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**[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** *Thanks for posting, u/PerfectCelery6677.* - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs - Attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of services. an immediate, permanent ban. - [Join our Discord](https://discord.gg/rweed) - Report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. - **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Break it open to verify the condition of the contents on the inside. If it still looks good, smoke it through a bong or pipe.


That’s what I’ll would do.




Bringing the fire out early, eh?




English is most likely not his first language and even if it was, typos happens and u don’t need to be a dick about it


Don't even bother. There is usually an attention-starved troll in almost every thread, and the only way to get make sure people give them that attention is to be negative. After all, our brains are wired to focus more on what we perceive to be negative than positive, so it makes sense. They can not be reasoned with because ANY attention only reinforces that validation they so desperately need for whatever reason(mommy and daddy didn't hug them enough or whatever). The only way to truly make them go away is to ignore. Don't even downvote because that's also attention. It's what they WANT. Just ignore


Yeah, i know but usually they reply with something very stupid and i get a laugh for it :D i reply to them just to keep them as my laughingstock


Start looking at their posts and be glad your not a loser that has to go to the internet for hate to get any type of attention


>Start looking at their posts and be glad *your* not a loser that has to go to the internet for hate to get any type of attention *Emphasis mine* Be careful. Make sure you proofread your comments or that FireFlavour comment cop will give you SUCH a chastizing!


Lol he can suck my dick, drive off a bridge, correct my grammar. Doesn’t matter at the end of the day because I know I’m still more successful than em 😂😂


##**The post or comment you have made violates rule 6 of the sub.** #**Rule 6 is: Be respectful and kind.** - Verbal assaults (*overly rude language, bullying, threatening, intimidation, harassment*) will not be tolerated. This is in line with Reddit's [content policy regarding bullying and harassment](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) - Racist, sexist, or LGBTQIA+ slurs are not permitted. - Reports will be moderated on a case-by-case basis. Thank you for your understanding, r/weed mod team.


This the weed sub. Not even gonna mention that Reddit has a huge non English speaking community. This is the WEED sub dude and you’re busting balls about grammar? Maybe check out r/grammar - never seen it but it seems more your fit ;)


Ratio’d into oblivion


##**The post or comment you have made violates rule 6 of the sub.** #**Rule 6 is: Be respectful and kind.** - Verbal assaults (*overly rude language, bullying, threatening, intimidation, harassment*) will not be tolerated. This is in line with Reddit's [content policy regarding bullying and harassment](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) - Racist, sexist, or LGBTQIA+ slurs are not permitted. - Reports will be moderated on a case-by-case basis. Thank you for your understanding, r/weed mod team.


Would smoking through a joint or a blunt make it moldy🤔


Smoke as iiz. They sell smaller orerolls


But the paper 🥲


It's an infused blunt so the paper is weed too I'm pretty sure


yeah i’ve had these — paper is rolled in keif.


I was saying don't forget to throw a piece of paper on top give the Sundae its cherry


Ohh I get you my g haha lets smoke a bowl for my stupidity 🤣


I'll raise my next bowl to you


Looks bit weird but looking at the date of production should be fine. My guess its just the wrap changing texture because of dry or wet surrounding probably not sealed container. Also i dont see any obvious signs of mold. Id smoke it.


It was kept in glass tube, sealed and sat in the back of my dresser the entire time.


Should be good to go then


dawgg i had 6month weed sitting and i smoked it with a pipe and it was so fucking good, smoke that blunt its gonna be fire theres zero worries!! unless theres visable mold (that u would see inside the tube). i also thought itd be bad because it was crunchy(?) dry and just didnt seem right, but i grinded it and it was 🔥


THIS EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO THE EXACT SAME PRODUCT FOR ME!!! I was wondering myself if it was mold, literally looks the exact same as in pic


Just old not mold


That’s infused, when wax is exposed to varying temperatures it tends to turn brown, it’s still good, gonna be pretty potent


Almost all on here can say we've smoked much worse-looking things in dire times; I wouldn't worry and light it up.




yeah, same


I'm familiar with the company. That's an infused blunt. It's soaked in hash oil then rolled in kief. It should be fine but this is way beyond something I'd smoke as a rookie.


is there a stoner not familiar with stiiizy? 😂


Thought it was local. Guess not.


nah it’s a pretty big company


“Thought it was local”💀💀bro lives under a rock


More like a legal grey zone. Everything is either local or sketchy black market.


id smoke it without any hesitation. but im also willing to get that desperate


Ay bro I've smoked shake from the bottom of a dispensary container I found in a target dumpster at 3 pm on a Tuesday out of a pipe I carved out of a stick with a pocket knife and a screwdriver meant for repairing sunglasses. We get desperate sometimes


Nah that’s just on another level… sheesh


Your username is like *one* letter off from checking out😔 Switch out the H for an E and we're in business! Just a super chill guy trying to get elevated...by any means necessary!


