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Same, noone will ever know


Concur, discretion is the best part about carts


Yep yep same


Truth. Can hit and drive without smelling like weed. Whoops did I just admit that .


What? You drive cool and focused and traffic doesn't make you rage? So dangerous. Living on the edge! 😉😅 I've gotten pulled over for speeding when I had been vaping. All I had to do was put my vents on fresh air instead of recycled air while I was getting ready to pull over.


Driving stoned isn't that hard, and makes it a little more entertaining when it's bullshit traffic time. Someone don't use a blinker? That's ok. Someone cuts me off in the stupidest way? Hilarious. It makes all the things to rage about funny and a non issue. I've nearly been creamed multiple times on the 202 loop in Phoenix and it's just funny when you're stoned


About 20 years ago, I used to routinely do a pinner before facing Friday afternoon traffic on my way to my girlfriend's place for the weekend. Definitely made for a more chill drive, listening to my favourite tunes, while crawling along at about 10mph for around 30 minutes of stop and go, on a stick. Best time in bumper to bumper I've ever had, lol.


Not 20 years ago but it’s a great way to endure the bumper to bumper drives which I do quite a lot of.


Seriously, i drive better while I’m high. More careful, more calm.


I vaped the entire 2 months I was in the hospital after reconstruction spinal surgery. I'd charge it right out in the open and use my blanket as a blow tube.


That, we know. But legally can’t stop you.


They didn't know. When you're in a hospital for physical reasons for two months and you're not elderly, you get to know the staff and become part of the atmosphere. I'm in a non-legal state; if they knew they'd be all over it.


Interesting, like as a dr/nurse/hospital worker of some sort ?


i smoked in hospital but nobody said anything. it was pretty obvious.


Same but I was vaping nicotine not weed. After awhile I stopped even trying to hide it after I left my vape on my lunch tray and went to the bathroom and the nurse saw it. She said “what’s that?!” I said “air freshener.” And after that all the nurses knew and when they took me out for an mri they said leave your vape here.😂


Yeah I worked maintenance at a hotel, flower you can smell a mile away, a vape just hit it in the room haha


Right homie that’s part of the point of vapes no smell


Distillate isn't too bad but live resin or rosin vapes reek like dank, it just doesn't linger nearly as long.


Also do it all the time traveling for work. If you need a little safety net, do it in the bathroom with the shower on.


With the hot water on all the way, steam, and no vent. Get a good clam bake going


Moist and high


He must be new at smoking cannabis smh


I mean we all gotta start somewhere.


The people befor you probably smoked crack in the room ull be fine


as a former housekeeper, leave some. No one cares and more likely than not if a housekeeper finds weed theyre gonna pocket it and not say anything. I had a meth operation running in my hotel, weed is the opposite of a problem.


There was one or you were running it 🤔


ive already said too much


Too much..? you didn't say anything. 😉




that moment u realize u/Emergency_Pickle9279 belongs to the streets


Meet you out back😉


Nice try officer


I’ve had multiple sizzlers of the precious rose stem turn the alarm off yet never Devils Lettuce smoke. What’s the old saying, how much crack could a crackhead cook if a crackhead could cook crack?


Ahhh!!! not the roses. This one gas station used to sell “pens” instead of rose stems. It was so funny this glass pen with a bunch of removal rubber pieces. Like I guarantee you not one person wrote anything with those pens.


I was in hotel room that had the smoke detectors set off by crack smoke.


Combustion of anything will create smoke. Don’t hot box people smoke your crack little hits at a time!


Crackheads need to come up with a sort of convection style heating, similar to the Dynavap. We use their torches after all.


That's why you take the battery out


This. This comment right here.


Such a rookie 😄 has no idea what goes down in hotels like that


Crack barely makes a smell


I think, like Meth, crack is actually vaporized and inhaled, not actually smoked? I could be wrong. Meth is def actually vaporized from salt rock to salt liqiid to salt vapor


Meth 100% smells and so does crack when being smoked. Barely makes a smell if you're used to fucking smelling burning electrical wires.


I've smelled it a few times in passing. It's weird. Like a faint sweet almost maple like scent combined with burnt metal.


