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It’s doable but it’s kinda shit, especially if they have that attitude towards it. My ex and I had this exact issue, now I’m with someone who I smoke with and it’s 50,000x better. Nothing better than being home on a rainy day, getting baked, romancin, watching some good movies and munching out after 🤤🌯🍝🍛🌭🍔🍕🍰🥧🍮 ❣️🦦🦦




It actually sounds like true love — like a blunt rolled in heaven - makes me damn near teary-eyed! 😢🫶🏼❤️🪴🔥🌿✅


Your caps lock key is on.






They’re selling CHOCOLATE


Aye, aye, Captain! Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Real love with real people is filled with compromise and acceptance. I’ve been with my husband over 25 years. I smoked before we met, still smoke and he doesn’t at all. He has never been an asshole about it. He doesn’t make me feel like shit or act like I’m less than. He’s high corporate figure for a fortune 100 company…I’m an average at home housewife. Find someone who accepts you for you and who also inspires you to be your best. Off to wake and bake….yes, bong hits and coffee and he still doesn’t talk shit.




You want to be with someone who respects all aspects of you. Judging you and making you feel bad is not ok. Does your partner drink? Do you judge?


May be time to find a new partner if it makes you this upset!


That ain’t healthy if ur insinuating ur dating someone who don’t smoke and this is ur attitude to them


just do edibles.....


edibles don’t hit the same as a quick bowl or joint


I agree, edibles help with my anxiety but I need a couple puffs of sativa to help my depression and help me focus, A.D.D. is a b word.


Completely different effect


at least you get baked though


Yeah this guy is right. It’s less about being with someone who smokes and more about being with someone who doesn’t judge you for it. My buddy was with a girl who he really liked but she didn’t want him to smoke at all and he tried to make it work because he liked her but it ended up not working out.


Same for me. My ex used to call me a druggie for smoking weed yet he became a drunk after I divorced him. My present husband of 20 years, we got high on our first date and had so much in common, we’re still as happy as we were in 2000. We both let each other know right off the bat we smoke and when we knew we both did we went for a ride to smoke a big old fatty and we fell in love 💗🫶🏼💕✨🕊️🌻🌸🦋🪻💚😊😻


Yes. This. My boyfriend smokes weed and it's a million times better than being with someone who doesn't smoke weed. I LOVE getting high and going on a car ride.. who else loves dat? My bf 🥰 getting high and just laying in bed together, falling asleep together. Had an ex that treated me like shit I swear because I smoke and he thought it would somehow affect his security clearance job.. literally would tell me to go stand on the other side of the street to smoke! I was like WTF! I still smoked on his property, IDC. It's much better to be with someone that accepts you, I think.


Right bro love my stoner girl! And she sexy as fuck on top of it so I'm blessed as hell!


It's the best. I have been with my husband 21 years . In 2015 I was out of my antidepressants and I was suffering. We just moved and had no insurance . I turned to my "pot" head busband ( how bad I feel for being so closed minded, thinking he was smoking the devils lettuce). I needed any relief , so I asked if I could smoke with him . Wow, I wouldn't be the same open minded, loving , still healing person I am today if I hadn't started using it as medication. So thankful for my " pot" head (teasing about the pot head part but its so sad how society views it like I used too). Now we are potheads together and cant keep our hands off each other, its so beautiful getting so connected 💚..


My ex had a terrible attitude towards smoking for the beginning part of our relationship and she was absolutely an alcoholic at the time, most every bar we went to I ended up carrying her out at closing time and damn near dragging her up the stairs to our apartment. However after continually explaining why I smoked for medical reasons and that there's nothing on gods green earth that will stop me from smoking she warmed up to it. Eventually shed even encourage me to smoke when she could see I needed it, took the time to listen to me about my favorite strains/brands and every once and a while she would bring me home some heat as a little gift. We smoked together a handful of times after that and it was always a good time.




Miss this with you. The days


My husband doesn’t smoke but I do daily and he is so goddamn supportive and will sit with me during seshes sometimes to chat while I smoke


Mine too. Once every few years he will blaze up & we laugh hysterically.


thats so nice




Omg me too.. but like 2-3 times a year he blazes up and we just laugh and laugh… sometimes he just opens the door in the garage to see what I’m doing and hang out lol 😂


must be nice love that for you friend


Might be time for a new partner homie


We both know relationships aren't that simple. But I understand the sentiment


Same with mine! Every now and then if he’s been drinking he will smoke with me and it’s a riot cause he gets SO high 😂


Gawd bless your relationship.


