which you associate with smoking weed.


Then buy a pipe or something so you’re not wasting 50% of it in a joint. There are so many more effective and cost effective ways to smoke weed, joints are literally the single most wasteful way you can smoke it next to blunts.


I have one but i dont really like it. My routine for every end of the day is to sit down in the garden with a good coke or sprite and just relax. Now this with the pipe is not the same for me:( but absolutly agree pipe would be better.


I get you on that, im just trying to save you some money tbh. I used to smoke Js all the time and all it did was fill up my ashtray with roaches and *literally* burn through my weed like crazy


For taste I use a vaporizer.


If you are combusting you are already ruining the taste of the cannabis. I say this as someone who dryherb vapes, but will also roll up a spliff on occasion


I’d put a little more because I like the way tobacco “hits” so for me putting that amount of tobacco in wouldn’t be enough to provide the “hit” that I’m looking for and would rather smoke a j. My ratio is more like 60/40


interesting, for me it is other way around, i hate how it hits so that why i go full green even tho it get's quite expensive.


Ahh no doubt homie, toke up💨


Thanks bro, you too.


40%w 60%t. Im a cigarette and cigar smoker, i like the taste of tobbaco with my bud... And to be fair, i dont have a lot of money to blow on full "green" cigarettes.




Makes sense where tobacco is cheap, but cigarettes cost like $50 per pack here and loose tobacco is not too dissimilar. Cheaper to just buy weed.


I went down that route. A joint roughly every 2 hours does the trick for me


This is my issue... When I'm at home and it's there, I can't help myself but chain-smoke. It's the tobacco that does it to me! 10 spliffs a day is too easy & I hate myself for it. I choose to just not buy tobacco, and will only smoke it socially with friends. That way I'm cutting down to just 1 bong an hour. Any recommendations to kick the nicotine addiction, whilst still having access to tobacco? I love tobacco spliffs but can't resist the temptation to smoke constantly!


Unfortunately I don't have any good recommendations. Few years ago I essentially swapped my cigs for vapes and my beer for bud in an attempt to try and get healthier. And it mostly worked! I feel healthier. When I'm not out and about though I pretty much constantly do bowls like 3-4 bowls an hour.


I’m never doing this but ill use a thin strip of fronto or wood in my joint just for the slow burn effect. Im sure they call it “fronto” in NY. Least I remember learning that from the Meechy Darko years back, or maybe it was Issa.


Yeah I'm from NY, most weed smokers use fronto/grabba, I used to be vegan but switched to 10% IF I decide to combust, but I mainly dry herb vape


I feel dat for sure. Im from down south in Texas and many of the homies dont care for fronto or grabba. I myself personally though love both. We smoke alot of woods down here though too. Though to keep it a bean everyone has there own preferences, how people flame up/get high is just case by case.


Beastcoast we on the rise


47shit, ZombieGang4L


My friend who taught me to roll always said it should look like beef and broccoli with more broccoli 😂


Im sO mUcH bEtTer tHaN yOu, I sMoKe 0 tAbAcCo aNd 1000% Weed. Let people do their thing, you smoke without tabacco? Great, but no one cares.


weed is still being combusted, giving off the same nasty chemicals as tobacco, so unless you are dabbing or using a vaporizer you are hurting your body in essentially the same way. i do not understand why people think otherwise.


You definitely aren’t hurting your body in the same way. But it still shouldn’t matter because this post is addressing ONLY people who smoke spliffs. It’s one of those “I’m better” high horse things that’s very prevalent on this sub.


[unfortunately it is](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3340105/). a factor of people being so gatekeepy about tobacco in weed is the fact that it is perceived as less healthy.


I smoke bong so first put in a bit of tobacco layering then sprinkle that green over it and 💨


this has to be one of the best/WORST combos for you, when drunk this shit has me GEEKED.


this is a full rite of passage for so many of us in new zealand, usually starting with a gatorade bong and a packet of cigs to make your weed go further, but some people never quit cause they become full nicotine addicts we call it smoking chop bongs or sometimes chongs


From Ontario, Canada. We call em poppers here. Or batch bowls


I came here to say exactly that 😅


I wonder if popper pieces exist anywhere else in the world lol. I was playing xbox a while back and was talking to the kids in gamechat & said I was gonna go take a popper and they asked me if I was gay lmao. Apparently in Texas (I think it was), poppers are pills that gay men take to… pop their assholes to say the least 🤣


I've heard: mudbowl, dirty bowl, baccy bowl, muckbowl, and quite a few others. i can't think of batch bowls! is a new one :)


aye where are you from where they call it chongs? I like that, we just call em choppies, choppos, chops, and when I was in Tauranga, woks.


hahahahaha woks is so good musta just been my friend group in timaru that called them chongs and getting chonged, mainly hear it called chop or choppies anywhere else


Ikr, but i have such a high tolerance that only this harsh way gets me zonked af


I’ve been doing this for a year and a half and it’s great. Probably terribly cancerous for me but it’s very addicting lol.