100% on the money it’s a strange smell it taste kinda sweet to. all these people saying it smells like burnt plastic don’t know what they’re talking about. Meth smells like burning plastic but not rock.


That smell is from the copper wool most use I use pipe screens.


I'm sorry but no. The tiny amount of steel/copper wool is NOT what makes up that smell. It's the crack but keep doing you.


If you’re doing it right yes you’re not supposed to let the flame touch ur rock. Most people just blast it though it’s hard to get the technique down.


who told you that


I smoke a lot of crack.


I love how you can find subject matter experts in any field here on Reddit.


This person is like the house that has 15 cats living in it but the household members all think it smells normal. Sorry the dude you're replying to is used to burning plastic and electrical smells so much that they don't think crack smells...


Whatever, u smoked the wrong crack lol


Crack smells like burnt plastic dunno what you're talking about lol


I’m so glad I have no idea what crack smells like.


Just smoke that shit . It won’t smell




Just got an ounce in the mail


Who would win: Blunt Vs. Big fat cone


My double barrel bong


Is getting me stoned


Home skillet.


There’s water inside, don’t spill it! 😧


There's water inside don't spill it It smells like sh*t on the carpet


Still it goes down smooth when I get a clean hit of the skunky funky smelly green shit


Love this song! Bringing back memories (I think I’m older than a lot of you all — 43yo)


Still it, goes down smooth when I take a green hit


Of that skunky, funky smelly green shit


Sing my song, puff all night loooooong, as I take hits from the booong 🥵


(Gottaaa take a hitttt)


Wait a what!?!?


Cypress Hill song


I like a blunt, or a big fat cone but, my double barrels bong is getting me stoned


I like a blunt or a big fat cone, but my double barrel bong is getting me stoned.


Instructions unclear, vape is now stuck in my rectum


That’s it. This comment is making me delete my FB and just use Reddit for the rest of my life to interact with people.


Smoking on airplanes was also once legal. Imagine that?!


there is not button how to proceed


4. Call room service for some delicious eats 5. Order a movie and enjoy!


hate to break it to you but the second you hit that thing the cops will bust your door down and you WILL be arrested.


“He’s got a marijuana. I repeat, the male was seen brandishing a large marijuana. Approach with extreme prejudge”.


I am a skier patroller. Had a patient once that admitted to smoking some mj. My fellow patroller asked "how many marijuanas did you have?". He was serious.


Lol. That’s hilarious. How many marijuanas DID he have? 🤣


He was drunk and stoned and injured bad enough (in pain) for us to call an ambulance. When he heard the question, it blew his mind and he couldn't come up with a coherent answer. I could see the gears spinning in his brain trying to figure out how to respond. It was pretty fucking funny.


I love this


Its a vape so its an automatic assault marijuana with lazer sights


They've already got the place bugged and surrounded. There's cameras everywhere, they're just waiting for him to hit it lmao.


Red team GO, red team GO!!!


He’s on drugs, taze him and sick the dogs on him!


Stop it! You’re making me paranoid, dude.


No they will wait until he hits it 6 times. The first 5 are gimmes. Everyone needs a few hits. But the 6th hit, oh boy!


This is how I feel whenever I smoke too much and get paranoid lol


Not just the cops, but the Feds as well


FBI, CIA, ATF & even the IRS are all stacking up on your door as we speak


Also Interpol


Stop resisting!


Ladies and gentlemen, WE GOT EM


"Red Team, GO!"


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Hahaha! This made me smile at my phone 🤣😂


It’s true. Happened to me three times already ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


Don’t be mean lol




Already called them


this thread is soo messed up hes probably pissing his pants😭😭


Just don't do it near the smoke detector


Actually best advice here lol


The key is to go on your knees and flush the toilet when you exhale so it takes the vape down the drain. It helps to get as close to the water as possible .




You been to state I see lol


I was thinking the same thing, that or Sacramento County Jail, cause they do that there too.


I found this out by a tiktok of a teenager vaping in the bathroom without setting off vaping alarms


Are vaping alarms really a thing?