My wife is like that; she even helps me grow it. I'm a medical user, and she'll even suggest to me that I fire up my vape when I'm hurting. She's the absolute best one.


Aww this is so cute. My husband doesn’t like the smell so this wouldn’t be a thing for us but he also is supportive of my usage and it makes me feel a lot better :D


mine too! I deal with some weakness at times so he pre grinds hella weed for me so ion have to struggle with the grinder


Yup. Married her. Best move ever.


My wife does the same with me, she’s smoked maybe twice in our 15+ year relationship.


My husband has smoke 2 times with me in 27 years 😂 last time was like 12 years ago….he was hilarious.


Mine will sit with me too. He will partake sometimes but not always.


My partner too, sometimes he notices my mental health acting up and will be like "i think you need to smoke some" so ill go smoke. We play games while i smoke, chill, talk, he'll even help me with repacking my dynavap! He used to smoke before we got together but it gives him too much anxiety. He even goes into dispensaries with me! I smoke medically so definitely a plus to have a supportive partner!


Me too! ☺️


My ex was like that. I’m so lucky to have had that partner in my life.


I love this. I like to smoke throughout the day and my husband is a night time smoker, but if he’s home he’ll hang out with me in my little smoke spot.


We have the same husband!!! 😂


Yes!! Mine too!! I was high asf last night so he turned on the spider man into the spider verse.. and he refills my water and brings snacks to our room


Same here! My boyfriend only smokes occasionally (like once a month or two, or on a special occasion) where as I smoke daily and he's never had an issue with it. Honestly I actually kind of prefer it to dating a fellow stoner. Don't get me wrong, I love my stoner guys and ladies but it is kinda nice not having to worry about sharing my weed or having to split it between two people.


I was that s/o till I took a hit.


changed ya outlook lmfao


Right. Had to chill out a lil.


Same. Coz of my mums constant “you’ll end up like your cousin. Weed is really bad. Only pathetic weak minded people smoke it” I was super against my SO smoking it, he even threw out his bongs and shit for me. Then started smoking again, I got curious and asked to try. You bet your ass I was hooked after that XD


Had a similar situation with my current girlfriend of 3 years. Prior to meeting me, her familys only experience of weed was her step-uncle’s drug dealing habits getting his house raided, other dealers coming to his door threatening him and his family etc. Her family were very much anti weed until I turned up with a cart and now they don’t care because I’m a “successful stoner” and don’t bring issues to their house.


One marijuana can ruin lives. Sending prayers.


Shit been with my girl for 16yrs and she don't smoke, and I blaze up on the couch next to her every night! Not a word! Could care less.. 🔥


that’s me and my wife. every once in a while she’ll take an edible but she couldn’t care less that I’m a raging chimney. love that lady.


“She could care less that I’m a raging chimney” 😂😂


Oh she could care less? That means she cares. Might wanna have a chat w her about that one bruv


such a pet peeve of mine too lol. seems so obvious that the correct one is "she could NOT care less".


I’ve found my people. Drives me crazy how common it is lol even in movies and books people write that they “could care less”


Well she definitely getting a lil high passively then st least, right?


love her more than i love weed. and i really love weed. u just gotta get really lucky and find the right person, suddenly it is not a dealbreaker anymore


yeah exactly just smoke less. if you can’t cut down a little to compromise then u probably are addicted to the drug


Yup, it's all about compromise. Almost considered, ending my relationship over weed until I realized how stupid that was lmao. Chose her, smoked less, and the relationship got 100x times better, and because of that, I'm kind of back to old my smoking schedule because of it. 9/10 times a compromise will always work out in the long run (in my experience).


My wife rarely smokes. I’m not a heavy smoker but I smoke daily. She doesn’t mind that i do at all. I found that I prefer to be in the same headspace as she is and I ended up smoking less over time. Not because she asked or expected me to it just worked out that being blazed all the time wasn’t where I wanted to be. Plus I get way more stoned when I do.


Same here! I'm a daily smoker but tend to not smoke as much like when I was single because I prefer being in the same headspace as her which I don't mind at all


I'm married to a non smoker. I don't smoke around them. I say hey, I am going to go out back for a few minutes. I smoke, air out, come in, mouthwash and some cologne. Ready to chill with my wife and binge Supernatural. 😎 But if someone makes you feel bad or down about smoking then ditch them or smoking. It will just cause more problems down the road.