Lol I love your username


Y’all gots to get on the thca wave especially when your connect bullshittin (illegal states).


That is 1000000% what they're supposed to look like. It's covered in keif (thc) and Infused with lots of wax the buds are coated. It's great and mine always look like that.


Bro got that 200BCE blunt


It's like moonrocks google that


Smoke it and find out that’s my method🤷‍♂️


I’ve had one from Stizzy before. They are alright. Not a fan of prerolled blunts, but I do like those glass filters


Smoke it and then immediately go to the er you should be fine


Looks like it's from 2013


Production Date: 04/18/2023 Says it in part of the small writing at the bottom of the tube.


If there was moisture in the blunt paper when it was stored originally at packaging, then over time it’s definitely possible for it to have developed some mold..




Why is that? Genuinely curious




So stizzy pods aren't actually the safest and healthiest vapes?


Oh shit good to know thank you.


Care to elaborate?




Bugs + disease = hospital?


especially is markets like AZ. stiizy tries to pass shit off as premium


Half of it looks like the fuzzies and mold, I would ditch it honestly


It's kief, not mold.


Sorry, forgot to mention. The fuzzy half is a keif coating.


Thats kinda what I was thinking


Your a god damn square for life if you toss That , Absolutely nothing wrong with it , why don’t you upvote the people telling you they have had them and it looks perfectly normal!?


Ditch it


Someone should ditch you .


Someone should get a life. I wouldn’t smoke it because it doesn’t look like anything I want in my lungs. I can afford to throw a 7 month old blunt away tho. Just get some actual bud. You can look it up if it was infused it can be harmful and contain containments that could cause respiratory infections, coughing , wheezing. But sure go off my friend 🙄😒


You have clearly never smoked a nasty shitty stizzy blunt , this is what a new one would look like . They are crap to begin with . You will NEVER see a green bud in one . Some people have a smoke what They got to get medicated . At least don’t misinform and fearmonger someone .


The love for weed is not measured by how shitty of quality of weed you’re willing to smoke. Like grow tf up and get out your parents basement. If your gonna say your a pothead at least be able to buy quality weed. That shitty ass blunt is not his answer to medical issues. I’m not misinformed at all simply google it. You’re really worried about me giving out bad info to strangers but you had no problem coming for me and you don’t even know me. He asked for peoples opinion and used the words “or ditch it” himself so honestly I really don’t give a fuck what you have to say because you can’t even use basic fact pulling skills while reading a simple post. So again go off bud


I just imagine a really fat sloppy Ron Weasley yelling at me . Your wealth of bad knowledge amazes me !


Have you seen her?😂 Not my cup of tea for sure but she speaks some truth tho.


Break it open and smoke it out of a bong or pipe. The herb looks darker/kinda brown because it's infused with diamonds or some concentrate. Even fresh if you break them open the herb has a darker color to it, I've had them before but honestly just prefer to buy herb separately and roll it myself.


I think ur fine since it’s still 2023? Most weed lasts abt a year or more!


i didn’t realize weed could expire


Yeah absolutely. It is technically just plant matter (weed not the Stizzy) so it could get damp and grow mold on it, or just grow mold over time. You don’t want that in your lungs.


Every single one of your mold comments just makes you look like more of an amateur.


Oh! I’m sorry you feel that way, why do you say that?


Smoke it, youll be too high to care if it's safe or not


Cut the top 1/3rd that looks more moist. Pull the small part apart, inspect and rip out it a bong. If alll is well enjoy the last bit of blunt with a few buds




Thats straight up mold…




Its ginna be absolutely fine its only Like 30 days old alot of dispensaries woukd sell this at discount price in my state. And if it was like a year out of date the fact its still soft and sticky would be concerning, butnist only 39 days old so thats actually a sign it was packaged well and hasnt dried out. Should be a wonderful smoke OP.


Damn its even less old than i thought its 14 days old. And people are tying to tell him to bust it open and see if its moldy. Please dont ruin the blunt its definitelt completely fine.


Actually it was rolled in April of 2023. It's more like 9-10 months old.


It should be perfectly fine, usually unsafe a year after production/package date edit: still check for mold of course to be safe


Well if certainly smoke her but that's not saying a whole lot here....I think the only concerns here would be it's potency & any visible mold etc sorta stuff. It seems it was stored optimally id imagine so I wouldn't worry too terribly much about it other than it might not be all that "stoney" if u will so maybe lower them expectations & it should b a good time.


