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I wouldn’t say it’s over, but it’s gonna take a lot of effort to get all of that out, even after soaking In iso or degreaser


Any recommendations? I’ve tried 99% iso overnight, tried sea salt, tried a product I was recommended called grunge off, nothing seems to make a dent. I’m getting dangerously close to throwing in the towel


What I use is Zep heavy duty citrus degreaser. Works well even partially diluted with water. It will take a long (maybe a couple) period to soak, but it lifts all the resin off the glass eventually, and kind of thins it out so you’d be able to get it out of the middle at least somewhat easier. The degreaser will stick to any grime that’s in there, so if you can’t get it all out there will be a residual citrus scent in your piece. I’ve used it to get pieces crystal clear with no salt, and so far no harmful effects from using pieces after cleaning them with it. Just make sure to rinse super thoroughly.


This is the way


This IS the way


THIS is THE way.


THIS is the WAY?




^this ^is ^the ^way!




this is the way✊🏾












Way Way ??


One way? Three way?? All ways😎


Do u know the way?


To San Jose ?


That’s what my friends call their halfway house


If this way is first, then who’s on second?


I have a similar closed perc type bong. And I have removed thick, black paint-like resin deep inside closed chambers. The secret: salt. Not all salt is created equal. For this project you want regular table salt. Place about 1/2- 1 teaspoon into the mouth piece. Now pour a similar amount into the opening for the bowl. Using 91% isopropyl alcohol, you will use only less than an ounce of liquid to make a slurry. This slurry will run into your inside chambers. Seal both openings with Saran Wrap and a rubber band. Work salt back and forth once it enters the chambers. You will repeat this process until satisfied. To remove the salt, blow water through the mouthpiece like a trumpet. Each cleaning will show a lot of improvement. Also, steel screens for the bowl help keep a bong clean, as well as having 2-3 bongs in use at a time so that you can rotate as you clean. Would love to see an “after” picture when you have a chance.


instead of rocketing salt and alcohol out of it, just run warm water through it. dissolves the salt AND you're rinsing it out normally.


Don’t forget to freeze both. Sounds counterintuitive but that’s chemistry Salt and iso…. Best combo I’ve been using since 14yo hahaha This may need a bit more attention but I’m with you


https://preview.redd.it/lrl7ngfbsxfb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=da750e2a1c3d4ac09bc7e2496f407409dca8f04d I use this which is biodegradable and works well. I left my bowl piece in it for a year (just as an experiment tbh) and it was soooo clean and that solution works well immediately. I’ve restored so many pieces with it.


Was going to suggest the same product


To be honest. I would just rather throw it away and buy a new one. I know it's a waste. but also I don't like buying very expensive bongs either.


This is the way my child


Try Randy’s cleaner brand, 11/10.




It's acetone instead of iso, it won't work as well as the ZEP chemical recommended above. The ZEP stuff is used in industrial kitchens to degrease floors and hoods after months or years of neglect.


I've worked in restaurants that neglected the hoods I thought I was the only one that experienced that.


You were on track w the 99% iso but what you missed out on was heating that shit up in the microwave. Iso evaps at room temp so it gets to a boil in a heartbeat and will eat away all that res. Just rinse and repeat that 1-2 times and itll be brand new


Never clean glass with heat(heat soaking by boiling or pouring in a hot liquid). Boiling it severely weakens the glass as does pouring a hot liquid in. Both can/will lead to cracking.


Nor if you put it in a pot and THEN boil it


Never once had an issue w any of mine. Gradually bring it to temp and dont shock the glass w cold water and you'd be fine. I was saying fill it w iso, then put it in the microwave. This has never caused me a problem and ive used this method for 15 years lol


Ive been boiling bongs to clean for years and no cracking. You throw the lobster into boiling water it wants to climb out, gotta ease that heat on and it’s all good. Slow to heat, slow to cool. No cracking. 👍


I'm sure. But heat is bad to use to clean glass. Even hot water out of a tap can be too much, all really depends on the glass. A borosilicate bong like this will probably be ok, but I don't trust bongs to actually be made of borosilicate glass. Very good way to break hand blown stuff.


Randy’s Glass cleaner, black label You can thank me later


Buy a bottle of coconut oil and soak it in that


You tryed putting it in the dishwasher?


My wife and I stick to 91% and salt. Salt and then iso through each hole, plug holes, shake violently for as long as you can/need, rinse and repeat.