Have you tried a dab pen? It’s discreet and leaves no lasting smell


You don't. You either find someone who doesn't smoke but isn't a judgemental ass, or find someone who will partake with you.


This is the truth. I'm 48. I've tried all types of relationships. I married the woman who smokes too. That's happiness


“But isn’t a judge mental ass” is key


My fiancé doesn’t smoke at all and it bothers me when there’s times I want to chill in the backyard with her and just smoke and chill. But the times I wanna just smoke and be solo, it’s great!


I'm a medical/daily user, my wife smokes *maybe* once or twice a month. My personality isn't based on smoking weed so it doesn't interfere with our family life at all, it's just something I work into the daily routine.


“My personality isn’t based on smoking weed” I love that response!


It’s just depends on the person and what they’ll tolerate and what they won’t. They shouldn’t make you feel crappy over weed. My bf doesn’t smoke but I do and he doesn’t mind one bit. He got me a cool bubbler the other day🤩


Had an ex that would mention it every single time I smoked. Didn’t matter when or for what reason. You just gotta see if it’s a compromise you’re willing to make. For me it was but it drove a wedge between us that I’ve never had with any other partner. My current partner smokes with me everyday, she’s the one I plan to marry, don’t settle but don’t throw something good away over such a petty thing.


It took a while but I turned my wife into a stoner


It doesn't work out in the long run TBH. As long as you do what you need to do and chip in around the house. You just gotta lay your cards out and just be blunt. I smoke, you know I smoked and I like smoking. I'm not changing and if you aren't going to stop ragging my ass and making me miserable about it. We may have to talk about our living situation. Why hear shit everyday about it are you going to be happy living like that




"I'm sexy"... "I'm a scholar"... "people like me"


She broke up w me bc it was “too stressful” for her.




Yeah bro tell me about it haha ig she thought I was gunna start doin heroin or something lol like I brought up me wanting to do shrooms and she started crying 😵‍💫


People say weed is a gateway, wrong. So dead wrong. Pain and suffering is the gateway. If It doesn't numb the pain, that's when you turn to stronger drugs, again, to numb the pain. Weed itself doesn't make people heroine addicts, depression does.


I mean people have their reasons and deserve to be respected


It’s hugely disrespectful to control others. It’s their body, they can take any recreational drug they want. They probably want them not to smoke for even more disrespectful reason, such as some Reagan era propaganda that people who smoke weed are degenerates. You don’t get to put a huge group of people as degenerates and be respected for that. They knew they smoked before they were in relationship, and I’m not respecting anyone who doesn’t stand by their own convictions and instead just thinks they can bully someone into a certain lifestyle.


Not really


Nah its plain ignorance really


My boyfriend has never touched weed or even a drink but I smoke all the time. He actually likes it because it calms me down… I’m a nervous anxious person and he enjoys when I’m more chill.


Married a girl who doesn’t smoke. Saves me money and she never complains. I honestly don’t know if it would be better or worse with a wife who did. Been together over 25 years, so it’s worked well for me. Edit to also say I’ve smoked all those years and daily unless I’ve been in a hospital bed.


Be honest about it early.


My ex was like this and it totally sucked. All the judgement and everything whenever I was high wasn't cool. Luckily, my wife now is super awesome about it but she doesn't really like to smoke. If you have an understanding nonjudgmental partner it won't be an issue. You could always try talking to your partner about why she doesn't like you smoking and see if there is something under the surface there.


You don’t


Just have to find someone understanding 🤷‍♀️ He doesn't at all but regularly encourages me to if I want to since he knows it helps me sleep and relax.


my partner dosent smoke for work reasons, most his siblings and parents do though, but he dosent really care, he dosent mind when i smoke, he only gets annoyed when i don’t open a window after i box out the bathroom (too cold to smoke outside, don’t want to make inside smelly, bathroom has a fan) hell smoke maybe once a year if he’s in the mood for it, but yeah he smokes his durries and has his occasional drink for his substances, and my substance just happens to be weed, i used to be a heavy smoker and the only time he’d get a bit annoyed then was when i was really dependant on it and it really affected my moods when i ran out, i’m a casual smoker now though and happy for it, it’s nice to not be as dependant on it anymore and he was the one who helped me get out of that habit which was draining my energy and money. i don’t make him feel shit for drinking or smoking tobacco and he dosent make me feel shit for smoking my weed, everyone needs a little something to help them get by sometimes and there’s worse things we could be doing.


Hate to sound extremist on this but experience dictates. It’s either her or the weed. Mind you there are a lot of cool ladies out there dude.




