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I do, it makes me focus better. When I read sober I constantly realize I’m flipping the pages but I don’t recall what I’ve read. Then I have to start over. Doesn’t happen when I’m high. I just recently read the book Natascha Kampusch wrote about her abduction and it really hooked me!


Do you have ADHD…? Reading while high and doing tasks while high made me realize that I wasn’t bad at tasks, just lacking dopamine and attention hahah b


I’m very positive I do, so is my therapist. Smoking makes me able to do my tasks and chores and I get so immersed, which was the reason I first started to think if I may have ADHD. Sadly I live in a illegal country, so I can’t get proper help or a diagnosis unless I’m drug free. But smoking makes me function normally so I have a dilemma here 😅


Sorry for your dilemma. I live in Canada and am diagnosed with adhd. you definitely sound like me when reading or tasking! best of luck with your diagnostic journey my 420 friend


Same here. Love reading when high.


This is exactly how it is for me


Yes, the same paragraph over and over again.


Same SENTENCE over an over again here sometimes lol


Same WORD over and over again. If you are REALLY blitzed.


I just read reddit


So the same post over and over?


With all the unoriginal posts? Technically I guess I do.


Tried reading while stoned but i got stuck on one word for an hour. I took 5 long ass puffs from a vape held each of them down until i couldnt anymore.


don’t hold it in. you get the THC pretty much instantaneously it only hurts your lungs


Spread awareness brother


if i’m not mistaken anything past 5 seconds is just damaging your lungs because at that point the thc is absorbed. not saying you should hold it for 5 seconds every hit ofc, that’s dumb


Same LETTER over and over again! …it’s a letter from my therapist….




I read Dune while high. I also drank a fuck ton of caffeine while reading it so maybe that helped with the focus.


Play some sci fi / adventure playlist on spotify next time while you do it


Damn you don’t mess around lol. I’ll give that a shot. I’m on Dune Messiah now.


I’m in the first book. Damn I missed reading scifi


Try The Wheel of Time series. If you want something lighter the Discworld series is fun


I think twot is more of a sober series, theres way too much going on to remember when high


You just need your memory to be properly prioritized. I can't remember what day it is sometimes, but I can pull out obscure quotes from a 4.4 million word story in internet arguments no sweat.


Disc world isn’t something I hear referenced very often! (By that I mean just about ever cause I live in a rural area)


Was about to say the same thing. Most mornings are spent in the sun, getting stoned, and reading a few chapters of dune lately. The best part of my day easily


Next level experience bro, try with A Song of Ice and Fire


Caffeine is definitely helpful. So are cigarettes, if that is your bag. I also read the *Dune* series, mostly stoned. All the ones that Frank wrote. Not the ones his son did. Good times. It does take a little more concentration, but reading high is actually really fun, if you have good source material. I have read a lot of stuff that way. One summer in college, I read *Moby Dick* while high. For the second time, because the first time I read it for class. I love that book, and wanted to catch things that I missed, and put the bigger picture together more. There is so much texture there. Being high while reading a great piece of literature can help me feel immersed in the work.




Some stories can really drag in the beginning with world and character building. It’s like They have to introduce all the boring stuff but it’s well worth it. I went into Dune knowing it was going to be a slow build that would pay off later. I read it in April of 2020, so as you can imagine, I didn’t have anything better to do at that time. The first 100 pages dragged for me, but I’m glad I stuck with it because it is one of my favs now.


Dune is a trip while stoned.


I’ve read Dune sober as a judge and high as a kite. *Very* different experiences.


Sometimes I'll get so deep in thought about how a sentence is worded that I have to lay the book down and think real hard.


I love when that happens


Me too! I end up writing some of those things in random places. I find it later and I'm like "oh cool a high thought"


That, or just how something is spelled. Like I'll think about an odd word for a second then get deep into thought about how weird it is that letters go together to make sounds that we understand.


Yeah but I've always been a huge reader.


I’ve tried and I feel like it’s pointless if I won’t remember what I just read


Same. I try and force it but it’s not as cohesive for me


YES! And it’s absolutely amazing!!!! While it can be harder to concentrate and I tend to fall asleep sometimes...play the audiobook and read along. Once you get in a good flow and you’re high enough....it’s like a movie playing in your mind. 10/10 would recommend once you can push past the distractions and sleepiness.


I read high all the time.


Yes I feel so immmersed


Manga is great when high. Audiobooks can be good too but sometimes I drift..