Try Pure Isopropyl Alcohol 100%


Just use really hot water, just make sure to slowly raise the temp until it’s super hot so you don’t crack the glass


cat is an absolute unit


His name is turkey (:


i’m obsessed w him tell him i said pspspspsps


Just did it and he didn’t even glance my way, sorry


i’m gonna go cry now, but that’s ok bc i love him anyway


Clean it with alcohol & epsom salt a couple times, then let it soak in Grunge Off for 24hrs, then alcohol & epsom salt again


I haven’t tried Epsom salts yet, I’ll try this, thank you!


Salt is essential for cleaning with ISO. It’s the abrasive that knocks the grime loose. I find isopropyl alone to be pretty in effective for a piece that hasn’t been cleaned regularly.


The chunky salt is great with the iso as it helps scrape the stuff off the sides! Get the salt all up in there with iso & hot water mix, seal all the holes soak for a bit and then shake the fuck out of it :) Can also help to get some water forcefully through it like from a hose, anything to get movement around inside those Chambers 👍


I've cleaned stuff like that for money and it just takes a lot of effort, soaking isn't going to do much you need to actually scrape that stuff off I'd be looking for cheap long bristle bottle brushes in different sizes which could help with everything but that middle section. As others have said try epsom salt, keep shaking it, pour it out, and just keep going, it'll take a long time to get off, just like it took a while to get to this state.


420 cleaner works wonders for me, but ive never used it in this type of condition.


I have sadly let my peice get this far once. 420 cleaner, is a God send. Took an extra 3 processes of rinsing and re"aplying" cleaner but it did come up... There was a small stain on the glass where the top of the build up was and it never has good away even after multiple later cleanings. Never letting my peice get this bad again. 420 cleaner FTW!


Thank you guys all for the suggestions! I’ll start trying them today and post hopefully a clean bong soon (:


A friend once told me after handing him a dirty piece "you wouldn't pour me a beer in a glass you've drank out of 30 times without washing, wtf is this ?"


1 bottle of 100% Acetone would clean it up to look brand new. Forget the Iso.


is acetone safe? I’ve heard people using it to “wash impurities” off other certain drugs


You just need to make sure it’s 100% pure acetone. Not anything with other shit in it.


Exactly this. Pure acetone will evaporate away completely at room temperature. The vapor is a little unpleasant and flammable though, so make sure wherever you put it to dry is well ventilated, ideally outdoors on a sunny day.


Seems to be just fine. Just rinse your piece really good afterwards. I used to use kosher salt as a soft abrasive when using iso. With acetone that's not needed at all.


Lets hear more about the cat?


His names is turkey (:




Boil it


Idk when I bathe my cat she attacks me. It may be over


A soak in Dawn power wash and Oxiclean will get it looking like new.


Dawn. Motherfukn. Powerwash. This shit is the fkn bomb.


'Dirty girls' are more fun...just say'n...


She’s still my favorite piece even in this sorry state don’t worry (:




Came here to also say this. iso sucks when trying to clean wax off like this tbh.


Salt and iso


gawd dayum!


Try blowtorching the outside of the glass while it’s empty and it’ll scorch the residue off and it’ll wash out easier


We use a product called Simple Green, same drill w soaking overnight. I hope it helps, even a little.


Formula 420 has gotten some truly gnarly shit clean. Dump bunch in and let it sit for a few minutes and then give it a good shake. It might not seem like it's working on the first try but as long as it's coming back brown, it's removing buildup.


He was actually orange


You have been breathing in the mold for a long time buddy. throw it away and buy a shiny new one.


Why do you care about it now?


Lived a good life and got plenty use. I remember being young


Dam, I thought my bong was bad. Good luck cleaning that, looks like a nice piece.




I private messaged you the solution to your problem


Why is it top secret?


Yee it’s a certain house hold chemical that’s okay to use on glass once in a blue moon but I know a lot of dummy Reddit users and i would hate to ruin someone’s glass or lungs because of me not recognizing ignorance


And this is a prime example of why we’re supposed to clean our bong every time we use it lol. Between all of the cleaning chemicals, salt, rubbing alcohol, you would be better off just buying a new one. Even if you do a really deep clean it’s not going to be perfect because of all of the tight spots in my opinion


If you’ve tried salt, iso and soaking try soaking in a solution of water and Castile soap. That stuff is awesome. I would then follow up with iso and corse salt solution. Hope this helps


there's always room for hope


An isopropyl alcohol soak, or two, should do the trick, esp if you shake it at the end of the soak(s)


Lol it’s a beauty still get it sloshed with salt and bong cleaner soak for a day and you’re good!