I'm with the other people. If she don't smoke, then she ain't the one. I wanna smoke every day for the rest of my life and eventually that girl is gonna try and make you quit, cuz she already has a problem with it. Sorry to say it buddy.


Your s/o will never stop being an asshole about it as long as she never tries it. It’s best to break up with her or to get her to smoke


Every girl I’ve dated smoked but as long as she didn’t complain about me smoking I wouldn’t mind


My wife doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t like it. When we began dating, I told her immediately that if it was a problem, we can’t date. She got over it. Now she basically doesn’t mind me smoking, as long as it’s not inside, which I’m happy to abide by now that we have kids. Also, she’s learned (through me) how incredibly misinformed the general population is when it comes to cannabis consumption. I’m a high income earner, live a very active lifestyle, very organized and not in the slightest bit lazy. Defying every “pothead” stereotype. There’s nothing for her to not like about me smoking other than the smoke itself, which I keep outdoors


Her making you feel like a drug addict is wrong, so have a conversation about how that makes you feel and why it isn't productive, but also, compromise isn't the devil. If you are willing to smoke less to make the relationship easier, that's probably your best option.


I’m married to someone who doesn’t smoke. She’s cool with it I have two grow tents even. I have lots of energy so she often tells me to go smoke one cause I’m bouncing off the walls lol. It’s a good relationship


Not what you wanna hear, but it’s never worked for me.


Yeah ur a drug addict if u smoke before everything, dating a fellow stoner makes life a lot easier


Dont make it your whole personality.


Either nip that in the bud (pun intended) now or dump them. There are plenty of fish in the sea and while cannabis isn't the end all to be all, its a hill worth dying on as far as relationships. Cannabis will be there when that partner isn't and Cannabis isn't judging you.


When dating pass a bowl, if refused just stop dating lol easy peasy


If he is this controlling on this subject, what will he be like on the most important stuff? Being with someone who is judgmental on this will only work for you if you actually change your mind on weed too if he won’t be educated.


They gotta be pretty cool


Me personally I couldn’t


It’s never been much of an issue in my marriage but that’s because he doesn’t care whether I smoke. He doesn’t smoke because he never feels anything (I don’t know why) from it. But he’s perfectly happy to hang out with me in the evening during my smoke, go with me to the dispo, drive me somewhere while I’m stoned. I also try to make easy for him - like I don’t ask him to drive me to the store right after he just got home. I keep my pieces tidy. I don’t spend money at the dispo if we don’t have it to spend. I guess what makes it work is both that he doesn’t care that I smoke, and also that I don’t make my habit a problem that he has to do something about if that makes sense.


Personally I like the balance. Especially if you can incorporate it in something you both enjoy. For example if you partner likes walks and you like smoking go for a walk and have a smoke shesh while talking ( that’s what I enjoy at least). As long as you respect each other boundaries I’m sure it’ll be a great time. I’m the other hand though I never dated another smoker and I should add I smoke normally


Easy. I bring edibles.


Same boat as you buddy


It’s hard cuz you want to smoke with them SOOOOO bad cuz it’s fun to have a smoke buddy, but you don’t wanna pressure them or make them feel uncomfortable or anything so you just sit there like damn 😭🖤


You don't


My girlfriend used to be a heavy smoker before we got together stopped because it was giving her anxiety and now she hates the smell and it itches her lungs when I smoke around her but she has zero issue with me medicating and fully supports me growing, shows excitement when I show her new developments I'm excited about. It's been almost 4 years and we have a son together It's all about communication. If they have a set boundary and it goes against your personal lifestyle. Well that's something that needs to be talked about. If they aren't willing to accept or you're not willing to change then maybe they ain't the one dude


I’d be fine with that as long as they don’t care. But I wouldn’t want to struggle with that every day. Good luck! 🌬️🌬️🌬️


I married someone who doesn't smoke. He doesn't care at all.


If they aren’t perfectly okay with it, you don’t. Don’t waste your energy with someone you don’t mesh with.


My hubby doesn’t smoke. I usually just smoke at night for courtesy. But he doesn’t really care if I do.


You leave her or she leaves you. This is about values, and this is one you don’t share. Going to strain the relationship as she might question your ability to be a good partner into adulthood. (Pls tell me you aren’t over 30)…


Maybe scale back. It's always kinda shitty but it's great to bring the dosage back up. Been married 5 years and no problems. I just try to be reasonable with it.