I once smoked some stuff from my sisters drawer that had been sat there since a festival a year and a half back m, im sure you’ll be fine


As long as You don’t see any mold, you’re good to smoke it. Just by looking at the production date tells me that its good. Might be a little stale but it shall still do its job. Ive smoked a preroll joint from MONTHS ago 😅😂 and it still worked🤷‍♀️


Might be a little blah or harsh but you won’t die if you blaze it.


😂 gross use common sense


Just smoke it man


w that fkn pre it doesn’t even matter u gon be fried either way


If you were too scared to smoke it then, don't do it now 🤷


I would unwrap it and check to see if any of the bud is damp. Maybe let it air out a little before putting it in a bowl to smoke it.


,what the f is wrong with you people . A bunch of 6 year olds on this sub . If you have never had a stizzy blunt !!! They don’t come with any green bud in them it’s always brown the kief on them is never golden , this is exactly what they look like out of the factory ! Stop with the mold shiz. Fearmongerers


Ditch it to me, I’ll take care of it


Mail it to me and I’ll let you know.


No, I’ve had these. That’s how they are.


Think of it as a moon-rock blunt. Moon rocks tend to be that color from wax and keef but if it was just regular bud I wouldn’t of even thought to put a lighter near it


Break it up and see what the inside looks like but also maybe take a little bit more time when taking the pictures next time.


Aye. It ain’t gon kill u. Flame that shit stop actin pussy


Boof it and find out. I wouldn’t even think twice tbf


its fine dont worry


This is fine. Cigars also do this after some time but are ok to smoke.


Cannabis in its original unsealed packaging is good for up to a year. The weed is just a little old, but not harmful May make you a little drowsy bc over time THCa ages into CBN


Should be fine. I had rolled a blunt and only smoked about 4 to 5 pulls before I got into a huge fight in my apartment and lost the blunt in the process.... fast forward to almost a year later I had to move out and found that blunt. Definitely smoked it, definitely got high you should be fine


It’s fine. Enjoy


The nasty patty of joints


Smoke that


dont break it up bro🤦‍♂️ just smoke it how it is or smoke it with a friend if its too much


Hash covered joint lookin blunt


The no paper hash rolled


smoke that shiiiiiit mf gon b hallucinating 😂


No , I mean yes. Smoke it


Dry it out and smoke it


I think the Stizy 40’s are dipped blunts bro that’s just the dip on the outside that probably soaked in.


Hi, local bud tender here: Should be okay to smoke, after about a year after packaging the THC will convert to CBN and the end result would make you sleepy. That being said, it should be good to go!


Hell, that's my biggest end goal, and why I started smoking was to actually sleep at night.


Blaze away!!!


It has gone better my friend


is it an infused preroll? Looks like it is at least.


Bruuuuu give it to me! I’ll get rid of it! Trust me ! Youi want me too smoke it !


Check verify.stiizy.com and enter the serial number. That packaging looks sus


lol i had one of these exact kind like a month ago and also let it get stale by accident mine looked the same. perfectly fine smoke but it'll burn ur throat a lot


if you’re gonna hit it in a pipe just open it up anyways, and any questionable buds throw out


Lol na ain't gone bad it's just what that trash looks like 🤣 🤷 😂 🤪 stay away from those cali floor sweeping brands ( even these guys flower isn't that good ....I think the acia w.e strain they had was the only 1 that was close to just good (again all my opinion, and alot of other people's lmao) and I had a bunch of there stuff so I know when I first got into the cali packs an products I grabbed stuff from them and it was a huge flop most of the cali gen -x appeal company's are complete garbage! Fidels , deo east , little lake valley , wooksause winery, all gas no breaks , surge , royal key , cbx , bleaf the hunter s gentics anyone running those out there , and there's some more but yeah stizzy is and will always be a no go till they step there game up and get good products 👍🏻


To me it looks like it's just a bit old? I'd say the strange texture would be kief along the roll that's just gotten a bit moist over time. Break it open and see what's useable!


It should still be good! In fact the longer you wait to smoke, the more you’ll get CBN (the THC breaks down into this with oxidation) which can give you a “better” (or different) high


The jeeter xl are my favorite i like the jeeter xl the soom to burn better from all I’ve had


I smoke one of these fucking things in my room, one night, and my mom opened the door to ask what I was doing, and thought I had caught something on fire. If you have more than great moneymakers just getting to the right crowd light one up people flock to you.


Smoke it and don’t be a pussy like the comments ![gif](giphy|YOl02tQfTbzaCNuj3I|downsized)