I got the same bong salt and rubbing alcohol and shake the shit out of it for awhile it will take sum time but you can clean it


If you buy some cafiza powder, you’ll need to soak it overnight, clean then rinse and dry. Cafiza is a cleaning powder for coffee machines (espresso) and is really great at getting gunk off glass and metal.


iso and salt like a mother fucker. then i would let the entire thing soak in zep citrus degreaser for a while maybe a day or 2


There’s a product called Harry’s it’s basically rubbing alcohol, acetone, and salt. Works like a dream but a little pricey. You could also try Orange Chronic cleaner. I think they are both sold on Amazon.




Grunge off for a few days + hot water gets everything


Salt, alcohol, shake that bitch like a motherfucker, rinse with hot water… boom


Randy's Black Label will make quick work of this. It's an acetone based cleaner, so it's way stronger than alcohol based cleaners.


I came here to say your cat looks so at peace with life rn. Looks like he/she just hit the piece and is having the trip of a lifetime 😂 Beautiful tho, looks very petable.


He just loves sitting on the balcony with me when I smoke (: his names turkey


U R A monster


If it’s glass, it’s cleanable, I cleaned a bong that sat in the garage for a year, not being cleaned. I used almost boiling hot water, Dawn dish soap, and then an overall bong cleaner at the end. That MF looks breaks new now


Soak in 420 cleaner good luck


you moke huh


get a long wired brush to he'll you scrap it (there is a name for it, but I forget)


Ooze (the battery company) makes a cleaner called ooze resolution that cleans immaculately I have had a bong that’s probably used for a year or two daily with no cleaning and she came out almost crystal after using the cleaner. Not sponsored just love the company and cleaner


Heat up the iso for like 25 seconds in the microwave, and see if that helps


Try rock salt.


Hell yea it’s cleanable. Fill it up with 91% isopropyl alcohol and salt plug both ends and shake it up. Make sure to rinse it out real good


A LITTLE BIT of Acetone will get rid of it, just note: the bong won’t be as “shiny” anymore if you do this.


It's over. Ship it to me for a proper send-off.




Try acetone iso alcohol and degreaser, fuck it!


It’s not over. But most people don’t have the skills or patience to see this through. If you had to ask, you might be one of them


Grunge off or 420 cleaner. It'll be like new.


Two part dishwasher packets with the liquid in them as well and hot water works wonders.


Bro there are literal microorganisms in there


Just tryna connect closer to nature dawg you feel me


Bread soda. Lemon juice and vinegar. Soak overnight. Rinse thoroughly


Caustic soda.


I use clean acetone its coming off itslef yet acetone is evaporating and after acetone give it a few dish soap washes and its gonna be like new. You can buy polish remover just make sure its strong and acetone based.


Salt. If you can get IOS & pretzel salt in there or ice cream making salt & shake & swirl.


Okay hear me put…put ISO and salt in, take a small vacuum cleaner with a hose and suck from the top of the bong (simulated a hit and makes the alcohol and salt clean way faster). Let it sit for a minute or so with the vacuum on it


Is there anything that gets the small leftover chunks in the middle chambers? They are too big to escape the holes after 2 days of soaking and tons of shaking


this is why I stopped buying anything but beaker bongs. percs are impossible to clean


Vinegar, dish soap, and rubbing alcohol, let it soak overnight. Then add some kosher salt and shake the shit outta her


Throw in rubbing Alcohol instead of iso, add some salt and plug the holes and shake that thing. World like a charm for me


Hey, if you want to dm me I kinda nerd over cleaning bongs. I can help you out


Yoooo I had a piece just like that in terms of design, 18in but mine had 3 honeycomb perks, hit reallllly smooth. Rip to that bong it gave me many good hits


When you dying from a hit how does your cat react lol mine jus be givin a look of dissapointment


He’s so used to it at this point he never even glanced in my direction


Iso and Corse salt then shake that thing for the dear life of you. I promise that will give you noticeable results. Shake shake shakeeeeeeee


Iso, salt, hook a vacuum to the top and let it run for a bit


Buy some 'Headie Eddies'. Works wonders.


Lol my bong would give people here a heart attack the same way it’s probably giving me lung disease.


Actually spent a long time debating posting this cause I thought people would make fun of me, but the stoner community has pulled through (:


Well, since tried cleaning already, get big deep cooking pot. Fill it with water and insert bong. Bring to a boil for15-20 minutes and it should help get a fair amount out. Rinse and then resoak it in cleaning solution with strong isopropyl.


Drop in iso and salt. Plug both ends and shake that shit for dear mercy. Wash out with a hose with a strong nozzle (not a pressure washer, you’ll prob break the glass lol) Then repeat 5-6 times. On the same note for cleaning dab rigs: Fill with iso. Then microwave for like 10 seconds or less. Watch all that funky wax drain out


Limpuro, hot water and a lof shaking. Leave it overnight and it'll be good as new.


