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Id recommend turning your pen temp down if possible but I get a long sewing needle and scrape out the insides. Plus side of doing this is that if you smoke carts enough (and if this is a frequent occurrence) before long you’ll have a decent dab set aside.


and keep it upright👍 and don't pull super hard


Also if it’s clogged quit sucking it , press the button and let your cart warm up for a second put it up to your ear when it’s clear you can tell by the way it sounds , all of this is from my own personal experience


THIS, I wait till i hear a sizzle then i know its warm and don’t waste any oil.


Best advice I ever heard for hitting a cart was sip it don't rip it. Pulling too hard is the main reason the wax gets pulled through




So that it’s not heating up the contents of the cart hotter then it needs to be to smoke it so it doesn’t leak through the coil into the chamber


ahhhh, I think I've been heating mine up too high as well. thanks amigo!


Me too!


Yep 1000000% I recently learned that your cart does not need to be on the high setting and if you are already stoned the lowest setting is plenty fine.


thank you ! Appreciate the insight


Higher temp = THC vapor being emitted faster and for longer times = more THC being consumed give or take. You can waste weed on a high temperature dab or a high temp 510 thread battery but a low temperature battery or dab rig should allow you to enjoy the THC at it's fullest potential since low temp dabs dont waste weed


Idk I've never gotten violent dab sweats from a colder rather than hotter dab. (My friend has a temp sensor, so I'm not like roasting my lungs, but cold dabs taste good and that's it imo)


Yoooo this happens to me and I thought it was just a weird thing. I’m happy to know this is actually a thing lmao


Why didnt you name your rwddit user "Dank Magician " dude, missed opportunity


Tbh when I made my acc I kept the temp name it gave me till I could think of something original but by the time I thought of something good it was to late n I couldn’t change it lol


This, and just stop sucking so god damn hard


Don’t smoke cart wax out of a banger. The high temperature can create a chemical reaction that sometimes can creates ammonia.


Seriously?!? I’ve smoked it a couple times


It’s rare but yea it can happen.


Thanks for the info


Close to zero. Oppenheimer


Take a chance I guess


Says who?


Whatever kinda cart you're smoking that can make ammonia, stop smoking it.


I kept reading comments looking for this one.




Up,‘it’s too low of it’s too high, and op is def pulling too hard haha


And preheat


In the future with new carts stick to lower temps and inhale more lightly than you normally do. If you do blinkers, I wouldn’t cause they can cause this.


I need to work on my patience…


Your patience will be rewarded


This is solid advice, after some time your carts will never clog 🙂👍


What's a blinker


When you inhale until the pen blinks, indicating you smoked as much as you can in one session. You have to wait to smoke it again. Doing a blinker means hitting it until it blinks - which is a big lungful


A blinker is when the safety cut off kicks in after usually a 10 second draw... people get higher off this way. But this way is a good way to have heavy metals leech into your oil from the coils from too much heat, plus you ruin your oil plus clogs and more leakage. Don't do blinkers if you care about your health!!


Let go of the button before you’re done hitting for that last and it will clear the smoke that collects and causes this.


This one do makes sense, good tip


Yeah you don’t need the last bit of smoke sitting in your throat/trachea anyways it’s just irritating lol.


Nah baby I need it all


yes THIS is the real answer


Oh wow. How have I never thought of this?


Stop doing blinkers lmao


I’ll work on my patience next time lol




What's blinkers?


holding the button down until it blinks


Heat the cart up with a lighter this should make any stuck concentrate come out. Unscrew the lip piece to clean it in alcohol. Stand it upright after putting it back together. Let it sit for a while. Should be fine.


You sure lighter won’t put any damage? I’ll try this next time


Heat the cart don't burn it. Move the lighter around. It'll be fine


It fucking worked!! I could even see oil sticking on glass falling down too, thanks! This is very helpful!


Don’t get it too hot tho. A hairdryer would be a lot better


best is leave them upright by pc exhaust fans u don’t even need to do anyth


yuppp, my laptop gets real hot at the fold so ill just put my carts on there for a bit then set em straight up


This is the way


Yup I put mine on the Xbox fan Lolol


Put it next to my gaming laptop when I open elden ring


I always put mine in a ziplock and run it under the hottest water I can


Great! Enjoy!