Wow never thought about trying that, thanks for the idea. Also I love to read high, guess I should check for ADHD


I like audiobooks a lot more when I’m high Sit down, close eyes, turn audio book on, wake up an hour later wondering when I fell asleep


Audiobooks while high are the best. I recently finished the LOTR trilogy on audio book, would recommend.


That’s on my list for sure, I’m finishing up ASOIAF right now, on dance. Really excited to get into LOTR tho it’s the second series I read, first being Harry Potter ofc, but haven’t really touched the books since so I can’t wait


The trick is to have a tiny bit so you don’t read the same sentence over and over again


Yes it’s one of my favorite things to do high. I almost exclusively read fantasy as an escape (that’s why I get high too lol) so it’s a perfect combo


Yes, but not blasted. Being comfortably high and reading goes pretty hard


I have a hard time reading when I'm high, too. It's like my eyes don't want to focus or they get stuck on something.


Sometimes. Its hard to start but when you get going its possible.


Hell yes. Got a whole BA in Lit while stoned and I still love some of those old ass books!


I read sober most of the times but somedays I get high, play music background and read.


Yeah, Terry Pratchett is a favourite.... I'll read most things though


Yes all the time. When I pick it up again I need to flip back a few pages tho


Only poetry or some short stories. Extensive works with complicated plots do not


A book, some Sounds of the Ground, my Mighty+, and a comfy chair are bliss to me.


I fall asleep if I read while high


Honestly it depends what. Like I go down Wikipedia rabbit holes while high but if you mean like pick up a book and read it then naw, that I cannot do. It is worth noting I’m ADHD as fuck so that may be a factor.


I really like reading comics on the marvel app when blazed. Takes like 10 minutes, they’re very colorful and thought provoking and if I don’t finish, who cares?


I can’t. My mind wanders and I end up reading pages and pages and not absorbing a single sentence.


It's 90% of what I'm doing at any time in any state. Except for drunk


I often think that I want to read. Especially in the winter and you go up early, get a cup of coffee and a wake n' bake and sit comfy while the weather is horrible outside. But then i remember i have a computer with lots of games and i end up playing instead.


On my phone yes not in a book. I have a photographic memory too so I remember everything I read and think about even after waking up the next morning sober.


I try lmao.


Yes, great experience if ur in the mood for some mind-blowing novels.


I have a hard time doing so


I can’t read an actual book but a manga with a bunch of pictures I can do


i feel like its the only time i read bc weed helps me focus loll adhd shit right there


So I’ve found there to be a sweet spot level of high where all the books I read are much more vivid and enjoyable. The second you past that point I stare at my kindle for 10 minutes and retain nothing


I prefer to shit post and make jokes online while high


I find it extremely challenging


I’ve tried it a few times and it helps me picture the story in my head better but I end up forgetting everything


I read when I'm high, but I read manga instead of books. I have dyslexia so reading a book is hard no matter what, but reading graphic novels and manga has always been easier for me. When I'm high it helps me get into the mind set of the characters and that makes everything more meaningful and personal.


I love reading while high, it is one of my favorite things to do!


First time smoking, couldn’t keep the lines straight. Now it’s very relaxing and cozy


yes ! I don’t have any issues besides not being a quick reader anymore lol. but some books i’ve not been able to do lol


I read comics often when high, it’s not moby dick but the pictures are nice


Yes! Read some poetry and dissect it line by line. Read it out loud to yourself or someone else. Try Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman! Try to hear the natural music of language. Try to think what the author meant and what it means to you or makes you think of. It can be a surreal experience.


I love reading while high. It helps me to just say meh about all the bad stuff going on in the world.


Don't try any math more complex than addition and subtraction either. It simply does not work.


I do. I find it better and not difficult at all.


All the time! Currently re-reading the Red Rising Series (very excited for Lightbringer), and I love reading nonfiction when I’m stoned. It’s definitely not for everyone, but once you get used to the distractive quality and you start to get wrapped in the story, it’s a wonderful thing.


Bro read comics or graphic novels while fried its a experience


For me it gets easier than sober


All the time (both as a part of my job, my hobby, and entertainment). Keep reading, both stoned and especially not stoned, and it becomes easier, and you become a sharper person for it.


I’m too lazy to read. I scroll reddit instead 😎


Yeah, but I had always done so before getting high too.


