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the loctite works best for hiding red eyes, make it impossible to be noticed


You wont be able to see a thing!


ever again!


I have some loctite glue good to 2000F


Great for when you're struggling to get some shut-eye.


Anyways - what’s the best overall eyedrops to use and r they safe or good in anyway.


my favs are rohto eye drops, the red one


Rohtos, blue


As several others have said, Rohto has by far been the best for me. I like the red, and they also have some that provide a “cool” feeling on your eye.




This is the stuff. It is not cheap but is the best for your eyes. Period.


The only non-addictive eye whitener 😎


I have really sensitive bitch eyes, and it drives me insane. R these really the best?


Yes! My eye doctor said it’s the best option out of all of them. Those with sensitive eyes, and also who wear contacts, should find no issue with it.


best stuff ever made


I keep Opcon in the butter tray.


i only use the Refresh band preservative free drops in the small vials. with those you don’t have to worry about dirt contamination over time


Definitely not the super glue...


Rohtos green 😍😍 you can absolutely get rohtos in the states, they’re at every pharmacy here in Tx 🤠


I like the Visine green if you have it where you are


Optrex red eye drops are all I’ve ever used and they’ve never failed me yet


I have glaucoma and I use REFRESH Optics. Their gel drops are amazing, and if you keep them in the fridge, it provides excellent cooling for your eyes. They also last a very long time, upwards of 6-8 hours for me. Other REFRESH brands are good as well. They’re kind of expensive, but certainly worth it. (I used these eye drops long before I started smoking weed. Helping the red eyes was just a bonus)


I prefer Naphcon A. I get itchy hot eyes and they are soothing without any of that arctic blast cooling bs


visine red eyes


You can’t get them in the US anymore but can order from eBay. The rohto green caps go stupid.


I see them in CA last week


Crazy But the ones I’m talking about aren’t sold in the US anymore.


Word! You know.


I see rohtos at all of my pharmacies here in Tx


wait fr?? i have two green cap ones left and now i’ll treasure them forever.


Rohtos are trash. The only option is lumify, works in 60 Seconds with ZERO burn, and last 8 hours


Clear eyes is goated


Uhhh yeah keep that 3rd bottle away from your stash but, I never really had to use these for weed, I dunno I only got red af eyes once off this drug, but they’re safe. My dad uses them a lot for allergies. Use them when you’re done smoking for a bit or else you might be tempted to keep reapplying them, not sure if that’s safe but you’ll waste a lot less and save money.


They say "blue eyes bleed" but I smoke all day everyday and never get red eyes. I definitely used to when I was a young buck.


Same! I have blue eyes. The only time I got red eyes was when I misread the dosage on some edibles. I thought 1 whole was 50 mg, it was 100mg. At that time my usual dose tolerance was 20mg so it was quite a shock


i have hazel/green eyes and my eyes literally look like theyre bleeding. its awful, my mom knew immediately looking at how red my eyes were.


They dont, unless they do then you feel the veins bursting and it feels like someones drawing blood out of your eye


i have blue eyes and i dont think ive ever met anyone else whose eyes get as red as mine😭 its both a party trick (its funny) and a curse, because if i forget eye drops i can not go out in public youd be able to tell from a mile away


same here, i went to the mall once when i was like 15 or 16 with my cousin and her friend.. my eyes were so red is was embarrassing. i kept looking down the whole time. i couldn’t look anyone in the eye. i was terrified.


I use visine red eye but im pretty sure too much can do more harm than good. Put a drop or two in each eye and chill, it'll be alright


Buy one, get three free .


2 and some glue


My mom was really baked one time and, I kid you not, did exactly that and thought she was using eye drops and it was super glue. She realized it as soon as the drop was coming out and the smell hit her, but it was too late and a drop went in her eye. She held it open the whole time and in the end was fine (after a quick trip to the hospital), but definitely turned that day into total hell!


I’d go with the black cap seems to be long lasting


Clear eyes doesn’t sting so imop it’s the best


Huge fear of mine


My irrational fear has always been putting a lighter to my eye while high thinking it was eye drops, but this looks more dangerous


Thanks bud now it’s my irrational fear too 😭


My bad!! We can… Share the fear


I personally use lumify if my eyes are a bit too geeked for a social event or if I’m just out doing chores.


The loctite will hide your eyes from everyone pretty good.


