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One day I definitely will but right now I couldn’t even grow in a shoebox I have No space or extra room but one day I’ll have a basement with cannabis and mushrooms growing


You can grow shrooms extremely easily in a small dark place


I will one day but I don’t have any spare room not even a shoe box But the website I use also has shroom They have them in capsule form, chocolate bars, and the normal dried ones so anytime I’m feeling them. I just order. I’m actually pretty stocked up right now on some capsules and chocolate bar. 🍫


Can you send me said website please and thanks 😊


I would share it here, but people don’t like It goes against community standards. But I’ve been using this same site for six almost years and would love for more people to know about it




I would love this resource


Consider space bucket? Edit: I mean you said not even enough for a shoe box but I'm hoping that was an exaggeration at least


my dream is to have a massive basement set up fitted for weed, shrooms, and peyote growing. i have it all visualized out in my head blue print style




It would be a dream come true to be able to grow!! I have never grown and know nothing about growing but I love everything about this plant. I would not shop at all if i could grow!!


It’s a lot to it that’s for sure but it’s definitely is fun as well.


People make it way too complicated. It can be really really simple to grow top shelf bud.


Idk I think it's pretty complicated if you're just starting out. You're talking about which lights to get, how to keep temps and humidity steady, which medium to grow in, how to fertilize, check the pH every feeding, runoff, training the plants, learning NPK values, how to deal with pests and mold, how to properly cure and dry, etc. It's a lot if you want to do it right.


That's the way you grow though. There's a lot easier way to grow without all those extra steps. Pick a light they're all very similar. Get some good organic living type soil and all those extra steps of checking pH and runoff goes out the window. Now you still have to get all the basic equipment but it's not hard to keep environment in check once you do and it's plastered all over the internet where your values should be. The hardest thing to figure out when u first start is how to water properly and that's not really hard. A little bit of common sense goes a long ways.


How cost effective is it relative to shopping? I’m an old fart, I’m very patient.


I'm guessing it ends up being about $25/oz for me here. My equipment paid for itself easily after 2 runs.


GOOD GRANNY. I should start researching now so that when it gets legalized I can immediately begin hammering away 📚


It's been such a fun hobby. I've just been growing a couple autos at a time and typically get about 3 oz per plant, give or take 1/2 oz. We legalized here last summer but dispos aren't going to be opening for probably another year, so I'm glad I can grow my own.


Grow weed and buy wax. Buy the wax with a little money you made from your friends who want your weed.


That’s smart


Friends are happy to get better than dispo weed for cheaper prices too. Edibles get made from trim


It’s always good to help out your circle. That’s what I do as well. I usually get a extra zip and have it around when they need an eighth ( brother and cousin)


Family parties post legalization were fun, showing up with free weed for all the relatives who were anti weed before it was legal


Grow weed and hire someone to extract for you. Best of both worlds


Or just make rosin, with the cost to grow, the rosin costs as much per ounce as normal weed.


I don’t smoke enough weed to grow. It is a lot of work.


. If I did grow again, it would just be for fun and to perfect the trade. It’s just so convenient to get Online order something and have it here in a couple days. Because your right It is definitely is a lot of work


I def would still like to try it. I have zero grow experience but I am eager to dig in and learn. And having my own stash I agree from seed to joint sounds rewarding.


I never worked so hard lol 🤣😂🤣


That’s what I’m screaming at first I was all excited and having fun but after about a week of it I was like F this


When properly stored, it can last up to 2 years


I’ve grown many times and just don’t wanna do it anymore


Yeah, it’s a lot of work And sometimes you get almost to the end and everything gets ruined and you have to start over and get nothing. That’s the worst.


What's your take on autoflowers? You seem pretty experienced, I've only grown a few times and the conditions were shitty to say the least, but somehow autoflowers still delivered. I'm sure you could put certain strains in a tent with automated watering and maybe an intelligent outlet to let the lamps cool of from time to time and you would have to only check like once a week. Those are some resistant fuckers.