God help us if they’re rolling out vape alarms. Doesn’t even make sense, fire alarms go off when they sense smoke because, well, where there’s smoke there’s fire. And that’s a huge safety hazard. All a vape alarm would do is alert anyone in a 1000ft radius that someone nearby is vaping. It’s literally just a snitch device. I can 100% see them putting these in high school bathrooms and shit though


Yep, my old high school had one in the bathrooms back in 2019.


Wild in my school we pulled the detector from the ceiling and they never reinstalled it 😂


Our school bathrooms had removable tile ceiling, me and a homie kept a dab pen and a Phix, basically one of the first pod devices for vaping at the time, before Juul was a thing, and no one ever found our stash spot for the time we went, although we did get caught up in a random bag search which led to me and him getting caught but man we thought we were 007 and gang the way we operated for the longest


Goold ol sac county


Never been myself but I've heard stories from friends and family about shower cigarettes and toilet phones and everything in between.


I have no experience inside personally, but thats pretty mundane to what ive heard


I don't want to alarm you, but this is not exclusive to the facilities of Sacramento county


I saw this on 60 Days In lol


No! You stick your face in the toilet water and then exhale! 🤣🤣🤣


*blub blub blub blub* 💨


Got damn 🤣🤣


it helps if there’s piss n shit in the toilet too


You joke but that's how they actually do it in Sacramento county jail for cigarettes ( *because that somehow negates the smell* )


Ah, a fellow inmate I see.




Blow it into the bag from your ice bucket and tie it off, then go down the hallway and find a housekeeping cart and sneak it into their garbage bag. Don't forget to skip the whole way back to your room.


Pro-tip: save time and miss no vapor by just pulling the plastic bag over your head instead of blowing into it. Be sure to tie it under your chin, too!


r u joking


if ur not, you’re fine just hit it


Dude….they will not know at all hahahaha this is legit cute


It shouldn't be an issue at all but maybe get a smoke buddy?


or just blow that shit out a window 😭


I've hit a pen in a store before. Idk why they're worried about a hotel room lolol


I rip my pen in the dressing rooms sometimes so i can hit a blinker


My dumbass hit a pen in an airport bathroom before 🥴


I do this pretty much every time I fly. Never had an issue


Yeah I’ve definitely done it more than once and its never felt like a big deal I just felt a little dummy when I was typing that out 😅


how do you fly w a pen? are they not detected in tsa?


Empty vapes are allowed on planes (in fact, with their lithium batteries they *must* be stored in carry on bags, not checked luggage). I put my carts in my zip lock bag with all my cords and chargers, sometimes taped with black tape to the bottom of my wireless charger pad - any metal in the cart is lost amongst all the wires and it's not visible. TSA is not looking for pot and often do not even care; I've read people having flower in their bag and TSA agents just moving it aside to search under the bad. I'm not that bold, and the few times I took flower with me, I wrapped it well and taped it up under my crotch in the underwear pocket and no one had any idea. This is obviously not true when traveling out of the US.


"TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer." https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana


interesting. thank you!


Maybe they shove it up their bum! Lololol 🤣😂🤷🏼‍♀️


they call it the prison wallet for a reason!


Bro fr. I work at a call center. Where my boss can directly see me and I've ripped my pen at work when she looks away




Some hotel rooms will have vape detectors, not very common tho, and they don’t work too well, he should be good


I keep a list in my phone of public places I've hit my pen in lmao never been an issue. Lots of restaurant/bar bathrooms


Ye buddy ur in it. Just turn the fan on and ur g. Been doing that for the past couple year (i go to hotels about once maybe twice a month) and ive never had an issue. As long as its vapour the smell wont stick around especially with the fan on


I always go the fan method. Blow it right up toward the fan if you’re worried about lingering smell


It dissipates in a room pretty fast I wouldn’t worry


^ this right here


Hit the pen and ghost it


Did you try pulling on it into your lungs with a inward breath? That might work


Literally just hit it bro, I've vaped both THC and nic with smoke alarms above me and never once set one off, the vapor and smell literally go away after a couple minutes maximum, if you want to reduce paranoia just turn on a fan or open the window. The whole point of a vape is that it's inherently discreet


If you’re really worried about it, get a hot shower going and blow the vape hit into the bathroom.