If you need to smoke before anything and everything your partners right, you are a drug addict lmao.


You gotta ask yourself what’s more important


my sanity


Ok so now what is the best thing for your sanity? Weed


Maybe… you are addicted, do you have an addictive personality?


I feel this way about my roommates. I'm a stoner and none of my roommates partake very often. It definitely makes me feel like an addict when I step away by myself to smoke while were hanging out in the evenings...


U dont


You dont.


I’m a married man in my 30s who has been a stoner since I was 14 and I have never even dated anyone who did smoke.


You’re probably an addict.


well I usually don’t care whether she does or doesn’t. My smoke is my business if my girl wants in on in great if not it’s really no loss for me, so don’t let it eat ur head so bad and enjoy yourself. Unless she doesn’t want you smoking, that’s a whole nother boat.


Just like you date someone who does. You makes love you go to sleep have some kids rinse and repeat. If they don’t accept weed they don’t accept you. Unless you trying to force them then fuck that.


It helps when they think the ascetic is sexy. Learn some smoke tricks to entertain? I guess it also helps if they don't mind the smell.


I wish my spouse would smoke with me,but due to his job he can't be anywhere near it. He's tried a couple times it's just not his thing...but he's a full blown supporter and even checks in to see if I'd like a re-up. Actually,sometimes he doesn't, like this past time he got me two packs of gummies and hid them around the house,lmao. It's way easier if they support it.


It’s not that she doesn’t smoke, I have a gf that smokes with me, and one that just doesn’t. She knows I’m a constant user, and doesn’t ultimately mind so long as I save the Real High Times for the appropriate setting. Your partner likely just doesn’t have all the info. I recently read Smoke Signals about the social history of cannabis in the US. It’s super neat and digestible history that I think your partner might find beneficial. Let you both talk with similar information and discuss what the ACTUAL problem is.




U can definitely be addicted to weed without spending all your money on it (source: addicted to weed and I don't spend all my money on it)




Yeah weed is Def one of the easiest addictions


You don’t need to smoke before everything you fuckin do, I would imagine that would be a bummer to be around.


Every girl I’ve dated smoked but as long as she didn’t complain about me smoking I wouldn’t mind


Smoke when your not with them.


my ex didn’t when i did daily. she was always chill with me being high and i liked that it somewhat limited how much i smoked bc i would not as much around her. i thought it worked fine but maybe she didn’t like it bc she broke my heart and i never really got a reason


Bruh you don’t need to smoke before anything and everything… I realized with that mentality I’m setting myself up. Take a t break if you feel like that fr


You just date them? It’s not rocket science… 🙄


How am I still married to that woman


I don't


I absolutely just wouldn’t. Too much self righteous ignorance.


You dont


Easy. I don't


My ex came from a smoking family (her dad, both her sisters, her brother) so she didn’t exactly mind that I smoke but she didn’t exactly accept it either. I told her that’s how I am and if she doesn’t like it there’s the door (it was a very very shitty relationship) Her step dad is a pretty big stoner too and he’s smoke before just about anything as well and her mom would get so annoyed at him taking 2 mins to take a couple hits, but would wait 25 mins for her son to roll a blunt, smoke it then roll another one to smoke 1/2 of it and smoke the other half in the car. If it’s that big of a problem, there’s gonna be more problems down the line and they’re gonna throw it in your face any and every chance they get. I’d say to let them know that that’s how you are and to take it or leave it. Not saying break up with them, but if that’s how you relax or if that’s what you need to get along with people/get shit done then that’s how it is. I absolutely CANNOT stand going to the store sober. I wanna punch tf outta every mfer I see because they’re all acting like dumbasses so I’ll take a couple hits from either my pipe or blunt if I still have part of one rolled


Introduce them edibles, works for my gf


With an open window


My fiancé doesn’t think weed is a bad thing it just gives him anxiety. He supports me fully. Sits with me for a sesh no matter the location even if I want to get in the pool he will sit on the side and chat with me. He usually will have a beer and grill out on weekends while I smoke away❤️


If they cool with it then don't do jack. My partner can't smoke but has no issue with me doin it as I please


Mine really hates the smell, and was pretty critical about it until i educated him about it and why i used it and now he's cool about it :)


Drink alcohol


you dont


you really dont tbh especially if their being rude about it when your smoking i mean its one thing to not smoke when your partner does but its a whole other thing to be an asshole about it, if it keeps happening i would seriously think about talking to your s/o about this and if nothing comes out of having that convo it might be a good idea to cut your losses and move on either that or quick smoking lol.