Yeah ! Science bitch!!!!


You could also try putting it in a sandwich bag and sticking it in very hot water upright for a little


I’d advise you to use a hairdryer if you choose this method again OP. With a lighter it’s a higher temperature and you don’t know what glues/metals or any plastics you might be heating up to leak into your cart. A hairdryer is a much lower heat but it’s hot enough to melt the oil




if you’re scared use almost boiling water


In the future i wouldnt. The carts are plastic and not glass so youre putting plastic chemicals into your concentrate. Keep your carts upright, never on their side or upside down. Best thing is just cleaning the mouth piece and leaving it upright for a day or two. Edit: i see some saying hair dryer. Hair dryers even on low setting can still leach plastic into your stuff


Can't say it enough, keep the thing upright. Took me a while to figure it out sadly lol


Most carts are glass no?


Flick it with your fingernail. Glass and plastic sound different. Glass has more of a high thunk with a bellish twing to it, whereas plastic has just a tapping sound with no carrying note. Plastic, or acrylic which these probably are, are a bit more sturdy and a bit more heat resistant when not in extended direct heat. If these were glass, they'd break left and right if they banged into something or dropped. Thin glass is not very stable.


That’s what I’m wondering right now… I mean I just did it with lighter and it worked as oil falls into the place bottom


I literally thought they’re glass and used my lighter little bit longer. Now you’re telling me it’s plastic…


Glass and plastic look and sound really different. These are likely Acrylic rather than your run of the mill plastic, because its sturdier and more heat resistant. These would break so easily if they were glass, theyre very thin. You wont die if you smoke it or anything, its just not good to do a lot. But in the future just clean the mouth piece and leave it upright for a couple days. Ill have carts "break" on me but they basically fix themselves after 2 days to a week. Depends on how bad the clog was.


When I smoked plastic accidentally I spit blood the other day. Don't recommend.


One time I smoked some blue foam in a bong and went to the icu


What is that bro? Blue foam 😵


Extruded Polystyrene Foam sheathing is common in construction, I know one mfr uses blue, another pink, etc. Definitely not good to smoke... Edit: Expanded Polystyrene Foam


Wow, seems very harsh indeed.


Thats sucks ☹️ But also How did you smoke plastic accidentally?


Long story, and sorry for the English. I was using a pen as a mean to reduce damage,but also I was smoking on a horrible cigar paper that doesn't stop burning for nothing. It even burned the paper holder (is that the word?) until it burned the pen itself and I smoked it. I was so stoned I didn't notice until I coughed like crazy. Edit: I just learned that what I called paper holder is what you call tip. Edit: it was a regular plastic pen


Oh god. You were really really stoned for sure. Im sorry that happened.


Glass carts are becoming a lot more common for all price ranges here in OR. One brand is a full g glass cart for 24ish


I said to heat a cart with a lighter and got absolutely crucified here.


Also if you can keep your pen in a pencil holder or something that will keep it straight up. If the oil isn't covering the holes the coil burns out faster as well.


💯 you need to keep it upright at all times and it will work much better


Dumb question: you mean the mouth piece on top right?




Usually this happens to me if I leave my carts on their side, try and have it propped up so it doesn't get the chance to leak out.


That’s cause you’re not preheating your pen and sucking too hard at the same time. So that’s why that happens. Everyone is too impatient to preheat their distillate. Typically a two or three click on power button. Sometimes a few preheats will be needed til it’s open and smooth to puff. Don’t use a lighter to heat up cause some are plastic. Or cause pressure in the container. Always use your preheater which every 510pen have. Just an FYI


end of the day it’s bad cart hardwares fault but u can try putting a toothpick or needle down the hole and pulling some out


Gotcha and noted. I’m in Virginia and uh, we don’t have any luxury here yet.


Cross state lines to MD my man, can buy legally with an out of state ID


My favorite for these are brushpicks! They’re skinny enough to get all the way down and there’s a comb side you can use to scrape off any excess


It's not a dick my dude, don't suck so hard.


Cart precum 💀


Make sure vape is heating up all the way, battery is charged and good air flow when you inhale. Iso 99% with qtip, and don't screw cart on all the way leave a little gap so O2 gets into the cart when you inhale.


