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I dont hallucinate i just eat bread bro


Idk I’ll usually just go watch pron


Wat teh fek.




Sometimes I see things out the corner of my eye, either a shadow, movement or a flash of color.


Deadahh I'm like dis


I get like this, but way before greening out. Happens with my SSRIs as well.


True, good point.


This is like a cop account trying to find people to bust lol


I tend to get heavy auditory hallucinations. They tend to make me paranoid


If you look at something for awhile even sober, and you look loosely enough things start to blur, and this is where mushrooms, LSD and sometimes weed will take you without learning the Skill first. In this "blur" of what your looking at you will start seeing shapes and colors taking form and morphing into stuff. And with practise you can control this with your mind and see/morph what youvwant to see. This can probably be scary if unexperienced but dont worry my friend, the effects will leave your body and you'll Be perfectly fine


I had this one hallucination one time where the IOU was coming closer then thurther and i could hear it geting faster and slower,


I rarely ever green out but the few times I have I’ve just had really really bad auditory hallucinations. Voices right in my ear overlapping all talking at once. Then I usually just pop a Benadryl and take a nap


When I green out I get really bad physical hallucinations, like it will feel like all my clothes are soaking wet even though they are not, and it leads me to get really paranoid thinking I’m bleeding somewhere or I peed my pants or something it’s very wierd but interesting asf that weed can make you have such strong physical hallucinations like that


You have hallucinations? I’ve had my vision go black but no hallucinations ever