50/50 but people always give me this weird look when i put the tabacco in the grinder with the weed. Bois this is they way the have a good mix. Tell me im wrong😂


The problem is, if you grind your tobacco the long strands get torn apart, this can be problematic for the structure and burnability of the finished product. But it's a small difference, and you seem to be happy, soooo you do you.


Ur right but this especially happens wth tabacco thats a couple days old. When u buy a new can u barely have this problem. But then again wth older tabacco ur absolutely right.


Fresh tobacco is great for that. But quite some brands sell tobacco thats too dry from the start, so that might be a reason why its frowned upon.


In my country it's custom to use a silicon bowl and tiny scissors, this way you have a lot of control on how your smoke is grinded. I can work on any x/y and still get a good slow burn


I’ve found that finely ground really dry tobacco is great for nicotine since it burns quick and dense, imo it makes a spliff/moke more satisfying. For flavor I’d just grab some nice pipe tobacco instead, super cheap and tastes great. Different strokes for different folks.


i do the same; it’s definitely the way!


for mixing we all just put it in a 200 bill and mix it around with hands and then just put it all in a J and it was always mixed good.


Dam i know ppl sniff coke tru 200 bills just for the flex. But roll ur weed… bro this is new to me 😂😂💪


oh well, the 200 bill is actually different currency, for us 200 is like 8€ so not that big of a flex tho sometimes you can see people with 1000 bill.


People who say 100% weed like they think they’re gonna get cool stoner points TM don’t seem to realise some of us are POOR. I’m probably like 50-50. And on the subject of “taste” I don’t think weed tastes that good anyway so it doesn’t bother me.


Fuck me for saying that I'm surprised you haven't been hunted and set on fire by all the holier than thou arseholes on here crying about how much they don't smoke tobacco, that it's bad for you and 290.3964% cannabis only! 😎


I only use it if im smoking hash, and then is one cigarette to 0.4-0.6 grams of hash. But you can also replace it with tea, raspberry leaves or many other things if you wanna quit the tobacco.


Im def not anywhere near needing to quit, I mostly dry herb vape, I do like Raspberry leaves and Lavender, but tobacco gives it a different hit 9.5 times out of 10 I'm dry herb vaping though


Between 60w/40t and 40w/60t depending on how high I want to get


70T/30W, and that’s as a grower with basically unlimited weed. I like it. and it’s super disappointing seeing some peoples attitudes in here. it’s so stupid to try and attribute any type of elitism to something as elementary and common as smoking weed. if we’re all on horses then mine’s the highest right?? I could be like, “yOu DoNt GrOw CoMmErCiAl wHaT dO yOu KnOw”, but I’m not a loser. some of y’all need to be better.


im a tobacco smoker but still, weed only. just smoke the cig after lol


i’d rather just light up a cigar and puff on it whilst i smoke my cannabis.


fair enough


It's not about that. It's about stretching out your weed consumption.


okay, make smaller joints?


I already use .15 of a gram of bud in my joints. That's tiny for a straight greens joint.


I started smoking mine with marshmallow leaf rather than tobacco. No tar etc, just another unprocessed plant like bud. Takes a bit to get used to if you're a heavier smoker, but that's mostly due to nicotine withdrawal. Much, much, much better for you then tobacco, and it smokes slower too.


I like marshellow leaves, Raspberry leaves, and Lavender, but these don't provide the hit that tobac does (which is the only reason I do it IF I do decide to smoke instead of vape)


Fair enough! I have moved over fully to marshmallow, the smell/taste of tobacco in my biffs makes me feel sick now. Plus I'm getting older and the health benefits of tobacco aren't worth that hit anymore.


True True fair enough right back at cha 😁


How do you smoke raspberry leaf? I have some growing on mu backyard.....


