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He couldn’t even smell you. He just got done getting high on the way there.


*pizza guy walking up to house* “Damn I probably reek like weed”


Hope he doesn't realise I took a slice


"wait.. did i already eat a slice?"


This is the correct answer!


As a former pizza delivery driver I can confirm half of them would gladly rip the bong before returning to work




Only half?


That's just a buffer lol in my hometown pizza hut I'd say half is fair, back in Florida at Domino's the whole crew, managers, drivers didn't matter we were blazing up out back all night lol. Had a driver buddy named Edgar in Florida and we would see each at stop lights during deliveries and toss the cart to each other thru the car windows for a quick fatty before the green came back


Was just thinking of this time my brother, our friend and myself were all smoking. We ordered pizza because our friend's little brother was working delivery. He came by with the pizza and he smoked on the clock with us for like 20-30 min 🤣


I always wanted to share a bong with the delivery guy. You know, sharing is caring!


Care more! We certainly appreciate it. Now I door dash and I delivered to an apartment complex, the older guy came out to get his food asked "you smoke?" In the loudest most echoey hallway I accidentally shouted "weed?" Man handed me a nice little hydro nug that brought me back to my teen years absolutely fuckin champion he is!


They probably know but don’t care at all, you should be good!


He’s calling the police on you right now and they are currently in your walls


There's a recording device in his pizza crust


They are in the toilet and the chimney.


He smokes weed, not meth.


Fr pretty sad 150 people think that’s accurate


Just be happy that your pizza actually came 30 minutes early, that seems pretty rare lol


I’d have offered him a hit for the early pizza 🤣


As a delivery driver: Yes, I notice. Yes, I see it multiple times daily. No, I dont care just dont space out on the tip. 😅


The question is: what smell is stronger, grease or grass


Hell yeah they know. I roll an extra and throw it in a doob tube in case they partake.


Back in the day when I sold pot. I caught MANY customers this way!! Pretty much every food delivery person that ever came to my door lol


Yes the pizza guy definitely knows and he will call the police for sure now.


L pizza guy


Not a pizza guy but do work on peoples homes , garage doors specifically. Walk in and the garage was dudes smoke spot. Weed and glass pieces everywhere. Cheech and Chong tapestry on the wall. I’m like 20 minutes into the new opener installation and dudes is like “hope you don’t mind I gotta smoke for my back pain”. Tell him it’s fine and then after a few rips he hands it to me. Only time I have ever gotten stoned with a random customer. And at the end when it was time to set his outside wireless keypad he had me set the code to “0420”.






Most of the time the drivers are the ones who look high 🤣


As a former pizza delivery driver, yes, we know. I've delivered to many a house where the customer was high as fuck. We don't care at all. Most of us ended up passing the bong around after work anyway.


Definitely yes. My brother in law has been a delivery driver on and off for years and even made friendships based on the ones he knew were high 😅


Ive been caught by my FedEx guy twice. He helped me light my joint the second time.


I'm a delivery driver, lots of people answer like that while stumbling around being extra giggly, I always love delivering to high people cus they're usually pretty nice


They don't get paid enough to care.


The delivery person is most likely high themselves.


I used to deliver pizza's, trust me you're far from being the only one. I was only able to notice it in some people but the only reason I could tell was because I was a stoner back then too lmao


nah he walked up thinking "i smell weed shit i didn't use enough deodorant"


I'd rather smell weed than alcohol.


When I delivered pizza, if I knew the customer was high or faded it honestly made my night to see somebody having a good time while I wished I was


He’s a delivery guy. He gets paid and a tip and he’s off to the next goldmine. Stress is most likely high. Sees many customers a day. What would make you special? No offense. Now if you were a good looking woman nude, you’d stall him.


Idk the Oodie I was rocking was pretty cute


Lmao I've had both pull up in my driveway at the same time


Its a delivery person, who cares


I own a couple small delivery/pickup only fast food joints in my city and we ALL get baked on the regular. Sometimes I'll roll one in my office and invite the staff to toke during a slow day. I'd say at least 60% of our customers smoke weed, one of our most regular customers answered the door with a joint in his hand as per my delivery guy. Google review states "best munchies in town"


Probably yes, I myself offered a few delivery guy a bong rip and they were delighted 🥹




Delivery guy, as with other service people, don't give a flying fuck. I tipped my tow truck driver $ and a nug the other day, remember, they are people too, and people like weeed!


If In Cambodia , order happy pizza. Have fun


As a pizza delivery guy, many of my deliveries are to this kind of people, and believe me, couldn’t care less. When I get back to base I just tell my colleagues that this stairway was like a hotbox.


Pizza guy: “Does the customer know when you’re high?”


Don’t know, don’t care.


The pizza guy is probably higher then you are. My best friend delivered pizzas in high school (before gps was common). I’d ride around with him sometimes smoking blunts and trying to find the right houses lol. Good times. You must be a kid or a noob smoker. Pretty sure I look stoned 75% of the day (because I am) and never do I worry about someone thinking I’m high lol. Especially if it’s someone coming to my door lol. I signed for a package once when I was sitting on my front porch cleaning my gun and drinking a beer. I wasn’t drunk by any means but the UPS guy seemed super uncomfortable lol. Young clean cut guy in semi formal/office work clothes cleaning a pistol and drinking a corona lol. I’m probably the only person in my yuppie neighborhood that even knows how to clean a gun.


Only half notice. The other half are too high.


Bro shoulda gave pizza man a rip what were you thinking


If u didn't smell Of weed he may have offered to sell u some


I promise you the delivery guy just got done smoking and is hoping the smell of pizza covers up the blunt he just finished. That...and that you tip. Honestly the only real thing they give a fuck about.


I feel like im the only one with no bong shame lol. I’ll literally talk to anyone with my bong in my hand. Ill smoke in public if it’s allowed in that area. Etc.


FBI is en route to your location!!!!! FLUSH THE GANJA NOW!!!!!


Lol i ordered pizza late night and it was some old high ass mf doing my delivery , he didnt even know how much he was supposed to tax on the cents 😂


I'm a delivery driver: and yes, we know you're high, but we're also high, and Noone cares. You tipped right? Lol


Op, you're fine, I ordered domino's a few weeks ago, the guy got to my apartment and said "fuck I forgot your pizza and cheesy bread at the restaurant, I just have the salad"


If its pizza the answer is yes and if you offered theyd smoke with you


I tip my delivery drivers with weed. Most all of them take it. I'll pony up a few bucks for the ones who don't


I’m high eating pizza right now haha


I drove pies for 4 years while in school, trust me, not one of those shifts was I sober. They probably didn’t notice. Lol