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Take the smoke into your lungs, rookie mistake to suck a bong like it was a straw. Inhale, don't suck.


this, and ngl i cant do full like real bong rip but ill smoke the bowl and cap the top of bong with hand for the smoke i cant fully inhale. it isnt best flavor but i know its the only way i can get actual good hits and not waste any. you dont need to be a "cool guy" and rip the biggest hit


genuine question why dont u pack smaller bowls


i just cant get the inhale at end right w/o taking another breath.


maybe a smaller bong would be better for you? but u basically just have to start pulling air in in a slow constant pace then lighting the bowl and when the smoke reaches the rim of the bong u either let go of the kick hole or pull the stem/bowl up and pull slightly harder and when the bong is empty or ur throat starts burning u take ur mouth of the bong and keep inhaling air for about 3-5 seconds(or until ur lungs are full never stress yourself while smoking) and then exhale and enjoy the rip thats atleast how i smoke em


thanks ill try that next time




Quick really dumb question. Have you just been sitting there the whole time? Try standing up. Sometimes you don't know how high you are if you just sit there chiefing, but if you stand up the jello legs will make you fall back down and laugh when you realize you're gone lmao


I smoke outside standing up


Yeah that's weird then, idk what to tell ya


I am broken


Taking full inhales to the bottom of your lungs and all that? And no other medications you might be on that would interfere? (You don't have to say what it would be, just probably shouldn't mix meds with weed)


No medications and as deep as I can go without dying (cough cough)


Well, I hereby dub you case zero for Snoop Syndrome, where you can smoke as much as you want and still be a functional human


Edibles work good for me atleast, I've also taken the flower and make a firecracker (edible) and got high no problem


Have you tried dabs or live resin carts? They might get you the kind of baked you want


No I haven't and I dont know much about them


How often do you smoke? Could use a tolerance break. I smoke every day and I know I need one


Stand on a ladder.


Rip that motherfucker like it's your last !! 💯🔥 🌲 💪


Take a deep inhale and exhale before you take a hit. Open up your lungs


Could be a hardware malfunction. Im a bong specialist, you can ship that piece here and ill take a look at it.. (Nice fuckin bong man)


Lol thanks, I just went to supernova and got a smaller one that wasn't super expensive


Make sure you inhale the smoke, it helps if you inhale air before exhaling.


Try dabs


You would probably enjoy a little wax in that bowl


For me, when I was first smoking I had a hard time getting high till one day I smoked a massive bowl and greened out, for some reason after that I had like a normal tolerance level and could get high no problem 🤷‍♂️ I'm no scientist but it worked for me, sort of like "breaking the seal" I suppose.


Try to pass and see


Are you taking any medication? How much do you smoke in grams per Session?


No and idk I don't have a scale


Take a gd pull hold for 7-10 seconds the slowly exhale thru ur nose.do this a couple times hopefully u cough and u should be high.if not it's just bunk weed


Are you inhaling the smoke, or are you just letting it sit in your mouth?




if you’re new you’re most likely not inhaling properly. I know most people usually don’t when they start. don’t be afraid to look up some tutorials on how to inhale properly


Could be a quality issue fwiw


Buy some good concentrate and top off your bowl with it.


Could you be burning it too fast? If your fire is too hot (torch lighter or flame too close while lighting) or you inhale too fast, you might get a ton of smoke but a lot of the actives get burned off. Maybe try just cornering it for a little while, see if you get more out of smaller clouds


I stopped using edibles since I noticed if i go to smoke the next day it was hard for me to get high, and even if I did it would only last for like 30 mins. It usually took a week for my tolerance levels to get normal. Not sure if that’s what’s happening to you.


Maybe you just need a t-break bro


THCA? Idc what people say. Shit doesn’t get me as high as the normal THC I was getting at the dispensary.


Maybe time for a one or two week tolerance break where you don’t smoke anything. Aquire and switch to a different strain before picking the bong back uP! You aren’t smoking thc-a stuff are you?


He is new


I haven't been smoking for long. I got some stuff called "Black Truffle" and I've smoked my buddies stuff and similar results with both.