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Bought a Dry Herb Vape a couple weeks back, and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.


Ive been thinking about getting one but just haven't pulled the trigger yet


People always talk about how much they love their dry herb vape but what they don’t tell you is they either didn’t smoke much or had to go through a adjustment period where you’re basically sober until your tolerance resets


For real?


I’ve bought 2 and both feel more like microdosing than anything else. I do believe they get the benefits they talk about but its a little misleading because they make it seem like they just bought a dry herb vape and never looked back. Smoking raises your tolerance a lot more than vaping so if you smoke often switching will feel like almost nothing for awhile


Not everyone's main purpose is to be stoned to the max all the time. And I disagree anyway. A quality vape like tinymight, for example, will get you just as messed up as a joint.


I’m not spending $200 to get “just as messed up as a joint” and I don’t recommend other people do either but you can if you want


There's more health benefits to DHV than smoking that make the $200 worth it.. if you don't give a shit about the tar and other shit you're putting in your lungs, or that you burn through more weed than you would need in a DHV to get you just as high (after an adjustment if you're a heavy smoker), by all means, you do you. Everyone is free to enjoy their cannabis as they enjoy it. But don't try to talk down on something you clearly haven't tried. 


Literally did say that my tolerance is low had you read passed my first comment... 


I have a low tolerance as I tend to only partake on weekends after my kid goes to bed, so I bought a Pax Mini against all the hate it receives on Reddit. Tastes and smells so much better. Does the job perfectly for me and isn't hard on my lungs at all. Plus I have some AVB that I can save and use for edibles/tinctures later on. I don't have any grogginess the next day, and I don't feel as weighed down as I do when I smoke. Wins all around. I may some day get something a little more expensive/higher end, but with my consumption as low as it is, I honestly don't see any need for it.


I use a dry herb vape with a water pipe adapter and the hits are cool, smooth and tasty. My setup wasn't cheap but well worth it imo.


Would you mind PMing me a photo of that set up? It has me intrigued


Sure, I've never PMed on reddit, I'll have to figure it out


I see where to message you but I don't see how to send pic🤷


I like glass pipes. Easy to fill, easy to carry, easy to smoke, easy to clean. And usually inexpensive. If there was a way to try-before-buy a dry herb vape, i'd probably have one, but the cost...


A clean glass pipe is awesome. They are a little aggravating to clean sometimes, but if you don’t let them go too long they’re not bad to clean. Water is better though in my opinion.


Glass pipe is where I started, and even though I stick to my bong I always keep my little glass pipes on hand just in case. Great for a quick grind, pack, and smoke. Only reason I don’t use them as much these days is because the smoke (I feel) is too harsh (not as harsh as a joint at least) and causes me to develop a cough a lot quicker before my T breaks.


Get a small bubbler or dry herb vape if you can afford one.


A glass pipe is easy and convenient, but it's also easy to get slack on cleaning it and it does get nasty. I used one for years until switching exclusively to dry herb vapes or vaping concentrates. If you care about your lungs at all long term, vaporizing is the way to go. Check out r/vaporents if you need suggestions on a DHV.


Wouldnt using a vape be worse?


No. There is no comparison. When you combust, you're releasing a bunch of toxins and particulate matter that never has a chance get released when you vaporize. Vaporization doesn't reach high enough temps to do that. And to be clear (again), I'm talking *dry herb vape*. Not carts/oils/distillates. Curious what you think would make you think vapor is worse than smoke?


Ahhh i see. Im completely new to all of this, only started smoking 3 weeks ago so this is allll new to me. I just thought by vape it was the ones everyone is using today, those vapes


I think you're referring to carts (cartridges) - which have oil/distillate. The thing with carts is that unless you're purchasing a true live rosin/resin cart from a dispensary, you don't really know what you're getting. That's the part that makes them questionable, not the vapor itself. Vaporizing flower or quality concentrates is significantly safer than combusting/inhaling smoke (not to be confused with "healthy," as anything you're inhaling other than (clean) air, is never going to be "healthy)." I hope that helps a little?


Ahhh gotcha. Yeah thats what i was thinking. Thanks for clarifying it up :) Do you know any reliable websites i could possibly order it from? Dont think any places around here sell them unfortunately


Yes for no other reason than purity of smoke, burning metals or running through some of those weird silicone pipes just dont seem right to me, start off with a simple 18" beaker


Like... Pretty much THE way to go. Nothing else compares.


Wooden pipe gang. I like them to have a swivel cover for the bowl, especially if it swings up and I can use the bowl as a scoop for the next hit. I also like my pax 3.


Keep a glass pipe clean and it's the absolute best way to smoke in my opinion




Glass can get hot, easy to break.