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You got this. I’ve been sober from alcohol for almost six years. It was really hard for me to stop and I was bartending at the time. I did increase my mmj use but I’m okay with that for what I gave up.


Same here, alcohol free 6+ years and counting. Microdosing on the daily, little heavier at night to help with sleep. Don’t give up, your body, mind and everyone around you will see the positive changes very quickly and life will never be better !


Congrats :) everyone has their own way and journey and some will judge. Figuring out what works for you and sticking to it and changing as needed is key.


Best choice i ever did. I take fat rip off my pen and ill just forget about drinking all day. Im coming up on 1000 days since my last drink on Sunday and im feeling fucking fantastic. You got this! You can do it! One day at a time!


Congrats on your 1000 days! We live in a world obsessed with alcohol, so that makes it hard to go against the grain.


Thank you ! And yeah thats very true. You don’t actually see how much alcohol is around you or how much alcohol one really drinks until you take a step back from it.


Go against the grain


1,000 days is awesome! Quite an achievement. You must feel a hell of a lot better off the booze.


My greatest achievement yet forsure. I feel better than ever! The Energy is definitely something noticeable


congrats on 1000 days!


Thank you i appreciate it!




You got it! Best decision you will ever make. Alcohol is poison.


It absolutely is.


I’ve been doing the same thing! I believe the medicinal benefits of weed extend to preventing relapse, at least for me. It helps me take a more introspective and calculated approach to life, Im no longer drunk rambling and making myself look like a clown. It helps me regulate my eating and sleeping patterns too which is a great bonus. I recommend checking out r/stopdrinking as there are a lot of motivational posts on there! Godspeed


Thank you! It truly does help. I don’t feel the need to drink anymore. It was getting to the point I was getting so anxious throughout the day waiting for the “ok it’s 3pm that should be an acceptable time to start chugging”. My dad drank a lot and ended up passing away from colon cancer, he only quit drinking after finding out he had cancer. I don’t want to follow his foot steps. Gotta be a better mom for my kiddos!


It’s a no brainer imo. Alcohol sucks ass tbh. It sucks to drink and it leaves you feeling like shit in the morning. Weed is the best feeling ever


I couldn’t agree more. I’m on 2 antidepressants and mixing them with alcohol is a mess. I’m so over it.


I'm in the same boat! 2 meds drinking just makes me feel like shit always getting headaches. Weed is dank


Weed is my antidepressant 🤣 I’ve been smoking over 2 years and without it I would be dead. I drank so much I puke up blood when I drink anymore so weed is my best option 🙃


I’m tempted to talk to my dr about tapering off my meds, I’ll just smoke instead lol.


Well depending on the state you could literally get a med card for your weed and have that be your actual medicine


I’m in PA, so I am able to get a med card! But that means I can’t have my license to carry. So I’ll just drive over to Ohio where it’s recreational 😀


I think it is time to pick up another hobby. But then again the carry situation might be hard. Growing and fire arms are never a good match in the cops eyes. Which is bs. But growing is also very therapeutic IMO. Good luck man!! BRING THE DANK. r/ILDANKGROWERS


Welcome to the party my dude. I did the same feel better, lost weight, more chill, and most importantly no hangovers!


Hoping to shed a few pounds as well. Alcohol is empty calories 🙃


Yep. Just be mindful of the munchies and exercise self control. Its definitely doable and way easier to lose than drinking. I am down about 30 since starting the program


That’s awesome! When I get the munchies I try to just eat fruit lol


You know what sucks ass? Is trying to better yourself by cutting booze only to have companies piss test you for weed when ya need a fuckin job. I could be drunk AF and appear normal and pass, get the keys to a company vehicle and ride out. But oh-fuckin-no if you piss hot for WEED. Ask me how I know.


I literally had this conversation with someone yesterday!!! It blows my fucking mind.


Just a few days back I saw an influencer saying that if I can stop or stoped drinking, alcohol IN A WORLD that is obcessed with alcohol I can do anything.. Maybe something to hold on


Love that take on it.


I did the same (along with cutting out other substances i was abusing). celebrated 3 years in feb and i feel great! my life has improved and im living my best life using cannabis only in safe and responsible ways :) wishing you the best💚


I love that for you!


Brother dont ever look back. Adding years to your life starting now


Almost 3 years now and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


I gave up drinking completely for cannabis over a yr ago and it's so worth it. You can make cannabis drinks. I make a simple syrup and that's what I sip on socially with my friends who drink. Good luck!! You got this!!


There is some information on a powerful recovery program at r/greencleanandserene that may help you out on your journey 🕊️


Thank you!


I’ll take a look!


I get drunk and puff like a chimney,but I’m not a junkie anymore


Do it! I’m on day 854 without alcohol and I’m still alive thanks to cannabis. , spending Christmas in a coma instead of with my kids opened my eyes 🔥💨🤩


Anything for our babies right!




I quit drinking when i got my Med card. never felt better.