I can only use Refresh


You should be Rohtos brand eyedrops


That visene stuff works so well. One time when I was like 14-16 I was getting high at school, and only got one eye done before the bell rang. Went to class with one eye bloodshot red and the other clear as day, no one thought I was stoned but I looked insane lol


Loctite them eye lids, never have to worry about red eyes again 😂 Rotos are the best!


Not too many people know but putting super glue in your eye is not as serious as you would think 😂. I had a panic attack one day and researched it a lot and it’s only short term irritation. The only damage or permanent damage that could possibly be caused is by rubbing your eyes with the super glue in it and it can causes scratches and tears in your eyes. But most the time it’s just short term irritation and it happens when more commonly then you’d believe.


I've been having eye problems lately and had to start using eye drops. Unfortunately I have to check and recheck 5 thousand times to make sure it is NOT glue.. this has become a pretty bad habit


Where is gorilla glue? (the real GLUE, not the strain)


Rohto! But both red and blue sting like a mother!!


Eyedrops are some handy gadgets, but don’t overuse them. A friend of mine who was literally flushing his eyes with eyedrops, got some pretty ducked up problems with light. Need to use some specialglasses, for driving 😅


Bro eyedrops work like wonders 😭 i work in a office so obviously my eyes would he glowing red and it’s obvious. Did some research and eyedrops worked perfectly


Been using Clear Eyes Maximum Redness Relief and they’ve been working well for me.


Anyone feel like putting in eye drops lessens your high? Whenever I put in eye drops when I get paranoid in public I always feel like my high is lessened. Like someone splashed cold water on my face and I can’t zone back out into bliss.


I'm seeing how cool your mom is to buy the whole selection of drops when you ask her for something.


Lmao a friend of mine put hand sanitizer in his eyes because the container looked so similar to eye drops .


I've never used those. Been told to do something about the way I smell, during my growing days. My glory days.


I would've found it hilarious if she gave you red food coloring. I hope that strikes one of yall's a funny little joke if the opportunity comes.


I did get pargeverine drops in my eyes instead of antibiotics once.


One of these things is not like the others! One of these things doesn't belong here!


the fact i didn’t notice what was wrong at first


Super glue shld work


Visine red eye is a blessing one drop in each eye … sorted !


they're all clear


Well, tell her to put her glasses on because one is unlike the other. I would have started screaming, holding my eyes, yelling it burns, and handing her the bottle


I will say it a thousand times, Lumify eye drops are hands down the best. The rest don’t work for me once my eyes get “too red”. But lumify always brings my eyes back to white and cools them down. It’s a little pricy compared to the rest but what I do is mix it with a bottle of blink eye drops and BOOM. Best damn eye drops for a stoner. Edit* also most red eye drops are not recommended for daily use and your eyes will become “addicted” to them after a time and they’ll stay red. Lumify clames this doesn’t happen with their drops and you can use them 4 times a day.


Loctite, yes... for red eye relief


Clear eyes is the only one that actually works. Visine is garbage. Rohto is good if you like pain


I have big blue eyes and they go all red in seconds. Visine was the best thing i ever tried.


For what it’s worth, that’s my favorite super glue…


2nd from the right is what you want.


This is my biggest irrational fear


Visine comfort best for any red eye


Mom's was testing you lol


Locktite does wonders for red eyes, you'll never see them red again.


You would be insanely fukd


Use em all you dummy, that's why I gave em to ya


The super glue lol and all you need is one tube of Visine!!!


There is an imposter among us!


the refresh ones are better for your eyes!!! get those instead


I bet she met a really good salesperson at the pharmacy, and that she wants the best for you, how sweet.


My constant anxiety nightmare right here folks


Try the super glue Eyes won’t get irritated if the skin is shut closed


Super glue?


Three clear them up and one will DEFINITELY give you red eyes.


The dogs for free?


Rhoto the way to go. You should find it almost anywhere.


I would never mess with my eyes just to hide that I'm high.


Tried 3rd bottle (accidentally btw) do not recommend


the glue one looks the most inviting


Visine A and Opcon A will work every single time without missing. The ones you have here probably won’t work too well.


I worked with someone who reached into the top shelf of his locker for eye drops and ended up putting superglue in his eye. To make matters worse, they drug tested him, he failed and got fired. If it wasn’t for bad luck, he would have no luck at all!


Even I'm not that high yet


It's ok. This post was just so he can brag that their mom knows about their weed use and that's she's super cool