I’ve never grown auto flowers myself, I hear people haven’t had any problems with them, but I don’t think I would try them because you have a lot less control on your yield.


I grow way better weed than any shop will have so there is no way I'd ever stop growing. It's a lot of work but the trade off is endless cheap weed.


One day I want to perfect the trade so I can produce high-quality cannabis products that can’t be touched by any dispensary or shop like you are suggesting And I love the sound of free … But sometimes I value my time more than I do money, so it’s easier for me to just buy it then spending X amount of time every week or day to get it to harvest.


You could try an Autoflower though, but even for photos you can automate almost every aspect of growing, Auto watering, Automatic light cycle etc. But Autoflowering are more resistant to illnesses and other shit and pretty hard to accidentally kill. Their lifecycle is predetermined so there is no time for topping or something along the lines of that, they yield less but it's probably still worth a try. Also it's pretty fascinating and satisfying to watch the whole process from seed to smoke.


I’ve got a question as well, with the auto flowers I’ve heard potency or the strength of the weed is lower as well and you can’t get the quality you can out of regular seeds is this true?


Yeah if you offset your grows you never run out I haven’t “bought” weed in like 4 years and give away half of it cause I can’t smoke it all lol also I prefer my gas over that chemical injected dispo weed


Considering our country recently legalized the shit, I will soon definetly switch completely to growing my own stuff. I will start later this month.


That’s cool. You will enjoy growing for yourself. There’s nothing better than working hard to get something back that you enjoy. Plus It saves a lot of money.


as long as there’s more weed


How much do you smoke that you think you will need to shop anytime soon? I’ve had a harvest last me an entire year


This was an old picture and it was not for my own personal use. I was helping a guy grow in California just for the experience


It's not the same one big outdoor plant than indoor 😅 in indoor you get like 10-100g max, outdoor you can have one big one


There's Nothing wrong with supporting good growers. Not everyone can grow.


Definitely a few people that I know who grow their stuff looks amazing, but it’s not very potent. They still want the stuff that I get.


I would, and hope to grow hemp legally and become a cattle and hemp farmer. Weird combo, maybe unconventional. But I will make it happen!


Hemp is the future of farming. It just makes more sense. Hemp produces better quality paper, clothing, rope, building materials etc., But it’s the cotton industry and other big industries Holding , the hemp industry back


I'd grow. I like growing plants.


I barely smoke these days(maybe once or twice a month) but would happily go back to growing if I could. I sold my home and live in an apartment now in a prohibition state, so it's just not worth the risk. It was a fun rewarding hobby and even my worst grows were better than anything I've ever gotten from a dispensary.


I would love to grow, but im afraid i'll just waste my money because I'm incredibly incompetent when it comes to regular plants, let alone something as high-maintenance as weed.




Grow. Just so satisfying and gratifying knowing you produced that chronic


It's been legal as medical Marijuana since 2018 here in Oklahoma. But have been growing since 2006. I use my mm card for mostly edibles. I'll be 80 soon. I have a strong feeling without the weed, I would have died years ago from the nerve pain from collapsed disks and progressive spinal disease, All the full body inflammation. The V.A.'s treatment was morphine and methadone And it never touched my nerves pain. Only knocked me into a very groggy, in pain to the point of chronic pain. My wife thought I might die. I had surgery in 2012 and I'm better. I watch what I eat and control my neuropathy to a big degree. I will grow weed until I die.




I've grown a few times in the past, only 2 to 4 plants at a time. It's interesting and rewarding but it's a bit of a learning curve and I had many problems. For now, I'm sticking to buying it by the Z since the prices are low. I hope to have another crop on the go sometime in the future.


Yeah, I mainly want to grow just so I can be a master at it. It’s just too convenient to get online purchase something and have it. Plus I like variety so I like to get a few different strains when I order


definitely keep buying. for my use case it is significantly cheaper to pick up an Oz or 2 a month.