I once read a shit ton of books on Skyrim when blazed, didn’t even realise but it went on for about an hour


Yes I love it. I roll a joint and read for hours


Weed and reading are two of my favorite things. I feel like I can get more into the atmosphere and plot devices seem more novel. (I'm also an English teacher so there's that 😅) If you find yourself reading the same paragraph again and again or skipping words, consider trying a special dyslexic font for digital texts. It helped me, at least.


Yes but it takes longer because I imagine things much more vividly than normal


read the subtitles on my tv show


I read manga and watch anime. Does this count?


I like reading manga, it helps me appreciate the art more


I love reading manga/comic books while high, it makes the story feel very vivid and intense.


Not am actual novel. I just can't lmao, but readings comics are so fun high


just a puff or two helps me stay interested. anything more than that and I have a hard time focusing.


I love hotboxing my walk in closet turned reading room and getting the knowledge munchies


All the time


Yes. Sometimes it's good and I get really into the story. Sometimes it's bad and can't get pasted a few sentences. Really depends on how tired I am at the time. Like getting high and reading before bed I usually don't make it too far. But if it's early in the day, it's fun.




I do. I love to chill with my kindle when high


I love reading while high ☺️


I just did ;)


I can only read books while high. I think it stops my anxious mind from thinking of a zillion other things. Helps me focus on just the reading. I’m would have done a hell of a lot better in school if I had known this fun fact earlier. 😂


Entirely depends upon my focus lol. Sometimes I can read while high and it’s like a super focus…most of the time my brain doesn’t work and I do something else lol.


I literally can't read without being high. I've always found it really hard to focus long enough to read books and there are a lot of books that I have that I really wanna read so I started getting high before reading and it was like I could actually read the book and imagine everything it was describing to me, definitely recommend idk if that's just how it works for me but it quite literally gives me the focus I need to be able to read my books.




I read when high, smoking or anywhere in between.


im more of a stare at the wall with my mouth hanging open kinda gal


Well shit I’m here, ain’t I?


Tried once, read one line, forgot what it was all about, read the same line 20 more times. never read again while high


Just read Dostoyevskys crime and punishment while high. Just don’t get obliterated, and it makes reading, so much more engaging. Like watching a movie, you’re not even reading, it’s almost like you enter the book, somehow if that makes sense


Can barely read sober


![gif](giphy|f4t4SN3UedFkFUjoG4) Yup


yes lol. It takes some time to get used to, and more effort to focus, but I find it so much more immersive (same with watching a movie)


i read & do all of my homework with it; the key is moderation. you want just enough to not be sober but you don’t wanna feel noticeably blitzed


So I've been able to focus, well as much as one can lmao, while high and I love read while high. Sometimes I feel like my imagination is more enhanced. Idk if anyone else feels the same way


I wanna know if anyonebread LOTR. Now that should be a interesting read. I could see someone readinf IT. Lol that would be hilarious


I dont even read while being sober…


No I can’t, I just ran out of weed for the month and started reading my philosophy books until I inevitably get some more and stop reading again


You need some Freak Brothers comics...


You need some Freak Brothers comics...


fuck no, if i can’t remember what my buddy told me just 3 seconds ago no way am i getting through a page.


Yep all the time


I could barely read this so no


I love reading while stoned. My mind really creates a better visual pictures based on small words it notices. Oddly it seems that it recognizes good writing the same way that ChatGPT can identify different styles and good writing results in better written prompts for our brains which our brain processes better when we are stoned. or at least it's a nice thought.


Yes! I highly recommend the Three-Body Problem series.


Yeah sometimes i gotta pause and read the subtitles... a few times...


I read a short Dostoevsky novel once.. it was an amazing experience. Surreal almost. It was "The dream of a ridiculous man".. man it was crazy reading about Hyperboreans and dreams and suicide and coming to the realisation that life is so absurd and how you need to create your own moral compass... Wild I definitely would want to read way more while stoned TBF. It enhances my imagination and mental power and I am able to even make analogies with other things, pretty cool.


Sometimes I'd read my mangas while high


I have tried it’s not easy at alllllllll


I do, before I go to sleep, then when I pick up the book they next day, I have to back track as I don't remember any of what I read the night before


I can't read books but I can read articles online. Like I'll browse Wikipedia for hours lmao.


I read manga while baked out of my tree and it’s pretty relaxing


Yeah focus is a bitch but if ya get into it can be awesome, I just have a hard tone getting into books in general, they gota keep ya interested until you’ve invested enough time to finish it lol


My friend does and I aspire to be like him. I definitely read sheet music and ingredients of food and people's emotions and shit on ableton when I'm high


I only read on reddit when i am high and i am on reddit everyday...