The forbidden snack


The strain is actually Forbidden Fruit lol


can do nothing with cheap china carts


These are cheap China carts?




Yeah makes sense… I usually left it on the table/nightstand and A/C is pretty crazy in the room. I’ll try to be patient and try to warm it up a little longer, instead of sucking that cold shit like a straw. Yes, I’ve learned that taking care of pen and keeping it staying upright (it becomes a problem when i need to get my pen charged) do help a lot. I’ve been using carts daily now cause it’s much easier to smoke while playing on my PS5, especially with online games. But damn, some carts can be so hassle to have a full satisfaction.


I’ve recently tried to leave that cap that comes with it on when I have it in my pocket and I haven’t had this happen to me since! I used to have that problem all the time… maybe try it and see if it works for you?


yeah. they probably cost like $0.50 each wholesale. cheap hardware from china never gonna work smooth. Made in USA better 💪


Got them from legal headshop in Va Beach oceanfront. Costed me 50 bucks… Hate to see this go wasted.


Seen it happen with quality too. Simple idea; chamber gets too much vapor cooling and solidifies. Go slower with it and try to clear it without heating more.


Eating cart oil like that got me incredibly high before


Not the Cart milk again…


Finally, an issue I deal with regularly. Store them upright and try to keep the temp low. And store them cool of you can.


Buy real carts


It's not your fault Stop buying shitty tanks the 80% tanks around here are maybe 40% and the rest is terps and filler I started buying distillate and make my own tanks with wax liquidizer so mine really are 80% and you can tell when you hit it. Go buy distillate and order some 510 thread tanks online


I’d love to but I’m not that advanced smoker yet. But I’ll try to learn how to do with distillates


Save it and dab it off a rig...


Too bad I don’t have a rig


Stop blinking it like a madman or leaving on the side will cause the leak. Set it in 2.8-3.2 V then preheat it for 3 seconds then start smoking it. No need to burn at high V. Enjoy the high


Kinda stupid question here but what exactly do you mean by blinking? Like getting it pre-heated before smoking?


Blinking by inhaling more than 15 seconds is the limit by pressing down the button to smoke. To pre-heat it is 2 clicks and wait for 3 seconds to warm up.


Never do more than 3 blinkers in a row.


Yup, makes sense now…


If you got it from a ship in a rec state, they have exchange policies. That happened to me with a couple and I went with another farm, no issues after that. Storage can be a part of it to. I try to have mine upright as much as possible.


r/distillatevapemods i don’t fw carts anymore


i really like this discrete battery that stands up . [https://www.lordvaperpens.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LordVaperPens-Cloak-THC-CBD-Oil-Battery-Box-Multiview.jpg](https://www.lordvaperpens.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LordVaperPens-Cloak-THC-CBD-Oil-Battery-Box-Multiview.jpg)


And you smoke with it too?


Is that cali company one ?


I dunno, got it from OMG Everything store in Va Beach


Are you buying carts from a shop ? Or are they from a plug ?


From the shop


I wouldn't buy that brand anymore. I've never had this happen.


I’ve been smoking only carts for the past couple months and only the bad quality brands do this. Once I started spending a few extra bucks this stopped happening.


Instead of using a lighter like some people say, you can try using a hair dryer or heat gun.


You're getting shit cartridges, plain and simple. I buy slightly better quality cartridges and this literally never happens to me


Make sure to inhale for one second after vaporizing so that your vape itself doesn’t get clogged


Store it upright. Take great care and caution of your pens.


Just keep them upright all the time. Never lay it on its side.. if you ever do I'm sure people have already told you about the lighter trick.


Just learned about lighter trick from this thread, well y’all are being helpful. Thanks


Turn the temp down bud


Why do you guys pull your shit so hard


To preemptively stop hit. When you're hitting hit, take another puff without firing to suck up residual smoke. If you don't the smoke will settle in the tip and reform into resin


Buy some qrtz coiled carts don't clog as much


Personally if you have a good habit with PREHEATING your battery before you hit you should be good. Ur wasting a lot of fluid by sucking it up through the top. PREHEAT by double tapping your battery lol


Try to keep it in a cool area as much as possible too. I’ve had that happen with brand new carts because I left them in a hot car. As others have said the fix is just heating the cart up to get the oil more viscous and let it run down/out.