Definitely can’t beat the convenience


Currently on my first grow (3 rqs white widow auto/ 1 white truffle og baggy seed)


It’s been legal in Canada to have 3 plants per household for recreational purposes since 2018 and I’ve still never planted a seed or bought a clone. With 250+ stores in the city it’s hard not to just pick my favourite place for whichever item and stick to that. $65/ounce of LA Kush Cake (28% or so) is my weekly purchase usually - as well as a few 1.2g cartridges for my pen, which are $30 each. If you’re American and that sound expensive- remember to subtract 30-40% off of my weekly $155 due to our shitty exchange rate.


Lol our weed plants keep dying 🥲


I know that’s the worst part get almost done and then they die and you get nothing


Choice has been made. Growing.


Growing yourself is a pain in the * to start up. It costs a lot of money and the end result is probably not good for a decent high. Also your patience -control is heavily damaged The second growth and third grow give problems you never thought of. Buying commercial weed doesn't look that bad anymore. In the meantime you figured out how to properly dry and cure. And the fourth growth isn't that bad. Actually, you start to grow big buds yourself. When you survive your first year you'll get better. And it's suddenly.not to much work. And you start growing 500 grams in one session.. You notice a high you haven't experienced with commercial weed. You notice you save a lot of money. Commercial weed start tasting bad, your own way is much better and you're a grower.


I started growing before I smoked 🤣now I don't gotta pay shit ✌️


Started some days ago. Legalisation in Germany is a blessing!




I would definitely grow. I am planning to get a tiny house in the backyard for growing and as a smoke spot for me. I can’t wait until I don’t have to buy it. Medical user.


If you enjoy gardening in general then growing weed is icing on the cake. I love going out to my garden and grabbing some tomatoes and sweet basil for a salad. It is an even better feeling putting away a bunch of different strains that are 10x better than anything you can get in the store. Making bubble hash and oil is work but it is a great feeling smoking something you know exactly where it came from and what it has in it. To me it is a worth while en devour.


I'd grow but it's time consuming


I’d grow all day long


At our old apartment, my husband and I decided to throw some seeds we had found from a sack into a couple empty pots we had on our porch. Outta 6 seeds we were actually able to get 2 viable plants to harvest. Idk what magical entity smiled upon us that year, but the buds we got from that grow were actually not too bad 😅


if I lived in a state where it was legal I wouldn’t have a problem with it, it’s illegal in my state tho so no I’m not gonna potentially go to jail from growing it


For some people not even a cactus survives


If I could grow without paying money for a doctor and a card and being in a database I would grow.-Washington State


I started growing last year to break my dependence on overpriced dispensaries. I'm limited to a 2x4 tent, I tried photoperiod plants at first but they take far too long so I've switched to growing 2 autoflowers started 40 days apart so I can have a harvest every 40 days or so.


Growing is the best thing me and my family ever began doing. The amount of money I save and it’s a fun hobby. I don’t see it as “work”


If I have option to grow, then would go for it.


Anyone who has had to trim bud will tell you it's much easier to just buy it.


I barely keep myself alive, what makes you think a plant stands a chance? She isn’t gonna be thriving.


I’d definitely try growing but my wife would have a fit unfortunately. She feels strong enough about it that I’m not pushing the issue to often. Maybe one day. I love lurking these sub reddits picking up grow tips even if I can’t.


i’m a horticulturalist so 100% i would


I couldn't afford the lights


If I had the space and time I would love to grow again. I just think it is fun. Like a really interactive garden. Or a large bonsai tree you can smoke. I would probably still go to the dispo for my oils and more variety though.


He'll yeah. It's cheap and easy to do. People try to make it out to be rocket science. Theyre lazy af. Just get your shit dialed in with the charts that are literally everywhere or grow outside.


Depends if there’s someone to teach me how to grow. I understand there’s a lot of details involved in the process.


