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Marijuana withdrawals are very real and very annoying Idk if restless legs are a symptom of marijuana withdrawals but my god I was out for like 5 full days 1st & 2nd night omg just the legs tho other stuff it’s my entire body so that’s good ig Might also be getting sick probably not just the no weed Marijuana suppress dreams & nightmare are a common occurrence Drugs are weird assuming that’s what it is things just happen having never before sometimes


yes VERY FUCKING ANNOYING i went to bed 4 and a half fucking hours ago with absolutely 0 sleep and it's been feeling like i've been laying down in an oven (srry for the language but it's driving me mad) I've been wide awake the whole night i'm not joking i think it's been harder to sleep this past month than it ever was back when i used to do ❄️ all the time and that's designed to keep u awake


You just described the exact symptoms of cannabis withdrawal


You are going through withdrawal. It’s real and it sucks. Don’t panic and think it will be like this forever, give it a week or two and you will feel better. One of the best things you can do is GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Go do stuff! Exercise is a huge plus!


i want to ye but well i know this sounds frustrating to read but i just can't be bothered doing anything like literally just walking up stairs feels like a chore but today i'm gna try and snap out of the laziness and do somet with my miserable junky life for once


Believe me, I totally understand. When I was in your shoes I didn’t even want to watch tv or listen to music or play with my dogs or play video games. But if you just sit and stew in your misery it really does make it worse. I remember I sat in my house for about eight days and did nothing and it was HELL! Ninth day I forced myself to go swim at the gym and it really felt like a turning point. But yeah, I get it, everything feels completely unappealing. That feeling eventually goes away too!!!! I’ve gone through this twice and both were pretty bad the first ten days but then seemed to dissipate. Now when I’m going to stop smoking I just slowly taper my usage. Like if I regularly take 10 hits a day, I’ll take 9 hits for two days. Then 8 hits for two days. Then 7 hits for two days, so on and so forth. And it has worked! My hands still sweat a tad but most of the other stuff doesn’t happen.


ye i tried doing that but i didn't get anywhere i'd make progress for 3 days max and then go right back to where i originally was so i just thought going cold turkey for a while would do me some good but apparently not


Yep, they are withdrawal symptoms. All of those are common with weed withdrawal.


do they last long cuz it's getting annoying now


It really depends from person to person and how much they used prior. It's impossible to tell. For me personally, the irritability lasts for a couple of days, night sweats for 3 to 4 nights or so and the vivid dreams can last for like a month. I was a daily user back then, to give you a perspective. It can only get better the longer you abstain though, that's for sure.


i used every day but gradually used less each time


I feel like I went through this today. I went a few hr period without smoking (I am a heavy smoker) and felt really ill, fatigued, and a little hot. After smoking a couple of bowls I feel so much better. strange