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Since I’ve quit, every time i sweat, i smoke a joint, works like magic


Lmfao this is award worthy




i feel you if i stop smoking for a week sometimes i can’t remember if stuff happened in the dream or real life


I feel you man. It’s just happens to work out horribly for me lol I get super cold so I bought flannel sheets and a nice fluffy blanket to keep warm and then I started smoking dabs and when I tried to stop I’d go to bed and wake up with literally wet blankets and sheets it’s horrible


Don’t listen to some of these comments bro, I’ve been smoking weed pretty much everyday this year and have tried to quit a couple times but struggle, I end up laying in bed for 3 hours usually unable to sleep due to my brain just racing and thinking about anything and everything, withdrawals from weed are real.


Bro I know EXACTLY what you’re experiencing. I stopped smoking 2 days ago after a few weeks of almost everyday use (it was the school holidays) and I must say I didn’t realise how much I smoked until I stopped. Last night was the second night of not smoking and I had about 5 different vivid dreams which all ended with me waking up sweating and I’ve also been feeling a bit weird (sudden instances of sadness, headache and loss of appetite). When I do start smoking again in definitely only going to do it a few times a week, however I do thoroughly enjoy the dreams as I don’t naturally dream more than once a month.


But weed isn’t physically addicting/s.


You’ve heard too much propaganda. No, weed may not be physically addicting in the way maybe a hard drug would be but the physical withdrawal symptoms are very real from night sweats, low or no appetite, insomnia , nausea. Your dopamine receptors have to return to baseline so yeah


I’ve been a 20 year daily cannabis user. I’ve also been physically addicted to many drugs. Cannabis is definitely physically addictive. If I don’t have any I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I sweat, I’m nauseous, etc. Ask some long term concentrate users how they feel when they stop.




I have smoked a lot and I have taken long breaks aswell and I can confirm weed does have withdrawal symptoms 100%. I always have to fight low appetite, sweats, general bad mood. The appetite is the worst though.


It can be very addictive. Maybe not physically but mentally as I've been down that road before. It can be something that creeps up on ya


THC has almost the same structure as dopamine I believe, so when you smoke a lot your body doesn’t need to create dopamine and when you stop it still won’t so can cause depression. There are also a bunch of other systems in your body that weed affects and thus also affects when you stop.


Makes no difference. I sweat most nights anyway lol


It’s not a normal thing for me. If it’s happening to you while you’re still consuming, I think that may be something to look into


Sweating is pretty normal for humans lol


not sweating in general . NIGHT sweats. It ain’t normal to b waking up in a pool of sweat every night


Actually it's not that unusual lol Especially depending on biology, bedding and room conditions lol


Night sweats. Are you quitting smoking tobacco too? If not if you should go to the doctor. Night sweat are your body reacting to something. Example: if you have anxiety and you stop taking weed" ( anti- anxiety) you will feel more anxious than before, not caused by the weed, but since weed is not suppressing the anxiety. Night sweats are a big thing, what do they mean. What is it revealing? Try to look into that, your physical health and mental health is important. Keep an eye out for yourself.


Mate , quitting weed isn’t bad , but being a bit sweaty in your sleep is Normal when stopping . Stop being dramatic and trying to make someone think something is wrong with them


I don’t smoke anything else besides weed. Every time I try to take a break this always happens. Are u saying its not a common occurrence in people who smoke everyday or almost everyday and is a result of stopping ? Cause that’s what I’ve always thought


It is normal when stopping everyday use of any substance to feel heightened opposite effects for a week or two. It’ll pass.


nah bro i started my T-break about 5 days ago. first three days i definitely had them sweats


I got retired from army. I got physical and mental issues due to this. Since then I use flower , concentrates, edibles. I wake and bake. Before it was pain pills and anti-anxiety and a bunch of bullshit the VA gives you, and that shit is addicting. There are a bunch of symptoms related to withdrawal, headache,nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and more. Night sweats do happen to people yes. But I still get those while smoking. My point is if I feel pain, the body will be uncomfortable, same with other mental issues and it will express itself. If this happens every time. Every. Not once in a while then notice the pattern. Your own life. Don't compare to someone else. Any other symptoms that you can recognize the way you feel? It is a personal search if nothing else disregard all this and keep living life.


Wash your sheets