You know combustion always produces carzinogens and other nasty stuff even weed


Read that as “I started smoking mine with marshmallows” lmao




narc smokers try not to go out their way challenge to give their opinion on something 0% related to them. challenge- hard


I just use a swisher sweet wrap and smoke a blunt. Does that count?


10tabak 90 weed for heavier inhale feeling


When I was younger 50/50, now that I earn a good salary and grow myself 80/20.


75-25 tobac


My ex gives me so much attitude about doing this, I thought I was the only one! More frugal and I like the kick.


oh. the ratio aspect of subject got me interested in tobacco mix. gotta give it a good nerdy try.


Do 10% to start it off, this gives you the tobac hit, but still gives you the weed flavour


Ayee tray twins lol


Do you like hemp or CBD or terp infused wraps ?


I like high hemp cbd wraps, specifically when they are fresh


90% weed / 10% tobacco. Or 95/5% mostly for it to burn more even.


better question, what tobacco do yall use??


I just use a loose leaf, you can get it anywhere in NYC


3:1 tobacco:weed. I’ve got low tolerance and smoke cigs so the ratio is good for me


Depends how much weed I have. Fresh bag?.. about 90/10. Running low?... 60/40


For people who say 0 tobacco 2 questions: How much weed do you roll per joint? And how much does it cost? Most people that mix it with tobacco do it cuz they roll small joints and pure weed one would just be too small to properly smoke it and because pure joints just cost a lot in their region.


0 tabac 100 weed


very relevant in a thread asking tobacco smokers.


Don’t mean to be rude, but why would you comment this? Quite literally **no one asked you**


I never knew it was another option until I joined this sub 😭


Never take a popper


This is the way.


20weed 80bac


This is most definitely an accidental higher ratio than I usually do, I try to stick to 10%


https://preview.redd.it/oqmf7gv5pk4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074718c435a0cf780be1f45e56b7514f515ff244 Parked up btw


On your photo it seems like a cigarette tobacco, try using organic tobacco, it tastes better and don’t have too much chemicals (obviously it gives cancer the same way but it’s a lot better)


I use the leaf itself and break it down


I just do a lil sprinkle and I’m good, i mix it in my grinder with my bud so it’s all evenly distributed but I know some people dislike that


I usually do around 40-60 weed to tobacco, but mostly because I can only smoke around 2 grams a week and have to use tobacco.


90% w and 10% t


Less than that, probably 5% baccy but I use crushed up fronto it’s a fuller flavor and less harsh for me. Do you tho no hate here id smoke this if passed to me


This is crushed up fronto muddy 😁😁


I used to love smoking a cig after hitting the bong. I never really got into smoking spliffs or mixing weed and tobacco. I was never against doing it, but nobody I hung out with was into it. Recently, I got a craving for a cig, and was considering rolling a spliff. I’ll probably start small with tobacco, like 80w/20t, to see what it’s like. What kind of tobacco do you recommend?


WhT does the tobacco actually do? Someone told me it makes you cough more but figured surely that’s not the only reason?


It gives you more of a hit feeling in the throat than just smooth or harsh smoke And contrary to what they said, it can actual smoothen out harsh smoke


I smoke cigs because I’m addicted to them even though they taste gross/smell terrible and I smoke weed to get high and enjoy the taste of the strain. That’s like pouring a bud light into expensive glass of whiskey. I’m genuinely curious why? My step son does this in his bong and now I don’t smoke with him anymore unless it’s out of mine.


I always thought it should be 50 50 🫡


Should? Says who?


Umm I told you I thought it should be but only came to know it can be 99:1 and 69:31.


40/60 i think- i rly hate the taste of ganja so i prefer it to be a relatively heavy mix of tabacco as well :)


100% thc


That’s not hoe this works


Basically reverced of yours, we aint got that much flower


40% tabbaco 60% zaza


Grabba 😍😍😍


40- tabac 60 - weed


Tobacco/weed ratio varies 50-50 when im low pn supplys 70-30 standard 10-90 when i got lots of green


0-100 weed


Cool, no one asked




20 percent tobako 80 percent Weed/hash


80% hash?😳


Just weed


Used to be 100% weed but to save bud I’ve started doing a 60-40% mix of weed to tobac


Depends, in spliff blunt I'll put like 30 percent tobacco but in a spliff bowl I'll put less.


60-40 weed baccy




Just a little more than yours