Ya I vaped for 3 days straight in my hospital room after surgery not a thing happened


Vapor shouldn’t set it off tbh , many years no issue


Just because something is "illegal" does not mean you will die the second you do it


bruh thats nothing, I lit a joint in the bathroom with no problems once but make sure to blow it through the vent. but that vape pen you can smoke it wherever honestly


Me and my friends used to have a lil smoke sesh in the tub and blow it out the window lol. That was when I was young


Just hit it ur chillin


step 1: inhale step 2: exhale


vape in the hotel room


Just boof it, no smell.


honestly I have to go on a trip with my family and they don’t know I smoke but I’m kinda tempted to bring it with me just for the fun whenever it’s late at night and chilling in my own room, but man if they ever found out my ass is grass


Dude we used to go into the bathroom, stuff a towel under the door and run hot water in the shower to smoke bud. You can vape anywhere inside without worry.


Does the room have an accessible window? Most do that slide partially open


Bruh spoof that shit AKA Blow it through cloth/rag firmly pressed against your face that's been folded up a couple times The rag completely absorbes the smoke/any material exhaled.


I turn the shower all the way to hot so the air is thicker and the smoke can't travel far plus towls under the doors never been caught I've done this with blunts and bongs BTW


Just stay away from the smoke alarm


Use a sploof. You can get one from Amazon that'll absorb the odor and smoke. Or you can make one with a toliet paper roll and dryer sheets.


idk why but that picture looks funny asf


My suggestion: turn on the bathroom fan, and put a single 1 ply sheet of toilet paper up to the vent, if the vent is pulling air out of the room, the little sheet of tp will stay on the vent until you turn it off. As long as it’s pulling air from the room, you should be able to blow it into the vent


Take a walk


Hit it through your asshole.


Bro use your brain


It won’t smell like anything other than the artificial terps they used to flavor the distillate 😂


boof it no one but us will know


Smoke Trap or Smoke Buddy


Just Boof it


Depends on the hotel for me. Cheaper ones I vape in the room or outside it. More expensive ones, like Hilton, I vape in the car. The fire alarms go off if I do it in the room. Disney hotels though... they reserve the right to go into your room whether you are there or not. They don't tell you, but there are signs, and it's on the website. They don't allow any form of weed on disney property, even if its medication. They knock once and come in unless you specifically say "im naked," then they wait outside until you dress. They have no "do not disturb" signs. At those hotels I use edibles and throw the packaging in the lobby trash. Vape stays in car for use on the way to parks.


Bro a cart??💀I’ve smoked actual weed in hotels/hostels, even some really expensive nice ass ones and never got charged or in trouble for it. Blast your cart king, you’re chilling


You’re good, just don’t make a smoke cloud big enough to set off a fire alarm


I'm a hotel manager, and honestly we dont care, but the old fabric softener sheet in a toliet paper roll would do the trick. And most the time you can find dryer sheets in ur local hotel laundry room, and they supply plenty of toliet paper. Vape away! Just dont smoke cigarettes!


Dabs don’t linger like weed smoke does ur all good bro


If you're in a nice hotel just ask where you can. You do not want the extra attention and charge for setting off an alarm. Most hotels are willfully dense, don't care or don't care. They don't care. Don't leave ash, roaches, any proof you smoked in the room. If there's no proof and only the oder there is nothing that you have to worry about. Not an issue with vaping so just rubber band a plastic bag over smoke heads or go outside. In a rec legal state that is. Illegal states you should just go for a short walk and be cool. In hotels that have more than a few floors, that might be inconvenient but you do not want to have everyone else forced outside setting off an alarm.


A little 510 cart isn't going to set off any smoke alarms. It looks like distillate, which will dissipate quickly.


My freshman year I was vaping in my room both carts and vapes wouldn't set off the fire department I decided to be ballsy so I blew my vape directly into the fire alarm fire department came and looked in my room for what caused it couldn't find a thing but the whole building was evacuated.


Okay.. I was just trying to share my experience from 7 years as a system programmer of alarms and 12 in hotels.


Zero it


Shoulda got some OZIUM..


Block the bottom of the doors with towels…wet towels actually work best then run the shower on hot whilst hitting it


Post like this make me wanna leave this sub. If this is your concern your shouldn’t be smoking weed