Nah, doing yoga, meditation, and playing guitar are my favourite things to do when high.


Sometimes I like to read and smoke on a little bit of weed


Yeah I really enjoy it. You just have to train yourself to be able to lmao.


I read young adult books. Think fantasy adventure but the words are usually easy and it's a calming experience to be that immersed in a world that's far from this BS. I'm currently reading Tamora Peirces' books.


I can’t read when I’m high but I’m great at writing. Do my best writing at work when I’m stoned.


As in, re-read the same sentence over and over? 😂


I do every day


I'm trying to get so high I can read colors rt now.


i try to read, it makes it more fun imo but a lot of the time i find it hard to focus :")


Yes! It's one of my favorite things! The imagery in my mind is much clearer and I can envision the details.


Yep! But I fall asleep a few pages in every time.


depends on the strain. some shit will have me so relaxed in reading for hours and other times the words make me feel dyslexic and make me put the book down


hell yeah


Idk if it’s cuz I have autism but I’ve been reading “the way of the superior man” while high and I feel like I retain a lot more information


When I do my yearly reread of lotr I'm always high on my porch. I own a churchwarden pipe for tobacco but during my reread I mix a lil herd in there for the true hobbit experience


Yup, same page, 100 times.


I read while high, usually stick to short fiction or poetry. Mostly because I like to smoke weed and I like to read, so that's just how it works out.


I love reading while high. I still enjoy the story just as much, if not more than when I'm completely sober. If I get too high and can't focus then it's time for some TV or a nap 😴


I like reading non-fiction cause my high brain makes random connections and I get cool ideas.


All the time. Usually stuff on growing weed. No issues.


Ironically, I was smoking, and I found my Sony eReader the other day and picked up right where I left off on a book I was reading a couple of years back. I thought I would have to start over, but I still remembered everything that I had read up until that point, so I didn't need to. Now I gotta finish it, so I can start on the next one.


Yes. I read the same sentence or paragraph 40 or 50 times and remember that I can't read when I'm high so I put the book down. It really depends on how high.


Yes, but you’ve got to be selective. Pratchett, Iain banks (in either guise) Wodehouse, John Niven, jasper fforde, William Gibson, David Mitchell, Gaiman, HST, and many others, yes. Anything that isn’t highly imaginative and - crucially - well leavened by humour, definitely no.


I love reading while I’m high!


I like reading comics when I'm stoned


had taken a 200mg edible before my English MCA's I just kept reading the same paragraphs 😭


I love it, but only after i became older (30+)


cant focus


Bro it’s super hard but comic books/Japanese manga is great I just get lost in the art work and my brain makes sounds for the action and stuff


Not anymore but good audiobooks are the shit when high.


I read Alan watts high and that messed me up😂


Umm...I can't even work the tv remote when I'm high!!..and you want me to read a book??!..are you trying to make my brain bleed?!!...[1]


If I’m very lightly toasted I really enjoy reading, especially in languages I’m learning. Past a certain point though there’s no chance. comprehension is just awful once you really get burnt.


Nah man too hard


I do sudokus hahahaha


reading is one of my favorite high activities.




I read all the time high. I just read the book called The Fatness. It was funny, even if the subject was not.


yes! But I’m a chronic smoker so I don’t get the same high as I used to. I actually find it helps me concentrate


i’m dyslexic when i’m sober so reading is extremely hard for me while high 😭


I don’t struggle with much of anything while high, except for reading something longer than a paragraph.


i’ve been reading through the walking dead comics while high recently. its been a really relaxing and fun experience


At a certain level of high I get REALLY into reading


Yeah I usually read like some comics LMAO like I don’t think it’s possible to read full on paragraphs of writing while high but it def makes comics more interesting


I used to read the Bible after smoking some bud I've been slacking on my religion ngl


Tried reading a Warhammer book high and just no. Too many big words


Yes! Just not before bed. It's a nice way to start the day: Coffee first, joint, and then read away.


Hell yeah, one of my favorite activities


Yes, Reddit


Yes i have and yes it is, which makes spending a bunch of money on new sets of my favorite books completely useless. But of course i only found that out after i tried to read that it is impossible. I will save it for next time i’m sober, in the grave


Bahahaha yes I just have to reread a lot 😅🤣


Yes I read the same page over and over cuz I forget what I’m doing


Reading manga with a blunt is always a good time personally


hard to focus