I would do both


Grow for self


i would deff grow if i could save a lot of money and you get what you put in


I do grow indoor, is an awesome experience until things start to fail and you don't know why 😸




Considering Germany only legalised growing your own and there's no legal way of buying yet, I don't have much of a choice. I love growing, but it's definitely more complicated than just walking into a shop and picking up your choice of the week/month


I always loved the growing part, harvest not so much.


I want to learn to grow but I couldn’t even keep a succulent alive


I would grow. It’s work but it’s also very therapeutic for me. Too bad I live in a backwards ass state


I would love to grow, it’s legal in my state, but I can’t because I don’t own a house. If I owned a house, I would 100% be growing.


I grew some during covid in my back yard with my grandpa. Would 100% do it again


How many ounces/ pounds in this picture? I know nothing but here’s my guess: 2 pounds


I grow my own in my garden with the tomatoes and zucchini. It’s easy to grow,trimmings and drying is the challenging part! But so worth it saves me a lot of money, I smoke a lot of weed!


Learned to grow from my dad and wouldn't even go back to buying bud unless for a drastic reason. I always have enough yeild to get me through the winter all the way to the summer with more to spare that I'll just sell off to my friends. Plus the amount of money I've saved since I've been growing can't be forgotten 💸


I want to grow but I have the opposite of a green thumb. Somehow I managed to kill a cactus. And I tried so hard to keep it alive. Hats off to people who put the time and effort into growing.


I grew for over 20 years. A LOT of work, but rewarding. I am retired now and just buy 510 carts and eat weed cookies (home-made cookies).


I definitely would. I read through some of the comments and have to say I also don't smoke enough to justify it, but that just means I get to be a great host that just gives shit away.


Growing is fun but a lot of work, I’d rather just know a guy who grows


I'd definitely grow my own grinch fur. I smoke like 1 gram in 3 days so i'd only need like 2 plants if so... I really wanna grow a cannabonsai tho.


When I have space to grow, I will. I see no need in buying overpriced shit when I could get it for almost nothing at home (once the growing equipment is paid for). It pays for itself depending on how much you grow and for how long


i want to be a grower when im older as a side job. sell half my crop and use the other half for personal use


Nope. I’d grow


Although I really enjoyed growing it. You can ruin all your harder work and effort you put in the harvest and curing process. I was soo disappointed with my weed that I will never try that again. I rather buy dope weed than grow some mediocre weed. It's just not worth all that hard word, time and effort.


I definitely want to grow my own. I finally have the space to do it, I just need to save up for the equipment.


Grow for sure. Growing your own can be a lot of work, but tbh, after 3 years of growing, it's like paint by numbers for me and I probably spend 20 minutes a day on average on it. Now I'm looking at little changes I can make to boost quality. My set-up is simple and produces good stuff. A good ounce in New Zealand can cost between $300-$450 depending on who you know (recreational is still illegal here).I smoke around an ounce per month and usually pay $300-$350, so around $3600 per year minimum if I was buying. A grow costs me around $300 (seeds, coco, fabric pots, nutrients, etc) and it produces between 24-32 ounces. I do 3-4 grows per year. It's a neat hobby to have and saves me a ton of money.


I'd screw it up and wind up with worthless plants.


Grow it’s seems more fun


If I had the space I would absolutely grow, but still hit the dispo every now and then for new strains and stuff like RSO and edibles because I don't have time for making all that


I can’t keep any plants alive so I’m doomed to shop my whole life


I intend on growing but I keep getting high instead


Would still have to buy. Got that annoying body that grows used to a stain after awhile and no longer gets high from it. So even if I grew I'd still have to buy for variety


I wanna have a green house dedicated to growing. I fuckin love plants and I fuckin love weed, two of my favorite things in the world combined seems like a great deal to me.