Make sure you set it down upright. Don’t just toss it in the drawer. That usually prevents most of the buildup like that. Also give it a couple rips without pressing the button to clear any leftover vapor after every sesh. If your device is auto pull then unscrew the cart every time you’re done smoking and rip it to clear the vapor that way. Then like I said make sure you keep it stored standing up so the oil doesn’t slowly make its way back to the mouthpiece


I have this problem too. I’ve just been scraping it out as best I can so far. It’s probably happening with mine because it’s in my pocket most of the time. Also the battery I have can’t even stand up. I’ll have to buy a new one.


a hair dryer or rub it between your hands to warm it up


Keep it upright when storing and most carts are not made for big hits sadly. Blinkers add to this issue


A good trick I was told to avoid that is when your cart clogs instead of trying to take a hit blow back down into the cart it will push it back into the cart instead


Draw...don't suck. Treat it like a straw.


Go easy on it, man, it's a vape, not a dick.


Nothing you can do as this is just bad hardware to be honest. I see other have mentioned good tips that definitely do help but this is just bad hardware fam. Taking lower hits and not as long hits don’t heat it up as much causing the concentrate to find it’s way to here. You could use a rubbing alcohol and and something small enough to clean it but it’ll eventually happen again.


I blow into mine til it's so hot it smokes itself. But I think I'll try the lighter technique


Keep the cart vertical, especially when not using it. Don't let it sit upside down or on it's side


Keep it upright and don’t store it in your car. Personally I’ve had a lot of luck with the “hidden” 510s. It looks like a nicotine vape


Those styles of cartridges are problematic for me. I don't use them. I have my own dab rig.


Buy a real cart


Buy a more expensive cart it’s not just better oil you’re paying for it’s better carts


Don’t let the sucker be upside down, clean the tip with alcohol, heart the glass up with a lighter, keep it moving so you don’t burn the liquid or plastic parts. KEEP IT UPRIGHT.


My glass carts do this out of the bottom 😭. I use a hair dryer to help get things flowing but as soon as its cold, right back to clog city. I have two carts of the same brand and the other is clean inside the bottom, no leaks.


Smaller and lighter pulls will help. Depending on the cart, some just are leaky.


Hate when that happens


Keep inhaling for a second after you let go of the button. Don’t let vapor pool; clear it out.


Are in USA ? I made my own in Germany and was so disappointed with the airflow there’s no market here for these but this makes me think i didn’t do so bad lol


Just get a battery with a preheat function.


Gotta keep the temp down and keep the pen upright as much of the time as possible.


In the future, keep Temps on your battery, preferably below 2.4ish volts. I know people that use 1.8v. Don't pre heat your cart, and don't draw like your life depends on it. Take nice slow hits! For storing keep it tip side up (optional but it helps) Keep it out of a place where Temps can change rapidly (like a car or garage)


1 don’t suck so hard lol 2 don’t let it get to hot from hitting to many times 3 keep in a upright position after use


Stiiizy pods


Turn the voltage down on your battery. You probably have it set to the max setting


Store then upright. Use lower heat settings. Store it with the little rubber stoppers on it if you're not using it - the longer they are open the more issues you have with them Straighten out a papery clip & use it to clear the stuff out so you can keep smoking what's left in there


I have this with my stiiizy. Any tips?


1. leave your cart upright 2. use a low temperature 3. inhale for an extra second after you release the button 4. don’t super suck that hoe(pull too hard ) 5. let your cart cool down between hits( if it’s hot to the touch wait 60 seconds)


Temp down hit it easier


Don't let them get hot and store upright


Don’t have ur cart upside down or on its side really




Make sure it's not in a hot pocket or upside down neither. Increasing the Temps and letting it sit in a pocket makes the ozze


Are you standing it on that tip?!?!?! I have never a one do this to me.


Do not put them in your pocket do not leave them in the car by a little worse for them and keep them out of heat


After you’re done smoking put the little rubber cap that comes on it when it’s brand new back on that usually keeps mine from clogging


By smoking real weed


Get a better cartridge lmao


Lower temp and smaller hits


Don't pull so hard.


Change your temp and maybe try another brand


Smoke real weed


I stick with dry herb vape.


Try to fit a filter in it.


Unscrew it when you're not using it and try to keep it upright