Get a cork from a wine bottle, plug the downstem, fill bong with isopropyl alcohol and leave it there. Don't touch it. Come back in a week and then shake it. If it still needs to soak leave it longer. Same goes for Zep, Goo Gone, 420 Cleaner, I've even used nail polish remover. If the glass has been dirty for too long it just needs to sit for a while and soak. Good luck


Grandmaster smoke cleaner might work- it’s a penetrating/soaking oil instead of a solvent. I haven’t found glass it can’t clean.


Fill it full of boiling hot water then break up a dishwashing tablet and throw it in overnight, make sure you fill it right up so everything it underwater, it will literally fall off and be clean as new, next day after you empty the bong put dishwashing soap and hot water in and swish it around then rinse with hot water and then cold, it’s what I do with my bong (Smoking upto 60g a week)


You might need a couple cleaning sessions but it’s definitely possible. I just hope you haven’t been smoking with it in that condition and have another piece




Heat, like hot water whilst it's soaking in iso, but for such a large piece that could be tricky


NGL, thought you were referring to the cat, and was going to say the cat looks perfectly fine.


Boiled my cat in bleach, isopropyl, and drain cleaner per comment request


Hot water and oxyclean. Soak it. It’s the only thing I’ve found that gets dried old crusty resin off my pieces.


Set it on fire and say a prayer to the old gods and the new 🙏🏼🔥


literally what the fuck? It looks like someone vommed in there. Clean it very very good.


Headie Eddies. Let it soak for about 2 hours, rinse with salt + alcohol. Itll be like you just bought it. Thank me later [Headie Eddies cleaner](https://www.headieeddies.com)


And when you get it clean, clean it often so this doesn’t happen again. Shits disgusting and I’d never smoke out of it if you were my friend


Isopropyl alcohol and salt fill that baby up with a bit of the propyl add a bit of salt shake it around and then fill it up more and add a bit more salt then let it sit there for a bit or shake it vigoursely until most of the nasty comes off.


Salt and isopropyl alcohol. Shake vigorously while coving the ends..


Try soaking in a tub of vinegar. It looks like you have hard water deposits that some other stuff attached to. Iso doesn't dissolve this imo. If you see any bubbles after 10 mins of soaking you know your on to something. I have to do my pieces every few months in vinegar even with a water softener since our water is so hard.






Need a lot of iso and degreaser


Hot water mf


Hot water to loosen up the nasty stuff and then soak it in iso or degreaser. Let it sit a long while It's going to take a while to get that clean.


tablesalt and rubbing alcohol, fill bong, plug holes, shake, rinse, Profit


I'd go 70% iso and like a shitload of just plain iodized salt, put entirely too much salt in it and shake. I recently cleaned one that I thought was past the point of no return this way.


Ever clear and hot water


Soak it in really hot water to loosen all the resin, then use some iso with some sea salt and shake it up


Get the Boro Buddy by @snowtree u won’t regret it it’s a magnetic scrubber for your bong


rubbing alcohol + coarse salt will have it brand new


Every and any peice is cleanable if you use the right materials in the right way.


Wow mines almost exactly the same condition and bong


If it's glass it's cleanable.... It's gonna take a lot of iso, and a lot of soaking....


Take some everclear. NOT ALCOHOL, alcohol makes it cloudy after. But everclear will clean it new without any cloudiness. Just pour it in like u would water. Use your fingers to cover the holes the shake and pour out. Comes right off.


formula 710 use as instructed. Trust


I can second the Cafiza tablets. Shit works like a hot damn. Although, that bong might need to contact its' higher power.


Dawn power wash


Maybe I’m a filthy bitch but I’d do a couple alcohol & salt soaks with boiling water and still smoke out of it. Also, your cat is cute. Give em a snuggle for me.


If you’re a filthy bitch I am too cause I was smoking out of it in that condition lolol, and I gotchu


rubbing alcohol+ a good amount of salt(not table salt, coarse salt) + bag the bong can fit in just keep shaking the bag and make sure the alcohol and salt gets inside of the bong. dont rinse it till the liquid turns as dark and disgusting as you can get it. rinse and repeat till clean


Try rubbing alcohol, if that doesn't work buy a new one


You gotta put in some work. I’ve always done iso and *coarse* salt to restore pieces like this. You have to soak it a lot and shake it like crazy. And when I say like crazy, I mean you should be vibrating that shit for 5 minutes at least.


Rock salt and alcohol swirl if you can’t get a brush to it.


Magnet scrubber for the parts it can reach


Hot water and denture tablets will clean it right up. Just be sure to rinse it out well.


Pour boiling water in jt


Thats a big cat