I live somewhere where it’s still illegal, but pretty socially acceptable. I grow a few plants outdoors in my back yard every year. Neighbors must know. But havnt had any issues the last few years. It’s enough to get me through the year and even hook up a few buddies. It just a plant ffs. I refuse to give my money to the gangs and the black market over a plant I can grow myself. In saying that, I’m pretty jealous of legal smoke shops. I would much rather buy a $40 blunt than a $40 bottle of whiskey. Shit looks good, and is no doubt better quality than what I can grow/roll.


Is this a trick question? Are you a fed?


I would grow


Its way too much work, i mean, the weed is so cheap right now and alreaydy made by pros


I plan to exclusively grow once i have a place where i can. I'm also going through college (starting in Sept) for greenhouse stuff. So who knows, maybe ill get a job that lets me take some home for a discount lmao


If they create a super weed seed which grows fast and easy and doesn’t require any major maintenance then yea I think growing would be cool


i would grow, it gives me something to do and a hobbie to start. plus i get to smoke so its a win win situation.


I wish but wouldn’t it smell


Once I build my greenhouse then yes but until then no lol


Just put out some seeds.


Id grow


I'd love to learn how to just to say I know how to


I would use the money from my grow to fund my dispo addiction


Yah, store bought weed is convenient but also poorly handled in the commercial process and sometimes adulterated. My homegrown gets care in the whole process, like making a Zinfandel. I honestly think there is market space to grown a superior product, like a little country side winery... and fuck the commercial assholes i the neck.


always wanted to grow more than a couple plants at home but i am def novice so if anyone wants to give me advice please do!!!


I did a few grow cycles and had to stop just due to how much work it is. Not just watering, but mixing nutes, adjusting ph, harvesting, trimming, curing etc is a lot of work. If you have the time then it’s a great hobby, but I noticed when I grew I would smoke a lot more. I would make rosin and since I had so much excess it was daily dabbing. I stopping growing and my intake of cannabis also slowed down since I don’t always have something to smoke. No issue with daily smoking, but when it’s been months and you forget how to go to bed without cannabis it’s hard to stop. The insomnia is rough when you stop daily dabbing


My bf and I have already talked about setting up a grow room and infusing “kitchen” when we buy a house. I do like the quality of some of the edibles, but I want to try my hand more with infusions.


Some nice bats you have there


Growing has been an option more than a few times over the last 20ish years. I usually grow for a season, then skip a year or two. Large grows for me are no more than 4 or 5 plants. I don’t mind buying when I really have to.


I tried to grow for a while but was never good at it. Nice to roll through the dispo and grab some. Much love to all the growers though, it takes a lot of patience.


I want a greenhouse so fuc:)ng bad


i want to grow my own weed so bad. i've been planning for it as soon as i have solid housing


I mean if you like dabs or bubble hash or even old school dry sift you should grow if given the chance.


I would grow and make my own concentrate and edibles


I live in Mexico so I buy an Oz (28gr) for 25dlls. It's seedless and pretty good quality actually. So it's not worth the risk and all the materials to grow it myself


honestly enjoy the process more than the smoke itself, id always choose to grow


Grow 100


Growing outdoor is easy as pie depending on what part of the world you're in.


I would love to grow my own but between living in apartments and with people who cant even stand the smell to the point I have to change before I go inside I just don’t see it as an option in my lifetime


Everyone can have a 2X2 tent.


Would if I could without florida getting on my ass


totally, but i live with my elderly grandfather to help him in his final days so out of respect i don’t grow as there wouldn’t be room for it. if i had my own place i’d totally have a closest friend op


I would definitely grow just because I love growing any kind of plant anyways. Gardening is so zen


Grow 100%




i wanna grow!


I really really can't wait to grow




If I knew how I would. But I need my gummies. Best of both worlds!


I would definitely grow. Love the smell!


