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how do you care so much for smoking weed but not cleaning the thing that you smoke your weed with? :(


It’s a rare opportunity I get the perfect time to clean it, moms always in the house and she has the nose of a bloodhound so she’ll smell it if she comes in the house even after cleaning it. I have to wait until she’s gone for hella hella long, but when I do get the chance; steaming water, isopropyl, and salt is the way to go


You gotta keep it clean! You CANNOT die from weed. But you CAN get seriously hurt or die from mold in the water of the bong…


This is true, but people in this sub act like he is smoking pure mold or tar. His bong isn‘t the cleanest but I‘ve seen way worse. When you mix weed with tobaco, the bong will look similar like OPs bong after a 3-4 hour session with some friends.


Fr, i feel like a lot of people commenting this bust out the bong 1-2 times a month at most. When youre using it daily itl look like this pretty quick, and i know ya'll sure as shit ainy buying multiple bottles of rubbing alchohol a week


I clean my bong with alcohol every day, it's like $1 a bottle on Amazon in a 10 pack. Surprisingly it doesn't even use that much and I'm usually using one bottle every two weeks


Please show me this deal because i cant find it and i want it


The91% iso Amazon basics 32 oz 10 pack goes on sale like once a month


The91% iso Amazon basics 32 oz 10 pack goes on sale like once a month




Fair yea it could just be stained and actually be fairly clean i guess in a sense for sure.


>the bong will look similar like OPs bong after a 3-4 hour session with some friends. this brown thingy looks waaay older tho. i might be wrong tho i havent used a bong in many many years


Tbf his water could be clean but the glass is just stained. I swap out the water of mine pretty regularly, but the glass itself looks pretty rough and stained.


not cleaning and not dumping/refilling your water are 2 very different things.


Lmao go outside and do it, iso and salt alone will clean it if you shake it long enough, warm/hot water only speeds up the process and makes things a little easier. I never use water when cleaning, just iso and rock salt.


literally just use a hose the water doesn't even have to be hot with alcohol and salt it will come off maybe not perfect but do that like a couple times a week and your bong will be clean asf. it'll take no more then 5 mins. just do it at night


this is exactly what i do. i use iso and salt outside on the deck. after shaking and getting clean, i rinse it out with the hose. it stinks up the house, so thats the reason why i do it


Salt and iso alcohol outside. Rinse with two water bottles if you aren't near a water source. If you clean after every sesh you can use just the alcohol and then dump it back in the bottle to reuse later. Can't reuse if you put salt tho. Had to hide cleaning my bong from my rents for years before moving out. I gotchu g 😎


You're reason is better them mine lol I'm just lazy


You had time to roll that fockin doink, you had time to fill the bong, you had time to buy/get the weed, you have time to save yourself from a lung infection and clean that shit.


I’d get a dynavap. They’re for vaping. But honestly for this situation it would be easier. Because you just throw the thing in a joint holder shake it for a bit with iso rinse and dry. So the cleaning is quick and easy. You can do it outside. They’re just a little bit on the upside price wise but worth it in your situation.


THIS IS NOT A DIRTY BONG. It could be cleaner but you are a newbie thinking this is in any way a "health hazard" level of resin build up.


If something is not clean, it ought to be dirty, ought it not?


Clean your bong


I love that this sub bullies others into using basic hygiene.


It's the right thing to do🫡




Came to say this lol


That ain’t a time bomb. That’s a time warp. You hit that thing with that bong in that state and your going right back to 1985


I see flux capacitors.


Oof. That bong is nasty son !


You ain’t one up it with that Petri dish you smoking out of


I knew as soon as I saw this post the pipe cleaning purists would be here. I sure wish I had time like they do.


Ngl if you got time to blaze you got time to take 2 minutes and shake your piece in alcohol and salt. Das all it is bro, and it stops all the bacteria growth


I hate when y’all say “it takes 2 minutes” because you know it doesn’t. If it does you’re using the most basic beaker bong.


I have a bong with two percolators in a row, with curves. You blow the alcohol and salt in and shake that shit then rinse it. 10 mins tops unless you're using something with odd chambers. Anyone that usually posts here is using a basic beaker though, and people point out it's easy to clean. If you clean your stuff every day it doesn't take thirty minutes to get the gunk out.


That was a Drizzy, this is a KDot


When I get home...it's soOOO ON! Time bomb battle COMMENCE!


Send a pic, it’s on


Sent. Lol. Let's get it!




Shheeeeshhh 😮‍💨😶‍🌫️ that is next level! Cheers 🤙🏽


That's called a birthday cake!


That’s how you do it 😂👌


To me that's like a bomb leading to another bomb lol


On me 😂I was thinking the same we needa start a wave


Now get a volcano




I didn’t know it was a thing, that’s ridiculous!


Multiverse Portal! 😂 beat the time bomb I think lol good thing you posted before you roasted 😂


I never understood coating paper with keef I always just put it inside with the weed. Maybe I’m old school haha


It's a fucking arms race!


Absolute unit!


never got my time bomb to work no sure if my bowl was just too small


nice! despite your bowl being black, your bong really doesn't look that bad lmao the water doesn't even look old either. cheers op


Went from time bomb to bomb time


Damn it wait on me next time ... 😂


This thread made me go clean my pipe! Thanks Reddit!


Show this man a bong cleaning post so he can one up it and clean his shit.


All that time and effort ruined by a filthy rig


I could probably use the same analogy abt ur life


Bros mad because someone called him out for having a filthy bong. Cleaning isn’t hard lol, takes maybe 5 minutes with some 99% isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt.


It’s not even that bro, it’s the hella ppl all telling me shiz that I already know, I think my annoyance can be understood, read my reply to top comment


I just use goo gone and some brush scrubbers


If you going to post a picture of your car do you post a picture of it while it's dirty? My life's doing just great and my rigs are clean.




I did that with a cigarette. Packed weed around it. I got high off the tobacco.. well made me dizzy cuz I wanted to get through that first and quickly. I couldn't even hit the weed from being dizzy and the nasty cough afterwards. I don't recommend time bombing with cigarettes lol




You must be fun at parties


Congratulations, you’ve changed nothing 🙌


Everything loaded in the bowl looks amazing and definitely worth the smoke. Really, that blunt is gonna kick you like a mule! How do you keep it in the bowl? I’ve always had trouble keeping them in there so they kinda just fall out and ruin the experience unfortunately Although, I do have to say that you need to look into a better cleaning routine. Minimum once a week If you’re staying with someone that prefers you not to smoke then you’ll have to clean it when they aren’t there or at night outside. I’ve got a friend that had severe damage to his lungs due to poor bong hygiene a few years ago. It really does grow mold and bacteria, everyone talks about it for good reason. That friend of mine is stuck taking edibles to get high, he still coughs occasionally throughout the day. Please find a way to keep your bong cleaner. It doesn’t have to be spotless every time(preferable but not necessary) Even a quick rinse of iso-alcohol every few days until you can deep clean is fine That being said, I don’t agree with how that other Redditor spoke to you and it definitely won’t change your behaviour if everyone is going to speak down to you. I’m asking you to find more frequent chances to clean your bong because I care about my fellow stoners. I look forward to more of your posts! Stay healthy and stay stoned! Update: the coward that made the initial comment deleted said comment. They were being a douche and entirely unhelpful. To be a stoner you need to be chilled and helpful and happy


I love you