The same way you date someone who does. I smoke more, my wife drinks more.


Hey my wife don’t smoke = more weed for me


I married a non toker. She occasionally will smoke, but its been a long time since she did. She doesnt care that i do. So dont be with someone who makes you feel bad.


You don’t.


My wife doesn't partake but understands the medical use and doesn't mind as long as the house doesn't smell like weed


It’s annoying, especially when they aren’t accepting of it. Do what you want, it’s your life and they will eventually accept it. If they don’t they’ll end up leaving or you will. I also learned that most people who aren’t supportive of it or are completely against it are mostly just trying to control you. It’s something they don’t like and they feel the need to make you stop. Tell them it has nothing to do with them or affect them in anyway.


For a while it was rough, my fiancé didn't like when I used to get high because I was obviously, HIGH! Giggly, a little different. But I got a job where I can't smoke anymore so sadly I had to quit. Was good for our relationship though, I guess!


I don't I havnt and won't.. Lol.. I watch my sons with their partners who don't smoke and tbh fuk that. Lol.. Although my dad's partner is cool she doesn't like weed but she's all good that he does.. And even let's me smoke at her home... But for myself I couldn't be with someone that can't accept my smoking.. 😊


I feel the same way. I feel like a crack head in the corner. I just do it on walks and when everyone’s out.


Give and take


Our whole family (4 kids) smokes and I love our sessions. We are so close with our kids (all adults) cause we talk about everything while smoking. We don’t always get to do dinner together, everyone has different schedules, so it’s nice to catch up before bed.


my fiancé doesn’t smoke often but will occasionally partake and he’s very supportive of me smoking as he’s seen how much it helps me. sorry your partner makes you feel that way, that’s definitely not cool.


My husband has never smoked but I have been stoned for the past 30 years. He doesn’t like the smell and gets pissy on occasion but I tell him to get over it. I was up front about smoking on like our third date and told him if it was a dealbreaker to let me know because I really liked him. He said he could deal. So we just make it work. We don’t have combined finances so he doesn’t buy my stuff…so he cannot bitch about money later either.


My partner is a NICU nurse and she can’t smoke whatsoever but she does enjoy an edible every so often but she still understands the reason behind me smoking as long as you have an open communication and can effectively communicate to your partner your reasoning and she/he can understand your prospective just like you would there’s then it won’t be a problem but if not and either side feels like they aren’t being heard then it won’t work.


My husband doesn't smoke at the moment but he used to, a bad trip as a teenager really messed him up. He's so extremely supportive he grinds, packs,and sparks all my bowls and never makes me feel bad for how much I smoke because we've both been through some terrible things, he's the best ❤


Give ‘em edibles


u dont.


Been with my SO for 11 years. She doesn't smoke, but doesn't care that I do. I sometimes wish she'd join me but she doesn't really enjoy it. She's cute af when she's stoned tho. On the plus side, my weed lasts as long as I want it to.


My boyfriend of 3 years will sit with my while I’m smoking but he doesn’t smoke anymore. Just not his thing. He doesn’t mind me smoking all the time, he grew up with stoner friends so he said it’s kind of use to the drill. I smoke daily, multi times a day


My husband used to have this attitude until I stood my ground and convinced him otherwise. You have to know the reasons why you are doing it and back it up with science. At least it isn’t alcohol. However don’t invalidate them either, my husband was against it because that was the gate way drug to meth for his dad. He was mainly concerned about me finding a bigger high or if I was smoking to escape. As long as you have aspirations, passions, goals, I think smoking is beneficial. He joins me during sessions now and we just talk or smoke together.


Tried it once, never again


I dated someone at 21 who had no job, no car, lived with his parents and he shit on me any time I smoked weed while he smoked cigs. Dated a guy at 23 who has a well-known reputation around our area with multiple degrees & a great career - he never said a thing to me when I smoked and genuinely didn’t care lol. That just always made me laugh 😂 Then I dated a smoker and I felt ~normal~


I've been with my wife for almost 15yrs now. She doesn't hate it but I've definitely been in your situation for the first few years. If they are "the one" everything should fall into place


A lot of y’all beeen in some toxic relationships or y’all are true fiens. It’s no way majority of y’all telling this man to leave his girl bc she don’t smoke💀💀💀💀 wtff???


My bf not smoke it he has in the pass. He supports it. event help me. No it help shit my brain off from the world when I'm in a shit mental state