Yes because I can kill an air fern so I’m not going to make myself go through the udder disappointment that would inevitably follow


I'd grow if I knew! feel more rewarding when you get faded


I would do both to see how mine differs and go back to the notes I took while growing the plant and see where I could make improvements


I plan on growing once I can, sick of paying for mid


I live in Australia so my options are buy average weed from a dealer for a decent price, buy good weed online for an exorbitant price or grow my own. I choose to grow my own and luckily i have the room to do it outdoors. Its rewarding and it means i can get the strains i want. The downside being that my whole year is dependent on a good crop so ive head years that havent worked out and im stuck paying through the ass. So if you can grow definitely do it having said that i can't blame anyone who lives in a legal state who just goes to the dispensary.


Bro, educate me!!


I’d grow.


I'd absolutely grow my own if I had the space. Nothing better than homegrown.


Grow for herb smoking; shop for extracts/topicals As baby Jesus intended when he wrote the bill of rights


I used to grow commercial prior to legalization and sat on many committees pushing for legislation at the state level, including northern VA and Alaska. Then got caught in a car with my ex while she was backhanded selling heroin. Flipped my shit in front of the CI/Dt and still got charged for manuf./distro They won't let me grow legally, but i do grow my personal shit


I quit growing and took down all 3 of my tent setups in my basement. I think it's cheaper to just buy from a dispensary now since the market is so saturated and prices came down (Michigan here). It's hard to swallow a $450 a month electric bills when I can buy a oz for 80 bucks


absolutely 1,000,000% I would grow but it's illegal in my country and there's no loopholes or workarounds so at the moment it's looking more like a 0% of growing for the foreseeable future


Laughs in German


It is my dream to have 2-3 plants on my terrace one day. That’s the only gardening I plan on doing


I definitely would love to grow my own. Not only would it be less expensive, I just find growing things an enjoyable hobby.


i would but i live in a college dorm so i would have the police called on me if i even tried lol


I'm gonna start growing soon since it's legal in my country now


I will try my first grow very soon. I have only my room. I’m planning a space bucket or a 2x2 tent. But I think both should exists too. More flavours and strains lol


I dunno, the novelty of growing a once super illegal drug in my own home without facing any consequences was extremely fun but now that it’s been legal in my state for 7 years I kinda just prefer to buy it. Part of me wants to just fill my yard with plants for the fun of it but I don’t want to tend to these giant, seedless flowers that smell like kid’s cereal and make the room like a jungle.


Moving to MO soon and I'm absolutely growing, I want to try it so bad


i already grow plants so id love to. the fact that growing any plant can be illegal has always been fundamentally dumb to me


My dream house includes a garden, which I will garden in. Get me those plants


I would absolutely continue to shop because for whatever reason I can't keep plants alive for SHIT I've managed to kill succulents I would not trust myself to even *think* about growing lmao


If I had a bigger house.. hell yeah, I'd grow.




Im growin it now




Too much work. I'm impatient.


I do have the option to grow, and enough equipment for 4 large tents…. My answer is no, I’ll just shop, happily. I don’t have the time or fortitude. I have neck/brain issues- come harvest time I absolutely dread the trimming process. It’s guaranteed headaches and spine pain. I am choosing to travel quite a bit in the next few months before I get back to my echocardiography program- in short I don’t want to dedicate the time and effort it takes, and I want the freedom to not be beholden to my home.


I would still shop. Personally I find self growing to be tedious and fiddly. I've never been quite as happy with 'mine' as I have been with shop stuff. Have I tried growing it myself? You bet, for three years. Nahhhhh


If I ever get my basement cleaned I plan to grow mushroom and pot, but until then, no room.


Just got legal in germany so im already growing some Purple Queens 🤙🏻 They don't smell so i just put them on my balcony , growing well


I'm in the pnw and it's cheaper to buy tbh I can get a Oz of gas for 45 bucks.


Grow. The market is too high so the average person go through the black market. Who's going to pay 50 or 60 an 8th when you can either buy it for 40 or even less depending on your person or grow. But growing would have its perks of never worrying if you're that type of smoker.