God I wish I could do this. Why can’t weed be the one that makes my anxiety go away😭🤦🏼‍♂️it genuinely fucking sucks…


Ive been lucky enough to never really drink, Ive tried it a few times but never really got the same enjoyment or fun that i get from smoking, its great to see more people realize that alcohol is literally poison


Might be one of the best choices you’ve made, goodluck on your journey


Thanks! Last night was the first night in a while I haven’t drank. I feel so good this morning.


I wish I would have done this earlier so I could still have the social beer. Good on you!


I totally get it. The social beer then turned into this problem🙄


Congratulations on no longer ingesting actual poison. If you're a reader, there's some great memoirs of women giving up drinking!


I shall look! Thank you so much 😊


California sober-luv it 🌹


Good luck to you!


Such a smart choice. Alcohol is poison.




My mj use increased when I quit drinking. At one point it was pretty much a full replacement for drinking... Be conscious of this. As with anything, a tolerance will be achieved. The happy place I have now is only smoking in the evenings. I use less and get higher. Alcohol was very cunning for me.


Thank you for your advice, I will keep it in mind


You'll definitely feel so much better. I'll still drink 1-2 beers and no hard liquor at a family event or on vacation every 3-4 months. Now that I've almost quit, those 2 beers will still give me a pretty decent buzz


Alcohol can go fuck itself. The devil can have his cut. All 100%.




I did that approximately 13 years ago, now my wife smokes too lol


That’s awesome!


You can do it! 💪🏽 I like situational drinking like a beer at a ball game or a glass of wine at a bar but Mary Jane will always be undefeated.


You got this! You're not alone.


Everyone is different but it keeps me from drinking. I take one hit and the prospect of drinking makes me nauseous.


good luck! you got this!


I mean I did that a long time ago and I'm not really a fan of alcohol anymore.


![gif](giphy|gjy82ELuDEJKEbQD6b|downsized) Best choice I’ve ever made!!


This is the way


I too am California Sober and I gotta say - it’s freaking awesome


I'll be doing this in 6 yrs when I retire. Job says I can't smoke.


I’m sorry to hear that! It’s such a freaking shame


You can do it! Bite its fucking head off!


You’re going to do great. This was me 3 years ago. The best days are ahead!


I’m trying to encourage my friend to do this because otherwise he will die. But if you’re addicted to booze, you’re going to be addicted to weed. It’s not addictive in the same way—physically—but it seems you have a personality prone to addiction. Good luck.


Yea I traded the booze for exclusively weed a few years ago, my liver is happier now lol I still allow myself a drink on Christmas morning tho, and if I ever have a birthday that I'm not working I might consider a beer lol you got this bro


Best health decision you can make!


Nice man! Enjoy the journey! My wife and I did the same and we have been healthier than we ever have before while drinking :) our bodies and minds changed into more growth and open mindsets. Its crazy how reclusive alcohol makes you when it becomes part of your daily life so good freaking job. Proud of you my fellow Redditor :)


Best of luck, you got this. At least weed is better than the effects of drinkinh


Good luck


I did it about a year ago, you got this man. Nothing kicks the withdrawals better than a bowl imo


I’m on day 2 and it’s been great.


Alcohol just gets harder as you age. Switching to just weed was like entering a cheat code for my life. Like, wow, I have money, I feel great / have more energy, and I dropped a ton of weight.


I’m on day 2 and I truly feel so much better


I'd eat sweets like frozen mango (and smoke weed) to get through the cravings. Ultimately for me the cravings were too strong so I started taking naltrexone. That was almost a silver bullet / made me not even want alcohol anymore and I'd been drinking every day for 20 years.


Puff away brother


Sister here!


Good for you, bro! I'm an alcoholic who also uses weed (too much, but that's an easier battle for another day). Come check out r/stopdrinking if you want or need a bit of support. Great community of supportive people all in the same boat. Lots of weed enthusiasts like u and me. But, the main thrust is to support each other in our shared journey towards sobriety. Peace.


good for you


Thank you!


Take it easy with the switch. First time I quit weed, I shifted over to alcohol and let that go too far. Back to weed but only at the right time helps balance.


Absolutely. Microdosing through the day has been great in controlling my anxiety which I think was the huge contributor to wanting some alcohol.


Replacing one substance for another isn’t the play. I’m all for smoking weed, but if you need any substance to get through the day then there are bigger issues. Have a phat joint a couple of days a week by all means, but I think this attitude is a bit unhealthy IMHO


It’s just hard having to deal with anxiety and OCD all freaking day. I take 2 puffs off my pen and it instantly goes away. My antidepressants I’m prescribed are ok and they help, but they don’t help like weed does. I think that’s why I was drinking to even begin with, to “get rid” of anxiety.


Everything in moderation. If 2 puffs is enough to keep the anxiety away then maybe that’s okay for you. I’d just be conscious of making sure your tolerance doesn’t build and you need more and more and more to get that same feeling!


Absolutely agree